Harry Potter’s Death Authority

Chapter 114: The birth of the Godhead program

   "Why don't you invite Luna to rest with her father?" Lisa found a bed and asked Charlie with some doubts

   She also knows that Luna's family is not very good, so she wants to help them.

   "Because even if we invite them now, they are likely to refuse, but if we invite them again in the evening, the success rate will be much higher. Now, you should rest first. There is still a long time."

  Charlie did not explain in detail, but Lisa still guessed that it might have something to do with face, so she didn’t say anything

   Lisa found a clean bed by the window, and then she lay down.

   This made her feel a lot more comfortable. She felt a little dizzy when she was sitting, but now she feels much better.

   Charlie looked at Lisa in the dim environment with her eyes closed and fell asleep for a while, and then lay on a bed next to Lisa.

  Although there is a small aisle between the two beds, if Lisa is uncomfortable, Charlie can feel it for the first time.

   Although he was lying on the bed, Charlie didn't feel much sleepiness, so Charlie closed his eyes and started practicing the meditation that made him feel very comfortable.

   This time Charlie didn't sit up, but just lay down and put himself into a meditation state.

   Charlie, who has experienced many times, quickly entered the meditation state, but the meditation scene this time was different from the others.

   Charlie discovered that some light spots of other colors appeared in the dark space this time, and then began to disappear gradually, but then a little light spot squeezed into the edge of the dark space.

  Because of the haircut, a certain area around him is still pure black, and this area is slowly expanding.

  Charlie began to try to use his mental power to grasp the light spots and absorb them into his body, but after a while Charlie found that after his mental power touched the light spots, the light spots would disappear at an accelerated rate.

   This made Charlie a little bit confused about what the situation was. Finally, after trying a few more times, it was still the same, so Charlie reluctantly recovered his mental power.

   When Charlie's mental power was withdrawn, he suddenly felt his own mental shock, and then felt that there were some black spots in his body.

   After these spots entered his body, they wandered around the body freely and gathered at the pubic area. Charlie was a little panicked when he discovered this situation.

   After all, anyone with an inexplicable substance in his body would be a little flustered, and Charlie quickly calmed down.

   He used his mental power to gradually test the mass of black matter gathered by the black spots, but found that the mass of matter was composed of energy.

   In other words, the black spots that make up this energy are also energy, but where do these black spots come from?

   Charlie recalled before and after the spots appeared, when he was in a meditation state, his thinking was very quick.

   Charlie knew right away that these spots might have been brought back by his own mental power, which meant that there were actually such black spots in the space around him, which were only due to the color, so he had not noticed it.

   In order to verify his conjecture, Charlie explored his mental power again. This time Charlie's mental power was only exploring in the pure dark area around him.

   It only took a while that Charlie discovered that he was surrounded by dense black spots, and there was a tendency to gradually increase.

   Is this also a kind of elemental energy, Charlie thought and made such a guess.

   After Charlie felt the energy in his body and confirmed that it did not cause harm to his body, he made a risky decision to actively try to absorb the energy.

   Under Charlie's active absorption, the black spots gathered around Charlie quickly flooded towards Charlie's body.

   Even under Charlie's perception, a vortex composed of black spots appeared around him, and his body contained more and more energy.

  Charlie suddenly felt that his decision was a bit risky, because now Charlie found that he could no longer stop the energy from outside squeezing into his body.

  As the energy increased, they began to rampage in Charlie's body.

  Charlie began to feel pain all over his body, and even some small meridians began to break.

   I wiped it, wouldn’t this blow me up? How can I stop?

   I don’t know if it’s useful to exit the meditation state. Cha ideally, and then wanted to take the initiative to exit the meditation state.

   No, I can't get out of the meditation state.

  Charlie feels his more and more supported body, a little panic thinking

   Am I going to be burst by energy?

   Suddenly, there was a suction in my mind. Under the action of this suction, the original chaotic power began to rush towards a place, and this place was Charlie's brain.

Charlie was a little frightened, but he couldn't stop it. At this moment, Charlie deeply realized his weakness ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Soon Charlie discovered that the energy rushing toward the brain did not burst his brain, but disappeared. No trace of it, just like it's never been here.

   But the energy in Charlie's body reminds himself that these energies have existed.

   Is it the function of the godhead in my mind?

   And at this moment, Charlie suddenly felt that his consciousness had suddenly come to the center of the God Realm, the area where the Godhead was stored.

  Charlie looked towards the godhead and found that black energy was constantly gushing out of the void space below the godhead and was absorbed by the godhead.

   Here, Charlie can't accurately feel the flow of time. After a long time passed in Charlie's feeling, the gods suddenly shot out a blue light to form an extremely blurred figure.

   "Heir to the Godhead, congratulations on your further gaining the authority of the Godhead."

  Charlie looked vaguely and saw that it was a blue shadow of a human figure, and then said with some confusion, "Are you the last time the Godhead intelligent program rule?"

   "No, I am not. I am just a product of rules, not real rules.

Zhengzhen’s rules have long become the godheads of the intelligent technology world under the evolution of hundreds of millions of years, and I am just a program spawned by such rules, death godheads, and every godhead with an inheritor will appear such a godhead that belongs to each one alone. The program of the godhead. "

   "Then why did you show up this time?" Charlie asked again

   "That's because the successor has found a cultivation method that can directly provide the energy of the godhead, and the authority has been elevated to the intermediate level, and the conditions for the program to wake up are reached."

   "Then why are you vague?"

   "Because I was just born, I need the successor to shape my image."

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