Harry Potter’s Death Authority

Chapter 28: Exams and Occlumency

   One morning a few days later, Dumbledore received an urgent letter from the Ministry of Magic, which stated that he should leave for London immediately, and this request was approved by Lucius, one of the school directors.

Dumbledore looked at this letter for a long time without saying a word, and finally he looked at the students coming and going outside the window and decided, "Leave it to those little guys to do their experience! I believe it is just a broken Voldemort remnant soul, Harry can defeat him!"

   After finishing Dumbledore, he no longer hesitated to take the mage robe and said to the Sorting Hat and Phoenix Fox on the side, "You can take care of those little guys for me, and by the way, inform the Vice President Professor McGonagall!"

   After talking about Dumbledore, he quietly disappeared from Hogwarts. Few people knew about his disappearance at Hogwarts.

   And Harry Potter is eating in the restaurant at this time. He has been unable to calm down and review his homework these days. He has been thinking about how Voldemort and the others can seize the Sorcerer's Stone and revive him?

   But today was their final exam, and Harry had to focus his attention on dealing with the exam.

   As the season enters summer, the weather these days is extremely hot, and the hot weather in their exam classroom makes people drowsy.

   And they must use the special quill pens they sent to answer the questions, because these pens have been cast to prevent anyone from trying to cheat.

   Professor Flitwick’s test is to call them into the classroom one by one, and then test whether they can tap a pineapple through a large table.

   And Professor McGonagall’s question is to let them turn a mouse into a snuff bottle. The more beautiful they become, the higher their scores will be. If they don’t look like they will have to deduct points.

   In this test, Charlie completed it perfectly. The snuff bottle he conjured was extremely beautiful, with intricate and beautiful patterns carved on it.

   The most amazing thing is that the pot he turned out was as soft as touching hair when touched. It was thought that a layer of hair was wrapped on the surface of the pot, so Professor McGonagall gave the highest score.

  Professor Snape’s exam question is to select materials that can be used to make the Forgotten Potion from a large number of materials, and then complete it within the specified time, even if it is qualified, if it is not completed within the specified time or fails, it will be severely criticized and deducted.

   Charlie passed the exam easily, and Harry racked his brains to remember how to make the Elixir of Forgotten, but in the end Harry did not make the Elixir within the specified time.

Snape hated iron and steel and said, "You must be thinking about how to do bad things every day, so you don't have time to study hard, don't think about how to become a great wizard, you are really a waste!" After Snape finished speaking Approaching Harry whispered, "Also, don't think you can do whatever you want with the invisibility cloak..."

After Snape finished speaking, he flung his sleeves and left the classroom. Harry was thinking about why when Snape knew he had a cloak, a fire-like pain came from the scar on his forehead. After coming out of the forest that night, the tingling on his forehead had been torturing him.

   Ron thinks Harry must be suffering from test stress, because he often suffers from insomnia. In fact, Harry was always awakened by the nightmare he used to do. The difference was that this dream was scarier than before, because there was another scary shadow covered in a cloak and bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

   The last exam was Professor Bins’s history of magic. When Professor Bins collected all the papers and left, Harry couldn’t help but cheered with the other students.

When a few of them rushed out of the classroom, Hermione couldn't help but said, "This exam is much simpler than I thought. I had known it earlier so that I would not have to review the "Werewolf Management Act of 1637" and "The Elf Rebellion Incident "These chapters."

  Hermione had liked to answer the question after the exam, but Ron said that doing so would make him uncomfortable, so the three of them wandered all the way to the lake and sat down under a tree.

"Finally no more reviewing!" Ron sighed happily, lay down on the grass and stretched out his limbs and said, "Harry, you can look happy. We have a whole week to wait for the test results! Now! Don’t worry about our results!"

   Charlie also came to the lake to find a place closer to Harry to sit down, and then continue to practice his control.

   Harry clutched his forehead and said, "My forehead has been hurting. It hurts before, but I have never tried to do it as often as now."

   After hearing that, Charlie said to Harry, "Harry, if you don't want to make yourself so painful, I have a way to help you eliminate this influence, but I don't know if you want to learn!"

   Harry nodded quickly and said, "Charlie, do you really have a way to get rid of my headache?"

  Charlie nodded and said, "I can cast a spell for you, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but the effect of this spell is only 24 hours!"

   Harry said happily, "Even if it's an hour! Hurry up! Can it be different as long as you cast this spell?"

  Charlie took up the magic wand and performed an Occlumency for Charlie. Generally speaking, Occlumency can only be performed by himself, but Charlie found that he seemed to be able to improve this method of casting, but the effect was changed from permanent to 24 hours.

   Harry felt surprised and found that his head really no longer hurts, so he said to Charlie, "Charlie, your spell is really useful, and it won’t hurt immediately! Thank you so much!"

Charlie took out a thick notebook from his pocket and handed it to Harry, and then said earnestly, "Harry, these are the notes I made while practicing Occlumency. I will give it to you now. I hope you can Learn Occlumency, as long as you learn Occlumency, I think your forehead will not hurt!"

   Harry took the notes and looked through them. There were dense notes inside. Harry felt dizzy just by looking at it. You know Harry is not a good kid who likes to learn.

   Harry closed the note and looked at Charlie and asked questioningly, "Occlumency? What kind of magic is this? Is it possible to learn this forehead pain!"

Charlie hasn't explained yet, "Occlumency, I heard that it can effectively prevent others from viewing your thoughts, and it can also effectively resist the Imperius and Dementor curses! I have never heard of it, but it can cure headaches!" Hermione on the side said quickly.

  Hermione looked at Charlie and seemed to be waiting for Charlie's explanation, "Hermione is right, but Occlumency can really solve Harry's situation. As for Harry, it's up to you whether you want to learn it or not!"

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