Harry Potter’s Death Authority

Chapter 60: Disagreement and discussion

   Emilia nodded and said

   "Because Ellie Fox and Charlie Elvis are friends, there is a situation of shielding, so the confession can not be used as evidence, only as a reference."

  Emilia’s words made Ellie a little nervous, she seemed nervous when she stared at Emilia.

"Now I announce the results of our professional investigation. Based on some clues and corpses at the scene, they judged that the deaths of five Muggles were caused by one of the Muggles and the other four Muggles and then committed suicide. It cannot be ruled out that it is because they can't bear the actions they made after the Heart Drill.

   And in the scene, it was true that only the vampire was killed by the killing curse. Our personnel only checked these. "

   Secretary Fudge, who was sitting on the sidelines, saw that the situation on the field had begun to be biased towards each other. If it continued like this, not only would it not be able to damage Dumbledore’s reputation, it would also increase Dumbledore’s prestige if this Charlie was acquitted.

   Unable to accept this result, Fudge looked at Charlie with a sullen face and said to him

   "Charlie, it's so hard that you want to deny the fact that you released the Heart Drilling Curse on Muggles? Know that there are signs of the Heart Drilling curse on them.

   Not to mention how they died, this alone is clearly recorded in the Ministry of Magic's decree, and the release of the unforgivable curse on humans requires a lifetime imprisonment in Azkaban.

   Do you think your sophistry can escape the punishment of the law? This is impossible! "

   Facing Fudge's angry roar and intimidation, Charlie said without any fear

   "Minister Fudge, I think there is a problem with your accusation! First of all, I did not release the unforgivable curse on humans. Those Muggles just accidentally ran into it. This is not my responsibility!"

   Fudge was a little angry at Charlie’s strong words, "But the fact is that someone has been hurt by your heart-boring curse, whether you intentionally or unintentionally, as long as you release the unforgivable curse and harm humanity, you will be punished!"

   Dumbledore said to Fudge

   "Minister Fudge, I think your statement is a bit extreme, isn't it?"

   Dumbledore said in a relaxed tone, and Dumbledore’s tone made Fudge even more angry.

   He blew his nose and stared, even the beard on his mouth rose.

   "What are you talking about? I strictly follow the instructions in the magic law. You said I am extreme?"

   Dumbledore nodded and stood up and said to all the wizards present

   "The situation in Charlie's case this time, um, can be said to be the first time."

   "There is no case to follow, and the magic law has flaws in this situation. In this case, if the two parties have always insisted on their opinions, I don't know when this trial will be debated.

   Therefore, I suggest that the trial of this case should be suspended temporarily, waiting for the results of the discussion between the judge and the 12 witnessing wizards present, and then the trial will be held again. "

   Dumbledore said this and looked at Fudge and Emilia, squinting and smiling.

   "Minister Fudge, Director Emilia, don't you know if you agree with this proposal?"

  Fudge heard Dumbledore’s proposal like a discouraged ball sitting on the chair and agreed to Dumbledore’s proposal.

   Emilia stood up immediately after seeing Fudge agree, and then announced loudly

"Due to the dispute in this trial, we have decided to suspend the trial temporarily, waiting for the judge and 12 witnessing wizards present to discuss the results of this situation, and then the trial will be held again at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Now I announce that the defendant will be charged. Elvis stayed."

   Following Emilia’s announcement, Charlie was taken away from the courtroom again by the Auror who had walked up, and the wizards in the audience seat also started to leave after hearing it, and came in again when they waited for 2 o'clock.

   When all the irrelevant personnel left the courtroom, only the members of the wizard group and Emilia, the judge of this trial, were left behind.

   They sat around a long table, when everyone was seated.

   "Presumably everyone understands the current situation, I think everyone can state first!" Dumbledore said

  Fudge looked at Dumbledore saying this and then thought about the benefits of this proposal. He could clearly understand who supported various attitudes and their proportions.

   "I think this proposal is better, otherwise we will first raise our hands to show who supports that attitude, please support the severe punishment!"

   Thinking of here, Fudge also followed Dumbledore’s proposal

After Fudge’s voice fell, the wizards raised their hands. Fudge was satisfied to see that most of the people at the scene supported his opinions, but when he saw that his subordinate Emilia did not raise his hands, he was in a mood. It's not good.

   He looked at Emilia with a gloomy expression and said

   "Director Emilia, why don't you raise your hand?"

Emilia looked at Fudge ignoring his somewhat angry gaze and then thought and said, "Minister Fudge, I really think that if that Charlie really unintentionally released the Heart Drilling Curse on the Muggles, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and we are. Put him in Azkaban for life imprisonment.

   Isn't this the equivalent of us releasing the Heartbreaking Curse to him, after all, the torture of the Soul Eater is no more painful and merciful than the Heartbreaking Curse. "

   Emilia's words made the other wizards who agreed to be severely punished were shaken, and soon some of them put down their raised hands.

Fudge saw Emilia's words shaking the determination of some people and wanted to slap himself in the face. If he didn't ask her too much, he would have a chance to win. Now the situation has become bad, including only 6 people. I agree with myself, why this Emilia doesn't help herself at such a critical moment, hateful!

   Emilia looked at Fudge with a gloomy face and thought

   "Minister, I just stick to the justice in my heart!"

   Minister Fudge's expression kept changing and finally had to gritted his teeth and said, "The hand that supports Charlie's innocence in releasing the Unforgivable Curse!"

   Among the remaining 9 of the 15 people present, only 4 raised their hands. Fudge looked at Dumbledore and the others who also did not raise their hands.

   "Then you neither agree with severe punishment or innocence, do you want to abstain?"

   Dumbledore looked at Fudge’s face with some joy and said

"No, I just think it’s not good to simply be innocent. After all, if this precedent is set, countless evil people will follow this case to evade punishment, so I think it should be punished, but the punishment is not life imprisonment in the regulations. In Azkaban!"

   This is Emilia's agreement, "If it is impossible to prove that the defendant voluntarily released the Heart Drilling Curse on Muggles, nor can it prove unintentional, then I agree with Dumbledore's proposal!"

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