Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 797: Venus dissected

  Chapter 797 Venus being dissected

  Others travel to historical places, or to find local food, but Pomona and Hermione like to go to the library.

As an ancient school, the University of Padua is well-known in medicine, psychology, agronomy, and engineering, especially the medical school. It is the second highest financially allocated school in Italy. The first is the University of Bologna, if not because of Vero The University of Padua has become independent, and the University of Padua’s medical school is even more powerful. There is a yellow house in the Botanical Garden, where books from the School of Botany are stored. It is only open to students of the School of Medicine of Padua and Bologna. There is a kind of wood book in it, and each book only introduces one kind of plant. It contains not only the text content, but also the plant specimens. The categories are very clear.

Many medical school books are as old as antiques. In this way, you can borrow books from any branch of the university with the status of a doctor of cultural ancient book restoration, even including those very precious manuscripts, 15th century Ender On the cover of "Human Structure" published by Lie Visari, the hall of classical architecture was crowded with people. They whispered to each other. They looked at the hall. There was a skeleton sitting on the railing and looking at the sky. Strangely, No one seemed to notice it, and no one was panicked because of his appearance. Many of them were peering at the women lying on the dissection table.

   Medieval European doctors were always curious about the female body but hard to understand. Because it is unpredictable and confusing. Because of this confusion, many wonderful remarks have been derived. For example, some doctors believe that the female body is nothing more than a male deformity, while others have suggested that the inside of the uterus is actually divided into seven small rooms.

  There is another reason why women’s bodies are mysterious. In traditional society, most women provide medical services for other women, such as midwives. Although the medical profession has long had a set of opinions about gynecology or obstetrics, men rarely participate in actual implementation. In other words, men have no way to understand and say about the body knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation among women, and they are excluded from the knowledge network.

  However, starting around the 15th century, a new attitude has emerged in the medical profession to the knowledge of the female body. The female body is still mysterious, but no longer unsolvable. On the contrary, male doctors turn to question the knowledge in the female world. In their eyes, the knowledge passed on by word of mouth may be nothing more than speculation without reflection and full of fallacies.

It is against this background that Visari’s anatomy scene appears. When women can only rely on traditional wisdom, men begin to use anatomy to explore the female body; when women can only use memory and oral speech to convey knowledge, men will His own medical concepts are printed into books. The knowledge that has been written has achieved the status of absolute authority.

  They become objects of observation by male doctors, and no longer have their own knowledge or right to interpret the body, even though it is her own body.

  Are there really seven small rooms in a woman’s womb? The first victim, Martha Taboo, had 39 dollars in her body, but she was not opened. On August 31 of the same year, another prostitute, Mary Ann Nicholas, was found dead in the Tunhuo district near the Whitechapel. She was opened and her intestines were taken out, but the problem was that she was pregnant and the baby girl was also stabbed to death by a knife. Such a uterus could not confirm whether it was the same as the one passed.

Anne Chapman was discovered 8 days later. The uterus and bladder in her pelvis were cut and taken away by the murderer, and the cuts were very neat. It should be done by someone who is proficient in anatomy. "This book contains many drawings depicting the human body in order to explain the structure of the human body. They have a variety of postures, contemplating, swinging their hands, or appearing weird distortions because of being lifted. But they have one thing in common-they are all men, but on the cover is a dissected woman.

  It’s like someone bought a playboy-like women’s swimwear magazine, and it was disappointing that it was full of men’s swimwear.

Women’s corpses are difficult to obtain. Smart girls know how to protect themselves. Anatomy theaters are available in many places in Europe. It is a performance that combines entertainment and education. The supply of corpses begins to exceed demand. The supply side may go to the tomb, or even The general situation of killing people is not obvious, which makes the anatomy gradually full of controversy. Against this background, Italy’s Leopard II, who advocated universal education in the society, hired an excellent wax artist Susini to make a large number of Human body anatomy wax figure, try to create a human body encyclopedia made of wax, while avoiding the dirty and mess that is easy to produce when anatomy of a corpse, and it is no longer necessary to use the corpse as the main material of human anatomy knowledge, and thus to introduce the dispute In Padua’s Anatomy Theater, there is also an open-mouthed wax figure of a woman. Not only does she have delicate white skin, long silky hair and blurred eyes, it is also different from the general anatomical display that usually takes a male corpse. Not only the organs, but also the blood vessels and the intestines around the intestines are very delicately simulated. Wax can mimic the elasticity and luster of human skin in a wonderful way. Hair and eyelashes made of human hair, eyeballs made of glass, and delicate The organs and circulatory system and the open abdominal cavity resemble a real human body. She lies peacefully on the silk in the glass coffin, wandering between life and death as if the soul is out of her body.

  It is said that the anatomical Venus in Florence is even fine enough to open 7 layers and take out the organs layer by layer, and finally observe a few months old fetus in the womb.

Men’s curiosity towards women has changed from taking off their clothes to opening their stomachs to see what they look like under the skin. A woman will feel disgusting when looking at the wax figure, but there is no perversion right. It's fascinating. They also let her wear a crown and a pearl necklace, and give the living woman some food so that she won't live on the street. Wouldn't it be better to be targeted by Jack the Ripper?

  It is not so much like liking something, as it is liking a certain desire.

Jack the Ripper is not necessarily a person. This is not to say that it was a gang committing the crime, but a different murderer was executed each time. The first person to kill Martha Tabb with 39 knives might be to vent his anger. He was courted and was arrested. Rejected, or received some kind of humiliation from a woman. There happened to be a drunk woman who was so dark and no one passed by. At that time, there was no camera. No one knew about killing her. Why didn't you do it?

The connection between the second and third victims is the uterus that was cut away. It may have been studied. Those wax figures of "Venus", with a bow tied with a ribbon on the large intestine, are well-known in the Middle Ages. In the famous Venetian glass coffin, their wombs may have also been collected by the murderer to make specimens and put them in a glass container.

Both men and women are very despised of prostitutes. No one cares about them, and no one understands why they have fallen to that point. They have nothing but the same female body. In the float, Melanie can be equal. You have to treat Mrs. Warren, who is the real saint, and Pomona just wants to find the truth that happened that year.

The serial murderers that appeared in the fog gave some people an opportunity. They could hunt humans and then put all their faults on "Jack". Forensic doctor Pasi Clark believed that "Jack" killed three of the victims. In the double corpse case, Elizabeth Steid was not opened, and killed two people in 45 minutes. The "cooling-off period" was too short. Pomona preferred another reasoning. At that time, the Ripper would engage in London. Panicking, the police increased their patrols, and it was not so easy to do it. At this time, Elizabeth’s body attracted the police’s attention. At this time, the real "Jack" killed Catherine Adols in Bishop’s Square. In addition to the same cut and laparotomy, the intestines were thrown to the right chest and part of the uterus was taken away. Her kidneys were lost, and her face and nose were cut off. There was also a big V-shaped symbol. Some people think that it is a total. The symbol of the Franciscans.

But in the anatomy theater, they saw "face masks". Those are deformed and distorted faces. They should be real human specimens, not the dissected wax figure of Venus. If "Jack" is going to put Catherine Edox's face was torn down, and her identity could not be confirmed, unless the police at the time had the current facial restoration technology.

  Due to the severe damage to the face, it is impossible to confirm the identity of the deceased according to public records. In the end, the ticket in Catherine's pocket was recognized by a friend before it was confirmed that it was Catherine. Catherine's facial injury was random hacking for more than five minutes, and there was a long jagged incision in her abdomen, all the way down from the sternum to the pelvis. With this incision, Jack the Ripper removed her uterus and left kidney.

It took only 15 minutes for "Jack" to escape from the temporary intention. It took at least 10 minutes for face removal and autopsy. The remaining five minutes were to escape and kill. He was very anxious, so Catherine's throat was cut to the spine with a knife. Leave marks on the cartilage of the spine.

The most error-prone in the chaos, maybe Jack was a resident near the Bishop’s Square at the time. He heard that Jack the Ripper had appeared again and came out to watch the excitement. After he noticed that everyone had gone to Elizabeth, the bishop came and went. The square became an "empty city", so he made a provisional intention to kill the drunk Catherine.

  He should have his back to her, otherwise the blood from the cut throat will be stained with him. Walking on the street with so much blood will make it easy to be detected by the police.

  If you live nearby, you can run home after killing someone in a hurry, close the door, then make his "trophies" into specimens for collection, and continue to work the next day without knowing it.

  Someone once speculated that "Jack" was a foreigner, perhaps a refugee or an envoy of another country, but no one thought about studying abroad.

  He studied abroad for a period of time, enjoying the air of freedom, and returning to the oppressive environment of Britain. He wants to maintain his decent appearance with higher education, but in private, he is very eager to "understand" women.

If you live alone, you can take them home and torture them slowly. There is no need to dissect them on the street. The last victim, Mary, was completely dissected, but this time the kidney and uterus were not taken away. Instead, Mary’s young heart was walked. This is Jack the Ripper's next research topic-what is in a woman's heart? Others, such as attacking women, but a group of three people who have not succeeded in killing the target are the counterfeiters. According to these three people The victim said that one was still a minor.

  Demons do exist, but they are usually imprisoned by laws and morals, and they will come out for a carnival when they have the opportunity.

  Venetians like to party with masks. Jack may or may not wear them, but these are not important anymore.

  He listened to the devil's trill, and if it wasn't for the bow tie to the bowels too obvious, he might tie one to the victims.

  Women are generally killed by shooting and poisoning. Only men will kill with their own hands and knives.

   Nietzsche said: important things are said three times.

  Men are afraid that women look down on themselves, and women are afraid that men will kill themselves.

  Men are afraid that women look down on themselves, and women are afraid that men will kill themselves.

  Men are afraid that women look down on themselves, and women are afraid that men will kill themselves.

  Smart girls should know not to scorn and laugh at a man at will. Their self-esteem is extremely fragile. All nine lives of cats are opened, and their intestines are taken out to make violin strings. What's more, a woman has only one life.

   "What are you thinking?" Severus asked suddenly behind her.

"I was thinking, how could that piano have five strings." She put the book back on the shelf, and then gestured to hold the violin. The thumb was not involved in the performance, only the index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger. Knead the strings.

   "Maybe that person has six fingers." Severus said, and then he fell silent.

"what's happenin?"

   "I'm thinking, Pete Pediru has a few fingers." He stared at a point in the void. "If he has one more finger, then Black's twelve years in Azkaban would be too wrong."

  Normal people have 5 fingers. Six fingers are deformed and need to be cut off.

  However, for the violinist, having six fingers can play more complicated music, which is a gift.

  She sighed. Forensic doctors often dissected female corpses, so he did not expect this. The police did not dissect corpses and did not understand medicine. He only looked at autopsy reports and did not expect this.

  If Pomona had been in England, she would not have noticed that there was an anatomical theater in the world.

   "It's a freak show." She whispered, twisted souls can have such weird thoughts. Jack is not a wizard, but he has a hairy heart just as long. If a woman marries him...

  (End of this chapter)

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