Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 804: "II"

  Chapter 804 "II"

  There is an unremarkable chapel in Padua. It is not as magnificent as the Church of Our Lady of Health and San Marco, but it is famous for its frescoes by Giotto.

  The ancient murals are easily affected by water vapor, flashing lights and other materials, so the chapel is limited to 25 people per day to visit, and an appointment must be made one day in advance.

  Last night they made a temporary intention to visit Padua. At that time, it was too late to make an appointment. However, Gianluca is a doctor of historical heritage conservation. He knows many people, so they went to visit in the afternoon.

  Dante wrote in "The Divine Comedy Purgatory": The vanity gained by human talents, Cimabue thinks he is good at painting, and now Giotto has become famous, eclipsing the former's reputation.

Dante and Giotto are from the same era. Giotto is known as the Dante of the painting world. Although his paintings are similar to medieval barbarian art, they have hidden secular spirits that are relatively independent of religious culture. It is the so-called humanism.

The biggest difference between this "The Last Judgment" which is facing the main entrance and the "The Last Judgment" painted by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel is that although the author knew Dante, the scene of **** did not borrow Dante. description of.

  In Giotto’s painting, the devil eats the wicked people and excretes them, and then the devil swallows the wicked people in again. The food eaten is the same as the one pulled out. It doesn't hate it.

  According to the New Testament record, all sinners are punished into the lake of fire to die a second time, that is, the death of the soul; for all good, **** gives him the water of life for the eternal life of the soul. After the judgment, the heaven and the earth will be renewed.

  The characters depicted on the left side of Michelangelo’s screen will ascend to the crowd of heaven, and on the right will be the dead souls of hell. On the boat in the lower right corner of the water, waving the oars to the dead souls is the hell’s extraditioner, the **** "Xialong". The dead souls on the boat will cross the Akron River and enter various levels of hell. Michelangelo painted the Pope Julius II he hated in this work. In order to express his dissatisfaction, he painted the Pope into the **** below and was bitten by the basilisk. This scene is based on Dante’s " Inspired by the **** chapter of the Divine Comedy.

  The Egyptians believe that the body is the container of the soul. Many religions refer to the human body as a "skin". The human form is outside and the soul is in it.

  For people, the skin is only the appearance, and the decisive role lies in the soul that governs the body behind the skin.

  Although some people are still alive in the world, their skins have been dominated by evil spirits and become a walking dead; some people may have past lives from heaven, despite their shameless appearance.

  What kind of clothes will he wear when he accepts the final judgment? Michelangelo’s paintings depict the characters as naked, no matter good or evil, and Giotto’s paintings are neatly dressed in heaven.

  Compared with Michelangelo, Giotto's courage is considered small. The Sistine Chapel is in the Vatican, and religious paintings cannot paint those "ugly things". The cardinal strongly opposed Michelangelo's actions, thinking that such obscene, "blasphemy" and immoral paintings should not be tolerated in the most important church of Christianity.

  The pope replied that his jurisdiction did not extend to hell, so the portrait was retained. But shortly after Michelangelo's death, the Pope ordered the painter Volterra to paint these **** figures with fig leaves. This painter got the nickname "the man in shorts".

  In 1596, Pope Clement VIII simply wanted to destroy this fresco completely, but fortunately, he was dissuaded by the painters of the San Luca Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

   Giotto’s painting did not cause such a storm as Michelangelo did, perhaps because the Scrovegni Chapel is so inconspicuous.

  The cutting-edge architectural masterpieces of the Renaissance were a sign of heresy at that time. If the Holy See was not caught in a dispute of power at the time, it would not be so conniving for architects and artists to create at will in the church.

  The Franciscans are spiritualists. During their rule of the Holy See, the construction of the cathedral slowed down, and it was no longer being built everywhere during the Renaissance.

  The price of red brick is definitely cheaper than stone. In Venice, you can see many churches built with white stone. In Padua, most of them are red brick churches. Even the "San Antonio" church is also made of red brick.

The wealthy want to live a luxurious life, while religion restricts people’s desires. Donating money to build churches satisfies this desire to be respected and squandered. Popes of non-Francis and hermits can get some money. With the support of those with the right to money, their Inquisition can also be opened.

People’s desire to be noticed and praised is normal. It’s just a matter of doing good deeds without being praised by others, and being conspired by others. The United States has a good Samaritan law, taken from the Gospel of Luke, and there is a passerby who is here. On the road, he was beaten to death by robbers, and all his belongings were taken away by robbers, even his clothes were stripped off, and he was lying on the road in the wilderness. He needs timely help from others to have the hope of survival.

  Priests and Levites are the clergy in Judaism and are the people closest to God. They not only bear the responsibilities of the people's sacrifice, but also have the glorious mission of teaching and leading the people to obey the law and serve God. It can be said that they represent the orthodoxy and decency of Judaism.

  However, facing the suffering person, they blocked their compassion, they turned a blind eye and walked over. At this time, a Samaritan passed by. He was a stranger and despised by the Jews, but he chose to use compassion and love to help the fallen passer-by.

  The Good Samaritan Law encourages voluntary assistance to the wounded and sick, and avoids the legal troubles caused by improper treatment to the rescuer, unless the rescue behavior will harm oneself.

  This is a good law, but not everyone is worth saving.

There are farmers and snakes in the west, and Mr. Dong Guo and a wolf in the east. The farmer was bitten to death by a snake. Mr. Dong Guo was almost eaten by a Zhongshan wolf. There is a famous painting in the Dunhuang murals, which tells the story of the nine-colored deer, the kind deer. Saved the snake handler, but the snake handler sold the nine-colored deer to the king for money.

   praised the Samaritan in the Gospel of Luke, but did not explain why the priests turned a blind eye to the looted man.

  Is it true that the sympathy of the priests is blocked, or is the robbed person not worthy of sympathy?

  The last 18 characters deciphered from the Zodiac’s password can be spelled in thousands of ways, but Pomona chose the most nonsense.


  A serial killer is calling for help, who will save a serial killer?

  If Jack the Ripper is dead or caught by the police, Mary with red hair will not die so tragically in her own residence.

   But if she really has syphilis, her early death is also a relief, but the police responsible for cleaning the scene will see such a dirty and evil scene.

  The "demon" does exist, and it is also covered with human skin. The job of the police is to find out the demons who criticize the human skin.

  Zodiac is a "nickname" given to him by newspapers and police. At first, he didn't name himself that much, and his criminal behavior had nothing to do with the zodiac.

The letter sent by the killer contained a wealth of astronomical knowledge. The first thing the West thought of astronomy was the zodiac. If people at that time named him "Twelve Tap Dwarfs", no one would worship him. Young People think he is cool, so more than 20 years after the disappearance of "zodiac", a new zodiac killer appeared in New York State. He killed people according to the constellation. Like the old zodiac, he sent a letter to the media, and the clue was there. In the password letter sent by the murderer to the media.

The criminal purpose of the new zodiac is different from that of the old Zodiac. The old Zodiac once attracted global attention. The media reportedly reported the mystery and madness of the Zodiac killer as if they were caught in a collective carnival, as if they had found a new ripper. Jack.

  People like Sherlock Holmes because he is a civilian detective, but he is smarter than a real policeman. Everyone wants to be Sherlock. What zodiac did is to invite everyone to humiliate the police.

  The uniformed policemen that civilians see on the streets don’t seem to be very smart. If you are smarter than the police, you can laugh at the corrupt police even more.

The codes of the new Zodiac involve astronomy and maritime signals, which are different from the old Zodiac. What he wants is the attention of the world. He was finally caught. Heriberto Seda was in his 20s. He was a good boy. , Was expelled because he took a gun to school when he was in high school, and his fate was reversed.

  Heriberto has had a weird temper and few friends. He has been living in the same apartment with his mother and half-sister.

  Hribeto’s mother works in an orphanage with a meager income. While her younger sister is in high school, she works in a bakery.

  His sister is Gladys. She has many boyfriends, many of whom are drug dealers.

   Gladys is very rebellious, and often bullies Heriberto with her boyfriend. Their relationship with each other is very poor, and neighbors sometimes think they are too troublesome.

  But those neighbors will one day thank Gladys, it is she who quarrels with her brother every day that makes Heriberto’s serial killer identity accidentally exposed.

  Young people are energetic and often unable to control their behavior. They steal the forbidden fruit at a young age, leading to pregnancy, abortion and other behaviors. This is very embarrassing for the older generation.

  In the investigation released by the police, the victims of the old "zodiac" were mainly young couples, four men and three women. Only Paul Lee Sting was killed alone on the San Francisco Heights.

He killed those young people who could not control his behavior and taught them a little "learning." He was not ashamed of his murder, and he even hoped to be recognized by the society because he did the "right thing." .

   Ali Sandro said that the football coach, this gave Pomona inspiration, maybe the old Zodiac is not a person, but a "coach" and a "player".

  The high-IQ and confident "coach" controls the young "team member" and asks him to act according to his instructions. The young man may be physically stronger than the old man, but his intelligence is mediocre. The deciphered letter contains many spelling errors.

  In the field of cryptography, only when all experts or almost all experts agree with the proposed cracking method, the encryption code is considered to be really cracked. The translation she compiled, using spelling errors to explain this deciphering strategy is too far-fetched. For cryptographers, this is an excuse that only amateurs use!

The old Zodiac has two methods of killing, one is shooting, the other is knife stabbing. When a man is young, he is confident of his own physical strength, he will choose the knife and hand to kill, choose poison and kill. Guns are generally women, or people who are not confident in their physical strength. The Cantrera used by Pope Alexander VI, everyone knows that he did it, but there is no evidence to prove that poisoning is also a way of killing often chosen by "literati".

Soldiers, workers, stevedores, who were engaged in manual labor, used their own hands. Witnesses who survived said that the attacker was a strong man, and the Crusaders were made by Enrico Dandolo. The governor of Venice played round and round.

  Young people are easily manipulated by adults in the fields of experience, money, knowledge, etc. The “coach” gives the password content, key, and encryption method to the “team members”, and the team members encrypt the files according to the handwritten content they see.

  He is not very smart and not cautious enough. If he is smart and cautious, he will not be the target of manipulation.

  The old man is not only weak in physical strength, but also unable to concentrate so much. He roughly checked the encrypted content and sent it out without problems.

  Anyone who has seen the password and key knows that the dense string of characters is dizzy, and they don’t want to look at it again. Only crypto enthusiasts will study it.

These people are not necessarily high IQs. For example, the 408-character decipher is two junior high school teachers, rather than a university professor and a Pentagon cryptographer invited by the FBI. That letter is definitely the most proud and most proud letter Pomona has ever read. Disgusting:

  I like killing people, because it is very fun, killing people is much more fun than hunting in the forest. Because of all the hunted objects, people are the most dangerous prey, which brings me a very exciting experience and the most wonderful thing is that after my death, I will be reborn and ascend to heaven. And those killed by me will become my slaves. I will not tell you my name, because you will try to slow down or prevent me from gaining more slaves for the rest of my life.

  But these characters are encrypted with astronomical symbols, which may be interesting to "people" who are profane and holy.

   On September 27, 1969, Brian Hartner and Sicilia Shepard were having a picnic on an island in Lake Boyesa with a sandy beach connected to Twin Oak Ridge. A man wore a black executioner-style masked headgear with sunglasses covering his eyes. He was wearing overalls and a white 3-inch x 3-inch cross loop pendant was hung on his chest. He approached them with a gun, which Hartnell believed was .45 caliber. The masked man claimed to be a criminal who had escaped from a Montana prison, where he killed a guard and stole a car, explaining that he needed their car and money to go to Mexico.

  He brought a pre-cut plastic rope and asked Shepard to tie Hartner with the rope, and then he tied Shepard. What kind of fugitive would prepare a plastic rope in advance? It took a lot of effort to kill, he obviously already wears the executioner's hood.

  The strong man is not smart. If, as Pomona thought, the last string of characters, the last string of characters for help, was written by "coach" or "team member"?

  The final text looks messy and illogical, which is different from the information that can be roughly seen in the front of the letter, although it was spelled incorrectly.

  If it is written by the "coach", the "player" encrypts it according to it, and accidentally sees the lowercase L as an I, then the person who asks for help is the "coach".

  In the worst case, Zodiac is a multi-personality schizophrenic. Sometimes he is very smart, and sometimes he will tell botched lies like the person wearing the balaclava.

  But one thing can be confirmed. He is very, very angry. He is no longer "cynic".

  This anger prompted him to act aggressively, and he did not stop until the young man "controls his behavior" according to his own ideas.

   "What's wrong with you?" Monica asked.

   "I hate the 70s." Pomona rubbed the bridge of her nose and said tiredly. It was an era full of rock, high-profile and personality frenzy.

  She knew that seeing the retrograde dial of the Zodiac on the Bell Tower of San Marco would never be a good thing.

   "I hate lunatics," she said.

   "Zodiac is not crazy, he is controlled by the devil." Monica said sympathetically, "Do you think he is still alive?"

   "Of course still alive." Pomona said without hesitation, "The Zodiac II in New York is only in his 30s this year."

   "I mean the previous one."

"Goodness needs to be inherited, and evil is inherited." She looked at Giotto's "Last Judgment" and sighed helplessly. of."

  Monica also looked at the painting.

   "I want to go to college." Monica said, "I don't want to go to Milan."

   "The University of Padua is difficult to take."

   "I will work hard." She smiled and said to Pomona, "It's nice to meet you, tourist, I think it was God's arrangement for us to meet in Piazza San Marco."

  (End of this chapter)

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