Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 807: vallejo

  Chapter 807 Vallejo

   "Juan Lopez and John Ward" is one of Borges' last series of works. It was published in Argentina's "Clarion" in 1982 and later included in the poem collection "The Conspirator."

Juan Lopez and John Ward, one is an Argentine youth who loves English literature since childhood, and the other is a British youth who loves Spanish literature since childhood. They could have become friends, and their only meeting was in Malaysia. Island, and then they became martyrs in their respective home countries:

  They caught up with a strange era.

This planet has been divided into different countries, each of which is equipped with loyalty and precious memories. There is an undoubtedly heroic past, with justice and inequality, a special myth, a bronze pioneer, and a memorial. On the day, there are demagogues and badges. This division, which is cherished by mapmakers, always supports war.

  Lopez was born in the city on the bank of the immovable river; Ward was on the outskirts of the city where Father Brown walked. He had learned Casti to read Quixote.

  The other loves Conrad, whom he first experienced in a church on Viamont Street.

  They could have been friends, but they only faced each other once. On a few too famous islands, each of them was Cain and Abel.

  They were buried together. Snow and Mulch know them.

  The incident I described happened in an era that we cannot understand.

Borges once wrote an essay about forgiveness. It also wrote about Cain and Abel. After many years, they sat together again. Cain asked Abel for forgiveness. Abel said he had a Pit, I have forgotten it a long time ago.

  Forgiveness is difficult, but it keeps us from being swallowed by evil and darkness. Albus Dumbledore has many reasons to hate Muggles.

  The old idiot said, endure, and then revenge, but I think maybe you forgot by then.

  He let go of those hatreds and became a pro-Muggle wizard.

He is not manipulating Harry to do bad things, but he thinks Harry is really the last Horcrux that needs to be destroyed. In order to protect Harry, Albus also gave him the Deathly Hallows, hoping to help Harry avoid death. The hunt.

  He is just a human being. The smarter the person is, the more complicated the problem will be. At the same time, he will cause more trouble when solving a problem.

  Like the golden edict issued by the German Emperor Charles IV, he solved the problem of the emperor’s selection system. He chose a king from the seven candidate countries and indirectly recognized the legitimacy of the division. But is Charles IV a stupid king?

  When Hagrid called Hefpaff a fool, the children chose to forgive him.

This big half-blood giant has experienced a lot. Both his parents have died. There is no other place to accept him except Hogwarts, and he does have a good understanding of magical animals. Usually, people who are willing to be close to animals are not too bad at heart. Stupidity is a kind of talent, tolerance is our characteristic.

  Hefpaff likes to hug, because this is an inclusive college.

  Pomona didn't know why she translated Zodiac's ciphertext into this way, maybe she got it wrong, i is i, not L, that string of characters is meaningless, she doesn't need to waste time and energy anymore.


  In her eyes, "HEIP" means "HELP".

  What a fool she is.

  Food can bring happiness. After supplementing enough happiness energy, they continue to gather in the living room to investigate. Shadow not only has superb physical skills, but also cooks very delicious dishes, but his paintings are really not flattering.

  He always wanted to sell one. It’s strange to sell modernist paintings in the birthplace of the Renaissance.

But he was fascinated and confident about this, just as Severus thought his greasy hair was his "style". After the meal, the two of them were mixing drinks in the small bar, and the by-product cocktail was in Monnie's. The belly of Ka, Pomona, and Ali Sandro. Gianluca refused to drink in the name of needing to keep his head sober. Monica put a glass of dry martini on the table in front of him, liking to drink or not.

   Accompanied by fine wine and fried squid, they study the information about Zodiac released by the FBI just like watching a popcorn movie.

  The pattern of a circle and a cross overlapping represents eternal life in Christianity. Although Zodiac is crazy, he is not completely crazy, knowing that it is impossible for the body to be immortal. What he wants is the immortality of the soul after death.

Based on his reading volume, Pomona does not believe that he has never read the Bible. What he did is to go to hell. If he simply died, **** would have a new devil, and those who were killed would die. The soul cannot be liberated.

"Look at this." Monica said, holding the information printed by Gianluca. "His second letter, published in the Vallejo Herald on Thursday, August 7, 1969. I remember him A line of characters was left on the victim's car after the Zodiac Island incident."

   "Vallejo." Pomona looked at the crooked word and said, "What does this mean?"

  "One is a city in the San Francisco Bay Area. There is a naval shipyard in it." Gianluca said after tapping the keyboard, "the other is a city in Mexico."

   "I remember that ‘fugitive’ said he wanted to rob money and go to Mexico. Is this why he chose the San Francisco area to commit the crime?" Monica asked in surprise.

   "What is special about Vallejo?" Pomona asked.

  "This is Spanish." Gianluca said coldly, "and I have never been to Mexico."

   "Who knows Spanish?" Severus asked.

  No one answered his question.

   "I know one." Ali Sandro, who was watching the Exorcist movie in another room, said, "Laura, she chose Spanish as an elective."

   "Mamma Mia." Monica grumbled and began to quarrel with Ali Sandro in Italian.

   "So the city of Vallejo is special to Zodiac." Severus said, "After committing such a serial murder, where does he want to go to live in seclusion?"

   "It's not him, it's them." Pomona said, "The handwriting is different. The Zodiac who wrote the letter and the murderer are not the same person."

   "The words written on the paper are not the same as those written on the blackboard." Severus said.

   "So many Mexican cities, why is Vallejo?" Gianluca asked with a frown.

   "I remember California is a colony of Spain." Shadow said, "The main slave trade countries in the New World are Britain, Spain and the Netherlands."

   "So he thinks that the murder is collecting slaves because he is a Spanish slave trader?" Pomona screamed incredulously.

   "He's crazy," Severus said, "and very arrogant."

  Gianluca began to check information on the Internet.

  16 The main income of Spain in the world is "Royal Pirates", slave trade and precious metals shipped from the New World.

  At that time, the Spanish navy was very powerful, and it became Spain’s military support when Britain and Spain competed for the right to trade in South America.

  The United Kingdom has no trading rights, but it lied that it had settled with Spain, established the South China Sea Company, and then had the South China Sea bubble that pitted Newton.

  Spanish is the third largest language in the world, after Chinese and English. Spanish nouns and adjectives are divided into masculine and feminine. Usually nouns or adjectives ending in -o are masculine, nouns or adjectives ending in -a are feminine, and the language letters are also inconsistent with the 26 English characters.

  "Why do you decipher it in Spanish?" Pomona started to make bad ideas.

  Gianluca ignored her.

  "What does he mean by leaving in the car?" Monica took the photo and pointed to the last line of words on the car and asked, "There is nothing wrong with the date and time. What does 69 mean? Cancer?"

   "There are two more numbers in front." Severus said "68, 69."

   "Cancer is from June 22 to July 22." Pomona said, "What does this line mean?"

  "Maybe this is the key." He guessed irresponsibly. "He is encrypted with the human brain and does not use very complicated calculation methods. Using the Caesar cipher, these numbers are vectors."

  "What text has 68 characters?" Pomona complained.

   "How do I know." He said irresponsibly, and touched her Margaret with the whiskey glass in his hand "Salud."

  (End of this chapter)

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