Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 828: Montage

   Chapter 828 Montage

When night comes, the "devil" in people's hearts tends to be more active than during the day. In the Stanford prison experiment, guards tended to treat prisoners more brutal at night, using various nasty methods to torture prisoners because they thought there was no one in the middle of the night. Will pay attention to their behavior.

  In fact, there are cameras everywhere in the "prison" that has been renovated, and their words and deeds have been photographed.

  Human psychology has a process of adaptation. If a potential customer enters the store, the salesperson will not open the door and sell it, but let the customer try it. When the customer feels that the product is really good for his own use, he will be moved or even buy it.

  If Zimbardo’s fiancée does not come to visit, then both the abuser and the battered person, and even the professor who presided over the experiment, will be deeply involved in their role and unable to extricate themselves from it.

  An engineer who has studied at a university does not have as much monthly income as a gondola boatman, but his understanding may be better than most boatmen.

  At least he knows what the theory of relativity and the Sea of ​​Dirac are.

  There is no divinity or devil in the sea of ​​Dirac. Wherever there is matter, there is a sea of ​​Dirac. Imagine the observed universe as if floating on its surface.

This is similar to what the consciousness and subconsciousness said in Freud's iceberg theory. Only a part is exposed, that is, the conscious level. The behavior or coping style that can be seen by the outside world is just like what we can observe. The universe; the vast majority of the rest is unconscious, and the larger mountains surging under the water surface are the "inner" that has been suppressed for a long time and ignored by us. And most of these determine the development and behavior of people to some extent, including wars, ***, bad fights between people, and so on.

  The big universe and the small universe are a pair of categories that show the relationship between man and the world in the history of Western philosophy. The big universe refers to the entire world, and the small universe refers to people. Uncover the secrets of the iceberg, and you will see the desires, expectations, opinions and feelings in life, and see the true self.

  And through observing the self to understand the universe, Plato’s recollection believed that the whole knowledge exists in the soul completely, only because of the stimulation of the feeling, people recall what he already knows.

  This can be understood as unconscious memory. There is no difference between good and bad. Advertising is similar to unconscious memory.

People watching TV dramas don’t wait to watch the commercials. While waiting for the commercials to end, the audience involuntarily accepts these messages and sinks into unconscious memory. When he chooses oatmeal in the supermarket, he will give priority. Choose where the ad appears.

  Don’t want to be controlled by others, the best way is to turn off the TV.

  However, modern people have been controlled by the media. Zodiac produced a world-class sensation in the 1970s. Many people wanted to decipher his codes. In addition, he had many crazy believers.

The American serial killer culture is not unrelated to the promotion of the media. People themselves are very interested in occult and supernatural phenomena. Astrology has always been worshipped by people. Zodiac combines the two to form a new "" "American Idol", the masses are guided by the media to view this **** group with wrong values.

  In this wrong perception, serial killers are full of unmatched intelligence and personality, and they also possess a rebellious spirit that the public does not possess.

  Serial killers have anti-social personality, which represents cultural negativity, chaos, violence, and some people’s obsession with trauma.

  That is a kind of lunatic behavior. Many TV series and movie programs add exaggerated and excessive details to the original case for the audience rating, and enhance the **** horror effect, and do whatever it takes to attract the eye.

  It is practical to make money, and it is useless to make money. Fortunately, not everyone has the same high IQ as Zodiac, and such imitations are rare.

   Joan is easy to imitate, as long as she is a woman, she can imitate it in armor.

  A Chinese writer wrote that when a executed prisoner was beheaded, people bought steamed buns stained with his blood to eat. The old folk superstition believed that human blood can cure tuberculosis.

  Jan of Arc’s two brothers are eaters of human blood. It’s fine if you don’t avenge your sister, and they pretend that she is resurrected.

  People should set the bottom line for their behavior. Some people eat this kind of human blood buns, and some people would rather starve to death than eat them.

  The secretary general put down the printing paper in his hand. There is the only code letter that has been deciphered by Zodiac on it. The last eighteen characters of EBEORIETEMETHHPITI look messy and disorderly. After sorting out the sequence of characters, it becomes:


   "Looks like a spelling mistake." The Secretary-General said, "It's not like people with high IQ would make it."

   "He's crazy." Snape trapped himself in an armchair. "My wife thinks that the password is written by the ‘coach’. He has two other subordinates. His murder mode is related to the phase of the moon."

   "What's the connection?"

"New moon and full moon, December 20, 1968 is the new moon, September 27, 1969 is the full moon, October 11, 1969 is the new moon, March 22, 1970 is the full moon, and July 4, 1969 The case in Vallejo is a special event, and that place has a special meaning to that lunatic." Snape said without concealing his disgust.

  "Do you also think that Zodiac is controlled by the devil?" Gianluca asked the Secretary-General.

   "Serial killers like to make disgusting jokes." The secretary-general looked at the piece of paper and said, "But the possibility of him being controlled by evil spirits cannot be ruled out."

   "What do you think ETT is?" Gianluca asked.

   "Not necessarily ETT, it may be TET and TTE." Snape said, "There are thousands of combinations, but she chose this one."

   "Maybe she was led by the Holy Spirit." The Secretary-General said, "What would you like to drink?"

  "A cup of tea." The wizard from England smiled maliciously. "Remember to add more Cantrera."

  Gianluca shook her head expressionlessly.

  "You are not a friendly person." The secretary-general smiled and said, "How can she be with you?"

  Snape smiled triumphantly, "Are you jealous?"

   "I will not admit what you fantasised about." The secretary general said, "I don't think you are luckier than me."

   "What can you compare to me? Looks?" Snape retorted bitterly.

  "You have read a lot of secret books, then do you think the Black Death is really a doomsday catastrophe?" the Secretary-General asked.

   "Do you have any clever insights?"

"The plague did destroy a lot of lives, but it is precisely because of this that the tight demand for population and food has been alleviated, and humans do not have to kill each other for food, and even commit more terrible crimes, regardless of the Mondeji period. Does it exist? Does the sun really stop moving? Human forces cannot stop and interfere with the global cooling.” The Secretary-General said, “The cannibalism in places where the gospel is spread will end. In 1956, there were 5 young missionaries. They went to Ecuador by boat to preach. It was originally expected to be 15 days, but they were all missing. The Mission Headquarters sent a plane to look for them. For safety, the five young men had guns in their hands and faced a group of spears. The cannibals have a good chance of winning, but they didn’t do that, even if they would be killed and eaten because of it, do you know why?"

  Snape did not answer.

  "And you, young man, what do you think?" the Secretary-General asked.

   "I won't go to preach to the cannibals." Gianluca said, "It's so stupid."

"One of the five young people is Eleo. Someone found his diary in the dormitory of his alma mater, Vuitton University. When he was 19 years old, he understood a truth: In order to get it, he must not lose it. It’s not foolish to throw away things that you can never own. Which university do you come from?” the secretary general asked.


   "Oh, I see, Galileo." The Secretary-General said with a meaningful smile.

   "He feels that he can explore more areas while he is alive, and he did it." Gianluca said with a face full of anger.

   "I didn't say he was a coward, I just thought he was not ready to go to heaven." The Secretary-General said, "Impulsion is the devil, boy, have you forgotten what I just said?"

   "So, those five young men controlled their urge to draw their guns and then lost their lives?" Snape smiled weirdly. "It's funny."

  "We are Catholics, and they are there to spread the gospel." The secretary-general said, "We will not kill those indigenous people in order to occupy other people's land."

  The Death Eaters laughed even stranger.

   "You said you were the godfather of a boy, which one did you teach?"

   "I'm a wizard." Snape said, "It's part of tradition that children have godfathers."

"So where does the tradition come from? The original tradition of the Oga people is cannibalism. After the five young people were eaten, they did not intend to change. Five years later, the wives of the five young people brought Their children once again set foot in the country where their husbands were martyred. Patriarch Oga received them and he asked them,'Who are you? What is the reason for so much effort and endless effort for us?', Elio's wife Answer "I am the wife of the person you killed five years ago, and we are here again because of the love of God"..."

   Snape interrupted him with a mocking laugh.

  "Do you love your wife?" The Secretary-General asked patiently.

   "That has nothing to do with you." Snape said with a stiff face.

  "The love for God is something we cannot discard. Can you accept losing your wife? Such as divorce or death."

  "Are you looking for death? Priest?" Snape threatened.

"Five men are dead, how come five women and five children are opponents of the cannibals? But they still face the threat of death. Although I have not seen them, I live for myself and them. Feeling honored in a big family, they are very brave. When the leader of the cannibal asked them why the men who came by boat did not shoot at them, the women said, because they came for the gospel of the boat, Austria The Canadian patriarch accepted the gospel and stopped cannibalism. He also became the pastor of the parish. They lived a civilized life and understood that cannibalism is taboo. Are there people who love cannibalism by your side? For example, Yue Yue The werewolf who appeared on the night of the circle."

"Do you think this is a joke, moon phases and crime have no effect?" Snape laughed again. "I know a werewolf who has never eaten people. He can control his cannibalistic instinct, but Muggles can't... "

   "Muggles, do you mean those who can't make magic?" The secretary interrupted him.

   "Yes!" Snape said with hatred.

  "Are Muggles your father or mother, or are your parents both Muggles?"

   "I'm a mixed race." Snape said, "There is another name for parents who are both Muggles."

   "What is it, let's talk about it!"

   Snape did not answer the priest.

   "That name is a taboo for you." The pastor said, "You are a person with a bottom line, much better than those who don't know where the bottom line is. That woman saved you."

   "How did you know that you were a woman?" Snape asked.

   "You are an ordinary man, it is normal to like women." The secretary general said calmly, "Do you like men more?"

   Snape stared at the priest with hatred.

"Because of the deaths of the five young people, the cannibals have also changed their old habits. They chose the bright side, but the devil will lure people to the dark. You just asked me if I was jealous of you. Now I ask you, that saved me. Are your woman and your wife the same person? I think that name should be very insulting. If you call her that way, she can forgive you. I would like to meet such a woman, but if it's not the same person, I have to say, you are hurting your wife deeply, if she really loves you."

   "Don't be controlled by him." Gianluca reminded Snape "Keep your head clear."

   "The same is true for you." Snape looked at the pastor seemingly calm, but his breathing was much quicker.

"People can regain control of their behavior, but those who are possessed by evil spirits or invaded by evil forces cannot. The spirits that play the spirit board are not always good spirits. They reject God, but let the evil spirits occupy their own The body conducts divination, and the final outcome has been decided when it is "possessed"." The secretary-general looked at the 18 characters and said, "Sometimes the characters on the psychic board are chaotic, not always according to human understanding. Order instructions."

   "So, do you think Zodiac is a psychic?" Snape said sarcastically, "He wants to play love divination?"

   "He may not, but Betis is possible." Gianluca said, "Will you play games with your girlfriend?"

   "Or, he thinks he is cursed by the girl." The secretary general said, "ETT is what she cursed him to become."

  "Do you know what the abbreviation is?" Gianluca asked.

  The secretary general shook his head.

   "There are thousands of possibilities, and it is also possible that it was a joke made by the devil, and it was misleading news."

  He was silent for a moment and then said, "Sometimes I feel that the city is not as civilized as the cannibal tribes in South America."

   "Moonlight." Snape copied his hands and said, "Have you dated a girl in the moonlight?"

  "Which girl would date a clergyman?" The secretary glared at Snape.

   "Evening primrose and moonlight, and candlelight dinner. How romantic, why should you go to the Southern Gourmet Tribe?" Snape closed his eyes and said in nostalgia, "Do the cannibals wear clothes?"

   "This is the church!" The priest slapped the table and roared.

   "I asked you if the cannibals are wearing clothes. Did you mention that this is a church?" Snape bared his yellow teeth and smiled triumphantly. "What logic are you?"

  "This is the rule of the kingdom of heaven." Gianluca conforms to the saying, "Others should take care of everything they want, and they should stop thinking and thinking, and they can only obey."

   "Impulse is the devil, priest, it's the 21st century now, you can no longer tie us to the stake and burn us." Snape smiled so evilly, it matched the blue veins on the priest's forehead.

  "Leave my office!"

   "Oh~ someone is angry~" Snape said provocatively, "What if I don't leave?"

   "Impulse is the devil, remember your words." Gianluca fanned the flames and said, "How do you feel soaking in your own ink?"

   "I now understand why so many people wanted to send you to the torture frame." The Secretary-General gritted his teeth and said, "You bunch of unrepentant heretics!"

   Snape and Gianluca rolled their eyes together, seemingly too lazy to take care of the long-faced priest.

I want to go back to the Middle Ages and think about it. The sunspots stop moving and people can’t interfere. Carbon-14 is produced by the interaction of the earth’s atmosphere with the participation of solar cosmic rays. In the second half of the 17th century, the sun was indeed calm. , But it is not certain whether this is directly related to the occurrence of extreme cold weather



  (End of this chapter)

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