Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 841: “FollowerXI”

  Chapter 841 "FollowerXI"

  It’s hard to see street performers on St. Mark’s Square, which is different from other squares in Europe.

  Some of these artists are beggars who really have no income, while others like to attract attention. They collect donations through performances.

  The people who watched his performance were entertained. Going to the theater to watch the performance had to spend money to buy tickets. In the fundraising process, the kind people did not get nothing, and those who liked to attract attention got the joy of attention.

  Beggars can only stretch out their hands, but it is this kind of person who knows nothing more in need of help.

In the witch hunting movement, many beggars have become the targets of hunting. They are both the perpetrators and the victims of the report. When everything is fine, the hearts of the people are undefended, but when things go bad, the hearts of the people are undefended. It will develop in a bad direction.

When the Black Death broke out in 1630, the door lintels of all the houses in Milan were painted with strange paintings or stains like pus and blood. The whole city panicked because of the loud ringing of church bells, and the crowd was panicked. It spreads, people become distrustful, people worry that the water in the well is poisoned by people, and feel that the doorknobs, walls, and carriages are all suspicious.

  There is an old man who is over eighty years old. He often goes to San Antonio church to pray. He habitually wipes the chair with the corner of his clothes, but it caused panic. Someone immediately said that he was poisoned. A group of women in the church grabbed him and dragged him to the city government. If it hadn't been for the death of his breath halfway, he would be tortured to death by interrogation.

  At that time, people had dyed their hair and wore wigs fashionable. A pharmacist was accused of colluding with the devil, and the residents immediately surrounded his residence.

  People found a lot of medicines in his residence. The appraised pharmacist said that it was poison-the chemical medicine for dyeing hair was indeed not drinkable. The poor pharmacist was tortured and tortured, admitting that he had colluded with the devil, and only wanted to die.

   Also in the same year, a man named Bassani claimed that he saw a six-horse horse-drawn carriage at the entrance of the cathedral on a dark night, followed by many servants in black robes.

A tall and mighty stranger got off the carriage. He invited Bassani to get on the carriage, and then took him to a palace that collapsed more than half of the time. There were many skeletons chasing the palace. There was a wasteland next to the palace, and there was poisonous water in the wasteland. Flowing across the fields, into the springs of Milan.

The stranger promised Bassani that as long as he put poison on all the doors of Milan, he would be rich and rich. At this time Bassani knew that the man was a devil, so he prayed to God, and he returned after lightning and thunder. At the door of the cathedral, everything seemed to be his illusion.

  "Do you think that the person who painted on the door of the residents of Milan is related to the group of people in black?" Gianluca asked.

   "It will never be painted by ghosts." The Secretary-General said, "If it is artificial, it is most likely the group of people in black mentioned by Bassani."

   "Someone believes what he said?" Snape asked.

   "No one." The Secretary-General said, "He is too wicked."

   "Which part? Skeletons dance, or something else?" The black wizard said with a grin.

   "That's not the devil, right?" Gianluca said, looking at Snape's face.

   "Sounds like a wizard's job." Snape said slowly. "But I'm not sure if he made a joke or had another purpose."

   "A joke? You call that a joke?" Gianluca said incredulously.

"The Black Death is not caused by witchcraft. They just add fuel to the fire when people are panicked." Snape looked at Gianluca. Don’t be so serious about being joked. Don’t take it to heart. When you are being played by someone, you will be extremely annoyed. You think that'joking' is not funny at all."

   "It seems that the wizard also has'believers'." The Secretary-General said, "Are they also wizards or ordinary people?"

   "How do I know." Snape said coldly, "Do I look like I lived more than 300 years old?"

"Even if they know it is superstition, some people are still easy to be fooled, just like the Earl of Saint Gémy you mentioned before." The Secretary-General said, "The poor believe in adventures, and the rich feel that they can get in touch with news and strange people that the poor can't reach. They also have the psychology of exploring, appreciating and hunting for the unknown. Even with magical skills, the mystery behind the challenge is endlessly happy. It is easy for humans to judge the world with limited knowledge and self-righteously."

   "My godson is also a rich man's child." Snape said bitterly. "The other is just as arrogant as his father."

   "How many sons do you have?" Gianluca asked.

   "No one." Snape said in a daze, "No one."

   "The other kid, are you also taking care of him?" the secretary general asked.

   "I don't want to talk about him." Snape said impatiently.

   "Why? Because he feels complicated to you. He is the son of your enemy. Who is his mother?"

   "Are you giving me psychotherapy?"

“It’s difficult to accept a person. Rich people have a strong sense of deception, but it’s easy to believe those introduced by acquaintances. Charles Ponzi was once known by the Americans as a great Italian like Columbus and Marconi, the painter The scammer was born in a 20-room villa, bought more than 100 sets of expensive suits and paired with special leather shoes, owned dozens of gold-encrusted walking sticks, and bought countless expensive jewelry for his wife. Even his pipe was studded with diamonds. When a financial expert exposed Pound’s investment fraud, Pound also published an article in the newspaper to refute the financial expert, saying that the financial expert did not understand anything, and people believed him credulously. His scam was revealed in 1920 because of his bankruptcy. After that, he was sentenced to five years in prison. After his release, he did several similar activities and went to a longer prison. In 1934, he was sent back to Italy. He tried to lie to Mussolini, but he failed. Finally, in 1949, he died in a charity hall in Brazil. At the time of his death, he was penniless. The priest who once taught me told me stories about him. , Ponzi once said that you have to learn to act with those people and you must be confident and not be stage fright. This is a common problem for the “poor” who have just entered that class. When talking to them, you must The answers are fluent and can’t leave any flaws. They are smart, so they are easier to mislead. As long as they accept your logic, they will think according to this logic. I sympathize with those children for their lack of guidance, and the liar just likes this. One point, they lost all the money they cheated."

   "But they have a smart side. They know that they want to protect their own solid interests and they will form a party for private purposes. I have joined a similar organization..." Snape said nothing.

   "The leader of that organization is the Dark Lord?" The priest said with a sly smile.

   "No." The viper hissed sophistily, "It's a member of the Anti-Dark Magic League."

   "But you are a dark wizard."

   "That is your misunderstanding, I am a white wizard pretending to be a black wizard."

   "Hahaha." Gianluca grinned dryly, he obviously didn't believe a word of what Snape said.

"Fame prevents us from seeing things as they are. Some of these reputations come from birth, and some are acquired. Those hereditary names are later looked down upon by the people. People who do not have prestige among the people cannot rule them. At the same time, reputation It is an element to persuade the people. The ideas, clothing, and objects used by famous people will be unconsciously imitated by people. Isn't our Renaissance imitating the ideas and objects used by celebrities and philosophers in ancient Greece and Rome? The secretary-general said with a smile, "The dissection of a corpse is also to better understand the structure of the human body and to carve a sculpture closer to the human body. The essence is still an imitation of the work of God.

  "Is this why the church accepted those **** sculptures?" Snape asked.

"It's not the church, it's me. I understand the artists that way. I am not as obsessed with art as Cardinal Scipione Borghese. I am a shepherd who grazes. I know my sheep, but My sheep don’t always know me, and I can’t wait for the repentance of the world like the “good shepherd”. All I can do is protect my sheep from the wolves outside, and take away those wolves in sheep’s clothing. Get out."

   "Are you going to kick me out?" Snape, who called himself Snow Wolf, said with a smile.

"I don't know what you are. He is a black sheep." The priest pointed to Gianluca and said, "Sometimes you are a sheep in wolf's skin, sometimes a wolf on the outside, but you are a little better than those believers of the devil, at least Your mind is clear."

  "You can also use those occult things to deceive those people, just as you did before."

   "Once fame is lost, it is very difficult to reshape it. Playing with faith is a big taboo."

  "So you really believe in the existence of ghosts and gods?" Gianluca asked.

"It's stupid, isn't it? I'm such a superstitious person." The Secretary-General laughed at himself and said, "When I was in the underground temple of Mithra, it was the Holy Spirit that brought me light, and I was no longer afraid. Those Roman soldiers who ate bison corpses in the dark. When we left the temple, the sun outside was very dazzling. I looked at it and thought it was not worthy of worship. Later, I told my parents that I wanted to be a pastor. They Later, I told me that my expression was as serious as I was about to come out."

  "Don't you think homosexuality is evil?" Gianluca asked.

"Compared with cannibalism, dismemberment, and devil worship? No, I don't think so." The pastor said, "I can only wish their confused cognitions can return to normal as soon as possible, don't be attracted by the darkness, and stabilize and start a family soon, regardless of the other Is it the same **** or the opposite sex."

   "In other words, you want to go to the party less and go home earlier." Snape said.

   "This will save a lot of trouble." The secretary-general patted the thick papers on his desk, "I have enough work."

  (End of this chapter)

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