Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 858: Music in the air

  Chapter 858 Music in the Air

  Before Paris became the center of European culture, Venice has been the music center of Europe from the end of the 16th century to the beginning of the 17th century. Playing music in the Basilica of St. Mark is the most enviable position in Italy.

  Venice’s church music not only has organs, but also choirs and strings.

  Bach’s string recital was held today in the Gesualti Church. They had already started when they entered, and they played exactly the aria on Bach’s very famous G string.

  At this moment, it was raining outside the church. The surface of the polished marble was wet, and it was easy to fall when walking on it. An old woman wiped it dry with a dry sponge.

  However, it didn't take long before someone new came in from the outside, and there was another trail of footprints on the ground, and it felt like she was doing nothing.

  Pomona quickly removed her attention from her.

  This song is called the sound closest to heaven, she doesn't want to miss it.

  The Baroque style is also very luxurious, very similar to the Rooke style, but the Baroque pattern is more atmospheric.

  Listening to this music in this gorgeous Dominican church does have a special flavor.

  If it weren’t for the honeymoon to end, she would be in a better mood.

  The Easter holiday coincides with the full moon, and they are going back to deal with the werewolves.

  If there is no Umbridge’s Werewolf Act, the werewolves will not be forced to survive, and perhaps there will not be so many Fenrir followers.

  So far bitten by a werewolf is still terminally ill. There is no medicine to cure it. The wolf poison potion only relieves the damage during transformation, and the price is very expensive.

  The matter of copying music scores to survive only exists in France and German-speaking countries. Venice has always been the center of music printing.

  The speed of handwriting is definitely not as fast as the speed of printing, and composers also need to promote their works.

  It was also from this time that European music began to focus on the tune of the music instead of the story and content. Nowadays, the music is a song that is catchy with the lyrics of the bull's head and the horse mouth. As long as the tune is good, people will listen to it.

  This is everyone’s preference. Lily has liked the Beatles as well as the pop. Pomona has no special requirements for music. Even pop music, as long as it is not the kind of rock with strong drums, she can accept it.

Times are constantly changing, and there are always some things and some people will be eliminated. Musical score printers have replaced handwriting, and inkjet printers have replaced mechanical printers. Those manuscripts and printers are now displayed in museums. Maybe someday inkjet printers. Will also become their neighbors.

  It’s totally unnecessary to chase fashion. Lily also “liked” the Beatles like the wind for a while. After entering the magic school, she discovered that what she really likes is magic, potions and cooking.

  People who fall into the group effect, even Isaac Newton will become "stupid". He has also lost a lot of money in the South China Sea bubble. Only by leaving those irrational people, perhaps the mind can be regained.

"In June of 1523, London astrologers predicted that the Thames would flood London in February 1534. At that time, many blind followers heard this rumor, and tens of thousands of people left this doomed place." In Trisha’s divination classroom, she said in that strange accent, “Muggles like blind obedience, especially prophecy. Later, at the appointed time, the Thames did not flood London, and the angry crowd planned to kill the horoscope. Teacher, later he had an idea and said that he had counted a hundred years less. The doomsday prophecies often mobilized people’s attention most. Starting from the prophecies of the ancient Romans’ demise in 684 BC, they reached the present age. There have been more than 160 prophecies related to doomsday. The common characteristic of these people is that they like to make up stories. Observing these remarks, it is not difficult to find a phenomenon, that is, different professions have different professional views on doomsday theory. The fortuneteller thought he was an Egyptian sacrifice, and the Thames was the Nile, and it would overflow with the rise of Sirius..."

  Many girls snickered, and the boys were very disdainful of the word "Sirius", and their mouths turned crooked.

During the witch hunt in the Middle Ages, the Dominion Church also used the doomsday theory to preach in the Swiss mountains. Those missionaries who claimed to eliminate ignorance spread panic everywhere. In the end, the villagers were scared to the point that they could only say what the monks said. Just do it.

  Intimidation will make some people resist, but more people choose to obey. For example, mothers will intimidate their children. If you don’t study hard, how can you survive in the future?

  There are many professions in society, and it is not necessarily the only way to study. A gondola boatman has more monthly income than an engineer.

Reading more does not necessarily make more money. Zodiac does not make much money, otherwise he will not be so extreme. After getting social recognition, there is no problem even if he does not get married. The problem is that he has no social or personal emotional life. After getting attention and recognition, he used what he learned to retaliate against the society.

  In the event on the Zodiac Island, the "executioners" at the time wore black clothes and black hoods. The ancient executioners actually wore red clothes. The crime museum in Rome has a garment worn by the official executioner Massimo Tita, who is said to have executed more than 500 people between 1796 and 1865.

  The color of the red coat is the same as that of the cardinal, except that the cardinal represents his own blood, and the blood of the executioner’s clothes belongs to others, and it is all human blood, even if the person who was killed was a "sinner."

  Intimidation is much simpler than persuasive temptation. Missionaries and pastors always talk about doomsday and go to **** if they don’t be "righteous." Believers believe that they are true, and they have done many behaviors that modern people seem to be incredible.

  Many people have the wrong idea that the feudal monarchy government is old and corrupt and inefficient, and that the democratic system is young, clean, and highly efficient.

  This happens to be a misunderstanding.

  In the social contract theory of Jacques Rousseau, the government of the royal system is extremely dynamic. It can actively dominate the will of other people, and all work in one direction.

The kings of Europe did not do as well as the Chinese emperors. Emperor Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall, Emperor Wu of the Han attacked the Xiongnu, Emperor Yang built the Grand Canal and expedition to Goguryeo. Even Yang Yuhuan wanted to eat lychees and was rushed by Tang Xuanzong with 800 li. The way succeeded.

  The Pharaohs of Egypt built pyramids, and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were all products of the king's power.

If the goal of the king's power is for the public interest, then he is Mingjun. The Kaiyuan Prosperity pioneered by Tang Xuanzong in the early stage is an example. If his goal is not for the public interest, such as the abuse of 800 miles to rush to transport lychees, and the Xiuhua Qingchi, etc. The continuous operation of the regime has brought harm to the people, and it has been a loss of life and money.

  The king’s will is the imperial decree, and we must do everything possible to complete the settlement.

The democratic system is the other way around. The ruling party wants to do a project, and the opposition parties desperately slander when they can’t do it. The Moses plan was discussed for 20 to 30 years before construction began. Venice is still flooded every year. Anyway, the politicians are in Rome. , Flooding can't flood them.

  If theology is talking about how many angels can stand on the tip of a needle, they are arguing about the problem of the tip of the needle, and they didn’t do what they should do. Instead, they quarreled endlessly about the issue of money.

  Sovereign power thinks of men. Democracy is like bargaining women in the vegetable market. If it weren't for Winston Churchill and Roosevelt, God knows when Britain and the United States will participate in World War II. When the politicians are over, the ** has already occupied Europe.

Monarchy requires absolute authority, and the church is responsible for tame lamb-like people and let them obey the king. The king gives the church various privileges. At the same time, emperors such as Louis XIV and XV used extravagance to build their own prestige. Others The country cannot be as luxurious as the French king. They learn the way of life in France, and Paris has become the center of civilization.

  It’s just that the life of the nobility is based on the malnutrition of thousands of ordinary French civilians.

Common people are hungry, nobles and churches are still holding banquets, hungry people are angry people, angry people are irrational, and there is no end to the nest under the nest, whether it is a lady or a country. Women, even emperors and farmers have to face a question: is it to survive or die?

  The change of dynasty was not so slow. It was like a fast-moving dynasty, and it ended soon. The nobles of the past were either reduced to prisoners or heads down, and those "poor ghosts" without pants became "new nobles."

  There are many people who lost everything in the clouds and mists, and they didn’t understand how they fell to this end.

  But he can vaguely feel that this is related to his own extravagance and waste, and this is exactly what Rousseau used to attack and criticize the nobility.

  The regime based on love is undoubtedly the greatest, but it is extremely unstable. Once this love is lost, it will be pushed to the ground by the civilians who once looked up to them.

  Compared with using your brain, it should be simpler to "love" with your heart. If you don't take the simple road, you have to take the complicated one.

  Men marrying a wife is often a man who chooses his own mental projection and suppresses his femininity. The woman he marries in the end is often his own shortcoming.

   "Damn it," she cursed.

   "What's wrong?" Severus asked.

   "I can't find the feeling of immersing myself in music." She said with a sad face.

   "Me too." The old bat said nothing like "What's so nice about this music."

  She couldn’t say why, she felt that the musicians weren’t fully involved, not as contagious as the serenade Severus performed in the Cornaro Pavilion, but their skill was so superb that it concealed it.

   "You try too." She urged, "Don't you have that Paganini violin?"

  "How do you know that it belongs to Paganini?" Severus asked, "Its owners are obviously six unknown people."

  She glared at him.

  Why is he always so disobedient?

  (End of this chapter)

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