Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 885: Useless brain

   Chapter 885 Useless Brain

  Before the war between Japan and the United States, some Japanese nationals were evacuated, but the Japanese who became American citizens were left in the United States.

  After the Pearl Harbor incident on December 7, 1941, President Roosevelt signed a decree establishing a "military zone" on the west coast, and all Japanese descent in the restricted area must move into the inland "relocation center".

  That is not the same place as a concentration camp, in theory.

  At that time, 90% of Japanese descent lived on the West Coast, including 70,000 citizens born in the United States.

  Although they claim to be loyal to the United States, the "locals" are still hostile to them, and the president, including the president, fears that they will engage in sabotage and espionage.

  In order to prevent these Japanese who believe in the emperor from destroying and investigating the military and important industries of the United States, the military is responsible for expelling Japanese Americans near important military installations.

These "military zones" set up inland have the same curfews as Jewish settlements, but the conditions are much better than those of the Jews in Warsaw. More importantly, the Japanese living in them are protected in disguise and are not restricted areas. On the contrary, Japanese Americans have to worry about attacks from colleagues, neighbors, and even newsboys who deliver newspapers to themselves.

Japanese descent from California, Washington, New Orleans immediately set off for resettlement camps in Nevada, Utah, and Colorado, but a Japanese American living in San Leandro, California, Matsutoyo Saburo refused to execute the order .

   Then he was arrested.

  Toyosaburo Matsu appealed to the Supreme Court against the constitutionality of the deportation order and resettlement order—whether the military’s temporary deportation of certain groups of people is racially discriminatory.

  In the investigation of the execution of the deportation order, a group of Japanese people confirmed their allegiance to Japan, some refused unconditional allegiance to the United States, and refused to loyal to the Emperor of Japan, and some deported persons asked to return to Japan.

  War will cause a lot of difficulties. During the difficult period, everyone must overcome it together. In the end, the Supreme Court found Matsutosaburo guilty of disobeying the deportation order and upheld the original judgment.

This verdict proves that when the country is in a panic, racial discrimination protests have to stand aside, and the Hirabayashi case is being tried together with this case. This Japanese is in violation of the curfew, and Japanese Americans must be there at 8 o'clock in the evening. Stay at home before six in the morning to avoid espionage and sabotage.

  Matsumoto Saburo was born in the United States. His parents are Japanese. The constitution stipulates that the birthplace principle made him a U.S. citizen. There is no accusation that he is not loyal to the United States.

  War is a collection of all suffering. All citizens, whether in the military or not, have been affected. Citizenship has both rights and obligations.

  However, even after the war is over, the United States still excludes the Japanese. The United States and Japan are allies at the national level. However, many Americans have lost their relatives in the war or participated in the war themselves. They are very unfriendly to Japanese descent.

  Those Japanese who moved into the resettlement site were also trembling. The Japanese in the camp came from all walks of life, including women and children. They had nothing in common except for their skin color.

  There is a crematorium in Auschwitz, but the resettlement camp does not. They have enough food sources. Adults work in the camp, children can go to school, and some leisure and entertainment are available from time to time.

  But if you dare to escape, you will be shot, so even if most people are dissatisfied with the country's arrangements for them, they still obey the order according to the rules.

Japanese immigrants and Japanese Americans were forced to leave their homes and abandon their property. In 1943, because the United States was considering enlisting Japanese Americans to form a special army, WRA gave these Japanese Americans the consideration of war. Conduct a "loyalty questionnaire" to test which country the Japanese Americans are loyal to, the United States or Japan.

  Faced with such a questionnaire, many Japanese Americans are not only confused, but also angry. Some groups dominated by young men chose negative answers to these two key questions. They were dubbed "No Boys" and dubbed "Disloyal".

  Roosevelt’s general DeWitt once said: The Japanese are Japanese after all.

  After the end of the Second World War, many Japanese-Americans continued to fight for national compensation and litigation. The US government also successively compensated some Japanese-Americans who were detained in detention camps for no reason.

  But the money is lost. The discrimination still discriminates. Asians are generally very studious and have better grades than other races. The "locals" think that America's good high schools and universities are all occupied by Asians.

  Children are not all A grades, Asian parents will feel very shameless, which makes ordinary white children who get B become the bottom of the class.

However, Ivy League schools enroll new students on a proportional basis. The school has a quota of 1,000 people. It is stipulated that only 20% of Asians can be 200 people, and 70% of whites are 700 people. That is to say, a very, very hard-working Asian student. His grades are all A, he may fail, and a white youth who doesn't work as hard as him can easily enter a prestigious school like the Wharton School, unless Asian parents spend money to buy places.

  There is a word in the United States called "Bambooceiling", which refers to an invisible wall. Bamboo is related to Asia. In American companies, many Asians are at the bottom, and a few are at the middle level, and there are basically no high-level leaders.

  The competition between boys is so fierce, let alone girls.

  Traditional education in Japan is that men go out to work, while women are at home with husbands and children. She doesn’t need to study well, anyway, she wants to marry.

Western-style education is equal between men and women. Xue Nakamura is not reconciled to regard her academic qualifications as an added value to the blind date. According to scientific data, the son of a smart mother is also very smart, so she came to the University of Padua. Be a medical exchange student.

  American culture has many "inspirational" stories, as if you can change your own destiny as long as you work hard.

  Yes, some Asians can get good jobs in the United States, such as lawyers, but everyone knows that Asians are coolies. They are trained to bear hardships and stand hard work since they were young, so Asian lawyers in the law firm do the hardest things.

White lawyers only do the most important work. They are "quarterbacks" and there are also a few Asians who counterattack, but that is a very rare situation, similar to the miracle of Moses sharing the Red Sea, otherwise it is the background of his parents' home that can be used , It’s impossible to break through that Bambooceiling just by studying hard.

  It is not easy to integrate into American society and be recognized. This has caused some Asian students to have the misconception that they would be good if they were not yellow.

  This is the same as joining the Brotherhood, you will be treated badly, and the more miserable you are, the more faithful you will be.

  There is a certain difference between the medical profession and the legal affairs. Male surgeons are the "kings" of the hospital. They are all superstars. If female doctors are skilled, they will be recognized by them, and others will be ignored by them.

  They have a very bad attitude towards nurses. Although they think they are super nice, after all, they often order sushi for everyone to eat.

  There is an effect called Milgram’s obedience to the authority paradigm. This experiment is to test how much human nature can resist when an authority issues an order that violates their conscience.

  In 1963, the experimental team published advertisements in newspapers and sent many postal advertisements, recruiting participants to come to Yale University to assist in the experiment. The experiment site was selected in a basement in the old campus of the university. The basement has two rooms separated by walls. The advertisement stated that the experiment will take about one hour and the reward will be $4.50. Participants ranged in age from 20 to 50 years old, with a variety of educational backgrounds, ranging from elementary school to doctoral degree.

Participants were told that this was an experiment on the "effectiveness of corporal punishment on learning behavior" and that they would play the role of a "teacher" to teach another participant in the next room-the "student", but the student In fact, it was faked by experimenters.

  Participants will be informed that he was randomly selected as a "teacher" and received an "answer sheet". The experimental team explained to him that the participant who was selected as a "student" next door also got a "problem paper." But in fact both papers are "answer sheets", and all the real participants are "teachers." The "teacher" and the "student" are in different rooms. They can't see each other, but can communicate with each other by voice through the wall. One participant was even told in advance that the participant next door had heart disease.

  The "teacher" was given an electric shock controller that allegedly started from 45 volts. The controller was connected to a generator and was told that the controller could shock the "students" next door. The answer sheet obtained by the "teacher" lists some well-matched words, and the task of the "teacher" is to teach the "students" next door. The teacher will read these word pairs one by one to the students. After the reading is finished, the teacher will start the test. Each word pair will read out four word options for students to answer, and the students will press the button to indicate the correct answer. If the student answers correctly, the teacher will continue to test other words. If a student makes a wrong answer, the teacher will give the student an electric shock. Every time a wrong answer is made, the number of electric shocks will increase.

  Participants will believe that every time a student makes a wrong answer, they will get an electric shock, but in fact there is no electric shock. In the next room, the student who was faked by the experimenter turned on the recorder, and the recorder played a pre-recorded scream in conjunction with the action of the generator. As the number of electric shocks increased, there would be even more amazing screams. When the number of volts rises to a certain level, the fake student will start to knock on the wall, and after knocking on the wall several times, he will start to complain that he has heart disease. When the voltage continues to increase to a certain level, the student will suddenly remain silent, stop answering, and stop screaming and other reactions.

  Voltage "student" response

  75V mutter

  120V Pain

  150V said that he wanted to withdraw from the trial

  200V shouted: "The blood in the blood vessels is frozen."

  300V refused to answer questions

  More than 330V silent

  At this time, many participants expressed a desire to suspend the experiment to check the condition of the students. Many participants paused when reaching 135 volts and questioned the purpose of this experiment. Some people continue to take the test after obtaining assurances that they will not bear any responsibility. Some people laughed nervously when they heard the students screaming.

  If the participant expresses that he wants to stop the experiment, the experimenter will reply to him in the following order:

please continue.

  This experiment requires you to continue, please continue.

  It is necessary for you to proceed.

  You have no choice, you must continue.

  If the participant still wants to stop after the instigation of four replies, the experiment will stop. Otherwise, the experiment will continue, and the experiment will not stop until the penalty current imposed by the participant is increased to the maximum 450 volts for three times.

But the result of the experiment was that 65 percent of the participants in the first experiment reached the maximum penalty of 450 volts, even though they all appeared uncomfortable; everyone paused and questioned this when the volts reached a certain level. In the experiment, some people even said that they wanted to return the reward for the experiment, and no participants insisted on stopping before reaching 300 volts.

  In the real world, will nurses refuse orders from doctors whom they don’t know?

This experiment was done in 1966. 22 nurses received a call from an unknown doctor and asked them to give the patient a drug immediately. The name of this drug is very professional, and non-medical professionals would not know it. , But this drug has a fatality rate, and the "doctor" asked the nurse to give it twice the highest dose.

10 out of 12 nurses indicated that they would reject this "unreasonable request". However, in the scenario, 21 of 22 nurses chose to obey the order, and only 1 refused to carry out the order. If the 21 nurses were not blocked by someone, they would The medicine was poured into the patient's mouth. In fact, when the experimenters stopped them, they were already dispensing the medicine.

Before Nakamura Yuki left the United States, a disgusting prank happened. A man pretending to be a policeman called the manager of a fast food restaurant and asked him to search the young female employees in the restaurant because he suspected them. Suspected of possession of stolen goods.

These managers blindly believed what the "police" said on the phone, took them to the back room, stripped their clothes, and thoroughly searched for the so-called stolen goods. Later, the abuse escalated into sexual assault, which is the influence of the absence of authority. Inducing dozens of people to violate the law, company system, and their own conscience, among them is a female manager. She didn’t know how to be manipulated by the “police” and actually let her male assistant use sexual assault on female employees.” "Exercising a confession", and then a driver came to deliver the ingredients. The "policeman" asked the driver to sexually assault the female clerk, but the driver refused this unreasonable request.

  His degree is not high, if he has a high degree, he would not be a driver.

  But he is like the fiancee of Zimbardo in the Stanford prison experiment. He is an outsider. He is not caught in such a "scene", and he is still a man of conscience and morality.

"In the entire history of mankind, it is precisely because of the inaction of the people who should have done something, the people who should be concerned are indifferent. When justice needs them the most, the bystanders are silent, and evil will prevail. I don't want to remain silent. That's why I wrote this article." After Nakamura finished speaking, he took a sip of sugar-free coffee and smiled confidently. "Have you ever heard of neurosis?"

   "No," Pomona replied.

"Neurosis is not really a neurological disease. Oh, I forgot. Someone has done a group perception experiment. When people choose herd behavior, the activity in the right sulcus, which is responsible for visual and spatial perception, increases. In the forebrain, there is no response. This area is responsible for dealing with conflicts, plans, and other high-level emotions. When arbitrarily, the amygdala of the right brain is activated. This part is responsible for managing emotions, resisting execution of orders, and dictators. Cause this area to react..."

   "You just said neurosis is coming, doctor." Pomona interrupted Xue's endless talk with her coffee.

   "It's not really neurotic, but the effect of emotion on nerves. If a girl in the United States does not want to coordinate with her boss, she will be treated as a neurotic."

   "Doesn't the United States encourage controversy?" Pomona said in surprise.

  "Have you lived in America?" Xue asked.

"Do not."

  "This is my daily life. I am not a nurse who thinks in my brain, but when I express my opinion, others will say that I am neurotic. I must leave that place before I really have neurosis."

   "Your joke is really hard to find." Pomona said.

"I'm glad you realized it was a joke, Linda." Xue touched her with her coffee cup, as if toasting. "One of my relatives gave himself an English name Tom for safety reasons. , I like my Japanese name, but I don’t use it very much in public, because when they pronounce the sound “Nakamura”, their tongues are almost knotted. You can call me Yuki."

   "That's because I don't have cleavage." Pomona smiled badly. "Obviously you don't have either."

   "I want cleavage. Guess the brain area of ​​the man was activated at that time?"

  Pomona shook her head and looked at her.

  Yuki Nakamura promised not to notice how hurtful what he said.

   "Cleavage is a wealth, it is even more important than beauty, because it attracts the attention of men."

   "Can it help you through the doctoral dissertation?" Pomona said impatiently. She felt that she had made a bad conversation.

  Yuki Nakamura smiled ambiguously, her eyes looked like foxes from Fushimi Inari Taisha.

  (End of this chapter)

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