Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 105


Tina invited me, and Lilia decided to go out to the South Side. I have chosen something plain for my original patience and current outfit, but I decided to borrow some clothes from Tina just in case. Tina was silent for a moment when she heard that, and this one began to wolf amazingly.

“Huh, that’s clothes! Yeah, you need it! Hey…… wait a minute! I’ll be right back! I’ll be right back! You can’t come!

And I rush to the stairs. Lilia dropped it off in awe,

– Sakura.

– What?

– I showed Tina my room, didn’t I?

– You showed it.

– Go check it out. What’s the problem?

– No. Let’s go!

All right, and Lilia nodded, Lilia also headed to the stairs.

My brother watched me smile behind it, but Lilia didn’t notice.

Naturally, Lilia doesn’t know where Tina’s room is. But such a problem could be solved quickly.

“Tina’s room? Oh, here it is.”

Tina’s father led me somewhere happy. It was the door further behind the door leading to the dining room and beyond, behind the hallway. That seems to be the residence space for the Breiha family from there. At the end of the door was a short hallway, with only four doors. One of them is Tina’s room.

Lilia thanked Tina’s father before knocking on the door of the room.

“Tina. Are you there?

“Heh? Lilia!?

“I’m coming in.”

“Ma, wait…!

Open the door. View room. I see, Lilia nodded and laughed gently.

“You’re so cute.”


The room was small and lined with dolls and stuffed animals. I’m a little surprised because there wasn’t one in the dorm room at the school, but I don’t think it’s anything wrong. I know you’re a little childish, but it would be kindness to keep your mouth shut.

– Kindness, unlike…

Ignore Sakura’s words and give Tina a glimpse. Tina urged me, sighing as she gave up, go ahead. I walked into the room and took the stuffed animal I had on my side as I watched Tina looking inside the clothes tans.

“Heh… This kind of thing is nice…”

Sakura reacted as Lilia whined in a small voice.

– With that said, there are no dolls in Lilia’s room, are there? How could you?

– I wasn’t particularly interested. If you look at it this way, I think it’s cute.

Is this a bear stuffed animal? Staring at the plush face with both hands, Tina and I looked back at each other at some point.

“Lilia. Did you like that kid?

“Huh? No, not like that…”

“Fine. I’ll give you.”

Chuckle. Tina said with a full smile and Lilia looked alternately at Tina’s face with a stuffed animal.

“Are you sure?

“Yeah. Take care of it”

Lilia nodded firmly, hugging the stuffed animal.

Change into the clothes Tina chose and leave the room holding the stuffed animal. As I headed to the front door to go straight outside, I came across my brother who was going to go out the same way.

“Are you going out?

“Yes. And your brother?

“That’s right! Well done. You heard me!

The moment I heard that, I had a bad feeling. I didn’t mean to ask at all, and I’m not going to ask, so I thought I’d go for it, but my brother grabbed Lilia’s shoulder. I try to shake it off, but it seems my brother is not going to let Lilia go.

“Actually, there’s a well-armed blacksmith in this town…”

Again, and Lilia and Tina sighed face-to-face, but her brother’s words did not go on. Surprisingly, if you look at your brother, his gaze was fixed with the stuffed animal Lilia was holding.

“Lilia…… You liked the doll…?

Brother’s, a small voice inquiry. Lilia leaned her neck,

“No, it’s not like that,”

“What’s wrong with that?

“Tina gave it to me.”

My brother looked at Lilia and Tina, and the stuffed animal, in turn, and he nodded, well. And when he took his hand off Lilia’s shoulder, he then left the inn without a word.

– What is that…?

– Come on……

I don’t even seem to know the sawdust, and the signs of tilting my neck came through. Is it my fault that for some reason my brother makes more chest noise than he did when he tried to start talking about the sword?

“Mr. Cross really likes swords.”

Tina is whining about that. Apparently Lilia is the only one with a heartbeat. I have an extra bad feeling about that. But there was no way she could think or give an answer or anything, and Lilia shook her head and changed her mind.

“Shall we go then? I’ll take care of it.”

“Yeah! I’ll take care of it!

Tina takes Lilia’s hand and starts walking. Lilia silently followed Tina, not trying to unravel it.

The South Side is still busier than the North Side. Each store owner who opens an outdoor store is bringing in customers aloud. I can’t even tell because I hear voices like that from all directions. Noisy, I can only say. A senior nobleman would definitely not come to this neighborhood.

“So, where are you going?

“Let’s start with… confectionery!”

Suddenly that, or I don’t argue with you. I follow Tina very closely as she begins to walk ahead.

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