Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 120


“Yes, I am.”

I opened my eyes wide as the prince was surprised. When I thought it was so surprising, I showed a bare gesture that the prince thought a little and opened his mouth.

“That would happen. I won’t ask you anything, but if there’s anything you can do, just say it. Let’s work together for a little while.”

Lilia turned a blind eye to the word. Surprisingly looking at the prince, I say.

“Your Highness, what are you up to”

“No, wait. What kind of person am I in you? Well, you know, what? When you two stay put, I’m worried too. That’s all.”

“Really? Thank you.”

Saying so as he still seemed suspicious, the prince shrugged his shoulders with a bitter smile. Then go back, and head straight to the door. Alisa immediately opened the door and thanked him and the prince left the room.

– I feel His Highness was kind to me sometime. That’s disgusting.

– You just did. I agree, but I wonder if something happened during the holidays.

During the holidays, the prince should have been in the royal castle. Maybe something happened there, but Lilia has no way of knowing. Besides, I’m not interested in how the prince changes now.

“I feel less distressed and Chris seems happy, though.”

Thinking about a handful of friends, Lilia put her mouth on a cup of tea that had completely cooled off.

After the next day, it’s classes as usual. I head to the classroom in the morning to take classes, just like I did in the previous semester. There were already many students in the classroom. As Lilia enters the classroom, a large number of students look at Lilia and everyone greets her with a smile. Sitting in her seat as she returned her greetings, three female students came together.

“Dear Liliane!

It’s one of the people around me, Saila, who sounds happy. Lilia smiled at her. Both the other two say hello.

“Dear Liliane, by the way”

When the other two surrounding men turned away from Lilia, Saira quickly turned to Lilia.

“I heard you were alienated from Mr. Tina, is that true?

“Distant, not so much…… Who did you ask?

“I don’t know where it came from, but at some point it was widespread last night”

I didn’t realize yesterday because I was in my room except for dinner. I regret that I should have talked to someone for a little while.

– Lilia. I know it’s okay, but I think you should tell her not to do anything extra. Especially for the two of them there.

Lilia immediately guesses what Sakura is afraid of and tells Saira.

“Saila. Try not to do anything sooner. I know you’re okay, but be careful with the two of them. Because when I say it, you’re going to admit it’s true.”

Saila nods and admits. Teachers and princes came into the classroom as the two surrounding men looked back to Lilia and the others.

After the morning class, Lilia gets a sandwich in the dining room and returns to her room without going to the library room. Welcome and surprise Alisa left her sandwich and Lilia sat down at the chair.

– Don’t you have to go to the library?

– Tomorrow will be fine.

Lilia thinks as she eats the sandwich Alisa put on the plate. There was no more harassment of Tina later in the semester, but that doesn’t mean Tina was ever recognized. It was reduced because Lilia, the center of the harassment, was on Tina’s side, because of course, but more than that, everyone was afraid to get their hands on Tina and turn Lilia around on the enemy.

It seems there’s been widespread talk of that Lilia and Tina being alienated since yesterday. Then harassment of Tina could happen again.

– You’re in a fight, and you’re gonna help?

Sakura asks me somewhere for fun. Lilia nodded naturally.

– That girl belongs to me. I won’t allow you to get your hands on mine.

– I’m scared. I’m not stopping you. Rather do more and more.

Lilia nodded, saying to the ceiling, that is to Cynthia.

“Cynthia, are you there?


“There are two others, just like before, right?

“Eh…… Yes, I am.”

They still have two men. Of the three detectives here, Cynthia is the only one Lilia can move freely. That’s enough for now.

“Except for Cynthia, it would be my escort anyway.”

“Yes, that’s what I’m saying.”

Probably from my brother. I don’t know what to say anymore.

“Cynthia. Stay on Tina’s side for a while. Maybe there’s some harassment against Tina, so take a look at it.”

“Are you sure you want to help?

To the question, but Lilia shook her head.

“Tina will just be in trouble, too. Not yet, okay. But remember their faces and names. And if you’re going to get hurt, can you just protect me?

“I’m in awe”

I’m going, the last word I heard Cynthia. You should see how this goes first. And then, yes.

All you have to do is talk to whoever has your hands on it.

Lilia smiled slowly and joyfully.

night. Lilia sat at the chair in her bedroom and slept fine. On the side is Alisa, watching Lilia in an obvious way. I’d love to fall asleep in bed right now, but I’d like to hear a report from Cynthia by the end of the day, if possible.

– I don’t know how you feel, but maybe you should take a break. It’ll ring tomorrow.

– Maybe, but I really want to hear it.

There is no particular reason for this. It’s just that Lilia wants to. I’m sorry that Alisa is in the shape of a date. I just want you to be a little more patient. When she glanced at Alisa with that in mind, Alisa was upright with her posture correct. I don’t see any fatigue.

“Alisa. Can I sit down?

I’ll just tell you what I’m worried about, Alisa shook her head.

“No. I don’t mind staying like this. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to let me know.”

Probably no matter what Lilia says, Alisa won’t move. Lilia snorted as she laughed bitterly.

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