Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 174


The next day. After breakfast, Lilia starts thinking with a little tea. It’s about something to give to Sakura. Sakura laughed bitterly when she realized it.

– So don’t worry about it. Because it’s something I do on my own about Lilia’s birthday, too.

– You’re saying I’m not convinced.

If I hadn’t listened, Lilia wouldn’t have cared more either. But there’s no way I’m going to do anything more than ask.

Food, the idea came to pass for a moment, but he shook his head immediately. Sure, I have the impression that Sakura doesn’t have eyes for delicious things, but Sakura’s preferences are often given, so it doesn’t make it special.

– I think they said something very rude!

– It’s my fault.

Lilia thought of a dark world with sawdust as she gently flushed through her sawdust complaints. Why don’t you recreate what Sakura has? What about that sorry ho, for example?

– You can’t.

Lilia smiled unwittingly at Sakura’s immediate words. Surely that would not be reproducible in Lilia, rather than in this world. I don’t know how it works. Maybe someone who isn’t Lilia can make something similar, but I don’t feel Lilia can explain herself.

Is there anything else? Sakura clothes, for example. If you use Lilia’s school uniform for that, you can get it, maybe.

– Is there someone who can make it? I’m sure your father and brother won’t shut up when you rely on your family. Maybe it’ll be a lot of trouble.

When I tilted my neck without knowing what it meant, it meant that I was loved, Sakura laughed. Anyway, Sakura seems to disagree with this proposal. I have to think of something else.

– Sakura, you like flowers, right?

– Huh? Yeah. I like it.

– Then this will do.

– Huh? Uh… Are you serious?

Lilia nodded once, calling Cynthia. Soon Cynthia will come down in front of me. Lilia said to Cynthia, who was kneeling down and bowing her head to this side.

“Can you go to the mansion? I’d like you to tell your father that you want to see him early.”

“I’m in awe. What can I do for you?

“That speaks directly to your father.”

Cynthia nodded quickly, leaving the spot behind.

That evening. Lilia had her head at the table. My father sits face to face with a smile on his face. I wonder how it would be if someone who should be busy would throw out a job just because my daughter called me. But this time I thought it would be appreciated, so I decided not to say anything.

“Well, let me ask you something”

To my father’s words, Lilia nodded with a serious look.

“Actually, there’s something I really want”

My father frowns, silently urging me ahead. Lilia continues.

“Does your father know a flower called cherry blossoms?

“Oh. I know. What’s wrong with that?

“I want that tree.”

That was just unexpected, my father peeled and solidified his eyes. At the edge of his sight, Alisa is also breathtaking with her eyes round. I find it so unexpected and angry, but it may not be strange to be questioned for sanity given the time I did seek gems and ornaments.

As Lilia stared at my father, he finally returned to me and gave me an obvious cough.

“It’s possible to get it. But you really want something like that?

“Yes, please”

That said, Lilia bowed her head. My father had a bewildered look on his face, but eventually smiled and nodded that he had no choice.

“If Lilia says so much, let’s have something to that extent. In the mansion yard, okay?

“Yes, please, by the end of the month”

“Another impotent…… Well, fine. You should look forward to it.”

Leaving that behind, my father left the room. Lilia exhaled slowly after the door my father left was completely closed.

– I made it a cherry tree, okay?

I noticed that Sakura herself had not confirmed it yet. I don’t think there is a problem because Sakura didn’t oppose me, but I haven’t heard back from Sakura. Calling Sakura’s name even though I got a little anxious, I finally got a response.

– Yeah…… Thank you, Lilia. I’m so glad. Fun.

– Yes. I hope you were happy.

I just can’t say much about this as a gift from Lilia. In the end, it took the form of a favor from my father. My father didn’t say anything, but I’m going to give my father back the amount he needed one day. I don’t know if you can take it.

– But there’s an exam before that, right? I need to study.

Lilia nodded and, encouraged by Sakura, headed to her bedroom to study.

Surprisingly, a week after I asked my father for a cherry tree, he contacted me that the cherry tree had been delivered. They planted it where you can see it through the window in Lilia’s room. They said the flowers haven’t blossomed yet, but before and after Lilia’s birthday, she would be able to see the cherry blossoms that are blooming beautifully.

– I’m so excited! I’m looking forward to it!

Sakura has been doing better than usual since I got that report. He’s very excited to see the cherry blossoms. I think you’ll be seeing it in the dark world, but Sakura said it was about it, this is about this.

– Lilia Lilia. Let’s buy some dough. Let’s see the flowers. See the flowers. Oh, but you can’t drink, because it’s still early for Lilia. And then there’s…

– Calm down. Just before the exam.

Usually, Sakura is always quiet during the exams, but now they’re winning the joy and fun, and it’s noisy to say it’s just before the exams. I get anxious if it will quiet me down.

– I’m fine. I’ll be quiet. Oh, you still want the tricolour dough.

– Totally……

Lilia sighed in disdain, but couldn’t hide her smile.

As a result, Sakura was really quiet during the exam. At the same time as it ended, it became noisier than ever.

In the next day’s answer return, Lilia was in the same order as usual. The prince continues, and Chris is with third place. I’m not sure about the prince, but Chris could say that the results of his studies have been achieved.

“Liliane, by the way. He said he wanted cherry trees for the Duke of Ardis, but is that true?

This is the word if you think you won’t say anything about rank. Where does this prince purchase such information from? In case my cheeks were about to pull, I pasted a smile and nodded.

“Yeah. It’s true. I was contacted the other day that it arrived at the mansion. It’s time for the flowers to start blooming.”

“Right. I’d love to see it again. Are you and Tina going to see this?

“No. I’ll go and see for myself this time”

I answered that because there was no way I could say anything about Sakura, but the prince blinked for a moment only to see if the answer was unexpected. The prince opened his mouth to hear something, but Lilia said it first.

“There are times when I want to be alone, too. I’d like you to guess.”

“Mm… Right. You’ve heard something extra. I want you to forget it.”

When the prince lowers his brow butt sorry, he returns to his seat. Does this prince realize that the students around him were watching this exchange? The prince, back in his seat, had quickly said something to Chris.

When Lilia sighed as if she was frightened, she heard a sneak laugh right from the side. Looking back, the teacher was turning away and shaking his body. As Lilia stared half-eyed, she immediately noticed it and the teacher corrected her posture. But I was not overwhelmed, and I was still trembling.

“Ku, ku… Aldis, as usual, you can stay back.”

“Yes. Then I beg your pardon”

It would be useless to say anything to this teacher. Lilia gave up early and left the classroom behind.

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