Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 200


“Change of date? You mean soon?


I thought we still had a little time tomorrow, but apparently we don’t have that. Sure, this should be hard to say. I smiled unwittingly and stroked Sakura’s head.

“Okay. Why don’t we just relax for the rest of our time?”


Sakura nods and the two of us sit at the root of the cherry tree. We were silent with each other for a while, but eventually Sakura began to tell us pompous and memorabilia.

How much would we have talked about that?

“Your reaction to eating peppers is interesting, isn’t it? Migi.”

“‘Cause I really hate it! No, I do know I’m having a funny reaction myself!

Ever. I keep talking about not loving anyone else. As always, without talking about anything important now. It’s time to have fun from the bottom of your heart.

The two of us laughed a little, and the sawdust accidentally turned true. Seeing what the change showed, Lilia also tightened her expression. Sounds like it’s time. It really wasn’t long.


“Is it time?

When Lilia asked to confirm, Sakura nodded small. Lilia nods, too, and gets up. Sakura then stood up.

“Lilia. Don’t you have anything to remember anymore?

To Sakura’s question, Lilia thinks a little. I closed my eyes and lifted the corner of my mouth slightly.

“No, that would be a lie. I think I wanted to spend more time with Tina and Alisa and Cynthia.”


“Besides, you wanted to be with Sakura more.”

“Heh!? Oh, yeah. I would have liked to have been with Lilia more, too. It’s fun to play in Lilia.”


“I’m sorry. Lilia and,. So don’t look at me like that, because I’m scared!

Sakura screamed and Lilia erupted unexpectedly and so on. It makes me laugh, laugh less, and look serious again so that I can be caught in the sawdust.

“Well, Lilia…… time, so”

Lilia nodded, and immediately grinned bitterly. Really, he’s a crybaby.

“Why are you crying?”


Sigh and stroke your head holding your crusty body. This is the last time.

“Thanks for everything. I’m glad you possessed it.”

Lilia said, and Sakura nodded small as well.

“Yeah…… I’m good in Lilia, too. Good luck……”

That’s how I gently let go of my body. Sakura smiled softly, still weeping.


“Yeah. And then it’s nice to meet you.”

Lilia says that and laughs. Watching Sakura cry makes me cry myself. I don’t want to show my tears for the sake of the sake of some more after this. So I will never cry.

“Yeah…… Welcome. Thank you, Lilia.”

And Sakura said, smiling.

“Be well.”

What are you saying to yourself that is going to disappear? Return the sawdust, though slightly frightened.

And abruptly.

Lilia’s consciousness sank into darkness.

And she wakes up. I narrowed my eyes glaring at the light slipping through the window and slowly woke up my body. Show a slightly bewildered look and see what’s going on around you. Eventually, I laughed small and self-derisive.

“Not at all. You must be too conscious.”

That said, Lilia shrugged her shoulders. They still replaced it with a change of date, which was different. Probably just Lilia’s dream. I’m gonna be conscious soon. He’s had that weird dream.

– Morning, Sakura. I’ve had strange dreams in the morning.

Say hello to Sakura as usual. I usually greet you from Sakura, but not today. I guess Sakura is nervous about the last day too. That’s what I thought.

No matter how long I waited, I didn’t hear back.

– Sakura?

Again, call. But no reply. Lilia’s eyes slowly open.

– Hey. Stop making weird jokes. Sakura. Hey, get back to me.

Call. Many times. Many times. I’ve called you many times, but again, I haven’t heard back from you once.

– Sakura!

With a loud, harsh voice. But still.

Lilia immediately lays down in bed. Close your eyes and focus your consciousness. Trying to get to that dark world again.

I couldn’t go.

There is a place. When I concentrate my consciousness, I feel like there’s a little hole in my heart. That’s where Sakura is, and if I was aware of that, I’d be able to go at some point.

But now, I understood naturally that there was a place, but at the same time, there was no one there anymore. I can do it.

Sakura was gone.


There must still have been time. At least that’s what Sakura said.

I thought that far and remembered what I said when I accidentally heard the situation from Sakura.

– As long as I’m around, it’s like a compulsion.

“… Huh!

At that time, if I had any doubt about the words, I would have been able to hear them in detail. If I recall that word, I can easily explain what’s happening now.

As long as there is a sawdust in Lilia’s mind, she will be forced to replace it. That means, without Sakura, there’s no replacement. Sakura disappeared for Lilia herself, I guess.


I see why. But I’m not convinced. Sakura wouldn’t have said a word like that. But that too, I know. Speaking of which, I insist that Lilia is needed. Sakura therefore chose the path of disappearing silently to Lilia.

I wanted you to say it. I wanted you to talk to me at all. Can’t I trust myself so much? I thought so, and immediately, I denied myself that it wasn’t. Sakura trusted Lilia. That’s why I didn’t talk to him. I guess I couldn’t tell you because I knew Lilia would not change that will because she had chosen to give her body to Sakura.

I’d like to know if that’s the right answer, but there’s no Sakura. Even if I want to ask you what to do now, I don’t have an answer. Sakura is gone.

Sakura, who exhorted and led Lilia, is no longer there.

The moment I understood that.

Lilia burst into tears by pushing her voice to death.

I kept crying when Alisa and the others came to call Lilia, and I let the right and left Alisa out of the room, and still, I kept crying. All the time, all the time.

With that day at the border, Lilia locked herself in the room again.

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