Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 226

A3 Spirit Observation Record 3

Going downstairs, Lilia heads straight to Tina’s room. When we reached the hall upstairs, we were turned to a curious gaze from around us, but soon after we found out it was Lilia, that gaze disappeared. They’re a lot used to it, too.

– Lilia. Why don’t you smile and wave?

– That’s… Do you need it?

– No, nothing.

Lilia passed the hall without a thing, frightened inside. I immediately reach Tina’s room and tell her to show herself to Spill. Spill only shook his tail once, but is this making him visible?

– It’s okay. You should see it. Maybe.

– I don’t know if you can handle it.

– Why!?

– ‘Cause it’s a sakura, and hey.

– Terrible!

Ignore Sakura complaining about the rabbit and knock on the door. Immediately the door opened slightly and Tina peered into her face. Seeing Lilia’s face, she opens her eyes as surprised for a moment and immediately breaks her face with joy. The reaction is only slightly illuminating.

“Lilia. What’s wrong? Oh, come in!

Tina urged me, and Lilia entered Tina’s room. Close the door and turn back towards Tina.

“What’s the matter, of…”

Tina’s words stopped on the way. Still, staring at the spirits Lilia is holding. Spill is waving his tail, so he should know it’s not a stuffed animal. Tina stared at Spill for a while, but eventually turned her gaze back on Lilia.

“Eh…… Pets, are you?

“No. Spirit.”

Tina rounded her eyes funny enough. Soon, I will have a look full of expectations. Lilia smiled bitterly, while offering her spirits.

“Er…? Are you sure?”

When Lilia nodded, Tina offered her hand when she was afraid. Tina’s face glistened as the spiel moved into Tina’s arms. My mouth loosens quickly. Lilia smiled slightly more than expected in response.

“Ha…… Wow. That’s fluffy. Some spirits like this…”

Tina strokes her spill. Ordinary dogs would hate it, but Spill didn’t particularly show such a bare gesture, rather he was waving his tail. I guess he likes to have it stroked. When I saw Tina smiling full face, it was good to bring her, I thought.

– Tina’s smile is too dazzling! Thin Dirt We Have Spicy Things……!

– Right.

– Don’t admit it, it’s a joke.

Lilia laughs slightly at the sarcastic words that seem obstinate. Sweet for Lilia as ever.

“If this child is also a spirit, can he do things?

Tina asks as she strokes her spiel. With that said, I haven’t heard anything like that from Sakura. When I asked Sakura what it was like, Sakura appeared fluttered instead of the answer. I’m used to Lilia, but Tina was surprised and breathtaking.

“Sakura. Say something first. Because Tina is surprised.”

“Huh? Oh, I’m sorry”

Apologize to Tina like Sakura panicked. Tina immediately shook her head and said with a smile.

“No, never mind. And you’re such a cute spirit.”

“Right! I got this kid when I became the Great Spirit. Lilia seemed to like the stuffed animal a little, so I got her to look like this. It’ll heal Lilia.”

I think they said something shocking about it. This look of Spill seems to be for Lilia. When I looked at Spill, I was staring at Lilia with crushed eyes.

“I’ll keep Spill on Lilia’s side even when I’m out, so play for him”

“Yeah…… Okay.”

Spill returns into Lilia’s arms. As I stroke my spirits, I feel my mind calm. Maybe this is the power of Spill. Maybe it’s just my fault.

“Spill is new to life and still doesn’t have much power, so it’s not like he can do a lot of things. But if it’s easy, you can count on it.”

“Yes. Nice to meet you, Spill”

Instead of a reply, Spill shook his tail.

“Ugh, Lilia, just a little more…”

Tina has reached out in a nagging manner. Apparently he liked the touch of the spiel. Tina turned bright red on her face as she accidentally erupted small. Still can’t pull in the extended hand is the temptation of Spill?

When I entrusted Spill to Tina’s arms, she sighed with admiration. Sakura laughs happily at how Tina is doing, he says.

“It doesn’t get dirty, by the way, because it’s a spirit. It doesn’t itch.”

“Yes! Wow! This kid is amazing!

“I don’t even want rice. But you can eat just like me, so you can give. And the excess energy is reduced to nature and the surroundings, so that’s it, there’s no excretion.”

“That’s awesome ideal……!

“Yeah, yeah, I thought Tina would understand!

Sakura and Tina have a strange way of uplifting themselves. Lilia looked at it halfway, halfway with a smile.

Breaking up with Tina, who seemed to regret it, Lilia was back in her room. The sun is already setting. In front of Lilia, there was a spiel licking milk on the table in a heartbeat. By the way, if you’re human, they usually drink in a glass. I feel sorry for you just a little bit.

“Hey, Sakura”

When Lilia spoke, across the street, Sakura, this one drinking milk in a glass, turned her face.

“Aren’t you too concerned about me?

“Hmm? That’s not true. If you’re talking about Spill, it’s a reward for Lilia for all her hard work.”

“You don’t have to worry about me. I am on the helped side and I am grateful to Sakura. Instead, I think I need a reward for Sakura.”

Sakura was leaning her neck strangely, but eventually laughed with pleasure.

“It’s okay because I’m having fun now. Stay with Lilia, and a lot of people get along with Lilia. If I could see Lilia being rewarded for her hard work, I’d be content with it”

I don’t know if you care about Lilia, but if you look at Sakura’s smile, you know it’s from the bottom of your heart. I felt so ashamed that Lilia turned away softly.

“Yes. I hope so… Tell me if you want anything. Because I’ll get you ready.”


………… You’re ruining everything. ”

Lilia said so bitterly after being taken aback for a moment. Call Cynthia and ask for her usual treat shop use. Apparently, Cynthia, who had listened to the conversation earlier, took it on with a laugh.

“Sakura by the way”

“What is it?

“Shall I preach?


I smiled and turned to ‘Smile’. The sakura where the cup was placed twitched and then twitched.

“Ho, instead of what I want, I don’t preach, or…”

“I would have sent you to buy Dafu.”


Let them sit on the spot with their heads scratched trying to escape. Lilia’s sermon that suddenly begins that way. Not really, Sakura was sadly lowering her brow, but her mouth angle was slightly lifted.

Spill was licking the milk and staring at the two like that. Sakura Sakura Yes, Spirit only knows what you’re thinking.

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