Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 240

S6 Nightmare

How did this happen?

I don’t even know if I think about it. No matter how much I think about it, I don’t understand what I did wrong. But it doesn’t turn into something wrong. Otherwise, you can’t be standing here like this.

Lilia sees what’s in front of her. A big one with a blade. A tool that secures your body, fastens your neck and drops the blade. That is, Guillotine. From now on, it will take your own life.

I feel no wonder and no fear. No, until last night I was crying out, but now I was calm for some reason. Maybe it just went crazy.

Surrounded by some nobles. Those who see the end of Lilia. Some of them were close to Lilia. One of them, Chris, was staring at this one with a sinking face. My eyes are bright red congested as if I cried.

There was also a family appearance. The outfit is qualitative. I heard you were stripped of your title, but apparently you’re allowed to be here. Actually, it wasn’t a stripping, and my father said he gave it back to me himself, but Lilia doesn’t know how to go about it in detail, and she’s not interested. It has nothing to do with me anymore.

Encouraged, my body is fixed. Almost done.

Unexpectedly, my voice sounded. The girl’s voice, just a little look up, looked faint at the hateful woman’s face.

It’s Tina Breija.

“Your Highness! Please don’t! It’s strange to execute!

There was a prince next to Tina. The prince is staring back at Tina with a bewildered look.

“It’s already been decided. I can’t change this.”

“It’s me, it’s me! So……!

“Calm down, don’t say any more here…”

The prince strokes Tina’s back. Tina looked away from the prince as she looked like she was about to cry, and looked at this one. My eyes, they fit.

Tina distorted her face and immediately turned away. While stroking Tina’s back like that, the prince looked at this one and gave her the same sinister look as Chris. Lilia doesn’t know what she’s thinking.

Could Tina have tried to help herself?

Could it be that Tina is not the child she thinks she is?

Think about it, but it still doesn’t matter now. It’s over now.

What if Tina and her friends had changed something? Now that I think about it, that, too, might have been good. I can’t imagine much, but I’m sure it would have been fun. But still, that’s it, that’s it.

Lilia gently closes her eyes. I hear something falling, and.

And Lilia arose momentum and body. Take a rough breath and keep your chest down. My heart is pounding around and I’m restless.

It’s a dream. But it was too vivid a dream. It’s like I was there, like I’ve experienced it, like that dream.

“Lilia? Are you okay?”

Fluffy, Sakura stood next to Lilia’s bed. I glance at this one worried.

“Sounds like they were doing great… Did you even have a bad dream?

To Sakura’s inquiry, Lilia nodded small.

“You dreamed you’d be executed…”


Lilia tells the story of her dreams. I remembered it strangely and vividly.

And at the end of the story, Sakura had a strange face.

“Sure, it’s definitely the end occasion… Why now…”

“I knew that…”

“Uh…… Yeah, if Lilia didn’t do anything.”

I was somewhat predictable, but is that still the case? But why dream about what Lilia hasn’t experienced? Strange, but honestly now, it doesn’t even matter.

My body is cold. I tremble naturally. Not so long ago, I was engraved with fear. I don’t understand why I was so calm in that.

“Lilia, are you okay?

Lilia shuddered and nodded small at Sakura’s worrying voice.

“You don’t look okay… Do you want to go for a walk?

“Right… Let’s do that.”

I don’t think this feeling would be disputed just by walking, but it would be better than doing nothing. Lilia decided so and got out of bed.

With Sakura, go outside. The outside air is a little chilly, but therefore pleasant. I feel a little clearer.

“Hey, Sakura”

When Lilia spoke, Sakura, standing next to her, tilted her neck.

“You know what would have happened if I had done nothing, don’t you?

“Yeah. Well, for once…”

Sakura looked away at me unexpectedly. I guess it’s something I don’t really want to say. I wonder what Sakura’s mouth is about. I care, but I don’t even want to hear it.

“Not anymore now…… Are you all right?

That dream is not so easy to forget. It was deeply engraved in my heart. If I recall at all, my body will tremble. As Lilia was trembling like that, she felt the weight on her back. Sakura was hugging me from behind Lilia at some point when I realized it.

“It’s heavy.”


But Sakura doesn’t move. Lilia is not willing to resist, either, and I’ll let her do what she wants. Eventually Sakura opened her mouth as she whispered.

“Lilia is fine now. That won’t happen, and I won’t let it happen. Or can’t I trust you?

“I can’t trust you if you’re looking at Sakura these days.”


“Just kidding.”

With Sakura, we laugh at each other. Talking sarcastically, that only lightened my mind.

“Because I’m counting on you”

With a small voice, so twinkly. Sakura seemed to have listened to it firmly and, after a moment of silence, laughed lightly.

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