Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 248



Lilia looked at the person sitting face to face in her room with a slightly dazed eye. Sitting face-to-face is, as usual, a very spiritually invisible sawdust.

“Did you think of anything rude right now?

“It’s my fault.”


Even after a brief conversation, Sakura’s mouth never stops. I’m eating the food in my hand happily. That’s a treat Lilia doesn’t know about. It’s not like Sakura eats Dafu every day. White elongated, mouldy treat wrapped in green leaves. It’s wrapped up in something like a string.

Shortly after noon, Lilia returned to her room and Sakura brought in a large quantity of inexperienced treats from where. There are still dozens of these treats piled up on the table. Sakura has been eating this unconsciously since just after putting it on the table.

I thought just a little bit about whether they were brought to eat with a tasting or something, but Sakura would be in a different mood because she’s always in the mood.

“Hey, Sakura”

When Lilia speaks up, hmm? and has turned his gaze toward Lilia as he moved his mouth.

“It’s, what?




It’s delicious, and Sakura offers one. Lilia hesitates a little, but decides to take it and try it for now. I can untie the strings, take the grass, and put something white in my mouth.

“I was wondering if there was anything in there, but you have nothing. It doesn’t taste bad…”

“It’s not really delicious.”


“I love it so much because it tastes rustic”

Sounds like it.

Lilia leaks a thin, bitter laugh in her happy sakura voice and quickly eats the rest. I was just finishing my meal, and, heh, I nodded small,

“Hey, Sakura. Another one…”




The two of us keep eating silently without conversation. As I said earlier, this doesn’t mean this is very tasty for Lilia. And it’s not that it tastes bad, it’s not bad. It’s just that, for some reason, I can stick my hand out.

“By the way, you can only eat this today.”


“Why are you angry!? Uh, you like it?

While I feel like a loser to admit, I tend to snort at things like that. Sakura smiled happily.

“So, why?

“Yeah. This is what I eat for my kid’s day.”

“What’s that?”

“Oh, from there”

Sakura said that May 5th seems to be a special day in the Sakura world called Children’s Day. You think it’s a day for kids? They say one of the things they eat at that time is this chicken.

“There’s always been a child’s day for civilians, but nobles don’t have it.”

“Right. I’ve never heard that before.”

“Hmm…… Sounds like a day to eat these treats, not even among the civilian population.”

Sage should tell him more properly, Sakura inflates his cheeks. When I followed it with my finger on its cheek with my usual cheek, the puffiness and air leaked.

“What are you doing?”

“Somehow. Than that, why don’t you have some sweets?

“Rude! But I won’t deny it!

Sakura cheeks again. Where did the expression go earlier, my cheeks quickly loosened happily. Looking at that, Lilia takes another one too.


“Oh… Sorry. You ate too much.”

“No, it’s nothing. That’s fine. No, I mean the same thing.”

Sakura ruthlessly told Lilia, leaning her neck.

“I’m gonna get fat.”

“… Huh!

Frozen Lilia. Sakura that keeps eating without worrying. Spirits that stir under the table when you were there.

Lilia thought a little and laughed a lot smaller.

“I can always do a diet.”


“But I guess you’re the only one who can do it right now.”


“Then you’ve decided to give priority to this one.”

Now it’s time to get the chisel and put it in your mouth again. Yeah. This is it, okay.

“I’m so glad you like it”

“Yes, sir.”

Put the spill on your knees and start eating again. Spill cleverly holds a chisel on his forefoot and eats it. Does it taste like even spirits?

Lilia and Sakura continued to eat their chives until they were clean on the table.

“And, by the way, there’s some kashiwaki.”

“Hmm…… I already ate quite a bit.”

“Don’t you want it?

“You didn’t say you didn’t want it. I’ll take it.”


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