Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 40

Alisa 2

Soon afterwards, I learned that His Highness had forfeited her engagement to Master Liliane.

I think everyone who was at the Mansion was surprised, not just me, by this. Master Liliane had a very tremendous attitude towards His Highness. I think that was also to give His Highness a look at himself. Your Highness never seemed to dislike Master Liliane either. I can’t believe that’s what they suddenly call a divorce……

I was wondering what would happen, but then Master Liliane didn’t come out of the room for a week. Still, I don’t know when I could come out, I don’t even know when I’d be called, so I was always waiting in front of the door.

I was also purely worried. I can’t believe Master Liliane is going to be stuck in his room for such a long time…

Waiting while I was sure they wouldn’t call me again today, the door to the room suddenly opened.


“What are you doing in front of people’s rooms…?

Master Liliane, who hasn’t been out in a week, looked very upset. To that low voice, I’m relieved that you’re back, and I’m anxious to see what reprimands fly. Liliane sighed loudly as she wandered her gaze without being able to look directly into Liliane’s face.

Even if I’ve been yelled at before, I can only count as much as I’ve been sighed at. I just heard that, and my head turns white. I thought you’d been disappointed.

“Um… Sorry, ma’am.”

I will wait for Master Liliane’s words as they are. Contempt or anger? Or……

“I don’t care. I was just wondering. I’m sorry.”

It was a word of forgiveness. Definitely was forgiven. I can’t believe that word and it gives me a lot of momentum to look up. Master Liliane, who received my gaze, was retreating.

It was a word and deed that I didn’t think was Master Liliane.


“Hey, what?

“Are you ill, too! Did you eat anything weird? Wait, I’ll get you a doctor right away! So go back to your room now!

This is not how it is done. We must put Master Liliane to sleep now and call a doctor! I’m sure something went wrong with my hard work or something. Wait, Dear Liliane, because I will bring you a doctor now!

“Hey, what do you mean?”

I tried and missed trying to get Master Liliane into bed, but in the end I couldn’t get her to hear me with a stiff tone because I’m fine. My anxiety didn’t fade at all, but I have no choice but to follow Master Liliane. You’ll be fine as long as you keep an eye on him so he can rush in when something happens.

Then Master Liliane tried to go somewhere, but that just stopped her from calling without overlooking it. The reason is simple, the…… Because it stinked a little. I’ve been in my room all week, so I don’t know what else to do.

That’s how waiting for Master Liliane’s words,

“If you know what I mean, tell me!

Suddenly they yelled at me. Does that mean I should have said it sooner? I bow my head with my apology, sorry I pissed you off. My body and nature will tremble remembering what I’ve been disappointed in this time and what I fear will be done. But Master Lilia’s words were different.

“It’s not. I didn’t tell you. So don’t be so frightened…”

That was such a sweet word. I’m the only one on this occasion. I’m sure you care about me shivering.

Then the lady asked me if I smelled. I have had trouble responding to words that are too direct. Honestly stinks, which is too disrespectful. But you can’t deny it here and let it put you out in front of others and shame you. I had no choice but to reply by nodding.

“I’m sorry, can you get me some hot water?

Master Liliane has given me another word of surprise. That Liliane is making a request to a maid like me. Even though it’s usually definitely an ‘order’.

Then Master Liliane asked me his name. When I answered with regret that I still didn’t get it remembered, now they asked me until the year. For once, I’m answering these when I first met you.

“I’ll make you my exclusive. All right?

I’m surprised, I can’t say anything anymore. I now work as a dedicated maid of honor to Master Liliane. I was saddened by the fact that they had forgotten that, but at the same time, this time again, Master Liliane told me that I could make it exclusive. I was so happy that I blew away my forgotten grief and so on, I knew the words wouldn’t come out.

Master Liliane went straight to the bathroom and I had been stunned for a while.

Master Liliane, who left the bathroom, said he was going out to the garden. To be clear, Master Liliane is very strange right now. It must be a good direction, but it feels very strange. There’s just no way I can leave Master Liliane like this alone, and I’m going to be with you.

Master Liliane seemed interested in our maid flower beds. At that moment I’ve always thought of one thing. I mean, don’t say look at my flower beds, etc., and.

My work involves Master Liliane a lot more. That means that if there are any mistakes at all, there will be relentless reprimands. To do that, I really care more about each and every one of them than I have to, and I work slower than the others. The seniors care that you don’t have to care because you know that, but it’s not a substitute for being late.

And if it takes that long, you won’t be able to take care of flowerbeds at all. In the end I left the flower beds unattended and the seniors were taking care of me instead to keep the weeds from growing. That’s why there’s nothing in my flowerbed. That’s not exactly what I figured out what they’d say when I was seen.

“Alisa. Which of your flower beds?

“Mine, is it? It’s boring to see. Better not look…”

“Just show me.”

“Ugh…… Ok……”

My wish was shattered. When I had no choice but to guide Master Liliane to my flowerbed, she looked at me in a grumpy way after looking at the flowerbed with nothing. I was so scared of that gaze that I turned away.

Afterwards, I was asked to explain why this was the case, so I answered without lying or falsely. I couldn’t say that I was just taking the time to work for Master Liliane.

“So? Do you plan to plant something?

“No…… You haven’t…”


Master Liliane has been silent to think about something. I was so scared of that silence, but I couldn’t possibly say anything, I waited quietly for the word.

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