Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 51


– So you were listening?

– Yeah. Sure.

– I wonder why you didn’t tell me…?

I was asking in my heart, but at some point the expression itself moved, and I smiled cold. Poor Ray shivers in the corner of the room, but Lilia doesn’t notice that.

– Wait! Wait, Lilia! No, it’s not! Because I never forgot to tell you, well, anyway, Lilia or anything else, or anything like that!

– Nice work…

– Yeah. More like Lilia. Do you really need it?

Suddenly the atmosphere was serious and Lilia frowned. Apparently, Sakura thinks there’s really no need to teach. When asked why,

– If you’re Lilia now, you can leave her alone. Because I wanted you to clear up the immediate issue more than that.

Apparently Sakura had decided not to tell Lilia after thinking about it. Then Lilia won’t have to say anything either. If Sakura decides it’s no problem, Lilia just believes it.

– But you wanted me to say at least a word.

– Uh… Yeah. I’m sorry about that. Next time, I’ll say it right.

Lilia sighed small, turning her gaze toward Ray,

“What are you doing?

“Ah, haha…”

Ray’s expression was blue, but Lilia couldn’t think of a reason for it. Lilia tilted her neck, but told Ray to come back, to Ray who came back,

“Then let’s prepare for the exam. If there’s anything you don’t understand, tell me.”

I rounded my eyes to Lilia’s words.

“Oh, um… Is Master Lilia okay?

“I’ll study when I get back to my room, so don’t worry about it. Don’t hesitate.”

Ray seemed a little sorry, but he has nevertheless presented a place he honestly doesn’t know. Lilia nods a little satisfied with it and begins her commentary as usual.

I only noticed Sakura staring at Lilia like that, but I didn’t dare say anything.

Lilia went back to her room after dinner, trying to head to the bedroom where she kept teaching materials and stuff to study for the exam for a little while or so.

“Dear Lilia, it’s you”

I stopped to Alisa’s voice.

“Maybe…… Tina?”


Is it an invitation to dinner? If that’s the case, Lilia’s already finished eating. I can’t even eat another meal, but I don’t want to eat it until I can. Welcome Tina with that in mind.

“Lilia…… Tell me about your studies…”

Lilia shrugged for a moment at Tina’s voice, which seemed to be true, and sighed small.

“Fine. Alisa.”

“It’s tea, right? We’ll get it ready.”

Alisa carefully bows her head with a gentle grin and begins to prepare her tea. Lilia nodded satisfactorily, taking Tina to the table. When I tapped the desk lightly, I put down the material Tina seemed sorry to bring with her.

“So? Where do you not know?

“Yeah…… I guess here first…… And then…”

I’ll remember what Tina doesn’t like about it. Sakura’s voice echoed on my head while I was doing so.

– That’s right. Lilia, can I prophesy one thing?

– That’s abrupt. Fine, let’s hear it.

– Okay, then. Lilia will be holding a study group here in the future. And everyone will call me a teacher.

Lilia glanced at him with surprise, but soon realized. That Sakura’s voice is not serious, but trembling to indulge in something just a little bit.

– Sakura. Is that really a prophecy?

– Oh, is it broken? My hope, I guess. ‘Cause that sounds more interesting… not for Lilia!

– Wait. You just said it sounded funny, didn’t you?

– I don’t know that fact! Wet clothes!

– You said that, right?

– I said. I’m sorry.

When Lilia’s voice went low, Sakura immediately admitted and apologized. Not at all, with a small sigh, but not so angry because the truth is it’s always the case.


Returning to Tina’s voice all the way back to me, she glanced at the problem Tina showed with a vague laugh.

I taught Tina to study for a while, but Tina seemed to know more or less the basics, but not when it came to application. There were quite a few of those problems and I couldn’t finish teaching in a day, so I was going to have them come through tomorrow as well.

“I’m sorry. Even though Lilia has her own studies…”

“You don’t have to worry about it. Because I’m not that problematic. With that said, shouldn’t your Highness have taught you? Your Highness would be delighted.”

Now you’ll be able to see what Tina thinks of the prince. That’s what I thought. That’s the question I asked.

“Oh, no.”

It was an instant answer without any hesitation.

– Buffoo! They’re rejecting you with instant answers! Oh, ha, I’m hungry, I’m hungry……!

– Sakura, you’re laughing too much. Be patient because I am patient.

– Ku, ku…! Yes. Kuku……!

Lilia desperately embraced the urge to laugh, and Lilia made an expression to Tina that looked strange.

May I ask why?

“Because! You’ve been saying terrible things to Lilia! I’d be pissed, too!

– You’re loved, Lilia.

– I wonder why they’re lifting so much……

– Come on. Why not?

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