Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 63


“Lilia and Liliane, it will stay that way”


“If you do a little research, you’ll know I’m called Lilia by some of you.”


Ray fell on his knees and hands on the floor. Hang in there, young man, Sakura says it sounds fun, but naturally it only sounds like Lilia. Lilia softened her expression and took a seat.

“Bye, Your Highness. Excuse me first.”

“Hmm? Oh…… No, wait.”

Lilia stopped moving as she tried to walk back to the door. I didn’t think I could call it a stop. Rai, who stood up, also looks at the prince wonderfully.


“Yes. What is it?

– There won’t be anything to talk about. What is it?

– How are you? Let’s calm down, Lilia.

– I know…

Sighing inside, Lilia keeps a smile on her face. The prince stared at Lilia like that for a while and eventually gave her a look that seemed complicated.

“A lot of people have told me you’ve changed… Really, you’ve changed. I was surprised when I saw you helping Rayford.”

“I’m going to change, but you still don’t know if it’s changed.”

“No, I’ve changed. You’ve changed. In a good way.”

That said the prince smiled gently. How many years has it been since I’ve seen such a look on the face of a prince? Perplexity prevails over surprise, and Lilia is unable to respond to anything.

“I heard rumors, was it that bad?

That’s what Ray’s been asking me. The prince nods and answers.

“Awful, that wasn’t something. So much so that even those who have lost their jobs. Well, it looks like your father and the Duke of Aldis have supported you.”

Lilia was listening to the prince with a faceless mask. At the time, Lilia had no sense that she had done so much. It was the first time I had been told by Sakura that I had been chased for a job, crushed a house and found out something like that had happened.

That’s why Lilia didn’t think she could help complaining about the prince’s previous response. Because it’s easier than having a past where you can do whatever you want, and it’s natural.

“Was that so…… You’ve been nice since I met you. [M] It was tough and tough to say, but it taught me how to study.”

“Honestly, I wouldn’t have changed my opinion without that story either. All the stories I’ve heard so far are those Lilia also knows are people I know. I thought you were just moving so you could talk to me.”

It’s rude to think about it now, the prince laughs bitterly. Lilia opened her mouth as she summed up her thoughts, which had calmed down a little bit.

“Oh. Actually, you might have known Ray as a prince.”

“Your reaction earlier was natural. I don’t think that’s acting. Well…… If it was really an act, it means I was someone who couldn’t tell the extent of it.”

“Then you’re human to that extent.”

“Don’t be really harsh…”

Ray was laughing when the prince told him like he was stunned. The prince coughs and goes on.

“But, Liliane. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to change my attitude towards you.”

Sakura told me when Lilia slightly frowned.

– Because you won’t be convinced of the friends around you, especially those who have been harmed.

– What do you mean?

– The people around you are not convinced. I’d like to complain, but I can’t even tell Lilia at the Duke’s. But we can’t tell ourselves, but the prince is making it tough on Lilia. The prince blames Lilia on our behalf. Let’s convince ourselves with that first. Like that, huh? Still, there may be a lot of people out there who aren’t convinced, but I think their frustration with Lilia has been curbed tremendously.

– I’m not sure. If you have something to say, you just need to be clear.

– I don’t think anyone would have a hard time with that.

Lilia herself wasn’t convinced of everything in her current explanation, but I guess she’s not even wrong, though. Smile at the prince,

“I’m in awe. This would be my sin to date. It’s easier for me to blame His Highness alone than many others.”

“Oh…… Did you also guess why? That’s something really unusual. You’ve only done better than me.”

“That’s a coincidence. How was Your Highness, by the way?

“Second place. You did it this time, but not next time.”

“Oh. I look forward to seeing you. I’ll pay you back.”

Ugh and Lilia laugh, haha the prince laughs. It seems that they are both laughing at the mouth but not the eyes. Ray was frightened and pulling his cheeks, but there was no way he could say anything and he watched quietly.

Fu and the prince got a serious look. As Lilia tilted her neck, the prince looked to Lilia with a good nod after showing her a distressing bare gesture for a while.

“Liliane, if I could have gained an understanding from all around me. I want you to help me then. I want you to support me to make this country better.”

Lilia opens her eyes and, oh, Ray raises her voice. I found Sakura grumpy for some reason, but I don’t know why. Lilia thought a little and replied with a bitter smile.

“Your Highness, that’s the wrong way to put it.”

“What? To what?

“To confession of love”

Now the prince ceased and opened his eyes. Apparently, he didn’t consider the possibility.

– Good. Don’t let Lilia get you wrong.

– I can tell you’re going to be so grumpy. I wish I could say it by mouth.

– Hmm…… I’m a little annoyed. I’m sorry.

I didn’t ask for an apology, so Lilia just replied that she didn’t mean to.

“Wait, that’s not what I meant…!

“I know, Your Highness. I understand it means exactly what you say. I can’t make it clear yet, but I’ll think about it, just”

“Right…… I expect a colorful reply”

“Don’t expect it. I don’t like you.”

With a smile on his face, but clearly so, the prince turned his eyes round, as he had faced them, and laughed with self-derision.

“I am aware that I also had a non- If you can forgive me for being recognized from all around you, then help me.”

“Yes, let’s think about it”

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