Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 65


– No?

– Yeah. I can’t predict the future anymore. With Lilia hanging in there, I can no longer count on my knowledge of the future.

– That’s my first ear… Then how did you know?

– It’s Sakura’s ability as an angel! Thank you.

– Yes, sir. Wow, wow.

Cut it up properly. Sakura complains about not flushing it, but when you’re dealing with someone, you’re confused.

“You called His Highness. Thank you, thank you very much.”

With that said, the female student turned her eyes round. And soon it turns into a bitter laugh. Lilia is acting strange, a female student said.

“Looks like you didn’t have to go get it. Because Mr. Lilia was helping you, Ray. He looked so good!

Lilia didn’t know what it meant, though, to the voice she played. As for Lilia, it’s an action to help Ray, and it means nothing more. But I didn’t have to bother explaining it, so Lilia just said thank you.

“Hey, it’s time…”

Behind the female student, the other two spoke up. When Lilia and I meet each other, we let her shake her body like she was frightened and turn away. Lilia sighed in her heart at the reaction she was used to seeing.

“Your friend will be waiting for you. Go.”

“Ah…… Yes! Can we talk again next time?

“Right. I don’t mind if I take a moment.”

Answering that, the female student smiled happily. Now if you’ll excuse me, I bowed my head in momentum and went back to the two I was with.

– You’re a good boy.

Lilia nodded softly at Sakura’s voice. Start going back to your room. The earlier child is probably not noble or anything, one of the common people. He seemed like he was trying to do his best courtesy, but from Lilia’s point of view, he hasn’t.

But still. That’s why the favor was well conveyed.

– Well, that’s not bad.

Lilia’s mouth angle rises slightly. I noticed that. Sakura was laughing happily.

When I returned to my room, Alisa greeted me with a polite bow of her head. Ask for tea and put it on the table. Then he sipped the prepared tea and turned his gaze to the ceiling.

“Come down.”

Cynthia came right down, Lilia said. I didn’t ask for the location in Sakura this time. I tried to say it appropriately, but he was still in the ceiling. Given that I’m always in the ceiling, I suspect it’s also a secret room.

As Lilia fingered the table, Cynthia sat in the chair, looking frightened.

“Oh, you know, Master Lilia. I looked very good. Good luck.”

– I’m really back…

Sakura snaps like a surprise and Lilia stares at Cynthia intriguingly. I heard from Alisa and the secret detective guy that it would go back to normal, but even with preliminary knowledge, I’m confused about this difference.

“Cynthia, you’re in front of Lilia, so hold on a little tighter.”

I saw Alisa speak up, but it seemed rather counterproductive and I got depressed.

“Well, I don’t mind. Thank you, Cynthia, for today. Thank you so much.”

“Yes, no! I just looked for a kid named Ray… I’m really glad we had to intervene along the way.”

Apparently, Cynthia was anxious that it would be a rough thing. On that point, Lilia hasn’t been worried since I saw those five. Those are just kids with good prestige. There would never have been anything like actually putting your hands up. But I didn’t know what would happen if it went backwards.

“If you want to serve Master Liliane, you must also take care of the rough…”

Lilia narrowed her eyes slightly to Cynthia’s words as if she had been discouraged.

“Lilia’s fine.”


“I’m saying Lilia is fine. It’ll be easier to call you.”

Cynthia opened her mouth in the dusk and had been solidifying for a while. As Lilia stared, she lowered her head as she panicked.

“Thank you! Eh…… Dear Lilia,”

Lilia nods contentedly and drinks tea. I looked softly at Cynthia, and Cynthia laughed lightly into my sight.

– Cynthia is a good girl, after all.

Sakura’s voice echoes on my head. Lilia put her cup of tea on the table and nodded inside.

– Yeah. He seems very capable, and he seems to work well.

– That’s what I say again… Lilia, you can say anything here, but not if you put it in your mouth.

– I know.

“Cynthia, by the way. You said you didn’t like rough stuff, but can you tell me exactly?

On that question, Cynthia shook her body only for a moment, then her gaze swimmed. Alisa grinned bitterly as she tilted her neck wondering what was going on.

“I don’t think you know how to answer that.”

Convinced of Alisa’s answer, then correct it.

“Right. Let’s just say you got caught up in trouble on the south side. How far can we go to deal with this?

“Is it on the south side? Depends on the other person…… If someone who hasn’t studied martial arts is your opponent, you can probably deal with it if you’re up to three.”

“What if I was learning martial arts?

“Depending on the extent, one person, right…”

I see, I’ll snort. But I just nodded, and I can’t tell because I don’t know how far the others can handle it. From what I’ve heard, it doesn’t seem to be a problem, at least in school. I wouldn’t have had a problem with the other five being opponents.

– What about the truth?

– Yeah. More like, Lilia. I know you do, but you can’t ask a secret detective to deal with the rough stuff.

– Oh. Really?

– Really? Because the premise is that you won’t find a secret detective. Naturally, but I think it’s like losing for a secret detective when it comes to cutting head-to-head with a combat pro.

I’m convinced. Then is it a foolishness to come up with something earlier? With that in mind, Sakura laughed and denied it.

– Sure, it’s wrong of you to ask a spy to escort you, but I think Cynthia would be fine. Because I’ve never had anyone with me before. I think we should ask for it.

Lilia nods and once again turns her gaze to Cynthia. Because Lilia had a serious look on her face, Cynthia set aside a cup of tea to correct her residence.

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