Hawkish military industry: I started the national defense lottery

Chapter 67

While Su Chu was conducting research on various technologies at the 303 Institute, the situation in the Middle East was heating up!

The Middle East is a powder keg.

The tension in the Middle East stems partly from the division of national borders during the colonial and post-colonial periods in the early 20th century…….These borders often ignore religious, ethnic and cultural differences, leading to long-term internal conflicts.

After all, there are territorial and border disputes between many countries in the Middle East, and these disputes often become the fuse of conflict.

The most conflicting one is the conflict between the Jewish State and the Canaanite State, which is one of the longest and most complex conflicts in the Middle East…….The two sides involved many aspects such as land, national self-determination, security issues and historical identity.

As we all know, the Middle East is one of the world’s largest oil and gas production regions, and energy politics plays an important role in international relations in the region…….Especially in determining the degree of involvement of international powers in Middle Eastern affairs.

In addition, the Middle East is the birthplace of the world’s three major religions, and tensions between these religions, especially over sacred sites such as Jerusalem, often lead to conflicts.

Most importantly, countries such as the United States and Russia have deep interests in the Middle East…….They influence the situation in the region through military, economic and diplomatic means……It can be said that whether the Middle East is in chaos or not depends on the degree of intervention of countries such as the Bear and the Eagle!

As a major country in the Middle East, the Camel has two major enemies in the Middle East.

One is Iraq.

As two major powers in the region, Iraq and the Camel have serious conflicts in religion, politics and military…….This competition is particularly evident in wars.

The other is the Jewish state.

Since the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948, due to the Canaan issue and the Arab-Israeli conflict, most Arab countries, including the Camel with Turbans, have been opposed to or even hostile to the Jewish state.

You know, the Camel with Turbans is the big brother of the Canaanite state, and the contradiction between the Canaanite state and the Jewish state is relatively large. In this case, the contradiction between the Camel with Turbans and the Jewish state is naturally relatively large!

At the same time, the Camel with Turbans is one of the important centers of Islam, and there is resistance to the Jewish identity of the Jewish state…….The Jewish state sees itself as a democratic country in the Middle East, with significant religious and ideological differences from the Arab world.

The geopolitical competition between the Turban Camel and the Jewish state has also affected the relationship between the two sides, with different positions and interests.

It is precisely because the Turban Camel has two powerful enemies in the Middle East, the Islamic State and the Jewish State, that it has to buy a large number of weapons and equipment from the Rabbit to ensure its own safety.

After all, in the Middle East, the dog owner Turban Camel is considered wealthy!

In June 1995, the first batch of AR2000 rocket launchers had already arrived in the Turban Camel homeland one after another.

At the same time, the Rabbit also arranged professional personnel for professional training, so the Turban Camel also quickly mastered the relevant use technology of the AR2000 rocket launcher.

It can be said that by September 1995, the first batch of AR2000 rocket launchers of the Turban had already formed a certain combat effectiveness!

On September 3, 1995.

In a quiet and tense desert night.

A border post of Turban Camel stands quietly in the boundless sea of sand, like an isolated island, guarding the country’s border.

The moonlight is thin, the stars are sparse, and only the occasional night breeze, with the dryness and coolness unique to the desert, breaks the silence.

However, this tranquility did not last long, and a sudden disaster was about to break the peace here.

On such a seemingly ordinary night, a rocket shell whistled in like a meteor that streaked through the night sky, carrying the breath of death.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh…

The target of this rocket shell was this lonely border post.

At the moment when the shell approached, the soldiers in the post were probably still immersed in the longing for their families or the longing for tomorrow, but they had never expected that the shadow of death had quietly enveloped them…….

A deafening roar instantly tore through the silence of the night.

The rocket shells accurately hit the core area of the outpost. The power of the explosion was like a beast that had been imprisoned for a long time, suddenly breaking free and releasing terrifying power…….Whoosh whoosh……

The air was filled with smoke!

The flames shot up into the sky, lighting up the entire night sky. The tranquility of the desert was completely broken, replaced by chaos, panic and destruction…….

The shock wave from the explosion was like an invisible giant hand, fiercely slapping the surrounding sand, raising yellow sand all over the sky, forming a large mushroom cloud that soared into the sky. Under the huge force of the explosion, the building structure of the turbaned outpost collapsed instantly like paper, and rubble and steel bars flew everywhere, interweaving with the raging flames to form a doomsday-like scene…….



In this sudden disaster, all the soldiers in the outpost had almost no chance of survival.

At the moment of the explosion, they may have just felt an irresistible force, and then they were swallowed by endless darkness and silence.

Their figures, in the fierce fire and smoke, were forever frozen in the posture of heroes…….Although silent, it tells a story of loyalty and sacrifice.

After the explosion, the site of the outpost became a ruin, with scorched earth and debris everywhere, and the air was filled with pungent smoke and burnt smells, which was suffocating. The once sturdy buildings are now only twisted metal frames and scattered bricks, silently telling the cruelty and ruthlessness of war.

Soon, the military of Turban Camel was the first to learn about the situation and immediately arranged for a rescue team to come.

The rescue team rushed to the scene as soon as possible, but in the face of such a tragic scene, all they could do was to quietly clean up the mess and look for possible survivors…….Although there was little hope.

In this sudden bombing, the fragility of life and the cruelty of war were infinitely magnified. Every death was a silent accusation against peace. There were a total of 10 soldiers in the entire outpost, and none of them survived!

The news quickly spread in Turban Camel, and the whole country was shocked…….People are angry and saddened by this sudden attack. They never thought that someone would dare to attack the border post of Turban Camel. This is not only a provocation to national security, but also a ruthless trampling on the lives of those soldiers who bravely guard the border.

Social media and news websites are full of reports about this tragedy. Every word is like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of the Turban Camel people.

“It’s so terrible, how can these people be so cruel?”A young mother said to her friend while shopping in the supermarket:”Those soldiers also have their own families, their own parents and children. They are there to protect us, but now they are……”

Her words were choked with sobs and her eyes were red.

“Yeah, I can’t believe it.” Her friend clenched her hands and said angrily,”We must find out who did it and make them pay the price!”

In the cafe, the old people gathered together, their eyes full of worry and anger:”We have experienced war and know its cruelty.”

An old man said solemnly,”Although the Middle East is in chaos, I didn’t expect that someone would do something to our turbaned camels…….This is trying to destroy our peace.”

“The king will certainly seek justice for us.” Another old man said firmly:”We must make the other party pay the price.”

In the school, the children were also shocked by this tragedy…….They may not fully understand the cruelty of war, but they know that those soldiers died to protect them.

“We have to pray for them.”We hope they can rest in peace in heaven,” said a little girl. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The whole country was immersed in grief and anger. People took to the streets to protest and demanded that the government find the attackers and seek justice for them.

The national flag of the Camel with Turbans fluttered in the crowd, and people shouted slogans to express their anger and determination.

In the face of this crisis, King Fahd of the Camel with Turbans responded quickly…….He issued a national statement, vowing to thoroughly investigate the matter, seek justice for the soldiers who died, and strengthen border defense to ensure the security of the country and the peace of the people.

“This is a shameless attack.”It has taken the lives of our brave soldiers and trampled on the dignity of our nation,” King Fahd said, his voice echoing on television and radio.”

“I know that every soldier’s sacrifice is an irreparable loss, and their families and relatives are suffering unspeakable pain…….On behalf of the government, I express my deepest respect and condolences to all the soldiers who lost their lives.”[]

“We will stop at nothing to find out who is behind this attack.” King Fahd said in a firm and powerful voice:”Whoever they are, wherever they hide, we will bring them to justice and seek justice for the soldiers who died…….At the same time, I will strengthen the defense of the border to ensure that our country will no longer be threatened by such a threat.”

King Fahd’s speech won warm applause and support from the people of the country.

In the following days, the Camel Government launched a comprehensive investigation…….They used the most advanced technology and means to track every possible clue.

At the same time, Turban Camel also strengthened the defense of the border, increased the number of soldiers and equipment, and ensured that the security of the country was no longer threatened.

This rocket attack not only brought a devastating blow to the Turban Camel border post, but also ignited the powder keg of the Middle East!

For a while, the situation in the Middle East became more tense.

After intensive investigation and intelligence gathering, the results of the investigation soon surfaced: the armed forces that attacked the border post turned out to be the Jewish State…….This discovery shocked the top leaders of the Turban Camel government. They did not expect the Jewish State to make such a provocative move.

Although the Turban Camel and the Jewish State are in a hostile relationship, the Jewish State’s attack on the Turban Camel border post is a provocation…….This is really an act of war.

When King Fahd heard the news, his face was terribly gloomy…….He immediately convened senior government and military leaders to discuss how to deal with the crisis……..In the conference room, King Fahd listened to a detailed report of the investigation results, his eyes revealing anger and determination.

“We must respond strongly to this attack.” King Fahd said in a deep and powerful voice:”We cannot let our soldiers die in vain, nor can we let the dignity of our country be trampled upon.”

“If we don’t take a strong response this time, we will not be able to gain a foothold in the Middle East in the future!”

The Middle East is so chaotic. If we don’t have some means and capabilities, other countries will share it.

Senior government officials and military generals expressed their agreement, and they began to discuss specific action plans and counterattack plans!

At the same time, the official Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Jewish State answered this at a press conference.

A reporter said to the spokesperson of the Jewish Foreign Affairs Department,”Hello, I heard that a border post of Turbaned Camel was attacked by rocket shells. According to the existing information, it seems that your Jewish country used rocket shells to attack the border post of Turbaned Camel. Is this true?”

The Foreign Affairs Department said calmly,”That’s right…….The rocket attack on the Turban Camel border post was indeed our doing…….But this is a misunderstanding!”

“When we were conducting military exercises in the border area, because it was a night exercise, our rocket shells had an accident and mistakenly bombed the border post of Turbaned Camel!”

“I deeply apologize for this!”

What a mistake!”

This explanation immediately caused an uproar among the reporters present, and they all started to discuss it.

Obviously, this is a nonsense explanation.

You know, although the two countries of Turban Camel and the State of Israel have long been hostile to each other, they do not border each other.

The State of Israel is a country located in the Palestinian region of West Asia, southeast of the Mediterranean Sea…….

The turbaned camel is located in the Arabian Peninsula in southwestern Asia, bordering the Persian Gulf to the east and the Red Sea to the west…….

From a geographical point of view, there are Jordan, Egypt and other countries between the Jewish State and Turban Camel, and the two countries do not directly border each other.

How can a country that does not border each other be bombed by mistake?

In other words, the rocket artillery simply flew over Jordan’s airspace and then bombed the Turban Camel border post?

The error is so large?

Moreover, the area of the border post is not large, and it belongs to a very small military unit. The rocket shells of the Jewish State can accurately blow up the Turban Camel border post……This is obviously a precision strike, not a mistake!

Otherwise, it is impossible to strike a border post so accurately!

No one believes this explanation!

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