Hawkish military industry: I started the national defense lottery

Chapter 69

The West Galilee military base of the Jewish state was bombed by rocket launchers, which shocked the entire Jewish state.

Although the Middle East is full of wars, the Jewish state is the little bully of the Middle East. It can be said that it will attack anyone it dislikes, but it rarely burns the flames of war to its own territory.

Therefore, the bombing of the West Galilee military base is definitely a big deal for the Jewish state!

The Jewish state immediately launched an investigation to see whether Hamas or Hezbollah used rocket launchers to sneak attack the West Galilee military base, but it did not doubt that it was done by the Turban Camel.

After all, in the eyes of the Jewish state, the rocket shells of the Turban Camel cannot reach so far.

However, at this time, the Turban Camel held a relevant press conference!

Transcript of the Turban Camel Press Conference: Long-range Rocket Launch Incident and National Defense Force Display

In an elegantly decorated press conference room in Riyadh, the capital of Turban Camel, the spotlight is focused on the center of the podium.

On the stage, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Mohammed Abdul-Jabbar, an Arab official with profound diplomatic experience and known for his sharp words, was preparing to make an important statement on recent domestic military developments and international relations.

Offstage, reporters from all over the world were holding recorders and cameras, ready to go.

The press conference began.

Mohammed Abdul-Jabbar walked slowly to the front of the stage, facing the camera, his expression serious and firm:”Dear media friends, thank you for taking the time to attend today’s press conference…….Today, I will give you a detailed account of a recent unfortunate incident in our country’s military field caused by a technical error, as well as the latest progress of Turban Camel in maintaining national security.”

“First of all, I must express our deepest apologies to the international community for a recent unfortunate incident.”

“Last week, during a routine test of a new type of long-range rocket launcher in my country, a technical failure and poor communication caused a rocket to deviate from its intended trajectory and unfortunately hit the Jewish military base in Western Galilee, causing casualties and property losses…….We are deeply saddened by this accident and would like to express our sincerest apologies to the affected countries and individuals.”

An accidental bombing!

Another accidental bombing! The reporters present wanted to laugh when they heard this reason! Six rockets flew more than a thousand kilometers and bombed a Jewish military base…….Was this an accidental bombing?

It was obviously a precision strike!

How could the error be so precise?

However, everyone present understood that the Jewish State had previously claimed that a rocket launcher had accidentally bombed the border post of Turban Camel, and now Turban Camel, the dog owner, also claimed that a military base of the Jewish State had been accidentally bombed…….This is tit for tat. It is also disgusting to the Jewish state.

The Jewish state accidentally bombed a border post of the dog owner, and the dog owner accidentally bombed a military base of the Jewish state…….Well, that makes sense!

This was not an accidental bombing! It was definitely revenge!

Mohammed Abdul-Jabbar changed the subject, suppressed his smile, and continued:”However, we must point out that such incidents are by no means the original intention of the Turbaned Camel, nor are they the model of international relations we pursue!”


Not the original intention!

It was intentional!

The Turbaned Camel was obviously taking revenge on the Jewish State in this way.

Then, Mohammed Abdul-Jabbar changed the subject, his tone full of firm expectations, and said:”However, I would like to take this opportunity to announce to the world that our Turbaned Camel has made remarkable achievements in national defense construction.”

“Recently, we have newly installed a batch of new weapon systems, including long-range rocket launchers. These equipment not only greatly enhance our military’s long-range strike capability, but also provide a solid guarantee for us to defend our national sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

“We are fully aware that peace and stability are the cornerstones of regional and even global development…….But at the same time, we must also emphasize that we will take all necessary measures to respond to any provocation and violation against Turban Camel to protect national sovereignty and security.”

This sentence is to tell the Jewish State: We bombed your military base. If you have the guts to go to war with us, we have newly equipped many advanced weapons and equipment. Who is afraid of whom! There is something else behind his words!

No one is afraid of anyone!

After Muhammad Abdul-Jabbar finished his speech, he immediately began to answer questions from reporters.

A reporter raised his hand and asked,”Mr. Muhammad, is the bombing of the Jewish State’s Western Galilee military base related to the bombing of your country’s previous border post?”

Facing the curious eyes of the reporters below the stage, Muhammad Abdul-Jabbar smiled slightly and explained lightly:”Regarding this incident, there must be voices in the outside world that believe that this is our revenge for the Jewish State’s so-called accidental bombing of our border post.”

“Here, I would like to make it clear that as a responsible major country, we, the Camel, never advocate a tit-for-tat strategy…….But we must admit that any action on the international political stage may have a chain reaction……We hope that this incident will prompt all parties to think calmly and jointly maintain regional peace and stability.”

It was obviously a tit-for-tat move, but the Jewish State could do nothing about it.

Soon, another foreign reporter raised his hand and asked,”Mr. Mohammed, can the long-range rocket launcher you mentioned just now reach a range of one thousand kilometers? Can it strike the Jewish military base in Western Galilee from the mainland?”

Mohammed Abdul-Jabbar smiled and answered confidently,”Yes, this new type of long-range rocket launcher not only has a range of far more than one thousand kilometers, but also has reached the international advanced level in terms of accuracy, power and rapid response capability.”

“Its deployment marks an important step for the Turban Camel in the field of national defense science and technology, and also demonstrates our firm determination to safeguard national security.

He further elaborated:”We are well aware that peace requires a strong national defense force to protect it…….Therefore, Turban Camel will continue to strengthen national defense construction and upgrade the level of military equipment to cope with the complex situation in the Middle East!”

At the press conference, Muhammad Abdul-Jabbar did not reveal that this ultra-long-range rocket launcher was the AR2000 rocket launcher from Rabbit.

As Muhammad Abdul-Jabbar finished his speech, warm applause rang out at the press conference.

Turban Camel took this press conference as an opportunity to insult the Jewish State purely disgustingly, and severely retaliated against the Jewish State for accidentally bombing the Turban Camel border post, giving the same treatment to the people in their own way!

Quite beautiful!

Of course.

The reason why Turban Camel is so tough is that he bought a lot of advanced weapons and equipment from Rabbit to ensure peace.

After the press conference, Turban Camel ordered the troops to enter a state of readiness to respond to possible retaliatory actions by the Jewish State at any time.

On the other side.

In the capital of the Jewish State, the night is low and the stars are dotted, and in the center of this ancient city, a sudden crisis is quietly spreading.

The lights of the National Security Agency are bright, and the atmosphere is so tense that it is almost suffocating.

The intelligence on the screen is constantly updated, and each one is like a heavy hammer, knocking on everyone’s heart.

“Is it confirmed? Was the Western Galilee military base really bombarded by turbaned camels from thousands of miles away?”The second-in-command of the Jewish state spoke in a deep and powerful voice, his eyes full of disbelief.

The intelligence chief looked solemn and nodded:”Yes, Prime Minister……Turban Camel has held a press conference to explain the matter!”

“They used a new type of rocket launcher with a range of more than a thousand kilometers, and……”He hesitated for a moment, but still said,”And our air defense system can’t intercept them at all. Their speed and maneuverability are beyond imagination, and their power is huge.”

“And they claimed that it was an accidental bombing!”

An accidental bombing!

What a familiar excuse!

The Jewish State used the same excuse to bomb the border post of Turban Camel.

The Jewish State never expected that Turban Camel would retaliate with such an excuse and method so soon!

The entire conference room fell into a dead silence. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The second-in-command of the Jewish State clenched his fists, his nails almost embedded in his palms.

He knew what such a long-range rocket launcher meant…….He was thinking about what kind of catastrophe the Jewish state would face if such weapons were used in a full-scale war.

After all, the current air defense system of the Jewish state is unable to intercept the rocket launcher of the Turbaned Camel!

Therefore, even if the Jewish state wants to go to war with the Turbaned Camel now, it has some reservations! The reason why the Jewish state is called the Little Overlord of the Middle East is because its military strength is strong enough to bully other small and weak countries in the Middle East.

But once it encounters a strong country like the Turbaned Camel, the Jewish state will not dare to go to war arrogantly.

There is another reason.

That is, there is a big brother behind the Jewish state and the Turbaned Camel-the Eagle Sauce.

The Eagle Sauce also does not want the Jewish state and the Turbaned Camel to really fight. The

Eagle Sauce does not care if the two countries have minor frictions, but if the two countries really fight, the Eagle Sauce will definitely not agree…….After all, the dollar hegemony of the Eagle Sauce still depends on the oil of the dog rich family! []

After thinking about it, the second-in-command of the Jewish State slowly said:”Immediately launch the emergency response plan and strengthen our defense system…….At the same time, we should also consider diplomatic channels and ask Turban Camel for an explanation!”

“As for further military conflict, the time is not ripe yet!”

In the end, the Jewish state decided not to go to war with the Turban Camel!

The Middle East is a country with frequent wars, and there are frictions and wars of all sizes almost every day.

Originally, the friction between the Jewish state and the Turban Camel was not a big event, but it attracted the attention of the Eagle Sauce.

The Eagle Sauce did not care how many people were killed and injured at the Turban Camel border outpost and the Jewish military base, but was concerned about the rocket launcher with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers in the mouth of the Turban Camel!

Good guy!

Even the world hegemon, the Eagle Sauce, does not have a rocket launcher with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers!

The Eagle Sauce suspected that it was sold to the Turban Camel by the Big Turquoise Bear.

After all, in the eyes of the Eagle Sauce, perhaps only the Mao Zedong could make such an advanced rocket launcher. Bear!


Eagle Sauce’s Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs Oxter and Turban Camel’s Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs Mohammed Barah had a phone call.

At the beginning, Oxter naturally asked about the conflicts and problems between the Jewish State and Turban Camel, expressing concern and so on.

Going through the process.

As for both sides saying that it was a mistaken bombing, Eagle Sauce naturally didn’t believe it.

No one would believe such a precise and targeted mistaken bombing.

Of course.

Oxter would not expose the problems of the two countries. After chatting for a while, Oxter got to the point and asked:”Mr. Mohammed, I heard that you Turban Camel have recently installed a new type of ultra-long-range rocket launcher with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers!”

A rocket launcher of more than 1,000 kilometers can be called a medium-range missile!

According to the relevant definition of medium-range missiles, medium-range missiles have a range of 1,002,770 kilometers to 3,000 kilometers!

Mohammed Barah did not hide it and said:”Yes, Mr. Oxter, this is our newest and most advanced rocket launcher!”

Oxter asked quickly:”Can I know some information about this rocket launcher?”

Muhammad Barah:”Of course……However, I refuse to answer questions involving information that involves military secrets!”

“Of course!” Oxter asked the first question first:”What is the specific range of your rocket launcher? Can you tell me?”

Muhammad Barah did not hide it and said:”The range of this new type of ultra-long-range rocket launcher is about 2,000 kilometers!”

The two���Kilometers?

Your rocket launcher is 2,000 kilometers?

Even the well-informed Foreign Minister Oxter couldn’t help but gasp….

Rocket launchers with a range of 2,000 kilometers can be called medium-range missiles! Even the most advanced rocket launcher in the United States has a range of only more than 400 kilometers. This little turbaned camel actually has a rocket launcher with a range of more than 2,000 kilometers?

It’s simply incredible!

Oxter hurriedly asked again:”Excuse me, is this a rocket launcher developed by you? Or did you buy it from another country?”

Muhammad Barah:”This is what we just introduced?”

Oxter:”From which country? The Russian Bear? The Gallic Rooster or John Bull?”

The Russian Bear, the Gallic Rooster, and John Bull……These are all military powers.

But Oxter just didn’t guess it was the rabbit.

Muhammad Barah:”None of these countries……It’s a rabbit!”

“This is the latest and most advanced rocket launcher we imported from Rabbit!”


This……This is actually a rocket launcher developed by Rabbit?

Oxter was shocked: You Rabbits have no martial ethics, the range is 2,000 kilometers, you say this is a rocket launcher?

PS: The tenth update, a total of more than 40,000 words updated [Lao Zhan said that the release of 20 chapters of 2,000 words or 40,000 words, now it has been completed] full of sincerity!

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