He gave me years of peace

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Chapter 18, “it’s hard to guard against hidden arrows. “

Author: Luo Yi gave her snow MACHINE TRANSLATION

When she was lying in bed in a daze at night, du Anran’s mind was filled with thoughts of everything that had happened recently. It was already late at night, but she still could not fall asleep. The window on the balcony was open, and the night wind blew in from the outside, blowing the dark blue curtains silently.

With the help of the light, she saw the Blue Jacaranda that was blooming just right outside the window. The Blue Flowers were like a dream, like a fairyland. From tomorrow onwards, would she really have to leave this place forever?

Tears flowed down her cheeks silently, wetting the pillow.

Her phone vibrated on the table. She opened it. It was a text message from Jin Shaonan asking her to go for an interview at nine o’clock tomorrow morning. At the end of the text message was a warm “goodnight” and a beautiful smile.

She smiled slightly on the other end of the phone and replied “goodnight” , but she could not calm herself down.

Her mother still did not know what happened tonight. What should she tell her tomorrow. Between her and Xin Zimo, it could not be cut off. It was still messy. What should she do to end it… …

That night, Du Anran did not sleep. At four o’clock in the morning, when the sky was just beginning to brighten, she stood in front of the window and looked down at everything in the villa, unable to extricate herself.

She had not slept properly for more than a month, and she was very tired.

When Sun Ping appeared in the villa, it was already past eight in the morning. Just as Du Anran was about to set off, he blocked the villa’s entrance.

Du Anran knew that Sun Ping was Xin Zimo’s personal secretary, and her heart skipped a beat. He came to ask for the House so early?

Sun Ping had never been a talkative person. He was quiet and reliable, and Xin zimo trusted him deeply. When he stood in front of Du Anran, he only took off his sunglasses and bowed politely.

“Secretary Sun. ” Du Anran moved the boxes that she had packed yesterday into the courtyard. “My things are all packed. Can I go out for a while? We’ll move out when I come back. ”

She did not communicate much with Sun Ping. She only knew that he had always been loyal to Xin Zimo, but she did not know if he would be able to accommodate her.

“Miss Du. ” Sun Ping had always been business-like. “I’m not here to take over the house. President Xin asked me to invite you over. ”

Du Anran was a little surprised. Didn’t he say what he should have said yesterday When she thought of what happened last night, she felt inexplicably angry. She did not want to see him.

“Help me pass on the message. I have an important interview today. I have to go, ” Du Anran said perfunctorily.

“Then I’m afraid I can’t help you, ” Sun Ping said helplessly. “President Xin is in the city hospital. He asked me to bring you there. ”

City hospital Wasn’t it the place where Mother Xin was hospitalized He must have come to interrogate her… …

“then can I go there later? I’ll definitely go there, ” Du Anran said anxiously. There was still half an hour before the interview, and she still had to rush to the news agency.

“President Xin is waiting for you at the hospital… ” Sun Ping said slowly.

“I said I’m not free, so I’M NOT FREE! ” Du Anran was also angry. She was really like a Master and servant. This Sun Ping was so wishy-washy. No wonder he was already twenty-eight years old and didn’t even have a girlfriend.

She walked around Sun Ping, took her bag, and walked out. Sun Ping didn’t catch up to her. He just quietly called Xin Zimo. Du Anran didn’t walk far when she saw a taxi. She quickly stopped it.

“President Xin, Miss Du said she has an interview in the morning, so she can’t go, ” Sun Ping said.

Xin Zimo had been in the hospital for a long time. He took care of his mother while waiting for Du Anran. He was still brooding about last night’s incident. So much so that when Sun Ping called to say that Du Anran couldn’t come, he was very angry.

“bring her here immediately. If you can’t bring her here, don’t even think about getting your bonus this month. ” Xin zimo threatened Sun Ping.

Sun Ping’s face was full of black lines, but he couldn’t refute, so he could only be submissive. “Yes, President Xin, I’ll try my best. ”

It was 8:55 when Du Anran rushed to the newspaper office. Along the way, Jin Shaonan called her several times. Because she didn’t sleep well last night and wasn’t prepared, Du Anran was still very nervous.

The interview location was on the third floor. When du Anran got out of the taxi, she was just about to walk into the office building when a car blocked her way. The person in the car was Sun Ping.

“Miss Du, come with me. It won’t take long. ” Sun Ping’s tone became pleading. This was related to his livelihood.

While he was surprised at the speed of Sun Ping’s appearance, he leisurely bypassed Sun Ping’s car. “If you have patience, just wait for me, ” Du Anran said unhappily.

Du Anran didn’t have time to talk to him anymore. She hurriedly walked to the third floor. Sun Ping was helpless. He really had to wait downstairs.

Jin Shaonan was among the interviewers. When she first entered, he winked at her and smiled. This gave du Anran a lot of confidence. Although she did not sleep well yesterday, she still dressed up carefully. Today, she changed into a royal blue dress and a small suit. She was capable and generous. She was born with a dignified and beautiful appearance. When they first met, she left a good impression on the interviewers.

There was a woman among the interviewers. When she saw Du Anran, she let out a soft “AH” . Du Anran looked at her and felt that she looked familiar. She thought for a moment and realized that it was a female reporter who had done an exclusive interview for her before.

She definitely did not expect that the world peace’s Du Anran would one day come out to look for a job. White clouds and gray dogs, the ups and downs of the world. It turned out that they were all unpredictable.

It was just a normal interview. Although du Anran did not have much experience, she was used to all kinds of situations, so she handled it well.

She thought that she would be retained, but the president said, “come here in the afternoon for a written exam. 2:30, please be punctual. “.

Du Anran did not expect that. Come in the afternoon Sun Ping was still blocking the news agency downstairs. But she could not do anything. She could only nod. “Okay, I’ll be there on time. ”

She wanted to stay in the news agency building so that Sun Ping might not be able to find her. She would wait until the written test was over and then check the situation.

With that thought, Du Anran decisively did not go out. When she heard that there was a restaurant on the fourth floor of the building, Du Anran, who had not eaten breakfast, quickly went up. From the floor-to-ceiling window, she saw Sun Ping’s car. It was still parked in the same place, and Sun Ping himself seemed to be looking around.

Sun Ping could not wait for du Anran, so he had to call Xin Zimo again. “President Xin, Miss Du has gone up for an interview. She might be able to go later. ”

“interview? What company? ” Xin Zimo was getting impatient from waiting and asked coldly.

“If I’m not wrong, it should be the city evening news, ” Sun Ping said.

City Evening News Xin Zimo’s nerves were touched. Wasn’t this the newspaper industry where Jin Shaonan worked She actually went to Jin Shaonan’s place of work He couldn’t help but recall the scene last night when she sent Jin Shaonan away. At that time, she was all smiles and full of energy.

“Give President Yang a call and tell him that I’ve agreed to the sponsorship that he applied for from the Xin Corporation. However, there’s a small condition, ” Xin Zimo said.

Sun Ping, who had followed Xin Zimo for a few years, instantly understood what Xin Zimo meant. He quickly said, “President Xin, I understand. I’ll call President Yang now. ”

“okay. ” Xin Zimo didn’t have much. He knew that Sun Ping could handle the matter well.

In City A, even the mayor would respect Xin Zimo. He didn’t believe that he couldn’t do anything to Jin Shaonan.

Du Anran sat alone in the restaurant for a long time. She didn’t know if she should call Jin Shaonan. After thinking for a while, she decided not to call him in order not to disturb his work.

It wasn’t until two o’clock in the afternoon that she leisurely packed her things and went to the third floor. Ever since she changed her new phone, there were fewer people who could disturb her. Her world suddenly became quiet.

The written test was conducted using a computer. There were more than a dozen people present, all of them full of confidence. Although she had forgotten a lot of her knowledge, Du Anran felt that it would not be a big problem for her to pass.

After about an hour, Du Anran left the newspaper office building. Before she left, she did not see Jin Shaonan. He seemed to be in a meeting, so she had to leave first.

However, she did not expect Sun Ping to be so patient. He waited until almost four in the afternoon.

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