He gave me years of peace

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Chapter 21, there was an accident at the approach bridge

Author: Luo Yi gave her snow MACHINE TRANSLATION

Du Anran walked forward aimlessly. She did not know where she had been since she came out of the hospital. She only walked along a place where there were fewer people. Suddenly, she remembered that there was a bridge across the river nearby.

She remembered that when she was young, she loved to walk on the bridge because walking from beginning to end gave her an endless sense of achievement. There were iron chains on the bridge, and she liked to count as she walked. Later, when she grew up, she did not have enough time, but when she was free, she would still go there.

She always felt that it was a very beautiful place. When she was young, the three of them would often take a walk there.

A faint smile appeared on her lips. In fact, she had never told Xin Zimo this little secret, even though they had been in love for two years. She was afraid that he would laugh at her naivety, so she never told him, let alone begged him to walk with her on the bridge.

In the end, they hadn’t reached the point where they would say anything, so this kind of love would eventually turn into pieces… …

Unknowingly, Du Anran arrived at the approach bridge. The approach bridge was a very long distance. She knew that it would take forty minutes to walk from the end of the bridge to the end of the bridge.

Cars came and went on the bridge. The Sky gradually darkened, and the lights on the bridge lit up one by one. In the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and Purple Halo, Du Anran was like a lost child who could not find the road to go forward.

Under the bridge was rolling river water, surging with stormy waves. Du Anran listened carefully, and she could hear the soul-stirring voice. The voice struck deep into her heart, and it became more and more difficult to calm down.

But at that moment, du Anran’s phone rang.

“Mom, what’s the matter? ”

“Anran, are you back? The person who bought the house took the villa away today. If you’re back, come to room 186 in Stone Gate Alley. I’ve rented a house here. ”

Her mother’s tone was always calm. Du Anran once wondered if no matter what happened, her mother would not have an expression of great sorrow or joy. She had never seen her mother angry, never seen her mother angry, nor had she seen her mother wail.

“Mom… ” it was du Anran who suddenly burst into tears. However, she tried her best to suppress her choking voice. “I’ll be back in a while. ”

“Yes, everything is packed. It’s not bad here. Come back soon. ” Bai Ruyun was still very calm.

After hanging up the phone, du Anran’s tears continued to fall like raindrops. He resolutely took away the house and destroyed the last place they could stay. How ruthless was his heart… …

Just as Du Anran walked from the end of the bridge to the end, she did not realize that there were three or four men hiding behind her.

“stay away from her. Don’t let her find out, ” one of the men whispered.

“How long will this last? ” Someone began to complain. The summer nights were torturous. There was not even a hint of wind, and there were many mosquitoes flying around.

“soon. When we reach the end of the bridge, it will be a desolate area. We’ll make our move then, ” a man said.

“We… won’t be discovered, right? ”

“Don’t scare yourself. It’s impossible. Besides, if something happens, someone will take the blame. What’s there to be afraid of? ”

“That’s true. Then we’ll continue to follow. Don’t lose them. ”

“It’s just a bridge. How could we lose them? ”

Du Anran was completely unaware of the situation behind her. She was still immersed in the memories of the past. Things Change, people don’t change. Time has passed, and even this bridge has been repaired and built many times, let alone the human world.

Du anran suddenly stopped. She did not continue to walk forward, but stood beside the railing of the bridge. She saw the surging waves of the river under the night sky.

The wind by the river blew her hair and skirt, and the faint smell of the river water assailed her face. She was like a blue butterfly, standing in the wind and waiting quietly.

She closed her eyes and felt the summer night wind. She really wanted to jump down just like that… …

Shocked by her own thoughts, she shook her head and hurriedly took a few steps back. She no longer stood beside the railing, but moved away from the side of the bridge. These days, she must have been too tired to have these inexplicable thoughts, these thoughts that must never be allowed.

When she reached the end of the bridge, Du Anran calculated that it was about forty minutes. However, this was the first time she had walked across the bridge alone after growing up. She felt somewhat inexplicably sad.

The end of the bridge was dim and there was an old house that was waiting to be demolished to block her view. The men behind Du Anran saw that the time was right and quickly ran up to surround du Anran.

“Who are you people? ” Du Anran was shocked. She did not expect to encounter an accident in such a place.

“Who do you care who we are! ” The leader waved his hand, and the two men behind him immediately grabbed a black sack and put it over du Anran’s head.

“Let go of me! Let go of me! ” Du Anran struggled with all her might.

Under the cover of the old house, the group of people brought Du Anran into the old house. After making sure that no one followed them, the leader made another hand gesture. The men behind him understood and tied the sack tightly before punching and kicking.

“Sob… ” Du anran cried. She did not know who she had offended. In the business world, she had never made enemies with anyone, so why would someone take revenge on her.

She could not understand and did not want to think about it anymore. If she died like this, it could be considered a very good ending… … At least she did not have to deal with the sinister people in this world anymore. At least she would not be so tired …

The old house was dim and empty. After about five minutes, when the leader saw that Du Anran did not make much movement, he waved his hand. “Don’t kill her. ”

“Boss, look at this woman. She is quite delicate. I don’t know how she offended CEO Xin. ”

“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask! ” The leader lit a cigarette and looked at du Anran, who was motionless. He called his men, “let’s go. No one is allowed to tell anyone. ”

“I know, I know. ”

The leader’s voice was actually very familiar to Du Anran. Wasn’t it that brother Wang from the bar back then Even though he deliberately changed his tone.

The sound of footsteps gradually faded away, and the sound of ticking came from somewhere. Was this the sound of the countdown of life The pain in Du Anran’s body seemed to have lessened. Slowly, she gradually fell asleep in the sound… …

Bai Ruyun waited at home until twelve o’clock, but she did not wait for du Anran to come back. She called Du Anran several times, but no one picked up. She was anxious. She knew that Du Anran had a bad sense of direction, and she was afraid that she would not be able to find stone gate alley. However, even if she could not find it, she would not refuse to answer her calls… …

Bai ruyun quickly called Jin Shaonan. She knew that Anran should be at Jin Shaonan’s news agency today. Perhaps they had dinner together tonight.

“Auntie, what’s the matter? ” At that time, Jin Shaonan was rushing a press release. He was a little surprised when he received a call from Du Anran’s mother.

“Shaonan, is Du Anran at your place? ” Bai Ruyun’s voice sounded anxious.

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