He gave me years of peace

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Chapter 33, the heart of a beast with a human face

Author: Luo Yi gave her snow MACHINE TRANSLATION

“Anran, I’m telling you the truth. Trust me… ” Xin Zimo knocked on the door of the ward, but it was useless.

Du Anran bit her lip and didn’t let her tears fall. Her body was hers, and she had to live on. The doctor said that she couldn’t cry.

“Anran, please don’t cry. It’s not worth it to cry for such a person, ” Bai Ruyun said, but she couldn’t control her tears. They fell like broken beads.

“Mom, I won’t cry… ” Du Anran’s voice was already choked with sobs. “In the future, don’t let him come over again… ”

“I know, I know. ” Bai ruyun nodded. “Mom didn’t know that he was such a person in the past. I thought that he helped us out of nostalgia. I didn’t expect… ”

“You can’t judge a book by its cover. He, Xin Zimo, is a b * stard with a human face and a beast’s heart! ” Du Anran said angrily.

It gradually became quiet outside the door. It seemed that Xin Zimo had left.

“Anran, did he never love you? ” Bai Ruyun asked.

Du Anran controlled her emotions She nodded calmly. “Yes… … Never. He’s been using me to get information on Shihe. You know, he even hooked up with my previous secretary, Xiao Qingqing. I never knew about all of this Xiao Qingqing helped him steal information while she was in Shihe, and he let someone cheat his uncle out of his shares. He even got his uncle addicted to gambling and drugs, and he owed a large sum of debt The two of them worked together from the inside out, and Shihe went bankrupt just like that … ..

“sometimes, I even speak up for him… ” Bai Ruyun was very remorseful. “I thought you were being petty… ”

“Yeah, he’s just good at pretending to be oblivious. You never know which of his words are true and which are false. Even you have been deceived by his appearance. ” After saying all this to her mother, Du Anran finally felt better.

“But why is he still provoking you now? He even said that he likes you? ” Bai Ruyun asked suspiciously.

“Mom, do you think I’m still useful? ” Du Anran asked calmly and seriously.

“This… ” Bai Ruyun couldn’t think of anything. Du Anran had nothing now, and so did the DU family.

“maybe my looks are still useful. ” Du Anran sneered, “or, a domineering person like him can’t tolerate others’ resistance, so the more he can’t get, the more he wants. ”

Bai Ruyun didn’t comment, “you were almost married before, now that I think about it… It’s good. ”

“In fact, for a smart person like him, marriage is also a kind of bargaining chip. Mom, do you understand what I mean? ” Du Anran said calmly.

“Yes, I understand. ” Bai ruyun nodded. “maybe he lied to Xiao Qingqing to steal the information of the world peace and used this attractive condition. ”

“Yes. ” Du Anran sighed.

“Anran, when you’re better, let’s go back to our hometown, okay? We’ve lived in city a for more than twenty years. I miss my hometown too. ” Bai Ruyun’s eyes were wet again.

“Mom, I want to stay at the news agency… ” Du Anran said.

Bai Ruyun was stunned at first, then she nodded. “No matter where you are, mom will stay with you. And Shaonan, he is a good man. ”

“Yes. ” Du Anran thought for a moment. “actually, it’s Shaonan who gave me the courage to live. If one day, he hasn’t changed and can still accept me, then I’m willing to try to accept him. ”

“really? I like Jin Shaonan very much. ” Bai Ruyun was very happy, although she knew that Du Anran loved Xin Zimo so much, and the depth of her love was now as deep as her hatred. Her trust was like a piece of white paper that could never be smoothed.

“actually, it’s not difficult to choose between the people you love and the people who love you. People’s hearts will change eventually. I don’t know when the person who loves you might become the person you love. ” Du Anran’s tone was flat.

“It’s great that you can think like that. ” Bai ruyun sighed. She was afraid that Du Anran would not be able to walk out, so she was slightly relieved now.

Du Anran smelled the fragrance of flowers outside the window, and she suddenly thought of something. “Mom, that bouquet of blue enchantress was given to you by Xin Zimo, right? ”

“Yes… ” Bai Ruyun did not hide it from her anymore. She immediately stood up and pulled out the blue enchantress from the vase. “I’ll throw it away now. ”

Du Anran did not stop her. She only nodded quietly.

When she opened the door, Bai Ruyun was shocked. It turned out that Xin Zimo had not left yet. He was leaning against the wall in the corridor, staring at the ward.

Bai Ruyun was afraid that he would go in and disturb du Anran again, so she closed the door casually. At the same time, Xin Zimo also saw the bouquet of blue enchantress in her hand.

“Auntie, can you listen to my explanation? ” Xin Zimo walked forward.

“There’s nothing to explain, and I won’t listen. Even if we have misunderstood you, you and Anran have become passers-by, ” Bai Ruyun said calmly She was not an impatient person to begin with. She was used to seeing right and wrong, and her many years of peaceful life had resulted in her temperament.

“Auntie, I… ” Xin Zimo’s face was full of helplessness. “All along, I thought I didn’t love Anran, and that everything was just an act. But it wasn’t until I lost her that I understood that I loved her. ”

“What do you mean by lost? Losing means nothing. ” Bai Ruyun didn’t want to persuade him anymore If it was in the past, she might have persuaded Anran to be with Xin Zimo. But now, she didn’t persuade him at all. Sometimes, Love wasn’t the whole of life. Only happiness was the most important thing.

Bai Ruyun didn’t listen to Xin zimo anymore. She walked straight to the paper basket and threw the blue enchantress into it. She didn’t even look at Xin Zimo again. After returning to the ward, she closed the door quietly.

Xin zimo stood outside the door with his head lowered. He knew that from the beginning to the end, he was the only one who was wrong.

As night fell, city a gradually fell into a state of debauchery. Only the hospital remained as quiet as ever. Du Anran did not cry again after the surgery, even though her heart was aching like a knife.

After that day, Xin Zimo did not come to the hospital again. There were no more quarreling sounds in the quiet ward. Jin Shaonan would come to see du Anran every day after work. He lived alone in city a and was free, so he could often accompany du Anran for a long time.

Bai Ruyun did not mention Xin zimo’s name anymore. This name became a taboo in Du Anran’s heart.

On the fourth day after the surgery, after the routine check-up, the doctor removed the gauze on Anran’s eyes. He said that Anran’s eyes were recovering very well. If she continued to maintain it, there would not be any sequelae.

Bai Ruyun was very happy to hear that. She took du Anran for a walk in the hospital’s garden. The summer evening wind blew on her face like a soft willow. In the setting sun in the west, du Anran’s smile condensed into the most beautiful scene.

When Bai Ruyun went to make dinner for Du Anran, she brought Du Anran back to the ward reluctantly. However, just as Bai Ruyun left, an unexpected guest came into the ward.

The person wearing sunglasses quietly closed the door of the ward. Du Anran heard the movement and slightly moved her body to ask, “who is it? ”

“It’s me, Sun Ping. ” Sun Ping did not take off his sunglasses, but stood beside du Anran’s bed.

Sun Ping was Xin Zimo’s man, so du Anran ignored him.

“Miss Du, I would like to ask you for a favor, ” Sun Ping said unhurriedly. He knew that Bai Ruyun was going to cook at this time.

Du Anran did not speak, but remained silent.

“Miss Du, it’s a very important matter. I would like to ask you to help me, ” Sun Ping said straightforwardly when he saw that Du Anran did not speak.

“You can leave when you’re done, ” Du Anran said in an unfriendly tone.

Sun Ping saw that Du Anran was in a bad mood and was afraid that she would not agree, so he quickly said, “Miss Du, this matter is related to my survival and the question of whether President Xin will go to jail. ”

“Ha. ” Du Anran sneered, “is that so? Xin Zimo will go to jail? That’s good. I like to hear about it and look forward to it every day. ”

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