He gave me years of peace

Chapter 464

Chapter 464: Chapter 463, Chapter 3: Love in those years

Author: Luo Yi gave her snow MACHINE TRANSLATION

Young Love was persistent and immature. It was always carefully hidden in the depths of the heart, afraid that one look or action would betray him.

Young Love was always so beautiful that it could be remembered for a lifetime. Even if thousands of sails had passed, it always made people maintain the most pious figure.

Du Anran had heard two stories in total, about love, about teenagers, and about London.

When Feng Jing was young, he liked to climb trees. He climbed to the highest parasol tree in the yard, but every spring, he would always get a nose full of flying catkins.

His parents were cultured people. When they saw their son being so mischievous, they couldn’t help but pull him down and beat him up.

But the next day, Feng Jing climbed up again.

Later, Feng Jing’s parents didn’t care anymore. He could do whatever he wanted!

Feng Jing, who had no one to care, was finally free. When there was no one in the yard, he climbed to the highest branch of the Parasol Tree and whistled at the window upstairs.

At that time, Shen Zhan was a quiet and good student. She liked to lie down at the window and do her homework. She liked to stand at the window and look at the sky.

The only thing she didn’t like was the boy who whistled at her.

On this day, Feng Jing came again. Shen Zhan glared at him and pulled up the curtain at the window.

Feng Jing, who was covered in dust, was not disappointed at all. He was used to it, wasn’t he?

Who asked him to like her so much!

That day, Feng Jing sat on the parasol tree for the whole afternoon. He didn’t do his homework or read his books.

He just looked at the window. He was hoping that this little girl couldn’t help but pull up the curtain a little.

In the end, the little girl was too patient. When the sky turned dark, the curtain was still closed without moving.

The corner of Feng Jing’s mouth twitched. This little girl was really heartless.

He was her classmate after all. At least he lived in the same courtyard as her!

“where did AH Jing go to play again… ” Feng Jing’s mother’s voice was heard.

Only then did Feng Jing realize that it was already dark. It was time to go home for dinner.

He could only take advantage of his mother’s carelessness and jump down from the tree. He lowered his head and went home.

Perhaps it was because he made too much noise, but the curtains that were originally closed opened up a small gap. It wasn’t big, but it was enough to see everything downstairs.

Feng Jing had already walked far away, and it was quiet downstairs.

After doing the same thing over and over again for several years without any results, Feng Jing was finally tired. Of course, he wasn’t young anymore, and he couldn’t climb trees anymore.

In the third year of Middle School, whether it was in class or doing homework, Feng Jing was absent-minded.

He was tall, and when his grades fell to the bottom of his age, the teacher didn’t want to care about him anymore. He directly let him sit in the last row, and he became an underachiever that no one cared about.

Whenever there was a class, he would sit at the back and look at Shen Zhan, who was in the third row. No matter how many people were in front of him, his gaze would always be on her.

She wore a white shirt today, and it was very fresh; she wore a double ponytail today, and she was very cute; she wore a blue dress today, and she was very beautiful… …

Her every move, every word, and every action were all in his eyes.

She was the most beautiful white moonlight in his heart. He knew that this feeling was called liking, and this feeling was called secret love.

He did not want to destroy this feeling, and he just liked her silently.

Shen Zhan was the study commissary in the class, and he had been like this since he was young. Her grades were not the best, but they were always the most stable.

No matter how difficult or how simple the exam papers were, Shen Zhan would always be able to get into the top three. She was an obedient girl in the eyes of the teachers. Her voice was sweet, she was beautiful, and she was also kind.

Of course, there were naturally many boys who had unrequited love for Shen Zhan.

Feng Jing felt that even if he lived in the same courtyard as Shen Zhan, he would not be able to get the moon first.

The difference between him and her was too great.

Of course, he was not born with bad grades and a fondness for fun. He just felt that the more important thing than studying was liking her.

Therefore, he naturally placed his crush on her first, just like many other little boys. However, he felt that he was different from them.

At least, after school, he could go home with Shen Zhan, or ride his bike and take her with him.

Shen Zhan usually did not refuse, because the two families lived in the same courtyard and had known each other since they were young.

However, Feng Jing would sometimes do bad things. For example, when he was riding his bike, he would suddenly deliberately run over a big pit.

At this time, Shen Zhan would be so scared that he would close his eyes and grab his waist.

However, as time passed, Shen Zhan saw through Feng Jing’s little trick. She didn’t want to ride his bike home anymore.

Feng Jing could only coax and deceive him. “Ah Zhan, I really didn’t do it on purpose. You know, I was careless. Every time, I forgot that there was a pit on the road… ”

“Feng Jing, I think you have a hole in your brain! ” For the first time, Shen Zhan glared at him fiercely.

How could he not do it on purpose? He clearly did it on purpose, and she was being played by him like a little monkey.

“Ah Zhan, don’t be angry. I’ll take you out to eat delicious food! ”

Shen Zhan ignored him.

“Ah Zhan, SMILE! Or I’ll take you to the zoo! ”

Shen Zhan still ignored him.

“Ah Zhan, don’t ignore me. I’ll feel bad. ” After saying that, Feng Jing really squeezed out a few drops of tears.

“Feng Jing, don’t use your brain every day. If you have time, spend more time on your studies. Is it fun to get the last place? ” Shen Zhan said to Feng Jing like a little adult.

“…”Feng Jing’s face was full of resentment. He didn’t want to be ranked last, but he didn’t even listen to the class. What could he do! !

Suddenly, his mind lit up. He jumped in front of Shen Zhan and said, “Ah Zhan, I don’t know many things. Why don’t you tutor me! ”

“If you’re not serious, will it be useful if I tutor you? ”

“As long as you’re willing to tutor me, I swear that I won’t be ranked last next time! ” Feng Jing said seriously.

He wasn’t stupid. Wasn’t he just not listening to the lecture?

“You’re not going to be the first from the bottom? ” Shen Zhan was obviously very disdainful.

Then if you were to be the second from the bottom, wouldn’t it be a waste of her time?

Feng Jing also heard Shen Zhan’s disdain. He immediately changed his words. “If you tutor me for one day, I’ll improve by one place in the class! How about it? ”

This time, Shen Zhan’s face turned into disbelief. There were a total of 45 people in their class. In other words, after tutoring for more than a month, he would be able to get first place?

“Feng Jing, I’m not a God. If I tutor you for 45 days, you’ll be able to get first place? ” Shen Zhan said straightforwardly.

Feng Jing said, “I can’t guarantee first place, but I can still work hard to get into the top five! ”

“I hope what you said isn’t empty words. ” Shen Zhan shook her head.

“Then you agree? ”

“seeing that our two families are so familiar with each other, I’ll consider it as agreeing! ” Shen Zhan turned around and left.

She didn’t know why, but she didn’t want him to lose his reputation, because if their scores were too far apart, they wouldn’t be able to enter the same high school… …

Shen Zhan pinched herself. Why did she still want to go to the same high school as this demon King!

After being tortured by him for so many years, she should be glad that she could finally get rid of him, right?

However, Feng Jing was still very talented. Ever since he had tutored with Shen Zhan, he had gotten eighth place in his first monthly exam.

The teachers were so shocked that they thought that he had cheated.

Shen Zhan was also quite surprised. Could it be that she had the talent to be a tutor for others?

Only Feng Jing smiled and did not say anything. What he wanted was to get the same score as her in the middle school exam. What he wanted was to stay by her side and protect her.

Perhaps the heavens had heard what he was thinking. He had secretly made up his mind a month before the middle school examination. In front of everyone, he still looked indifferent. But every night, he would bury his head in his studies and study hard, reading books and doing questions.

The Heavens did not disappoint those with good intentions. When he walked out of the examination room, he knew that his efforts were not in vain.

He could finally stand under Shen Zhan’s window and say, “wait for me… “. …

As expected, the results did not disappoint. In that middle school examination, he was first and Shen Zhan was second.

He became the person that the teachers and students talked about so much. Shen Zhan was quite happy, but she deliberately said to him, “how are you going to thank me? ”

“Do you want me to protect you for another three years of high school? ” He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

“WHO CARES! ” Shen Zhan turned around and went home disdainfully.

Although she said that, when Feng Jing really enrolled in the same high school as her, she still felt quite reassured. This kind of steadiness seemed to be born in her… …

Until the eve of the college entrance examination.

They quarreled because they did not agree.

Shen Zhan insisted on going abroad, while Feng Jing insisted on staying in the country because his parents were not in good health.

After a small quarrel, the two of them parted on bad terms.

In fact, Shen Zhan knew that there was nothing to quarrel about such a small matter. What she was angry about was that when she saw a girl give him a love letter today, he accepted it with a smile.

What was even more infuriating was that he was still chatting and laughing with that girl, interacting with her every day.

Shen Zhan was unhappy, and she did not know why she was unhappy. Logically speaking, after he found a girlfriend, he would not pester her anymore. THAT WOULD BE GREAT!

But why? Why would she still quarrel with him, to show that she cared about him!

In the past, when they quarreled, Shen Zhan could not win against Feng Jing. Feng Jing was very eloquent.

So this time, she chose to leave directly… …

Feng Jing looked for her for three days and three nights, frantically looking for her and calling her. But, it was useless. She left just like that. She left heartlessly and quietly.

He did not even think that once she left, she would be able to say goodbye to him forever.

All those years, he had always wanted to ask her a question. Shen Zhan, did you love me?

However, he could no longer wait for the answer to this question… …

The second story that Du Anran knew was related to the drifting bottle.

That day, she and Xin Zimo had another fierce fight. They argued until the sky turned dark.

In the end, there was no accident at all. She lost.

Sometimes, thinking about it, before they got married, because of distrust and suspicion, they had quarreled many times. At that time, they were very childish, like children playing house.

That day, he carried her downstairs and took her to the night market.

He coaxed her, let her go, apologized to her, and lowered all his manners.

In fact, she understood that he was sincerely admitting his mistake. That night, she hit him many times and gave him many cold looks. He still smiled obsequiously and coaxed her to be happy.

In fact, she was not afraid of the fierce-looking Xin Zimo at all, because that way, she could openly oppose him. She was afraid of him when he was gentle. When he looked like that, she could fall into an abyss with just a glance.

That night, when she was in a shop, she saw a beautiful drifting bottle.

She asked Xin Zimo, “look, this drifting bottle is quite cute. Do you think it can float to city a if you throw it into the sea in London? ”

In the end, the emotionless one replied, “it will be swallowed by a shark first. ”

In the end, a little boy came to her side and said, “try it. If you write what you want to write, maybe someone will pick it up. ”

Then, she heard a story.

The little boy said that he once threw a drift bottle from the sea in his hometown. Later, a girl picked it up and they fell in love.

Later, the girl liked London and wanted to go to London to study. He wanted to stay in the country to develop, and the two parted on bad terms. But later, the girl died in London, and he was heartbroken.

He said, “now, I came to London just because she said she liked this place, so I walked around on her behalf. But every time I see a shop selling drift bottles, I will buy one and put it back in the sea. I hope she will receive it in heaven. ”

Du Anran felt that the two stories were similar every time she recalled them.

If Shen Zhan had not woken up, she would have become the heroine of the drift bottle story… …

How similar was their fate? Perhaps it was destined?

Later, she bought two drift bottles and stuffed them with two notes. One was written to the little boy’s girlfriend, and the other to herself.

If the drift bottles were to drift away with the sea, would her wish come true… …

Xin Zimo asked her what she had written, but she shook her head and refused to tell him. A girl’s worries were always like the stars in the sky, uncountable and incomprehensible.

Therefore, it was good to keep a small secret, be careful, and keep it a secret.

However, she didn’t know that Xin Zimo, that black-bellied Guy, was simply black to the bone.

Later, he ran to cheat the little boy of the drifting bottle in his hand and, of course, peeked at her little note.

She wrote: Let me meet someone who will treat me well for the rest of my life, only treat me well.

After reading it, Xin Zimo’s first reaction was: childish. His second reaction was that he could do it.

Of course, the little secret of him peeking at her note only slipped out one day after they got married.

Du Anran really had nowhere to wail. It was so embarrassing.

It was as if she had been caught by her teacher when she was writing about love in her diary when she was young.

“Xin Zimo, how could you secretly take away my drift bottle? I always thought that I threw it into the sea. MAYBE SOMEONE FATED TO PICK IT UP! ” Du Anran said angrily.

“Am I not your fated person? ” Xin zimo smiled innocently and hugged her waist.

“You… are simply a liar! ” Du Anran looked at the sky speechlessly …

“Then what other fated person do you want to find? Hmm? Tell me about it. ”

Du Anran was at a loss for words and could only scold him, “despicable, no… ”

“despicable, shameless, overbearing, arrogant, deceitful, hypocritical, petty, hoodlum, sanctimonious, hidden knife in smile… I know how to recite it. ” Xin zimo looked at her calmly and smiled extremely deceitfully …


Love when young and mature love, it could not be said which was good or which was bad.

Probably, as long as it was love, it was the most beautiful.

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