He Lived Like You

Chapter 2

Chapter 1:

Most of them wore dark protective cloaks that covered their heads from head to toe, radiation-proof hoodies were tightly tied to the top, and they all wore protective helmets on top of their heads without exception. Those who are in better conditions inside also wear masks, which are completely protected. Some people have cracked helmets, and they take scotch tape or something and wrap it in layers and then use it.

Except for the sound of the duty personnel calling the number from time to time in the security check room, there was silence from beginning to end.

All survivor bases have a default rule, it is easy to get out of the city and difficult to enter the city. The complexity of the process also brings inefficiency. When the morning sun jumps out of the hill, the queue entering the city is still so long, it seems that there is no change at all.

During the whole process of entering the city, the people who are checked will be under the vigilant and suspicious eyes of several mercenaries, especially those new entrants who do not have a Zhongmeng ID card. The superplanet that caused the earth to become a wasteland overnight is the same as they attracted.

Eleven years ago, at a distance of 40 light-years from the earth, a superplanet that was operating normally suddenly exploded. The explosion brought a large number of highly dangerous high-energy rays and particles, resulting in More than 70% of the living things on earth have mutated.

mutated humans (also known as zombies), mutated animals, and mutated plants followed. They are dead but not stiff, and become monsters that only know how to attack and eat. They have no sense of mind or pain. Unless they break their heads or destroy their rhizomes, they will “live” forever. And it is very contagious. Once bitten by a mutant creature or scratches the skin and comes into contact with blood, normal people or animals will be infected within 24 hours and become zombies.

Misfortunes do not come alone. The superplanet explosion also severely damaged the ozone layer of the earth, resulting in sudden changes in the global weather, great temperature difference between day and night, serious damage to the ecological environment, and deadly radiation everywhere on the earth. Human beings survived Lost nearly 90% of the viable soil.

Fortunately, after several years of integration and efforts, the domestic survivors set up five large bases and a number of small shelters in exile. Find a place to breathe.

Central Alliance is one of the five major bases in the country. Although the name is very splendid, it seems to be the center of the world, but in fact its strength is only at the bottom, and the residents of the city are rich and poor The gap is huge, and the high-level people have to look up to the breath of life at the base next door.

When the sun fully rises, the surface temperature suddenly rises, and the hot and high temperature scorches everyone exposed to the sun, but even if they are sweaty and dizzy, the people outside the wall They didn’t dare to take off the protective cloak on their bodies, because according to the current radiation index, once their skin and respiratory system were exposed to the air for a long time, the only thing waiting for them was the path of death, and the death was extremely miserable.

Everyone can only silently pray that the security check will be faster, so that they can go to the cities protected by some huge radiation filters as soon as possible.

Suddenly, a scream broke the silence.

The shrill cry was like a pebble falling into the lake, creating a circle of ripples, rioting and whispering in the crowd, and everyone craned their necks to the source of the sound. He stopped and stared in horror.

The dozens of mercenaries standing on both sides of the city wall were trained to grasp their guns in an instant. They stood together alertly and asked their colleagues in the high monitoring room what happened through their headsets.

“A group of medium-sized zombies is attacking at three o’clock in the north, please prepare for the battle. Repeat again, three o’clock in the north…”

“Go!” Someone in the mercenary scolded Sheng Niang.

Soon, three people chased by zombies rushed into everyone’s sight in horror. They screamed and ran towards the city wall, rolling and crawling all the way, embarrassed.

anyone’s sanity. The scary appearance that makes the scalp tingle, the stench that makes you involuntarily nauseated, and it seems that few people can keep calm.

The smelly and rotten black and purple minced meat fell to the ground with the undulating footsteps of the zombies, and was stepped on the soles of the shoes by the zombies behind, making a puff-puff-puff sound, because it was too clear , so it is easy to imagine the sticky and sticky touch.

The long nails and sharp teeth are the formidable weapons of the zombies, and the red eyes and black sclera are their unique symbols.

In an instant, screams and panic exploded in the crowd, and the crowd that had been in an orderly line instantly became disorganized, they rushed towards the city gate in chaos, and the screams of men and women came one after another. , they were bewildered and willing to beg for the mercy and protection of the mercenaries, for fear that they would be abandoned as abandoned children and become rations for zombies.

“Sound the level 3 alarm.” A leading figure in the mercenary army calmly issued orders, “The fourth team protects the security personnel and returns to the city, and the second team covers other people who have not entered the city and hides behind the bunker. The team quickly arrived and obeyed my order, and the rest were ready to meet the enemy!”

The composure of the leader obviously gave the team a great sense of security. Each team leader took the lead, and soon opened a powerful front against the zombie group.

At this time, an old woman stopped the mercenary leader who was giving orders, “Li team, Li team!”

Captain Li followed the voice and saw an old woman with a hunched waist. Her protective clothing is obviously the most worn out. The mask is made from a motorcycle helmet. It has no practical use other than psychological comfort. The protective gloves are also full of holes, and the exposed fingers are covered with red dots. Blisters with white and red pus inside – typical of radiation dermatosis.

Behind her, there were nearly ten children over a meter tall, and under the cracked helmets were a pair of dirty and thin cheeks. They stood together timidly, the big one pulling the small one, wearing old protective suits that were obviously picked up and not wanted by adults, and the protective suits that can still be abandoned under these conditions are basically too rotten to rot. , but they can only use ordinary cloth to mend the gap and continue to use it with difficulty.

“Team Li…I’m the grandmother of the orphanage.” Seeing the team leader looking at herself, the mother-in-law hurriedly brought the children forward, “Today Thursday, I took the children out to the bottom of the mountain for harvesting. Mushrooms and wild vegetables to eat, we often meet with Team Lee… Team Lee, Team Lee, I beg you… Could you let us in.”

“…” This is illegal. Team Li wanted to say this, but he took a deep look at the pus-filled blisters on Granny Sun’s five fingers and the group of children behind her who had been orphaned since they were born.

Zhongmeng is divided into inner and outer urban areas. The living conditions in the suburban urban areas are far lower than those in the inner urban areas. Food and clothing are very problematic, not to mention contraceptive measures. As a result, countless orphans born with deformities and disabilities were born. Eating mushrooms with ten times the radiation levels at the bottom of the mountain is like drinking poison to quench their thirst, but they have no choice.

I am afraid that none of these children will live to adulthood…

He turned his head and ordered the adjutant beside him: “Take them in.”


Grandma Sun was overjoyed, and hurriedly hugged the children to let them go first, “Thank you, Team Li, thank you, Team Li!” These miserable children also shouted sensible: “Thank you, Team Li! “Thank you uncle!”…

“Thank you, Captain Li.” The boy who walked in the last place nodded respectfully to Team Li, and then raised his head, revealing a pair of black and white eyes.

His cheeks were covered by a mask, and there was only such a pair of eyes, even if he was blocked by a broken protective helmet, he still couldn’t hide his expression.

Team Li couldn’t help but look at him twice, watching him catch up with the other children, and then followed the adjutant into the security room. As a mercenary leader’s sixth sense, he was vaguely aware It’s not right, but this feeling is fleeting, and I can’t figure it out after thinking about it.

The battle was urgent, and he couldn’t help worrying about a little boy. Team Li concentrated and returned to the battlefield.

In the security room.

“It’s Granny Sun.” The radiation inspector who stayed behind was a girl in her twenties. She obviously knew the old woman in the welfare home before her, and pointed the radiation detector to Granny Sun. Sweeping over his body, he said mechanically: “The radiation level is not exceeding the standard, come and scan the ID card, and then go to the back room with the children to disinfect.”

The adjutant frowned slightly and pointed at the group of children with his chin, “Don’t they need to scan their ID cards?”

“Where do they have ID cards? No parents, they are all black households.” The girl was not surprised by this, but the main reason why these children did not have ID cards was not that they were orphans, but Because their parents have been exposed to radiation more or less, these children are genetically defective, and they will not die as soon as they get ID cards, so it is better not to waste these manpower and material resources.

The adjutant’s brows furrowed even tighter, but he didn’t say much for the sake of being just a group of children with only skeletons left.

Grandma Sun stood by the door of the disinfection room and counted the number of children one by one, for fear of accidentally missing which one was outside, “Nine, ten…Eleven?”

She was shocked, there were not only a lot of people, but there was one more! The mother-in-law wanted to go and count again, but when she heard the **** duty outside urging her to hurry up, Grandma Sun responded quickly and could only comfort herself that she must have been blinded and counted incorrectly.

Everyone was escorted into the outer city safely all the way, listening to the noise of the operation of the huge filter two meters in diameter and ten meters in height, the adjutant immediately bid farewell to everyone and returned to the front line, while Grandma Sun quickly All the children were asked to line up and count them in order. Familiar and immature voices shouted over them, and they stopped at ten, which happened to be the number of people who were brought out in the early morning.

Grandma Sun was completely relieved, and the secret way was really wrong…

She certainly wouldn’t know that just when the children in the orphanage were going home with the mushrooms they had picked hard, Shen Shanwu in an old protective cloak was in an alleyway in the deserted suburban city. Proceed fast.

His eyes gradually turned into red eyeballs on a black background, and a strange blood light radiated from the shadows, and in a blink of an eye it changed back to the familiar and safe black and white of human beings.

The author has something to say:  It is customary to ask for a favorite, ask for a message, ask for a support! please, this is really important to me (voice)

It’s a sweet article, don’t worry, Gong has already appeared, and he will appear in Chapter 3.

Although it is impossible to save the full text, but this time I have listed a detailed outline in the full text, so the plot is absolutely stable, don’t worry!

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