He, The One


~ Narrator POV Begin - 2 days after the rating game ~

"What a damn day..." Azazel said as he fell back onto his couch before releasing a big sigh. He'd been extremely busy lately, so he hadn't had much time for anything, but finally, he had a break.

"The Red Dragon Emperor, huh? Show me something interesting, kid!" Azazel said with an excited smile as he clicked play on the remote, causing a recording of the rating game Issei had just participated in yesterday.

Around twenty minutes passed as Azazel watched the fight with a smile. He knew Issei hadn't been the Red Dragon Emperor for long, so he wasn't too harsh with his judgment of Issei's skills, but he could tell Issei needed intensive training.

"He's got the drive for it at least," Azazel said as he continued watching while sipping on some Hennessy.

"They're gonna lose at this rate," Azazel said, knowing he was right. Rias's peerage definitely would've lost under normal circumstances.

"Better luck next time, kid, but don't worry, you've got a dedicated fan now! Your dress break skill was pretty cool," Azazel said with a smile while he spoke as if Issei was actually there with him.

"Looks like he used the boosted gear too much," Azazel said as he took another sip of his whiskey.

"Ouch," Azazel said as he watched Rizer hit Issei's stomach.

[ Film text will be italicized for this scene ]

"Don't do it, Issei!" Ddraig shouted, causing Azazel, who was still watching the film, to arch an eyebrow. He'd heard and even spoken to the Dragon before, but never, not once, had he heard Ddraig yell like that.

"Sukuna, you there?" Issei said, which made Azazel watch the TV even closer than he had already been.

"Who?" Azazel said as he tried to think if he had ever heard of the name Sukuna but drew a blank.

"Sukuna!" Issei shouted again, but this time Azazel could hear the desperation in his voice.

"Don't!" Ddraig shouted once again, causing Azazel to sit up with a serious expression on his face. He knew things were no longer as simple as he had expected them to be.

"Is this kid on shrooms or something?" Azazel said as he noticed that Issei had completely frozen while being held up by Rias.

"Dammit, Issei!" Ddraig shouted with clear anger, which made Azazel all the more curious.

"Ah... it hasn't been long, but it's good to be back," Issei said with a devilish smile as he ran his hands through his hair, which had turned snow white almost immediately.

"...No way..." Azazel said with an expression of pure and utter shock as he stood up and got closer to the TV.

"What trick have you used, dragon boy?" Rizer said to Issei, whom Azazel recognized as Radahn.

"Don't look at me. I didn't give you permission," Radahn said to Rizer before Azazel saw Rizer being cut in half and his queen's head being separated from her body. But what he really paid attention to was Radahn's eerie smile that he had the entire time; he was enjoying this.

"What the hell was that?" Azazel said as he continued watching the recording intently. He hadn't seen Radahn attack Rizer and his queen, which worried him, worried him a lot. Even though this was a recording, he should've been able to see the individual frames of Radahn attacking, but he got nothing.

"Shit... It hasn't even been two months yet, and he's already grown this strong," Azazel said as he watched Radahn squash Rizer's head despite having won the rating game already. Azazel also noted that Radahn clearly wasn't trying either.

"Dammit, where's my phone..." Azazel said after the recording finished; he had some calls to make.

~ Narrator POV End ~

~ Radahn POV Begin ~

"Hmm..." I hummed, which sounded like a deep growl as I woke up from what felt like a deep rest. When I told the system I accepted the reward, I was rendered unconscious immediately.

"Oh?" I said as I saw my reflection in the blood that filled my domain.

I was an enormous fox that looked almost exactly like Kurama, except instead of orange fur, mine was completely white with black fur around my four slitted bright violet eyes that stretched up to my ears.

Reference image of Kurama





(a/n: there are no pics I could find of what I'm going for, so use your imagination bruv)

"So, this is chakra..." I said as an absolutely demonic smile spread across my beast-like face. Perhaps it was because this was the chakra I inherited from Kurama, but this chakra was filled with negativity and evil—the aspects I was the best in.

Speaking of the things I've inherited from Kurama, well, there aren't many that I know of so far. I got Kurama's race and chakra, which wasn't much, but I've yet to explore other possibilities. These things are just what I know of now.

With the race, I experienced growth in everything physical, or at least it felt like it, but I've yet to test it out, so I was unsure of how much. With the Chakra, I simply gained an enormous amount of it, which I innately knew how to use since I was technically a Biju, although I didn't have any of Kurama's memories.

'Status,' I said inwardly as a huge panel appeared in front of me. The system scaled it to match my size.

'Good,' I said to myself. The status didn't reveal much as of now, but my race told me enough.


 ~ Status ~

Name: Radahn Nychtael Morbidon

 - Other name(s): Leon Spilter, Satoru Gojo, Ryomen Sukuna

Race: Ebon Seraphokitsune

Age: 1,100 years (Using real world time)


It was important to note that although I got Kurama's race, I didn't lose mine. The two races merged; this was the reason I didn't look exactly like Kurama. I wasn't an empty template.

'Let's give this a shot,' I said to myself as I closed my eyes.

My objective at the moment wasn't to use chakra or anything of that nature. I wanted to do something else; I wanted to return to my humanoid form, and after a few moments, I did.

"Hmm..." I hummed as I examined my humanoid form, which felt a bit odd. I preferred staying in my regular form, and I would when I was within my domain because something I also noticed upon waking up was that my domain had grown to accommodate my size. Even my throne had grown big enough for me to sleep on in my regular form.

A few changes with my humanoid form to take note of were my increase in height. I was previously 6'4" (or) 193cm, but now I stood at 6'7" (or) 200cm, which was tall but nothing over the top when compared to my true form. In that form, one of my eyeballs was larger than a 7'0" (or) 213cm human. My true form was enormous.

The pupil of my four eyes had turned into vertical slits, and the color of my eyes had changed from bright blue to a majestic bright violet. I assume this happened because of the combination of my blue eyes and Kurama's red eyes, but it didn't matter much.

I appeared to have grown to be better looking, which was surprising since I was already handsome before, but from the stories I read, Nine-Tailed Foxes, which technically I was, albeit different from the majority, are known for having enchanting appearances, whether it's a man or woman.

Outside of these changes, the only other difference was my canine teeth which had grown longer and thicker but other than that nothing else had happened that I could see on the outside. I didn't have any fox ears on my head or nine tails coming from my lower back, and I already had claws that I could use whenever, so even if I gained them from the race integration, I wouldn't know.

'I've been asleep for three days,' I said to myself as I ran through the memories of Issei which I had missed since the integration.

What's happened in the last three days, you ask? A few things. Issei was in the process of healing from his injuries while being questioned by none other than Sirzechs himself. The Devil wanted to know about Issei's 'transformation'.

Now you might think that Issei would follow along with the transformation nonsense, but he didn't. He fumbled and told Sirzechs that some God helped him, which then caused Ddraig to speak with Sirzechs as well.

Ddraig, Sirzechs, and Issei spoke about me and bounced information off of each other, and by the end, Sirzechs had ordered—yes, ordered and not asked—without his permission, Issei was to never speak to anyone about this other than Rias who already knew.

To outsiders, Issei underwent a transformation he figured out how to use due to training with his Sacred Gear, and this transformation had a few side effects such as personality changes, power enhancements, and more. Even his peerage members besides Rias weren't privy to the actual truth.

'Does Sirzechs actually think he'll be able to fool everyone with such a reason?' I asked myself, feeling there was more to it than one could see on the surface.

"Issei," Rias said to Issei as she sat on the side of the bed he was resting in. However, when I took over his body, the injuries healed. When I returned his body, they all returned. He gets nothing from me in the slightest.

"Yeah?" Issei said as he looked up from Rias's chest. The guy couldn't get his mind off breasts, and from the expression Rias was making, it looked like she was growing annoyed with him. Perhaps she didn't like being looked at as an object nonstop.

I should mention that in Issei's memories, Rias hadn't flirted with him outright as she did in the canon HSDxD. The only thing that she did which was sexual with Issei was ask him to take his virginity. That was all. This Rias wasn't doing the same things she did with Issei in the canon. She didn't appear to hold romantic feelings for him. Well, she did treat him like a good subordinate.

"Could I... see him?" Rias asked with some uncertainty in her tone. She was nervous, but I could also hear some eagerness in her tone.

"Who?" Issei said confused. Who could Rias possibly be talking about?!

"...Sukuna," Rias said after a moment of looking at Issei like he was slow. Who else would she be speaking about?

"Oh... I don't know about that, Rias," Issei said, clearly feeling slightly uncomfortable with the topic of conversation.

"Why?" Rias replied with an arched eyebrow.

"That guy always asks for something when I want something of him, and I doubt he'll do something like this for free," Issei said as he scratched his head with a smile. He didn't like disappointing his unrequited love.

"I see..." Rias said with a hint of disappointment in her voice, a hint that both me and, surprisingly, Issei picked up.

"Pfft!" I laughed as I watched this scene. Issei must be feeling pretty weird right now. I had the girl he loved thinking about me, even though I completely ignored her presence before.

"Ah! But don't worry! I'm sure you'll be able to speak with him later!" Issei said, trying to reassure Rias.

"Mhm." Rias hummed in response. She trusted Issei's words. After all, he was her servant no matter how lecherous he was.

"Well, I have some business to handle with Akeno, so I need to get going," Rias said. She had already spent around an hour with Issei, checking up on him while ignoring his lecherous gaze.

"Alright, prez! See you later!" Issei said as he waved at Rias, who was walking out of the room.

"Bye," Rias said before disappearing from Issei's sight.

"Heh, seems like your little crush likes me, brat," I said as I formed a mouth on Issei's cheek.

"Sukuna?!" Issei shouted in surprise as he heard my voice.

"Why're you always yellin', brat?" I replied. Issei really did yell a lot; I wasn't exaggerating.

"Oh, sorry—wait! No, Rias doesn't like you!" Issei said, growing irritated with me.

"Can't take a hint, can you, Issei?" I said as a smile appeared on my face.

"What do you mean?" Issei replied, confused.

"Oh, c'mon, you can't see how much she dislikes the way you look at her and the other girls in the peerage? None of them like it when you gawk at them like objects, well, except Asia; she likes you, so she's fine with it," I said, slowly pushing his dream of a harem with his peerage members down.

"...I don't mean to gawk..." Issei replied with an awkward expression on his face as he scratched his head.

"Hey, Ddraig, is that true?" Issei asked the dragon since my words couldn't be trusted like Ddraig's.

"...Yes, partner, although I know that your feelings are genuine, your way of expressing them could be improved. Rias looked genuinely uncomfortable just a moment ago," Ddraig said, agreeing with me, which caused Issei to appear genuinely shocked. He didn't even know how bad he really was.

"I... I didn't even notice," Issei said with his head down slightly. The fact that Rias was uncomfortable meant she didn't feel any type of way for him, and it also meant that he had been making it hard for the women in his peerage to be near him. Why, you ask? Well, it's because he gawked at all of them like he did Rias.

"Of course, you didn't; you were focused on their breasts the entire time!" I said before laughing at Issei, which irritated him.

"Think about this Issei," I said before continuing.

"Now that you know how uncomfortable you make the girls in your peerage, just how desperate do you think Rias was to ask you to take her virginity? She threw away her pride and asked you, a person who never looked at her but as an object to take her virginity to annul the marriage with Rizer." I said with a big smile knowing I had hit the nail on the head, this would stay in Issei's thoughts for a long time.

"And then guess what, Issei Hyoudou, Rias's pawn failed to fulfill his duty to protect his master so he begged a random god to do it for him, and now Issei's master wants to meet me, the God who saved her when nobody else could, her knight in shining armor, her knight that you could never be," I said before laughing wickedly.

"Kekhahahaha!!!" I laughed causing Issei's face to contort in anger but he didn't say anything, I was right after all.

"Heh, tell you what, next time you ask me for help, I'll take over your body and kiss the redhead," I said with a devilish smile. Oh, I know how much Issei would hate that.

"What?! No way!" Issei said genuinely angry.

"Haha, I wasn't asking," I said as I continued laughing at Issei. Might as well plant some insecurities in him.

"I won't ask for your help again!" Issei shouted.

"We'll see about that. You don't seem to trust the dragon enough to help you, so you'll come begging me for help just like you did last time," I said before releasing the mouth I formed on Issei's cheek. I had nothing more to say as of now, but I did figure that I could cause some disturbance between Ddraig and Issei's relationship.

To be continued...

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