he Zombie Emperor’s Domesticated Cat

Chapter 39: Water pollution

How many people should there be in a county like this? Are there tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands? Fang He had no idea. After the zombie virus broke out, someone had calculated that the survivor ratio was less than 20%, and some of them became the dead souls of the zombies.

After killing the zombies for several days in a row, Fang He squatted on the roof of a certain hospital building, looking at the dense zombies underneath, it was almost irritable. The dumplings are blocked, and they have to continue to kill.

Li Zhen sat beside him, squeezing the kitten’s ears, “Stop the meeting?”

Fang He fell down, killing zombies for several days, he was going to collapse, the upgraded ability was much stronger than the previous attack power, but his attack power was strong, but he couldn’t hold back the mental torment. It was enough to watch these inanimate walking corpses.

As time goes by, ordinary zombies no longer maintain the appearance of humans as they did at the beginning, and many begin to decay. Due to constant gnawing on living creatures, they gradually lose their lips, leaving only hideous teeth.

Therefore, facing these zombies for a long time is also an endurance job.

But it was also fruitful, at least there are no more zombies near the county seat of Beiguan, and most of the survivors of the county seat have been transferred to Beiguan.

It’s just that the people there are getting more and more together, so for Li Zhen, the temptation is also full. Therefore, for the sake of safety, Li Zhen has never been in, and Fang He is only driven by curiosity, and he will walk around and take a look. The speed is fast and the body is small, and most people can’t notice it.

At Beiguan, Fang He saw a temporary base for survivors that was completely different from his previous experience. At first, the dozen or so people who killed zombies with them slowly became the leader of this group, the one Fang He had seen before. This phenomenon of the dominance of the mutants does not exist here.

These more than a dozen leaders will arrange personnel to patrol and clean up the surrounding zombies very reasonably, deal with the corpses of the zombies, search for supplies everywhere, and arrange supplies properly. And they began to demolish the surrounding useless buildings, and then used materials to build temporary defensive walls.

Fang He lay lazily on the top of the building. Li Zhen looked at the hospital. There must be a lot of zombies in it. Moreover, he faintly felt that there seemed to be a mutant zombie in the building, but it was a bit vague, or it was this. The zombie’s power is not strong enough, or it is in a relatively deep place.

Fang He raised his eyes lazily, “Do you want to go in?”

Li Zhen stretched out his hand and stroked his fur, “We don’t have enough tools to collect samples, we need to go in.”

Fang He knows that Li Zhen has been studying the various zombie samples in the space recently, but every time Li Zhen is expressionless, he will destroy the samples after testing, giving Fang He feel like those The samples cannot be kept. Unlike the researchers he has met before, those people are eager to keep all the samples.

Fang He raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was already afternoon, but the clouds were so dense that it was probably going to rain…it was going to rain! Fang He stood up suddenly and looked at Li Zhen, “There is a problem!”

Mutations are not a big problem. The second infection will break some abilities at most, absorb crystal nuclei or slowly recover on their own, but ordinary people who are not infected with the zombie virus are in danger. The chance of being able to, but the chance of becoming a zombie is even greater.

Li Zhen pressed Fang He’s hand for a while, followed Fang He’s eyes and looked in the direction of Beiguan, and suddenly understood what Fang He meant. The zombie virus would be carried by the rain into the water source!

After most of the industrial system was shut down, the tap water supply system gradually collapsed. In the past few days, the people in the temporary base of the Beiguan Farmers’ Market have relied on a well in the market to draw groundwater. After all, the collected bottled water is also The limited ones are left to the elderly and children under the basic default.

Li Zhen stretched out his hand to pick up Fang He and jumped from the top of the building to the lower floor next to him, and quickly fell to the ground, completely ignoring the wandering zombies around, and ran in the direction of the temporary base.

Fang He followed Li Zhen’s hand and climbed onto his shoulder, looked up at the sky, and simply crawled towards Li Zhen’s head, firmly grasped Li Zhen’s hat, and the cat’s paw strenuously swung towards the sky. After the upgrade, the abilities can already let Fang He draw a powerful whirlwind very smoothly.

This whirlwind was controlled by Fang He and rolled in the direction of Beiguan, hoping to temporarily drag away the clouds over there, at least before they arrived, not to let the rain wash and contaminate the water source.

It’s just that they are still far away from the place where the survivors of the North Pass are in the East Pass. Fang He is not sure whether his method will work. Fang He is wet, shakes his hair, and says to Li Zhen, “My Fast, I’ll go first.”

“No!” Li Zhen flatly refused.


“Time is too late, you don’t need to take risks.” Li Zhen said bluntly. There are many people there. Although many people have seen Fang He, Fang He’s attacks are mixed with his special attacks. The cats are fast and scurry around, not thinking that those zombies are dead under the paws of a cat.

Fang He Cat’s paws gripped Li Zhen tightly, and he could only bless the wind power under Li Zhen’s feet to make him faster.

Fortunately, when Li Zhen suddenly broke into the area of ​​the base, the rain had not yet fallen here, and the rain had not collected in the distance.

The sudden appearance of Li Zhen frightened the people inside. After seeing Li Zhen’s iconic armor, he was suddenly surprised, “It’s you! Are you the big brother who saved us?!”

Li Zhen nodded slightly, “Call everyone here, I have something to say.”

“Oh, okay, wait, big brother, I’ll go!” The young man ran in excitedly, shouting as he ran, “Come on, our patron saint is here!”

Fang He cat paws his forehead on Li Zhen’s shoulder, the patron saint… Li Zhen, a person on the verge of zombies, has actually become the patron saint of a base.

People quickly ran over, and several children ran to this side noisily. When they ran in front of Li Zhen, they were all silenced. They looked up at Li Zhen in worship.

With regard to the angle, Fang He also seemed to feel that the look in his worshipful eyes fell on him…

Li Zhen endured his instinct to eat raw food. The eyes behind his sunglasses were about to turn red. He spoke quickly and said, “Zombie viruses will contaminate water sources after it rains. From now on, no other water sources can be used except for bottled water. .”

The news shocked everyone. The problem of water pollution has become a big issue, and water is inseparable from anywhere in daily life.

“Isn’t it okay to boiled water?”

“Then if we cover the well, can’t we prevent pollution?”

“Can we only pick up the water falling from the sky?”

People started talking in a rush.

Fang He approached Li Zhen’s ear and whispered, “In fact, boiling water for more than half an hour can kill the zombie virus.”

“Sure?” Li Zhen asked in a low voice.

Fang He’s cat paw really wanted to call it over, isn’t he sure he would say that?

Li Zhen nodded and quickly told everyone according to what Fang He said.

Fang He shook the water from his tail on Li Zhen’s shoulders, and looked up and saw a child behind the crowd staring at him with surprise on his face. Fang He was stiff and meowed. He won’t be heard, right? No, when he talked with Li Zhen, his voice was very low, and the distance was so far.

Just when Fang He was seriously suspicious, Li Zhen had finished speaking, turned around and left here quickly, no matter how the people behind him called him, and staying on, maybe he would lose control.

Fang He turned his head from Li Zhen’s shoulder, looking at the child still looking straight at him, Fang He’s hair was about to explode.

One person and one cat quickly left the base. Fang He raised his head and looked at the sky. The clouds are thick. This rain may take a long time. The wet cat paws stepped on Li Zhen’s hat, considering whether to enter the space to hide. Shelter from the rain.

At this moment, Li Zhen suddenly bent over and filled a little water accumulated on the cement road with a bottle.

Immediately afterwards, one person and one cat entered the space. Fang He and Li Zhen’s attack methods were separated from each other, and they didn’t need to be close. It was the first time that they were so embarrassed.

Fang He got into the bath towel and stretched out his head from the bath towel to watch Li Zhen take off his clothes one by one. It’s just that the mountaineering suit Li Zhen wore was waterproof, and the inside was not wet at all. So, unfortunately, he prepared for it seriously. The good Fang He didn’t see the figure he hadn’t seen for a long time, and the dull Fang He didn’t notice that Li Zhen had been incompletely exposed in front of him, intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Zhen took off his coat and carried the bottle for the test, and Fang He was rubbing it in the bath towel annoyingly.

Fang He, who had no one to smooth the hair, suddenly felt uncomfortable all over, got out of the bath towel and ran to the place where Li Zhen was doing the experiment.

When Fang He came in, Li Zhen was playing with an instrument and beckoning to him. Fang He ran over and jumped onto the table next to him.

“Li Zhen, I have a question.” Fang He couldn’t stand it anymore.

Li Zhen paused slightly and looked over, “Talk about it.”

“You said, will we bring the virus in? Over time, will it be dirty?”

Li Zhen put the prepared sample slides in. The first half of the Fajue explained that although it is very mysterious, this peach-core space is indeed the cave house used in ancient human cultivation. It has complicated formations. Li Zhen is very fascinating. It’s hard to understand, but he can tell Fang He with certainty, “No, to put it simply, the zombie virus outside the human body will be cleared out of the space soon.”

“Then your sample?”

“It will soon become ordinary dirty blood.”

Fang He’s eyes lit up immediately, “Isn’t that just a solution to the virus?”

Li Zhen shook his head, “It’s just outside the human body. The virus that has penetrated into the human body and the dead body cannot be cleaned up.”

Fang He flicked his tail in confusion, Li Zhen stretched out his hand and rubbed his ears, “I will find a way.”

Fang He nodded and sat there watching Li Zhen fiddle with those instruments. He always felt that he had overlooked something. Fang He suddenly stood up, “Little dumpling! We forgot about the little dumpling!”

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