Headed by a Snake

Chapter 794 Daughter

Zhevra did her best to keep her expression serious.

The song of which legends were sung was a prophetic song whispered amongst the higher echelons of various Dark Guilds and a select few Elven Houses-- one of which being Whitehearth's House Moonwell.

From what she understood, the King from Across the Seas would be the cause of a world-ending calamity...

The Ancient was a fool, removed from the politics of the Realm for too long. If he knew what was being said of him... and if he had the same arrogance as his kin, learning of his reputation should send him even deeper into a rage.

If the fates were kind, King would immediately leave the Tree God's Forest and pay the Arcanite Princess a very violent visit... which would leave Sol Invictus with one fewer Gold-Rank to keep them safe.

King took a deep breath but nodded, "Yes... I had hoped to call upon my current allies to assist me in defeating the Tyrant God... but thy words have opened my eyes."

Zhevra's eyes widened for a microsecond, realizing the gravity of the Ancient's words.

The tyrant he spoke of could only be the lizard god.

...It was the same god that The Wizard curried favor to... the same hateful god that her brother so often heard.

It made her realize that she had unwittingly become a pawn in the game of the gods... and the Elven Ancient was one of the players.

...Zhevra was more the fool than the Ancient.

All of the information she had on the prophecy was draconic in origin. In retrospect, it was obvious that those disgusting, winged creatures would not vilify their own kind.

Each story had two sides... and according to King, the source of the Realm-burning calamity was the dragon god.

Obviously, the Elven Ancient was a good person-- a gullible idiot, yes, but ultimately good.

The Winged Tyrant was his exact opposite. Even a child would understand who the true enemy was.

Zhevra was a liar, a thief, a murderer, and a whore... but if given the choice, she'd rather the world not be destroyed by fire and claw.

She shook her head, feeling sorry for herself. She had become the villain out of her childhood stories... a seductress that only served as an obstacle for the Hero.

"Dry your eyes, Sapling," King smiled as he thumbed one of her tears.

His soft touch made Zhevra shiver. She hadn't noticed when it changed... but the tears she was crying were no longer false.

She did not deserve his kindness.

"My lord," She whispered.

"I will save this world..." King declared confidently, "on my own, if I must."

Zhevra bit her upper lip, "If you have allies to be nurtured, Lord... then perhaps it would be better to--"

"Nay, child," King shook his head. "The final burden is mine to bear."

He stood tall, back straight, chest forward, "The world is unjust. The people have lost their faith..."

His eyes shone bright with power... threatening to blind Zhevra with his honor and righteousness... "I will restore justice... I will give the people of this world something to believe in, once again."


Zhevra and the Ancient turned to see a copse of trees collapsing, making way for a massive many-rooted, thick-bearded tree, towering over them at forty-fulms tall.

"GRAAaaAAAHH!!!" The Tree God bellowed, [THOU. SHALT. NOT. LEAVE THIS PLACE. ALIVE!!!!]


Tycondrius sighed as he walked past the third signboard heralding his *certain doom*.

The writer was rather thorough, adorning the wood with skull symbols and the same message, repeated several times in different languages.

Unfortunately, Tycon was not planning on heeding the warnings.

After crossing through the teleport gate, it closed behind him. He had no reference as to where in the Tree God's Forest he was... and the forest denizens steered clear of the path, so he could not ask for directions.

...The best course of action for him was to follow a logical path.

The winding trail led past more signs, a few macabre displays of broken skulls and hung bodies, and a lovely white-stone water fountain.

A Bronze-Rank water mephit attacked him-- a cowardly creature with whitish-blue bat wings. Tycon defeated it in a single strike and went about his way.

It was a rare creature... more appropriate in a Dungeon than a forest.

After nearly a bell of travel, he came across a clearing with a small wood cabin. It was peculiar to see such a mundane construction in the generally-enchanted forest... but Tycon hoped that if he were polite, he could reasonably ask for some direction towards either the Tree God or an otherwise safer location.

He spotted a small, dark-skinned Elven child in a long, grey robe, sitting at a wooden table near the cabin's front door.

⟬ Bronze-Rank Human Mage. ⟭

Tycon focused his vision to get a clearer look... and he immediately recognized the effects of a passive illusion. The young lady looked identical to the Dark Elven form of his adopted daughter, Sasarame.

But even if it was an illusion, Sasha was a lovely child and thus, Tycon wished the young mage no ill will.

He took to his small, snake form to quietly approach... but even as slithered onto the table's opposite bench, she remained engrossed in her paperwork. She was either purposely ignoring him or wholly ignorant to his presence.

...After observing the child work studiously for several minutes, he decided to reveal himself.

« System, cancel Snake-Form. »

⟬ Small Snake Form Cancelled. Returning to Human-Form. ⟭

Tycon sat patiently, opposite the young woman, leaning forward with his elbows on the table. He was wearing his dark Arcanite Armor, making him look like a professional mercenary.

Yet still, the child did not acknowledge him.

"...Good afternoon."

"Wah!" The panicked child hopped up and threw her graphite stick up in the air... where it landed far in the distance.

The Sasha look-alike stared at him in wonder, her mouth agape, "Y-you can see me?!"

"...Yes," Tycon smiled politely.

"But... I used my Lesser Invisibility spell?"

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