Headed by a Snake

Chapter 796 Dungeon Master

The young Megara sought to cast her spell to the best of her abilities. The notion was admirable... but was somewhat inappropriate, considering she was participating in a duel to the death.

Still, the chance would afford Tycondrius time to familiarize himself with his surroundings.

"Do so," He waved, scanning the nearby trees for potential cover...

The young lady hurried back to her table and rooted through her notes. She spent several moments quietly mouthing words... but her eyes conveyed a terrible panic.

"You can take your time, Miss Megara... and be mindful of the formal versus informal nouns for the first passage."

"O-okay. Thank you!"

After another few minutes, Megara hurried back to where she was standing-- nearly tripping on her robe for her troubles, "I'm ready! I'm gonna cast it!"

"Ah, wonderful," Tycon nodded. "Please do your best."

Again, Megara went through the motions of her spell... though she still cited her fluffy clouds and her awfully specific number of sinners.

Finally, she put her palms forward, completing the activation, "⌈Ice Shot!⌋"

A magical ball of ice the size of Tycon's fist spiraled towards him at the dreadful speed of... an obese pigeon.

It was particularly effective... at distracting him.

Tycon wasted nearly a full second staring in disbelief. The spell wasn't powerful at all.

Even if he were struck by it, his Arcanite armor would largely reduce its effects.

However, his body reacted out of reflex when the ball grew close. He swatted it with the flat of his sword, smashing it into powder.

"Um... did I win?" Megara asked.

Tycon pursed his lips... "Yes?"

"You don't look defeated, though?"

"Err..." Tycon dropped to a knee, "Is this the limitations of my strength?! I... I can no longer fight!"

It wasn't a lie. If he continued, it wouldn't be a fight. It would be a one-sided slaughter.

He bowed his head, trying to look as defeated as possible, "I... submit to you."

As a Mage, Megara was only a half-step more powerful than Tycon... if he were to forego all avenues of physical attack and utilize only offensive spells.

...And he'd still win due to his Gold-Rank physique and enchanted armor.

Her technique was decent, but as she'd alluded to earlier, her mana pool was laughably low.

...Her physique was likely only Elementary rank... and she was literally a child. If he used a modicum of his strength to attack her even once, she would either die or be critically injured.

"Oh!" Megara hopped up, clapping her hands in excitement, "I won my first duel to the death!!"

"You won your first duel by submission," Tycon corrected.

"Right..." Megara folded her hands... "Right! Um... but what happens now?"

​ Tycon stood up, brushing the dirt off his metal knee-pad, "Since you've defeated me in combat, you can... force me to help you with your homework."

"Oh-- oh?!" Megara looked away and hid her hands within the pockets of her robes... "You... you don't have to do that."

"The defeated must heed the victor's wishes," Tycon smiled. "You will grant me the opportunity to restore my honor, won't you?"

"O-of course! Then..." Megara's small mouth curved up into a warm smile, "can I order you to help me with my homework? Please?"

"I would love to, Miss Megara," Tycon bowed. "You are a kind and merciful champion."

"Dad-- I mean, Master taught me to always be polite."


⟬ Elsewhere... ⟭

Elle turned the corner, bounding down the dark corridor with long strides.

'It could be worse... Eternal Flame, it could be WORSE!!' She repeated a mantra in her head.

She wasn't as cut out for adventuring as she thought.

She had always looked forward to braving a Dungeon with a team of skilled adventurers. She got her wish-- but she found that she was separated from the rest of the group.

And even worse... it was a place where she couldn't summon her Divine Armor.

Gaheris would defend her the best he could-- she was sure... but he was made for open-field battles, not cramped cavern tunnels...

In traveling with her boyfriend to the Tree God's Forest, she'd learned more about adventuring than she ever could have in the stories she heard back in Leopardon.

'Always have a source of light in case of total darkness.'

Elle was running with her sword out of her sheath. If not for Summer Song lighting the way, she would have been running blind.

'Keep your distance from monsters with unknown abilities.'

If she hadn't, the acid-spray from the dog-sized, roach-creatures following her would have probably melted her face at first contact.

'Withdraw when outnumbered...'

She was doing just that-- running for her life.

What else was there...?

Against her better judgment, Elle took a glance behind her. She was much faster than the monsters were... but she couldn't run forever.

Suddenly, Tychon's words from over a week prior resounded in her head.

'Always look UP!!'

After passing through a doorway, she lifted her sword above her head. There, she spotted a ladder on the wall that she would have missed otherwise.

She leapt up to quickly grab hold of it, climbing to the top and through a hatch. She didn't look back a second time. She was sure she'd pee herself if she saw those things flying.

...Ugh. Roaches. The ones that fly are the worst.

Shutting the hatch behind her, Elle sat cross-legged and focused on catching her breath and slowing her heart rate.

...She was glad that she practiced running every sun-- else she'd really have been in trouble.

Taking a nice, deep breath, she took in her surroundings-- no longer dark, slick caverns... but worked stone.

"By the Flame," Elle cursed. "How big *is* this place?"

She took a drink from her waterskin and splashed it on her head to cool off... "Just... just gotta stay alive. Gotta get to the rest of the group..."

"In zis place... nyahahaha..." Dark laughter reverberated off the walls... "each... step... is filled with death and danger..."

"Who's there?!" Elle got to her feet, holding Summer Song defensively.

"I... am the Master... of zis place..." The accented voice said... "And you, Mademoiselle... have done well to come zhis far, unharmed."

Cold, disgusting sweat dripped down Elle's back as she focused her sword's light towards the darkest of shadows... and the man who stood beyond.

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