Headed by a Snake

Chapter 798 Monstrous Form

Tycondrius relaxed on a cushioned sofa, calmly drinking tea as he examined the various effects in the room.

One, in  particular, caught his eye... one just as worrisome as the weapons and armors that enchantments of which were not yet completely inert.

He furrowed his brows as he scrutinized a signed portrait of... Troia, the Holy Country's High Oracle.

"What in the seven-- ugh... what is *that*?"

Megara puffed her cheeks as she wrung her hands, "Did... I make a mistake? L-let me fix it before Dad sees."

"Ah," Tycon handed back her paperwork, "No, Megara. Everything looks lovely, though you could truncate the bottom-right spell circles on pages two and three."

Megara lifted the second page above her head-- as if that could help her better see the issue.

"They're... redundancy safeguards, though?"

Tycon cradled his chin with his hand, "In that case, the functions looping to that point are tenuous. What would happen if the top center circle was rendered inert?"

"...Oh. The ritual would fail, huh?"

"Correct," Tycon smirked. "Adjust."

"Y-yessir," Megara rendered a sloppy salute.

"Don't do that."

Suddenly, a blinding golden light spilled out from the cabin's back door. Via the power of the almighty Alana, the door frame grew in height before swinging open, allowing a large-bodied, lion-faced gentleman in half-plate to stalk inside.

"MEGARA!!!" He shouted, scowling and furious, "I have given you a TASK!!!"

In response, Megara excitedly flapped her homework sheets, "I finished, Master!"

"And... who... is... THIS?!?" The lion-man with a very slight Kingdom accent pointed an emerald arm and very expensive looking spear in Tycon's general direction, "DAUGHTER!!! Have you brought an ADVENTURER into our house, UN-IN-VITED?!?!"

"Nope," Megara smiled. "I invited him! And-- and I served him tea."

It was a beautiful, full smile that Tycon had not yet seen. The young mage had a few crooked baby teeth that only added to her childlike charm.

"Oh," The lion scratched at his mane. "Did you use ze expensive tea, ma cheri?"

"Of course! I had to use the footstool to get it."

Tycon glanced at his empty teacup on the adjacent table. It was delicious... but not necessarily expensive.

The gentle-cat took a step back, appalled, "You RISKED yourself?! FOR A HUMAN??!"

"I was watching her, Monsieur-- ensuring her safety," Tycon stood up. "Also, despite my appearance, I... am not that."

"...Ah," The lion sighed in relief. "Whew. Very well, zen."

Megara's eyes lit up, "Really? Can I see?"

...Tycon looked back to the unhappy lion-man for guidance.

"Mm... before zat," The fellow cleared his throat... "DAUGHTER!! Introductions are in order!"

"Wah!!" The surprised Megara hopped in place, flinging her homework into the air, "Oh-- oh, right!"

She bowed clumsily, bonking her head on the corner of the couch, "D'ah."

"Please take care of yourself, Miss Megara..." Tycon sighed as he calmly snatched each individual sheet, arranging them in a neat pile.

"I... I've never done introductions before!" Megara oof'ed, rubbing her forehead.

Her master lowered his body into a Martialist's horse stance.

"MEGARA!! We have PRACTICED ZIS!!" He yelled, "You must CALM your-SELF!!"

"Master..." Megara pouted, "Inside voice... please."

"...Ah, pardon..." The large cat stood up, though his head remained bowed, "Go ahead, ma cheri."

The young Mage bowed politely, "Mister Tycon, this is my master, Ravidius Orion."

Tycon narrowed his eyes...

« System, analyze: This gentleman's Class. »

⟬ System response: Ravidius Orion, Adamantine-Rank Half-Giant, Scale-Blessed, Heir of Heaven, Death-Touched, Lionhearted, Paragon, Champion of the Eternal Fl... ⟭

"A pleasure to meet you, Centurion," Tycon bowed politely as his mind raced to comprehend just what exactly he was facing.

Even after his System finished rattling off the fellow's basic information... Tycon still wasn't exactly certain as to the gentleman's actual Class.

...He wasn't even sure if he sensed 'Hero' in the description.

It was somewhat worrisome that Ravidius was an Adamantine-Rank... but with his full class title so... layered, he no longer fit on the standard low/mid/high-Class Tier scale.

He was so obscenely powerful... that Tycon decided to act normally-- with neither arrogance to impress nor obeisance to elicit pity.

If he said something to get himself killed, he wouldn't know how he died.

"Ze pleasure is mine, Monsieur Tycon" The massive lion bowed in return. "And would you show us your monstrous form? If it is not too much trouble?"

It was an odd request-- not his true form but his monstrous form. Still, Tycon was a guest and doing so was well within his power.

"I don't see why not," He shrugged.

He walked over to the center of the lounge... checked his spacing as he gave his System the command.

« System, activate: Sea Serpent form. »

⟬ Sea Serpent form activating... ⟭

It had been the first time he'd utilized the form since receiving a drop of Princess Iyuri's essence. He spent nearly a full minute pacing his transformation in order to avoid damage to any furniture. When he finished, he carefully coiled over thirty fulms of his white, smooth-scaled body underneath him, looking down at the young Mage and her master.

"How is it?" Tycon asked.

"WOW!" Megara gasped, "Are you a dragon?!"

"Incorrect, young lady," Tycon flared the fins on his head and flipped his paddle-tail for emphasis. "This is the form of a Sea Serpent."

"Do you have a Breath Weapon?!?" Megara asked, undeterred.

"I can... breathe water," Tycon admitted.

Ravidius sagely stroked his furred chin, "Your form-- it bestows you gills?"


That was not what Tycon meant, but it was also true.

"Ma cheri..." Ravidius rubbed his temple before sweeping back his golden mane, "You 'ave seen a dragon..."

"But..." Megara scratched her head, "This one helped me with my homework. I defeated him in combat-- to the death."

Immediately, the lion grew suspicious... "Monsieur Tycon... is zis true?"

Tycon began reversing his transformation, shrinking in size, "Technically yes... to both."

Ravidius took a deep breath, his mana swelling outward. He was not pleased.

"You... made my daughter... CHEAT on HER HOMEWORK?!"

"No, of course not," Tycon flicked his tongue. "When she had questions, I offered clarification. All resulting credit belongs to her."

...The large cat-fellow stared blankly for a moment, before reigning in his aura.

"Oh... Well... good," He nodded... "Anyroad, we do nya't have much, but please, Monsieur Tycon, make yourself at home."

"Your welcome has been most generous."

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