Headed by a Snake

Chapter 802 Forgotten Hero

Elle began to stir.

As for the reason... it was likely because the two gentlemen, Tycondrius and Ravidius, did not know how to keep silent in the presence of a convalescing patient.

The Titanblood woman half-sat up in her bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes... "T... tychon?"

Tycon positioned himself to ensure he was the first thing his beloved saw. Waking up in a strange place was a jarring experience... but not so much if she could rely on at least one stable point of familiarity.

"Did you rest well, my love?"

"Oh... oh, Tychon..." Elle pulled him close for a hug, burying her face into his chest... "I just had... the most terrible nightmare."

Tycon gently stroked the back of her head, untangling golden strands of her messy ponytail, "A nightmare, you say?"

"Y-yeah..." She sighed, "I was attacked... and... I... I did everything you taught me to do... but I got caught in the end-- by a Witch who wielded an evil crimson staff."

That... sounded rather suspicious.

Tycon slowly turned his head to look at Ravidius.

The large cat-fellow rested his red-bladed spear against his shoulder, meaningfully stroking his golden chin with his glowing right hand.

"An unknown Mage in ze Dungeon..." He grimaced, "Zat is... nya't a welcome development..."

Tycon looked back to Elle.

She was staring at Ravidius with her mouth agape.

--which proved Tycon's earlier suspicions.

"Ravidius," He smiled politely. "Are you aware, dear friend... that in utilizing your encanted spear as a walking staff... you may be mistaken as a Mage?"

A large golden cat's eye twitched in realization, "N-not until just meow, no."

"Of course," Tycon groaned, shaking his head. "Anyroad... Monsieur Ravidius Orion, I'd like to formally introduce you to my lovely girlfriend, Miss Elle of Leopardon."

"R-r-r-ra... RAVIDIUS?!?!" Elle nearly leapt out of bed. "Is that... is THAT the same--"

"Leopardon?" Ravidius nodded, "Zat is... a village near Caeruleum, no? I am from ze western side of Ezyria, born in a humble village wis' ze name of Bluevine."

Tycon nodded, having recognized the place. "I've passed by the vineyards there. They're quite nice."

"A very long time ago..." Ravidius smiled, "my Orion family were ze best vignerons and negociants in Alizeau and Tyrion, both!"

"Tychon!!!" Elle shouted, "This-- this is!!"

She was beginning to hyperventilate.

Tycon took her hand and took deep, exaggerated breaths. She caught on quickly, and she consciously slowed her rate of breathing to match his.

"Elle... this," He gestured, "is Ravidius Orion, the Hero of Passage."

"Eh?" Ravidius scratched behind one of his ears, "'Ow did you know?"

"...You've done literally nothing to hide it," Tycon rolled his eyes.

In response, the large, lion fellow hid his magically enchanted arm behind his back-- as if that was the only clue Tycon had.

When he first met Megara, one of the first things he learned was that her father was a Hero.

The various mementoes openly displayed inside his home further alluded to his identity.

He had postcards mailed from places where only Gold-Ranks and stronger could reasonably survive.

Adorning the walls were unique adventuring armors and weapons, most still carrying hints of their powerful enchantments.

(One of which was a dagger Tycon had borrowed. Thankfully, as of yet, Ravidius had not revealed any act of ungentlemanly behavior, concerning Elle-- but anyroad...)

The lionhearted fellow wore light armor for mundane, sun-to-sun activities... and his Centurion designation was displayed openly on his shoulder.

Also, there was an unmistakably Tyrion banner hanging above Ravidius' front door. Upon learning more about that fellow's past, Tycon realized it was the heraldry of Bluevine... which was only a few suns travel to the City of Passage.

Then, of course, there was High Oracle Troia's portrait.

She had signed it.

'To the Hero of Passage,' said the flowy, feminine script.

Ravidius frowned, "But... I am nya't wielding my signature weapon."

"What's that in your hand?"

"My signatu-- oHOH HOH~! Monsieur Tycon, you almost had me fooled! Zis is a magical staff! Nya't a spear as you may have guessed!"

"I can discern your lies on your face, Ravidius," Tycon chided.

Ravidius dipped his head, "It is... as you say..."

Elle continued to glare at the large cat-man, "Tychon... He... he took control of my body."

"Should I be jealous, my love?" Tycon teased.

"It's not funny!" She pouted.

Thankfully, Tycon had known his lover long enough to estimate the level of indignation she was suffering.

She was fine-- or she would be.

From what Tycon understood, Ravidius was a foolish, if reliable and honest, Hero.

He was also the only person resurrected by Church of the Eternal Flame in the past several centuries. With High Oracle Troia as a judge of character, it was implausible for Ravidius to be a person of questionable morals.

At any rate, the Hero of Passage was more than capable of turning either of them into meat-paste within seconds if he so wished.

Tycon could defeat him... but it would be a lengthy and complicated endeavor.

First, he'd attack him with surprise, wounding him several times with a powerful (borrowed) dagger. Then he'd escape, only to return with a small army... which would take him calling in a host of several favors, established by both the current him and the past-him.

...He was keeping those as a back-up plan for his inevitable showdown against the Queen of Stone.

Thus, in order for Tycon to be truly offended by Ravidius' actions, the Lionheart had to cross not just one-- but several last-lines.

...And still, all that would be prioritized only after killing the sea god.

Tycon refused to accept more than one god-slaying quest at a time.

"Ravidius," Tycon inclined his head. "Could you please elucidate the reasoning for your Control-type Spell?"

"Mademoiselle Elle," Ravidius stepped forward, "At ze time we met, you were in Corridor.. 22-A? You were standing upon a pressure plate zat would have triggered a most deadly trap."

"Th-the click!" Elle's eyes shot open, "I remember!"

"Correct," Ravidius nodded. "If you were to move carelessly, your body would have been crushed by a pillar... one made of alchemical golems. Zhe terrible constructs were made to bleed a highly acidic compound strong enough to melt flesh and bone!"


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