Headed by a Snake

Chapter 806 Too Good To Be True

Krysaos immediately took hold of Imperia's arms and pulled back.

"Whoa!! I-- you..."

He cleared his throat and straightened his posture. It was a little embarrassing for such a well-experienced guy like himself to get caught off-guard by a woman.

Still, he had to admit... "I... I did not expect that."

"...I know I don't deserve your help... not after everything I've said and done," Imperia looked up towards him, her lips plump and inviting, "but... I want you to take me with you. I... I don't want to be a Princess anymore."

"You know how incredibly stupid that is?" Krysaos frowned, "And that definitely counts as kidnapping... which is illegal."

"You say that like that bothers you."

...Krysaos pursed his lips. She... had a point.

"I'm a freebooter for the Kingdom, thus am allowed to do illegal things legally-- certain things, anyroad."

"I don't care," Imperia shook her head. "I'm tired of ruining people's lives just to get ahead... I'm tired of giving orders to people who only care about my title.

"I want... to be with people who like me-- or hate me because... of who I actually am.

"I want to live a life of adventure... free... on the open seas-- free of my mother's demands.

"I want... to be with you, Krysaos."

Krysaos took a deep breath, "Think about what you're saying, Imperia. You have responsibilities... as do I. You know I want to kill the sea god... and that's not exactly a leisurely swim through the shallows."

"...For the first time, speaking with you, Krysaos," Imperia looked up... "I mean what I'm saying."

"And what you're saying is..."

"I've already given you my first kiss... and you've already stolen my heart..."

Imperia swallowed as she placed her bound hands against her bandaged chest... "I want you... to take my purity, too. I want you to be... my first... and my only."

Krysaos blinked a few times and stared.

This was definitely an illusion.

He sat back and tossed Imperia haphazardly onto the bed.

"Ow!!" She writhed, "I SAID be gentle, you idiot!!"

Or maybe... it wasn't?

Whichever it was, Krysaos was tired of thinking about it.

He had an armor-less hottie waiting for him on the bed... and neither he, nor the girl in question had any qualms with what was going on.

"Yeah," Krysaos tossed his hat away and began unbuttoning his jacket. "If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it my way. You'll thank me, soon enough."


The rough banging on the door to the room made Krysaos go soft immediately. He drew the Heart of the Ocean from its sheath and tried to focus.

⁆ Mina, can you hear me? ⁅

...But it was no good. His mind was clouded with euphoria and filthy thoughts of banging his first dark elf. Using magic to communicate with Mina was not going to happen anytime soon.

The door flew open-- nearly off its hinges... and the motherf*cking king of the gods-damned elves stepped through, dark-haired and eyes beaming like a lighthouse.

"Back. down. Captain. Krysaos," King growled. "Thou shalt not receive a second warning."

Imperia sat up, "My sovereign! I... I..."

Krysaos narrowed his eyes, "F*ck off, Mister high-and-mighty. Imperia's my woman now-- not yours and *definitely* not her mom's."

"Krysaos..." Imperia sniffed... "Th...ank you... Thank you so much..."


The elf guy circled to the left, drawing his swords. They glowed white, hotter and brighter than his eyes.

That... was something Krysaos hadn't seen before and made him really wish he hadn't said what he'd said.

"The Ancient is right, Brother-Captain."

Krysaos' spirits perked up, hearing Tycon's voice. Though he kept his focus on the prowling elf, he scanned for his Lieutenant in his peripheral vision.

Quickly, but... in an unexpectedly gentle manner, the wooden shutters on one of the windows opened up.

​ The porthole was enough to squeeze in a standard Coral Boy... so it came as a surprise to see the head of an oversized Sea Serpent poke through.

"Who the hells are you?" Krysaos grimaced, "And how are you related to Iyuri?"

"It's me, you dolt," Sea Serpent Tycon narrowed his golden eyes. "Krysaos, as noble as your deeds and actions have been as of late, your status is not enough to properly court Princess Imperia... not yet."

"Friend-Maedar," King stopped his circling to cross his arms... "No matter the status, the children of earth and sky-- MY children do NOT lie with humans!"

"Times change, Friend-Elf," Tycon flicked his tongue. "Give me three moons and I'm certain I can shape Krysaos into something worth Imperia's hand. Sworn brotherhood to Prince Notaku of the Ebon Mask tribe, perhaps? ...Or the Commander of Princess Ophelia's air fleet?"

He turned his head, a blazing yellow eye as big as a human head staring Krysaos down, "I trust you'd have no issue assuming a position in which the previous holder was violently murdered?"

"That..." Krysaos raised his hand, "--sounds kinda f*cked up, LT."

"Sovereign! Prince Tycon!" Imperia yelled, "Do I NOT have a say in this?!"

""No,"" King and Mega-Tycon responded.

Krysaos swept his short hair back and began to laugh, "Oh... this-- this is rich."

King narrowed his eyes, "Have we done something to amuse thee, human?"

The giant snake thing tilted its head, "Do speak your mind, Brother-Captain."

"The timing... the timing's just too good," Krysaos shook his head. "Everything's just a little too perfect."

"Art thou accusations filled with... mockery?" King seethed.

"Tsssss..." Tycon emitted a low hiss, "No... the Captain hasssss a valid point. Thisss... Dungeon is rather odd. Captain Krysaos, we ask that you explain yourself further."

"Well," Krysaos took a breath. "As you know, LT-- I was with the Coral Boys on the trap path. Mina and I found this weird wall... I pushed a brick in, heard some mechanisms turn and poof! I end up here."

--in an elaborate illusion. A... really, really elaborate illusion.

It had to be.

Imperia didn't REALLY like him.


"Ah," Tycon nodded. "I can explain."

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