Headed by a Snake

Chapter 814 Insolent

"I... insolence!!"

King screamed really loud and really... high-pitched? For some reason?

Whatever... 'insolence' meant... it sounded like it was probably bad?

Megara's dad told her to never ever hit a boy where King got hit. Ever ever.

...He didn't say it made someone's voice sound funny, though.

But anyroad... King was mad. For sure.

He started moving faster-- schwinging his swords more dangerously.

He... started chopping off Forest Warden's arms, one by one. The weapons that fell to the floor left magical scorch marks or just broke the wood outright.

It felt really dangerous-- so Megara hid behind Blackie, ducking down while shutting her eyes and covering her ears.

She did it just in time, too. There was a bright flash of light and a big boom when King activated another Skill.

...After a few seconds, she peeked her head over to look.

Forest Warden had changed completely. Again.

There was a lot less bark on him and he was mostly green. He looked a lot like a human-- shorter than Dad, but his muscles were really... muscly. They weren't big and beefy, but you could see the lines.

Like he worked out.

His extra legs and arms got cut off, though.

In his left, it looked like he grabbed the big plank that said 'F-word the Ocean' and was using it as a shield.

--which he used to bash King in the face.

And in his right...

"Oh, no. Blackie, look!" Megara frowned. "That's... the Diamond Sword! Master found a special block that let him put more than five enchantments on it!"

"So it has come to this," The Tree God turned up his very human-like nose, "Behold, Elf God... my final form: Perfect Tree God."

"Perfect, you say?" King spat his blood on the floor-- which was really gross and *really* impolite, "Your title is as pretentious and false as your belief that you can defeat me, Tree God."

"Hah," Perfect Tree God swept his sword over his shield... the metal lettering changing to 'F-word the Elves.'


"--And why would I believe otherwise?" He said, "I am not unfamiliar to war... a concept as old as time, itself. Thousands of your kind have died by my hand... and for what? Fighting against the inevitable?"

"My PEOPLE," King growled, "died with blades in hand... not on their knees, oppressed by a corrupt pantheon of despots!!"

"The dragons are far older than you OR your people, Sapling God," The Tree God frowned. "If they wish to rule, that is their prerogative by virtue of their BLOODLINE!"

"...Open your eyes, Tree God," King sheathed his swords. "The Tyrant God has no love for you... or your kin... Join me. Fight by my side against all that is evil, dishonorable, and unjust!"

"And oppose the natural order?" Perfect Tree God scoffed, "The dragons will return, King of the Elves... and when they do, there will be no more fighting. There will be only ash, fire... and rebirth."

King thought it over for a moment... "Thou needst not burn to be reborn."

...Perfect Tree God narrowed his eyes and pointed his sword forward, "Why have you come to my forest? Has the current generation of your children not done enough, enslaving my children?"

King swept his hand to the side, "I am here for one of my allies, a sapling named Coraline Heartsong."

"Bah," Perfect Tree God dropped his guard, lowering his blade. "I have met with her..."

"And her fate?" King grimaced.

"Worthy..." Perfect Tree God groaned... "She has been granted the knowledge to continue her quest."

"Then..." King relaxed his posture, "we have no quarrel."

"Nay, Elf God," Perfect Tree God scowled. "Our quarrel remains. Leave my forest. Do not return."

"Tch," King turned away. "I will do so gladly. I will return to my people and warn them of thy... stubbornness..."

Megara cleared her throat, "Um... Excuse me. Y-you guys made a really big mess of my house."

Perfect Tree God and King turned to stare.

"Bork," Blackie added.

Megara pursed her lips, "Um... Please help me clean up before Master comes home?"

The two looked to each other... like they were thinking really hard about something.

...It really shouldn't have been so difficult though.

If you make a mess when you're playing, you have to clean up after.

"...I'll work to repair the walls," Perfect Tree God sighed... "and fill the holes in the yard."

King took a deep breath, "I shall... use my Wind magic to sweep."


⟬ Just before dinner. ⟭

"Is that Pettaia?" Tycondrius frowned.

Coraline was sitting at a short table near the cabin's back door... playing one of the most frustrating games Tycon had ever learned the rules for.

Her shadowy opponent, Ishmael, sat across from her. He looked towards Tycon with particular interest.

It was no surprise. Judging from the state of the game board, he was losing. Badly.

Coraline Heartsong of the Sapphire Tower had many virtues. Mercy was not one of them.

The young Human Mage, Megara, hopped up in her seat, waving energetically.

"Welcome back Mister Tycon! And hello-- um..."

"He~llo!" Elle bounced forward, "My name is Ellie! Your robes are so pretty!!"

"I... I'm a young lady," Megara blushed...

As she was taught proper manners, she stood up and curtsied politely.

Tycon nodded to his lovely girlfriend. As she would occupy Miss Megara, he was left free to deal with matters concerning the overall mission of Sol Invictus and the crew of the Neptune's Revenge.

The young Elven Arcanist, Coraline, stood up and moped her way towards him.

She... did not seem to carry good news.

​ ...though that was one of the reasons Tycon enjoyed working with her. She was easy to read, even for someone as inept at human relations as he.

"Report, if you would," He gestured.

Coraline fumbled with her hands, "Have... you found Beatrice?"

Tycon, Ravidius, and Elle had indeed recovered the young fire elemental from the Dungeon... but he did not realize that Coraline, Beatrice, and Ishmael had traveled together.

Thus, he looked at Ishmael, expecting an explanation.

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