Headed by a Snake

Chapter 839 Alluring Gaze

Jiang Ying Yue looked up at Tycon's handsome visage, the breeze gently ruffling his hair even despite the ponytail.

She gulped and licked her incredibly chapped lips.

His hair looked so... soft... and glossy... She wanted to run her hand down his--

...Oh, no.

How did she look? Her hair was a mess-- that was for sure.

Oh, no!

When was the last time she brushed her teeth? She was supposed to do that once a day-- at least!

An uneasy chill crept down her shoulders and back... but not because of her personal hygiene.

Tycon's eyes were an unnatural, bright gold...

...like... a snake's.

Was the reason her heart was beating so fast... because he was a villain?

"Y-you have funny eyes," Ying Yue grumbled.

She noticed it before! But... it wasn't so obvious. She kept looking everywhere *except* Tycon's alluring gaze.

The dashing cultivator brought his face close, a loose strand of green hanging over one eye...

Ying Yue closed her mouth and stopped breathing, hoping to save Tycon from her noxious breath.

He spoke with slow, measured... almost seductive words... "Are you implying, Miss Ying Yue... that the color or shape of my eyes make me less trustworthy?"



That was too much! Ying Yue was a foreigner who adventured throughout the Realms. If anything, SHE was the untrustworthy one!

No-- wait! NO!

He-- this Tycon person-- he couldn't say that! SHE wasn't judgmental! Not at all!!

"Well, no," She argued, "but-- mmph!"

A juicy morsel entered Ying Yue's mouth by way of wooden chopsticks.

She wanted to spit it out...


...she loved mushrooms.

It was good.

It was better than good.

"Miss Ying Yue..." Tycon twisted his lips... "Again, I assure you, your meal isn't poisoned. There's no need to--"

"Sh-shut up!!" Yue pulled away, wiping the tears from her eyes, "Y-you're... you..."

The edge of Tycon's luscious lips curled up, "I'm...?"

Ying Yue tapped the points of her forefingers together, "You're... not being fair."

"Ah. Granted," The man gave a noncommittal shrug before focusing his attention on his own plate.

...Those chopsticks... they'd touched her tongue... and as HE ate, they touched his...

Mm. Err. Gah. Hahhh~

Yue blushed furiously as hesitantly reached for her own utensils.

...She picked at her meal.

At first, she was careful... reserved... polite...

...like a proper young mistress from a well-to-do family.

...which she was.

She couldn't hide her true self for very long, though.

...A hungry Warrior needs to eat.

The crispy skin of the roasted fish and the full, white flesh... OHHH, it was soooooooo... AH! Ying Yue had never tasted a meal so... very... wonderful.

"If you're still indignant, Miss Ying Yue," Tycon smiled, "I'd like to propose a trade."

"Nope!" Yue half-turned her body, defending her plate from the Outsider, "This is mine, now. No take-backs."

Tycon rolled his eyes, chuckling lightly... "I have provided you with sustenance-- notably bereft of poison, I might add. In exchange, I'd like some information."

Yue stuffed her cheeks full of mushrooms... "O-outsiders lie."

That... really wasn't true. Ying Yue had traveled with more than enough Outsiders to know that. Amongst cultivators and otherwise, there were good and bad people all across the Realm.

...She was just upset that Tycon's smooth voice was cracking at her defenses and his unreasonably attractive face was still focused on her.

"Stop... staring at me..."

"Ahem," The handsome Outsider cleared his throat. "My name is Tycon of Charm... the last Samurai of the Screaming Silence sect..."

Ying Yue listened patiently as she ate, Tycon's voice filling the airy silence.

Against all odds, he... was a hidden sect cultivator... just like her.

But... he talked so casually about his sect secrets and its origins...

Tycon must have been... incredibly comfortable around her? Or was he *too* trusting?

That kind of stuff was taboo to talk about! They were part of HIDDEN sects! And Tycon had only met Ying Yue for what-- minutes?

Ying Yue wanted to stop him but... she... just... *loved* the sound of his voice.

She knew of the Screaming Silence. It was an Ancient Sect to the west, known for their sword arts using a curved blade.

She also sensed that the sword by his side contained a powerful weapon spirit, just like her own flying sword...

Tycon... was just like her, an heir to their respective sects' strongest techniques.

He... could understand her.

And he'd already shared so much...

Therefore... Ying Yue could reasonably talk about her own sect.

In fact, she was honor-bound to!

...Just a little information-sharing wouldn't hurt, anyroad.

"M... my name is Ying Yue... of the Hidden Lake sect's Jiang family..." She whispered, "We're... a younger sect, founded by Venerable Ancestor Liang Chen only 500 years ago."

"The Liang clan?" Tycon pursed his lips, "Then your ice Skills are related to water-bending techniques... Miss Ying Yue, may I ask if your sect is related to the Sea Wolf sect?"

"The Sea Wolf sect?" Yue narrowed her eyes, "H-how do you... but... they--"

That clan was forbidden to speak of... an off-shoot of the Liang family that were cursed by the sea god to turn into monsters.

Yue pointed with her chopsticks, "Tell me how you know of that name!!"

...Tycon placed a finger on her forward hand, lowering it firmly, "Because of... circumstances, I am also a Guest Elder of said sect. The position was appointed by their current leader, Lang Hai, son of Liang Qiang."

Guest Elder.

The information shocked Ying Yue to her core.

That meant that... according to the rules of her sect, Warrior Tycon... was *not* an Outsider.

He was like... a... loosely-related cousin?

...Would it be weird if she married that? Was it even legal?

Tycon adjusted the lapels of his coat, "As proof, what I'm wearing now are... the robes of the Sea Wolf sect, so to speak... but is there a particular reason you're looking at me like that, Ying Yue?"

"S... so," Ying Yue twirled a lock of her hair... "you can cook."

"Ah," Tycon smirked. "Judging from the condition of your plate, you approve."

Ying Yue grinned back, "Mhm. I'm a Martialist, so of course I can eat! Did you think I was just some weak-arse damsel in distress, huh?"

"In distress? Well, I have been told I'm a very dangerous individual," Tycon mused.

Ying Yue's heart suddenly shook.

That was right! Tycon was an enemy-- no! He was a *potential* enemy! And she was caught off guard by thinking about a loving, caring relationship with a handsome and powerful cultivator who had unlocked the secrets of cooking!!

"W-why have you come to Moon Crescent Isle, huh?!" Yue growled. "Is it to take our sect secrets and bring about the end of the Realm as we know it??!"

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