Headed by a Snake

Chapter 841 Not A Good Person (Part One)

Jiang Ying Yue turned away, trying to hide from Tycon's gaze-- if only a little bit....

"Th-that's right, Warrior Tycon... You're trapped with me-- here... with me. So... you have to listen to what I say..."

Tycon nodded in understanding. He looked like... he wasn't worried at all! Or maybe... everything that came out of Ying Yue's mouth was something he already knew?

Whatever the reason, she felt like the world's biggest idiot.

Tycon knew everything and Ying Yue didn't even know how to form a basic sentence.

"Again, Jiang Ying Yue, I am a professional," Tycon dipped his head. "State your terms, present reasonable collateral, and we can forge a contract."

Right. That made sense.

The terms would be... the two of them working together to escape the Realm of the Cloud Goddess.

She couldn't do it alone... but with her knowledge of the Hidden Lake sect's formation arts and a cultivator at least as strong as herself, it was more than possible!

As for the collateral, though?

The only thing she really had... was herself.

"Warrior T... tycon?" Ying Yue took a deep breath.


"W-would... would you be interested in becoming my concubine?"

"Pardon?" Tycon narrowed his eyes... "*Your* concubine, Miss Jiang?"

"N-n-n-n-ooooooo??" Yue coughed into her hand, "Did I say that? I meant... I'm... I'm asking for a friend."

"A... friend, you say..."

Did... he believe her? It didn't sound like he did... but he looked like he was seriously considering it.

"Hear me out..." Yue frowned, "I... I can protect you."

If she convinced Warrior Tycon to join her side, a promise of protection was the bare minimum she could offer. She and the Hidden Lake sect could protect him from his former allies-- and the sect wouldn't dare harm a person that was important to her.

"*You* will, Ying Yue?" Tycon tilted his head, "Or your friend?"

"MY FRIEND!!" Yue meeped, "My friend... can protect you. She's... real strong."

Tycon's eyes began to wander, "And is your... 'friend' anywhere near as lovely as you are, Jiang Ying Yue?"

"Okay," Yue glared as she pointed at her captured wrist. "Let me go. I'm just gonna fight you, now."

Tycon raised an eyebrow as he presented his plate of cinnamon-sugar dough balls with his other hand.

"If we fight... I feel obligated to remind you that dessert will grow cold and stale."

He even released his hold as a show of good faith.

...Ying Yue was really bad at getting the upper hand in deals.

"Ya got me," She sighed, gingerly picking one up with her hand--  "Ow! Hot hot hot!!"

Tycon caught the fiery ball with the serving plate. Without a word, he again took Yue's hand and placed her burnt finger in his mouth.

...She didn't complain... or contest it-- even though she wanted to.

Ying Yue knew she was in the wrong... for lying... and for trying to force Tycon's hand.

"...You probably hate stupid women, don't you," She muttered.

"I don't hate clumsiness," Tycon immediately assured her.

Minutes passed in quietude... a handsome man she'd known for less than a bell nursing her finger, blowing cool air onto it.

Finally, Ying Yue had enough.

Tycon wasn't a bad person. He was just a mercenary. Whoever he was working for... that was the real enemy.

Also, the fried dough balls were quite possibly the most delicious thing she'd ever had in her life.

"I need... your power, Tycon," She said... "My sect... my home... is being attacked. And... I can't save it alone."

"What's in it for me?" Tycon asked-- and rightfully so.

"Our Guardian Beast doesn't like Outsiders!" Yue huffed, "But if I... if I take you to the Inner Sanctum and explain that you're an ally, everything will be fine!"

"Inner sanctum," Tycon mused... "It sounds like I would only need to avoid-- what, the largest building in your sect?"

"Nope!" Yue exclaimed proudly, "Moon Crescent Isle has an underground cave system filled with twists, turns, and traps! If you wanted to navigate it, you'd still have to listen to me!"

Tycon grimaced... "Ying Yue... I worry that perhaps, you may be placing... too much faith in me."

Yue took a breath.

"My faith... is in myself, my own abilities... and the people I choose worthy of my trust."

"Hmph," Tycon raised his chin. "Admirable. Very well."

"You wanted a contract, Warrior Tycon," Ying Yue smirked as she licked the cinnamon sugar off her lips, "so here are the terms: Be my husband... or fight me."

Tycon leaned his fist on his chin, and his golden eyes seemed... to sparkle... "And what if I win?"

Ying Yue's grin grew even wider, "Then you win the right to make me your wife."

Tycon took a breath... and smiled that... that damned gentle smile as only he could...

"Jiang Ying Yue, you are a very powerful cultivator... an initiate Adamantine-Rank according to Outsider standards...

"Yet... I must inform you..." He paused, furrowing his brows... "that you are placing me into a difficult position."

"It's... well..." Ying Yue bit her upper lips, "I... I could really use your help. Bad people are attacking the island-- but... but you're different. You're... reasonable? And... maybe you're a good person?"

Tycon shook his head and looked far, far away, "That... may not be so..."

"But... but..." Ying Yue felt like she was about to cry again, "You fed me... and... and you don't treat me like I'm stupid."

"These, Ying Yue..." Tycon looked back, sorrow in his eyes, "are very basic kindnesses."

"You... you can't win against me," Yue whispered... "This is my Domain. I mean-- I'll... eventually be able to control it... and... and then you'll be at my mercy."

Tycon placed his finger below Yue's chin and tilted her head up... "That... would indeed be troublesome."

He leaned forward.

...Yue closed her eyes.

That was how it was going to be. It hadn't been very long... but Ying Yue needed to trust Tycon if she was going to convince him of anything.

So... she would allow him to do as he pleased...

She would allow herself to be at the mercy of another person.

Consequences be damned.

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