Headed by a Snake

Chapter 849 Stand Fast


Coraline just needed only seconds more to complete the spell circles in her mind...

"Ha HAH!!" Howler shrieked. "YEH, YEAH, YEAHHHHH!!!"

The Coral Boy had been cranky all evening, itching for some kind of violent outlet for his machismo.

He finally got his wish-- which was surprisingly to Coraline's advantage.

Howler performed a standing leap, soaring through the air farther than a guy of his size and stature had a right to.

"Now you'z UNDEFENDED, B*TCH!!!" He shouted as he brought his axe down towards the angel's exposed backside.

"Che," The angel stood up with a scoff.

He knocked Howler aside with a casual backsweep of his wing.

THAT-- that didn't make ANY sense! His feathers looked soft... and they ruffled individually when they moved, but it was like they were made of metal!

Coraline needed to put him down before he could do any lethal damage.

Kneeling down, she shot her palms low to the ground, "⌈THUNDER Wave!⌋"

A burst of magic kicked the sand up-- but the angel had leapt up into the sky with a heavy flap of his wings.

Coraline was afraid he would fly up and out of her defenders' reaches, but he landed immediately... behind two of the crewmen.

The angel swiped his hand down, then acrobatically flipped backward.

It was... so fast-- too fast for her to see what exactly happened... but the effects of his attacks soon became obvious.

Big Dagger... both of his arms fell to the sand, severed just shy of his elbows.

He didn't even get to use the knife he was so proud of.

The other Coral Boy-- Coraline didn't even know his name, he fell to his knees.

Then his head... it just... rolled off.

Coraline gulped as she caught the angel's gaze.

He stood quietly, a slight smirk on his lips.

He was staring... only at her... as if none of the blood and death surrounding him was worthy of keeping his attention.

The angel was beautiful-- but it wasn't a worldly beauty... or even a... nice one.

Coraline wondered... if he wasn't actually an angel-- but the god of death, instead.


The angel's right wing shot up. The point of impact was blackened and smoking from the sudden attack.

Coraline turned to identify the shooter.

It was the Coral Boy named Two-Shot. He was wielding his hextech rifle against the enemy, awarded to him by Lieutenant Tychon for marksmanship. He was one of the most accurate sharpshooters in the crew, second only to Doc.


Two-Shot pulled back on his weapon's loading mechanism, popping another two rounds into the barrel with meaty, yet practiced hands.

"Huhuh HUH huh," He gargled, "Ain't done wiv you yet, boyo~"

Coraline's ears twitched as she heard the ominous sound of bells.


Another blast came out of Two-Shot's weapon... the sweet smell of burnt orcish sugar filling the air.

Hextech rifles were developed in Bael Turath by engineers claiming bloodlines of demons and devils. Yet... the angel calmly stood, calmly crossing his arms while folding his wings behind his back.

Physical attacks... were useless against him.

...But that didn't mean he was invincible.

Whether Coraline and her companions lived or died depended on her magical prowess, alone.

She flared out her elbows, making a diamond-shape with her fingers, circulating her mana as fast as Elven-ly possible, "Watch out, Seaman Two-Shot!!"

Before Coraline could even finish her warning, the angel dropped his guard, speeding towards the Coral Boy in a blur.

"Jus' what we've been wai'ing for," Two-Shot grinned.

In a smooth motion, he spun his rifle around. Holding it with both hands, he slammed the back of his weapon into the angel...'s blocking wing.

The angel boy twirled mid-air, knocking the hextech weapon away... then plunged an empty knife-hand into Two-Shot's chest with a burst of blood.

"TWO-SHOT!!!" Coraline screamed, "STAND FAST!!!"

"Oh, we'z still standin', girlie. This ain't... guh-- ENOUGH!!" The Coral Boy coughed up blood as he reached down to grab the hatchet strapped to his thigh, "ta KILL A GODS-DAMNED ROYAL MARINE!!!"

Coraline tried to will her spell to complete faster-- but it was too late. The angel grabbed onto Two-Shot's wrist, then with his other hand, smashed a hammer-fist down into his shoulder with a crunch.

The sound of bells came once more...

It sounded... joyful? --even as the Coral Boy fell to the beach, writhing in pain.

The angel... was happy?

He threw his head back, the ringing noises growing louder as he lifted his heel... and brought it down on Two-Shot.

His bare foot sunk several ilms into the downed Marine's chest.

That... that was enough.

Two-Shot was dead.

"(I shalt claim vengeance for the deaths of my SWORN BROTHERS!!)" Coraline shouted in Elven, "⌈Fire Bolt: BETA PATTERN!!!⌋"

Six flaming bolts shot towards the angel, their timing offset to confuse and bewilder her opponent.

The angel furrowed his brows, swiping his hand... and DEFLECTING TWO OF THEM!!

This guy's fighting ability was... was un-REAL!

A series of bright lights flashed, though... and the boy stumbled backward.

...Four out of six wasn't bad.

It seemed he had some kind of ⌈Mana Ward,⌋ though... Judging by the way his chest runes were glowing, those were defensive tattoos.

Still... Coraline needed another two or three same-circle spells if she was going to defeat him... and it looked like there was no one left in her squad to defend her.

The angel tilted his head.

He looked... amused?

That... was nothing like the fear Coraline was hoping.

SHE was the one with super-magics! Why was SHE the one AFRAID?!?

Being an adventurer sucks!!

Why did she have to fight the forces of the ELEVEN HEAVENS just to save her MEDIOCRE BOYFRIEND?!?!

"I've been saving this-- for a certain SOMEONE!! ⌈Delayed Fire Bolt: GAMMA PATTERN!!⌋"

The angel's form blurred for a moment-- then he was right in front of her.

Coraline was... in a very bad spot.

...But at least her opponent was predictable.

She hopped back, her palms directed at the ground, "⌈Earth Spike: Alpha Pattern!⌋"

Three sharp rock-spikes exploded out of the sand, the spell's momentum launching her backward.

The angel dodged them by pirouetting in place, leaping towards her with a graceful flap of his wings.

Coraline couldn't help but smirk... "Just as planned."

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