Headed by a Snake

Chapter 868 Somesun

Tycondrius felt his mana circulating as his suspicion mounted.

He was certain his eyes shone gold as he carefully observed Rena's expression.

The young Tyrion girl stared back, unafraid.

Her eyes, one whole and one not quite so... they were filled with concern.

"I... don't know why you're here..." She said-- "in this place, I mean."

She dropped her gaze to the river sand and sandaled feet, her voice shrinking to a bare whisper... "but... it's probably not for a good reason."

A good reason?

Absolutely not.

Tycon laughed heartily-- shocking Rena out of her gloomy demeanor.

"Wh-what's so funny?" She shook his arm, looking particularly displeased.

"You surmise correctly," Tycon smiled warmly as he patted her hand, "My reasons for visiting this hell stem from pure selfishness. I am not a good person-- when exactly did you discern so?"

"Well... when we first met--" Rena pursed her lips in thought, "when we... huh? Well-- I just knew."

So she was aware... and even so, in her infinite kindness, she granted him the gift of Mercy.

Tycon lifted up the Tyrion short sword... tilting it to reflect the glare of the hellsworn sun.


The shine seemed... different.

The metal itself appeared more... whole-- with fewer visible impurities.

...Most peculiar was its weight. Though it was illogical, the sword's balance had moved two ilms forward.


It was a Fourth-Circle enchanted weapon... something beyond the ability of regular humans to craft.

If Tycon were a lesser gentleman, he would be tempted to sell it. The various nations would open their coffers to him if he did so.

There were few problems that could not be solved by an appropriate amount of silver... and Tycon stood to gain hundreds of thousands of that and more, depending on the buyer.

Granted... that would be more trouble than it was worth.

Tycon did not want for coin. As the head of East Charm Trading Company, he financed two professional mercenary companies, Guilds Metal Wolf and Letalis Serpentia.

With the silver to spare, he had access to the best arms and armor in the market. He could also afford to eat at restaurants far superior to Olea Garden-- if he so wished.

If Tycon's Mercy were to become common knowledge... he risked the attention of persons or organizations who preferred to deal with violence and terrorism rather than favors and material goods.

Ultimately... Tycon deeply appreciated Rena's magnum opus as a Divine Enchantress... as well as the fact that she knew him better than he once believed.

...It would have been remiss of him not to keep her gift and cherish it for the rest of his suns.

⟬ Soul bind possible. Soul bind?  Y/N? ⟭

A thought crossed Tycon's mind-- his System repeating its earlier prompt.

He shut his eyes and returned his answer.

« I accept. »

⟬ Understood. Soul binding... ⟭

⟬ Soul binding complete. ⟭

Tycon stowed the sword away into his spatial ring. It would be a tool that he used sparingly-- only as necessary.

...He also gained a new-- if admittedly mild, concern.

Besides Mercy, Tycon was also in the possession of the enchanted weapons: the Sword of Venom, the Shatterspike, and Tres Leches.

He did have a folding hand-crossbow and a small utility knife... but he was otherwise bereft of any mundane weapons.

...It was a problem he would address at a later time and date.

Tycon held onto Rena by the wrist as she struggled to stand properly. With the way her knees buckled, It was obvious that her enchantment ritual greatly sapped her strength.

He held her tight-- worrying if he let go, she'd disappear without warning.

Though he was concerned, logically, Rena's ascension to the heavens would not be particularly strenuous.

He strongly doubted that Khalkyd had the patience to... walk. More likely, the two would fly or teleport to their destination.

"Are you prepared?" Tycon asked.

"Huh? What... so... thirs--" Rena's head lazily drifted to the waters before snapping out of her reverie..."Oh... r-right. Zehr?"

Her form of address-- it had changed.

...Tycon felt his chest tighten.

Rena's ritual... its mana expenditure, heavily depleted her mana reserves. It affected the little life force she had left-- the life force Tycon gifted her.

The few memories that were returned to her... she sacrificed them willingly on his behalf.

"H-hey," Rena perked up. "Don't gimme that face."

"This is how I look," Tycon grimaced.

"Mmm... Zehr," Rena tilted her head. "What if... what if I ask you to stay forever? Would you?"

It... would be difficult if that was her true wish.

"Yes," Tycon nodded.

From behind the somewhat selfish girl, Hades was holding his hands in an X in front of his chin.

Tycon ignored him.

"Hah... haha..." Rena giggled-- "I was just kidding! By the Flame, you're always--"

The girl stopped speaking abruptly... and she twisted her brows as if she was trying to remember something.

...After a few moments, she sighed without finishing the thought.

She shook her head lightly, then looked up with a forced smile, "Zehr... Go out and save... whoever needs saving... people like me, I guess."

"Saving people..." Tycon mulled over the thought, "Strange. The weapon you've gifted me is far more appropriate for murder and wanton destruction."

Rena's brows shot up, "Whuh?"

Tycon planted another gentle kiss on Rena's forehead to appease her, "I will, my young love."

"Ehe," Rena giggled... "H-hey, Zehr. I'll... I'll see you again somesun, right?"

"Perhaps," Tycon shrugged... "but be advised: I plan on living forever."

Rena pursed her lips, "I'll... probably apply for reincarnation, then? That's a thing, right?"

A short distance away, Khalkyd opened his mouth to speak. Hades grabbed the angel by the mouth to prevent whatever nonsense he was trying to say.

Rena looked up towards Tycon.

She gulped... then she closed her eyes and stood up on her tiptoes.

A line of tears flowed freely from her left eye.

...She was an honest child.

Tycon felt no guilt for obliging her, kissing her softly... intently... and free of dishonorable thoughts.

He cared deeply for her.

Their circumstances, however, dictated that their relationship would deepen no further.

Tycon pressed his forehead against Rena's... "Until we meet again."

"...Y-yeah. Until we meet again."


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