Headed by a Snake

Chapter 904 Something Good Happening

Water misted outward from the mana-sphere encasing Mina. Thick puddles remained, suspended in the air, carried by Tycondrius' formation and the Sea God's divine power.

The armored sea elf knelt down in the sand at Krysaos' feet, her head bowed low.

⟬ Mina, Adamantine-Rank Weapon-Spirit Sea Witch. ⟭

Tycon sighed internally. Crossing from Gold-Rank to Adamantine was exponentially more difficult than for previous ranks.

Earthsong Dervish Yanaba had been Chieftain of her Ebon Mask tribe for over 600 years and had only reached half-step Adamantine.

It took less than a year for the Bronze-Rankers, Mina and Krysaos, to surpass Tycon in raw power.

That the two had the fortune to do so was... nigh incomprehensible.

The sea elf stood up, her aura full of strength and confidence. She was as tall as Tycon-- yet another vexing change.

Then, despite her warrior's attire, she curtsied as a proper young lady.

"The Heart of the Ocean greets the Sea God," She said... "I am Mina, daughter of the Lake Goddess..."

Hearing her voice, Tycon held his breath... almost enchanted by the musicality of her words.

It calmed his soul... similar to the satisfaction of outmaneuvering an opponent or the consumption of a well-cooked meal.

Mina was clearly herself... yet the quality of her rebirth was much higher than her previous mortal summoner could manage.

"I heard thy call for me, lord..." Mina's voice fell to a whisper.

Krysaos said nothing. He turned his head, looking to Tycon.

His eyes held a deep sadness.

Where Tycon saw a supremely powerful and eternally loyal combatant, Krysaos saw the woman he loved reveal herself to be a stranger.

It was as expected. Mina had lost her memories.

Yet, Tycon had a strange suspicion that... some things were not wholly forgotten.

He stepped forward to the Captain's side, closing his eyes and opening his other senses.

Mina's heart rate was elevated.

"L-lord..." The sea elf mumbled, her earlier spirit somewhat diminished. "May... may this lowly servant speak?"

Krysaos turned back, somewhat surprised, "Y-yeah. Go ahead."

Mina carefully folded her hands in front of her chest.

What looked like tears were gathered at the corner of her eyes.

It was difficult to tell with all the water floating about.

"My heart..." She frowned and pointed at Krysaos, "What... what have you done?!"

The Captain tilted his head, "Huh?"

"H-have you tampered with my summoning?! I-I... I-- AaaARGH!"

The air in the atmosphere chilled to an uncomfortable and biting low.

Something moved in Tycon's upper vision... and when he looked up, Krysaos' Whitesaber Tuna had dissipated. In its place, the mana making up its form was repurposed by Mina's will, transforming into over a dozen ice-crystal swords.

The blades pointed ominously downward.

Judging from the distance, each was likely larger than a ship mast.

Tycon was glad he had yet to give Mina her helmet. The spell in the sky was a Fourth-Circle evocation, impossible to escape from and exceedingly difficult to defend against.

Hades crossed his arms, "It's cool, guys. If y'all die here, I'll uh... look the other way."

...Tycon flicked his wrist, summoning the Sword of Venom into his hands. He had no plans on dying-- nor becoming a broken body, neither alive or dead.

Mina grabbed onto the lapels of the Captain's coat, shaking him back and forth. She tried but failed to meet his gaze, her eyes falling to his chest.

Her face had reddened considerably.

"Master... why... can't I look at you... without my heart beating so painfully?" The teary-eyed sea elf cried, "C-confess thy trick!!"

"Ah... I get it," Kryasos chuckled.

He gently took his servant's hands into his.

"Mina... I never got to ask you properly before... so I'll ask you now. Will you serve by my side?"

"Th-this is not appropriate!!" Mina shrieked, "Y-y-you!! I!!! I... have!!!"

It was... an odd reaction. Even more peculiar was the fact that Mina had yet to pull away from Krysaos' borderline sexual harassment.

Tycon raised his eyebrows, then furrowed them together... "Lady Mina, please calm yourself... and, with all due respect, please stop channeling your Fourth-Circle offensive spell."

Mina ignored him... as young, hysterical women were wont to do.

"I'm not allowed to fall in love with my master! This!! No! What?! YOU!!! Youuuuu!!"

Mina snapped her head to the side, staring at Tycon. Her eyes widened, half with recognition, half with madness.

"Prince Tycondrius! I beg of you! Tell the Sea God that this... this is forbidden! I... I don't want to be part of the most cliche storyline in history!!"

With Mina's eyes directed at him, it was no longer possible for Tycon to kill her before her spell completed.

...He silently cursed himself for not acting earlier.

However, it seemed that with Krysaos' part in Mina's summoning, she was bestowed with greater knowledge from her divine creator.

It was... slightly concerning that the Sword Goddess of the Lake knew of Tycon by name... but the fact that Mina was aware of his status worked in his favor.

Tycon folded his hands, pressing the tips of his forefingers against his lips, "Lady Mina, on my honor as the Prince of Charm, I assure you that the Sea God's affections for you are, in fact, quite appropriate."

Krysaos smiled, a suspicious sparkle gleaming on his teeth, "What if I told you... that you fell in love with me before you lost your memories?"

To that, Mina's expression changed several times... finalizing on nervous acceptance.

She drew closer to Krysaos and... with some hesitation, rested her head on his chest... "Well... that's obviously different."

A hundred, ear-piercing cracks exploded overhead.

...But instead of a hellstorm of icy shrapnel raining death from above... a gentle flurry of snow drifted down and coated the beach.

It was a scene out of a children's tale... the romantic reunification of the Sea God and his servant, with a backdrop of pure, white snow.

Hades and the Thunder God found it appropriate to render polite applause.

Tycon abstained.

Knowing Krysaos, he'd soon blunder his words and again place himself and his peers in life-threatening danger.

Tycon did, however, allow himself a smile. (Of course, he kept his sword ready. If he was going to die, he'd at least kill Krysaos out of spite.)

Ultimately, both the mission and Mina's re-summoning were successes well-earned, thanks to the efforts of Krysaos and his crew.

Though there was precious little alcohol left, there remained a small keg of whiskey in Tycon's spatial ring.

Krysaos would be pleased to be reminded of it.

"Yo, LT."

Despite the relatively joyous and peaceful situation, the Captain somehow looked displeased.

It was baffling. The man had recently killed his mortal enemy and he was holding a lovely, young lady in his arms.

From the way he was glaring, Tycon sensed... anger? Or perhaps it was... deep suspicion?

Discarding his extraneous thoughts, he straightened his posture, bowing politely.

"Yes, Brother-Captain?"

"Since when the f*ck were you a f*cking PRINCE?!"


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