Healing Dungeon

2.33-Interlude: Galaxies and worlds

Deeper knowledge incoming.



I just watched dreamily, for the innumerable time since my creation, how a planet imploded and then in an explosive wave also completely annihilated the surrounding stars and planets in the solar system.
After a short period of time, at least for someone like me, a reverse suction was created and all matter and antimatter in this small solar system was pulled back to the origin of the first explosion with a gigantic big bang. 
A small black hole arose, and grew with considerable speed always further, furiously fast and soon already larger than many other planets in the different galaxies.
The black hole sucked everything in and left a yawning void, where thousands of planets and stars had existed before, exactly at the same place where the origin and demise of the solar system had been. 
A civilization had overreached itself, as so often with mortals, and played with powers far above its pay grade, costing not only its own planet and multi-billions of lives, but everything around it.
With an arm movement, which in its simplicity could bring about such destruction of entire galaxies as not even the gods of the individual worlds could imagine, I beckoned my spouse towards me.
"Akkalon, darling. A new beginning is ready." 
I could have contained the destruction, but saw no need to do so, since the mortal beings had destroyed only their own planet and no other inhabited stars existed around it in the same solar system. Of course, I was the goddess of destruction, but that also meant containing the destruction and keeping it in check. Just as my husband, Akkalon, imposed rules on his creations, I also imposed laws and limits on my destruction.
Said being had done a step, and innumerable dimensions further suddenly stood directly beside me, and looked also in the direction of the now ready grown black hole.
With a gesture which was as old as he himself, he drove himself during the observation with his right hand through his long beard which reached down to his belly button, and one could see him how all the ideas for the creation chased through his mind.
"Oh, a smaller version... I wonder if it's time again for a water culture with flying islands? What do you think, beloved?" He murmured in his grandfatherly voice, and his reverberations rattled the nearest galaxies around, and the inhabitants of some of the planets clung in panic to the next best thing they found, fearing for their lives.
He and I had gathered here in a separate dimension because the destruction of the galaxy before us was imminent, and we wanted to take care of our work of creation, destruction and reprocessing.
I pushed the mortal screams out of my consciousness and stared myself at the black nothing, which in a perfectly round suction continued to try to suck out the last bit of matter, antimatter and energy around it.
In contrast to some mortal scientists in the most different corners and angles of the worlds such a black hole did not extinguish after millions of years only because it became steadily smaller, or because these thought it would lose energy and therefore shrink.
No, not at all. A black hole, anyway of which size, was always a new beginning. An end of an old era, an old galaxy, an old star system, but also a new beginning.
A black hole shrank only because it further compressed and condensed the material trapped inside it, it pressed energy and matter of any kind to such a dense mass that a whole galaxy later was only as big as one of these human marbles.
And once such a black hole "ceased to exist," as these unsuspecting theories claimed, nothing stopped the matter and energy inside from being something new in a massive big bang.
Theories about gods creating worlds? Sure, Akkalon did that too from time to time, but differently than many thought.
To create something new out of the void took, depending on the size, thousands or millions of years, while such a compromised black hole with a huge explosion directly created new life, and complete systems of the previous size. Also with the help of my husband, but not out of nothing.
I looked at him with my black eyes, which I knew were covered with countless dancing stars in swirling nebulae, while I looked at Akkalon in his own deep eyes, which were the exact opposite of my own.
Golden-silver and with countless black dots, which also whirled around in masses and promised a maelstrom of creative creation.
"How long ago was the last time? Ten thousand years? Why not, yes..." Came back my dark promising answer, and the mortals who had already caught themselves again and with them months had passed since Akkalon's voice had made waves, trembled as my voice swept through the worlds in a mighty magic wave.
One wave of his index and ring fingers forward, and the black hole shrank instantly, or in hundreds of mortal years, and exploded.
A wave of energy, which I never tired of, so beautiful were the indelible colors that poured out, went out in waves edgewise, vertically, sideways, diagonally and in all directions, and the former small marble of infinitely compressed matter created new worlds, and a new solar system.
The sun shimmered pale yellow, less intense than before, while the previous inhabited planet now appeared almost entirely blue, except for a few volcanoes that created smaller islands as they immediately erupted.
Inhabitants sprang up, with gills, stone-age tribes formed, and underwater kingdoms were founded. A few settled on the volcanic islands and took on the characteristics of fire, wallowing in the lava and being the exact opposite of the others.
A nod from the man at my side showed his satisfaction with our work, and he grinned at me with his bright eyes before returning to his previous task of a completely new creation.
I myself turned around again, also more than satisfied, to the black swirling pond at my feet.
Various figures of different life forms and peoples were to be seen in a kind of pompous pantheon, and I was just listening when it was again about the newly won interest of a certain individual on this one planet, which had just become the topic of conversation.

"...tell you, stop denying it!" Spoke just a giant with veins of lava, at least for mortal standards, and pointed angrily at a young-looking woman in a black robe, on each of whose shoulders sat two night-black ravens and looked around apathetically with bright yellow eyes.
A sigh came in response, followed by a murmur. "I already told you that I don't know where he is. After taking a closer look at the little man in the dungeon, I was no wiser than before. Why the creator is so interested in this one mortal, I don't know. And as you know, god candidates can't be identified and scrutinized without an immense amount of effort..." 
Another figure intervened, less angry, but probably not believing a word of the young black-haired woman herself. "Then why did you give him your unique skill? You know yourself exactly how difficult it will be if he turns out to be a threat to our world! And then you give a completely new god candidate your skill of rebirth?!" 
Suddenly there was laughter from the back rows behind some of the other gods whispering to each other, apparently of lower origin, since they had to sit further back than the first gods of the local world, who all occupied the front ranks.
The assembly of gods briefly looked angrily at the troublemaker, only to elicit annoyed exclamations and rolled eyes when they saw the green-haired nondescript man sitting on the rearmost tier, shamelessly placing his feet crossed on the seats in front of him, much to the chagrin of the lesser gods sitting there, who had to dodge sideways.
The fiery and angry god from before was the first to speak. "Of course, who else! God of chaos and order, my ass. You again. Can't you just stay away, like you always do, and let us adults handle this?"
The green-haired man looked at him with only one raised eyebrow, and you could see a green and white mist swirling in a maelstrom in his eyes, which were now staring at the lava giant in its entirety.
Without warning, the man suddenly collapsed to his knees, and most of the other gods, with only a few exceptions, immediately took their distance. A green aura with white flashes in it pressed down with incredible presence and power on the previous speaker and sweat ran in streams, not at all owing to the own heat of the lava under the skin.
"The children shouldn't talk to the firstborn like that, worm. That you have to keep trying too.... Tsk!" Came the green-haired man's slightly annoyed reply, and then turned away in disgust, which brought a relieved sigh of relief from the other man when he was finally able to rise to some extent again but didn't dare look in that direction or say anything again.
The head of the god of chaos and order, meanwhile, fixed on that of the goddess of death, or god of death, depending on the appearance of the deity, and said nothing for a few seconds.
Then a renewed laughter resounded, as he laughed out loud again, as if transformed, and earned confused looks from the other deities, especially from the younger ones of the pantheon, who had just risen relatively freshly as gods.
"We ALL had to step through one of the Creator's dungeons to get here! And just because the old man paid a personal visit to the still-mortal, you might make such a fuss? Oh man. Okaaaaay, I'll take a look at the fellow myself if you're going to make such a fuss about him." And with a loud laugh that echoed through the white and golden stone walls of the pantheon, the god simply disappeared from one moment to the next.
The other first and oldest gods just shook their heads and some looked contrite and annoyed at the giant with the lava veins, but then turned back to other topics, much to the visible relief of the goddess of death.

With a pop and a finger in the air to fiddle with a few things in the system of the local world, the green-haired god reappeared elsewhere and immediately waved away the hurrying servants and priests who had just wanted to receive him reverently in one of his temples.
"Soooo, where is he...?" He murmured, and disappeared just as quickly as he had just appeared, leaving behind confused and partially weeping crowds of people who had wanted to pay homage to their deity just once in their lives.





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