Heart of Darkness

Chapter 119 - 94 Part 1

Chapter 119 - 94 Part 1

"What is beautiful about me?" He asked.

"You being a husband is beautiful to see," she said. "I never thought I could be happy in a marriage but despite everything happening, I am happy with you."

Rayven felt another strange thing in his heart that he had never felt before."You are?"

She nodded. "Yes."

"I just yelled at you," he said and that was after she told him she wasn't feeling well.

"You still have a few things to learn," she admitted. "Or maybe not so few."

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have yelled," he said.

She had every reason to be angry and he should have listened in those tough times. There was just so much worry and fear she was carrying alone and he had after all told her to yell if she needed to. To vent and let her emotions out since she always kept them inside. He was glad she didn't hold back this time.

She nodded, "and the rules?"

"No more stupid rules."

"Good" She smiled. "So now I can tell you I spoke to Constantine?" She grimaced as if afraid he would get angry again.

Rayven stiffened. "When… where did you talk to him?"

"He came here so I went to talk to him. I didn't let him inside."

"Were you not afraid?"

Angelica was quiet for a moment and then she nodded. "I was but I wanted to know what he wanted."

"Don't believe what he says," he told her.

"We shouldn't ignore what he says either."

"What did he say?"

Angelica told him about their conversation and what they said to each other and now Rayven was even more sure that the shade wanted her blood continuously and therefore needed her alive. Since the effects of the blood wear off just like with the mating and they would have to reshare blood occasionally, Constantine would also need to have her blood when the effect fades. Striking a deal with her would be the best way. He must have learned from Ramona that forcing wouldn't work and he could end up losing the source of blood in the end. That was why he wasn't attacking and taking things easy. His plan was to convince Angelica to cooperate with him.

But Rayven couldn't be so sure about that and either way he couldn't let Angelica strike a deal with him. They would have to eliminate him once and for all. But he also needed to find out if Angelica's blood had the same effect as her brother's.

God, how was he going to explain this? She would panic since her brother was involved. He decided to try to keep that part out. At least for today.

"Constantine wants a prophet's blood because it will make him stronger," Rayven said.


"I am not sure how or even why it works that way."

She became thoughtful. "He wants to defeat a powerful enemy. He said they are neither demon nor human. Could he be telling the truth?"

If not a demon or human, then who? Witches never got involved in their fights and shades never had anything against them.

"I don't know," Rayven said.

"What about demons. Does the blood make demons stronger?"

Rayven nodded.

"Then we can find out what I am if you have my blood?"

He nodded again.

"Oh," she smiled relieved. She must have really wanted to know what she was. "Then you have to try it," she said. "I mean, if you want."

"Are you sure?" He asked her.

She seemed to think about the fangs from the way she looked at his mouth and then she nodded. He could tell that she was still scared from the way her heartbeat changed.

Rayven got out of bed and went to bring his dagger from the drawer. She sat up and watched him confused.

"Let's not cause more fear for today," he said. "Unless you are afraid of daggers too?"

She shook her head but Rayven still didn't feel good about it.

"Allow me to compel you," he said taking her hand. "That way you won't feel pain."

"I'll be fine," she assured.

"Do it for me."


He pulled her in with his gaze, holding her in a trance so she wouldn't know what was happening while he quickly cut her wrist. Before she could lose any blood he brought her cut to his mouth and sucked out the blood from the wound.

While feeling the hot and thick liquid in his mouth he thought of how she was already losing blood and was sick. This didn't feel good at all. When he had enough, he sealed the wound with his tongue.

Angelica watched him with a frown the whole time. "Is it not disgusting?" she asked when he finished.

"No. It just tastes like metal. Are you alright?"

She nodded.

"Now you really need to rest and eat or you will become weak and sick."

She nodded again and lay down. He covered her and stroked her hair. Even though he didn't need to sleep he stayed with her in case she had any nightmares and would need him.

Angelica stirred in her sleep a few times that night and sometimes she turned back and forth looking disturbed. When the morning came he let her continue to sleep and told Sarah to inform her that he left for work once she woke up.

He made his way to the Royal castle and went to meet Skender before the morning meeting.

"You are early today," Skender said while having his morning tea.

"I have been sleeping more than I need."

"I guess it is different with a woman at home," he sounded somehow disappointed.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Well, I need to get married. Maybe I can get some good sleep too very soon," he sounded sarcastic.

Rayven frowned. "Why?" he asked but then remembered that Skender was a King. "You should get mistresses," he suggested.

"It is not the same and it won't stop them from wanting a Queen."

"Maybe Lucrezia will find a solution."

Skender laughed. "She is the first one expecting me to fulfill my duty as a king."

Rayven couldn't understand that woman sometimes. What would she gain from forcing him into a loveless marriage?

Skender sighed, "nevermind. How is it going with Angelica?"

"I told her about the blood and she offered to help."

"Good. I have spoken to Lazarus, Blayze, and Vitale. I can't reach Mazzonn. The link is weak so he is far away as usual when he is going through a tough period."

It was harder to communicate telepathically if they were too far away and if the person was dead then they could know because they wouldn't be able to reach them at all.

"Ash is somewhere locked in his mansion. He almost killed his maid so he is not doing well and now he has sent all of his servants away."

His addiction was bad.

"I'll go talk to him," Rayven said.

"We still need to find a plan," Skender told him. "Constantine has many shades who obey his orders. We can't fight him without a plan."

Rayven agreed. They needed to find out if he had any weaknesses that they could use to their advantage.

"I am worried about William," Rayven said.

"No matter what happens, we can't lead him to William. It is better he takes him to lure Angelica out than to find out that he is the one they are looking for."

He was right and that was why this was so difficult.

"Once you talk to Ash, I'll gather everyone so we can set a plan," told him.

Rayven nodded.

In the meeting, Skender had to find excuses for the absent ones as usual. Rayven just realized how much Skender had to clean after them and he had thought all the time that they cleaned up after him.

For every day that went by, he realized more and more just how blind he had been. Having your eyes open was scary, but he didn't want it any other way now.

After he was done with his duties he went to find Acheron in the afternoon. His mansion was completely dark when he arrived and he found the demon on his bed. He was fully clothed and reeked of alcohol as his one arm and leg hang outside the bed.

Changing one addiction for another wasn't the best solution but he understood that he would rather be drunk than risk killing people.


A loud groan of annoyance left his mouth and he waved sloppily with his hand, telling him to leave.

Acheron was always well dressed, well behaved and well-spoken. He was sensitive, sensible, and compassionate which was why he was so tortured by his actions.

He was just the perfect gentleman. A man of elegance, so to see him like this was new to Rayven. He had always heard from the others that Acheron was having a bad period but he never expected it to look like this.

"Get up now," Rayven ordered.

Acheron turned around in his bed and pulled himself up a little bit before leaning back against the bedpost. "Oh, look who is here?" He smirked. "Now that you look good and have a beautiful wife you must have too much time to come and visit me."

The man looked like a mess. He probably didn't bathe for many days and wore the same clothes. His hair was ruined and his face didn't look any better.

"Do you want something to drink?" He looked at the many empty glasses on the floor. One of them had a little whisky left in it. "There! You can have that one." He pointed.

"I didn't come to drink. I came to help."

Acheron laughed. "Help? Right. Now that you are redeemed you are here to save us sinful souls, saint Rayven."

"I am not here to save you. Only help you feed. And I am no saint. I am offering my help in exchange for yours."

"Hmm…" Acheron rubbed his neck looking tired. "Do I look like someone who can help?" He held his arms out, asking him to look closer. "Are you still blind? Also, who are you to help me? Do you think you can do better than Zarus?"

Rayven tried to remain calm. "You think you can keep drinking forever? You will kill someone this time if you behave like this?"

"I might as well do it!" He yelled. "Finally just do it so I know I have done it once and I can just accept it. That sounds good!"

God! Lazarus really had a tough job. This wasn't working so he tried to work on his sensitive side.

"Look, my wife is in danger and I could use all the help that I can get. I can't lose her."

Acheron looked at him for a long moment. "I can't help you," he said at last.

Rayven sighed and left behind. He stood outside his mansion wondering what to do?

"I guess it didn't go well," Lazarus said suddenly standing next to him.

Rayven remained quiet.

"Don't worry. Your strategy was good.. He might change his mind after a while."

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