Heart-Warming Youth

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 Self-inflicted Do Not Live (4)

The waiter is making tea for four people, who obviously just arrived.

Seeing Su Yan and Xu Yan coming, all four pairs of eyes fell on them.

Su Yan smiled, “Sorry, I am a little late.”

The four of them looked at him, looked at him up and down, and then looked at Xu Yan who was half a step behind him.

Although Xu Yan’s dress looks good today, it is not formal enough for such occasions. She scolded Su Yan in her heart. If he had clarified earlier, she wouldn’t let him give up the suit.

Su Yan and her are so casual, now they must feel that they are not respected.

Sure enough, she just had an idea, and one of them stood up suddenly, pointed at Su Yan, and spoke a paragraph of English very angrily.

Xu Yan’s English is good, and he can understand it naturally. This person is accusing Su Yan of being impolite and disrespectful. He even came to see them dressed like this, obviously not paying attention to them. Doing this several times over and over again obviously looked down upon Yiyang and despised them.

Su Yan waited patiently for him to finish accusing him, and apologized in English with his expression unchanged, “If it is disrespectful, I won’t be here today. What you value is Yuntian, not me, Su Yan.”

The man became even more angry when he heard that, and said loudly in English, “You are Yuntian, and Yuntian is you. We cooperate with Yuntian, but you are the one who looks at you. It is better to see, the talented Su Yan in the rumors is indeed so crazy. It’s really disappointing to be proud of no morals.” When the words fell, he didn’t seem to want to stay any longer, and said a word to the atmosphere of the three people behind him, basically saying, no cooperation and leaving.

Su Yan has probably never been scolded by someone like this for being arrogant and moral, his face sinking slightly, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he stepped aside and opened the door, seeming to have accepted the accusation from this person, and tacitly accept them. go away.

If they leave, not only will this cooperation fail, but Su Yan will also be given the reputation of being arrogant and unscrupulous in the future.

After all, the Yiyang pigeons were released just a week ago, and the second time they were about to discuss cooperation, they would not respect it when they came to meet in casual clothes. Adding the two things together, one can imagine his future outlook.

After all, the Yuntian Group is not just covering the sky with its hands, and it can’t stop people’s mouths. It’s just that big in the business field.

There is no good reputation in the industry, and it is really not a good start for Su Yan, who has just returned to China for two months.

Xu Yan stretched out his hand and stabbed Su Yan.

Su Yan tilted his head to look at her, lowered his eyelashes slightly, didn’t move, didn’t speak, and didn’t stop.

Xu Yan saw that these four people were about to go out. She gritted her teeth and stepped forward two steps from behind Su Yan. She stopped at the door and said awe-inspiringly, “I don’t know if this gentleman has ever heard of an old Chinese saying that is called ritual not avoiding. Dear.”

The person accused of Su Yan was stopped by her, and looked at her in a daze.

Xu Yan went on to say, “In China, when friends and relatives gather together, they are used to wearing home-style clothes. What’s more, today’s place is a private tea room. It is not a meeting room in a high-rise building. Why wear it too formal as a negotiating table. , There is no human touch? The leisure that Su Yan wears is also from the attitude of meeting friends, but you have misinterpreted it as disrespect, arrogance, and lack of morality. I can also understand it as the cultural difference between the country and the country. It’s too big, you shouldn’t come to China to do business if you haven’t learned how to go to the village and do as the customs do well.

The man was taken aback again, still looking at her without understanding.

Xu Yan was in a hurry and spoke in Chinese. After seeing this person was shocked by him, he didn’t intend to explain it again in English. Instead, he said, “If the accusation you have just passed out, Su Yan’s character When he was questioned, he did not avoid the distinguished guests from abroad, and treated him as relatives and friends, but he was misunderstood and misunderstood. The words were too ugly and bad for his personal reputation. The business can not be done, but the gentleman is asked to take back what he said. Apologize to him before going out.”

The man saw that Xu Yanyi spoke a lot of things he didn’t understand, and made it clear that he would not let him go without giving an explanation. He looked back at the young Chinese man suspiciously.

The young man glanced at Xu Yan and translated Xu Yan’s words to him in English.

After listening, the man looked at Xu Yan dumbfounded.

Xu Yan was standing in the middle of the door with his laptop in his arms, posing a very angry gesture, waiting for him to apologize.

The man looked at Xu Yan for a long time, then looked back at the other two foreigners.

The two foreigners glanced at each other, and one of them said, “This lady makes some sense.” The other nodded.

The man went to see Su Yan again, and saw him standing there, his face calm, his posture was casual, and he was dressed in casual clothes. Although not formal, he was wearing a cordial and easy-going feeling. It really seemed like what Xu Yan said, and treated them as The feeling of a friend. He retracted his gaze, took a step back, and turned around to apologize to Su Yan, “Sorry, I misunderstood Mr. Su. Please forgive me.”

Su Yan glanced at Xu Yan, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and smiled at the man, “She is my girlfriend, and it is inevitable to talk to me. Today I came here in such a casual dress. It was really presumptuous to meet me for the first time. .”

“It turns out that this lady is Miss Xu Yan who you put our pigeons to accompany her last time.” The person turned his head again in surprise.

Xu Yan suddenly felt that he seemed to have done another stupid thing.

Has her name been thunderous?

Yes, Su Yan put a list of billions of billions for his girlfriend. The people of Yiyang didn’t know that she was hell!

She wanted to smash her head with the computer to see if there was any paste inside. Why did she help Su Yan? He didn’t explain to her the intention of wearing a suit, was misunderstood by her and didn’t say anything about it, and was accused of disrespect and arrogance.

She wished he didn’t have a good fruit to eat, in order to alleviate the hatred of being bullied by him these days. Now this is a short circuit in his brain to help him.

Be stupid!

Xu Yanyu was dying, his face uglier the more he thought about it.

The man stared at Xu Yan for a while, and suddenly laughed, “Miss Xu is so beautiful, cute, courageous, and smart. No wonder you will give up Yiyang for her.” When the words fell, he asked the two foreigners again, ” Really? Understandable.”

The two foreigners nodded.

Xu Yan couldn’t wait any longer and wanted to leave immediately.

Su Yan stretched out his hand to clasp Xu Yan’s hand, brought her to his side, and said with a smile, “After all, you can talk about it when the business is gone. If your girlfriend is sad, it will be difficult to get it back. I’m really sorry about what happened last time. , I’m sorry for today’s affairs, and forgive me.”

“You’re right.” The man smiled and waved his hand and walked inside, very happy, “A misunderstanding. Come, let’s sit down and talk. I admire Mr. Su’s way of thinking, and I admire Miss Xu Yan’s If it wasn’t her way of speaking, it would be a pity today.”

Naturally, Su Yan would not refuse, smiled and nodded, and dragged Xu Yan into the seat.

For a time, there was no misunderstanding, and Su Yan and several people met each other late and had a very happy conversation.

Xu Yan watched them sweep away the dark clouds, from talking about the cooperation between Yiyang and Yuntian, to talking about Chinese culture, and for a time he vomited himself to death. What is self-inflicted, not to live, she is like this.

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