Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 905: Sweeping the Silent Fang Sect. Spiritual Mine Soul.

Chapter 905: Sweeping the Silent Fang Sect. Spiritual Mine Soul.

This content is taken from By the time Yasenia arrived, Doriel was around 50 steps away from Li Chenfang. The man was screaming and frothing from the mouth as he shouted incoherent blabber. A deep and dark aura surrounded him as his heart demons were already eating him inside out.

Kali looked at Yasenia and smiled. "You are here! Love, can you tell Doriel to stop? I want that person to do some tests as well. He is the strongest surviving member, so killing him is a bit of a waste."

Yasenia smiled and nodded. Then, she mentally communicated with Doriel. 'Doriel, continue, but if you see that he is going to die, stop. Let's leave him alive for Kali. However, soften his mental resistance to the limits.'

Doriel answered mentally. 'Understood, Young Miss.'

Kali looked over and saw that Doriel didn't stop, confusing her. Yasenia quickly explained it. 'I've asked Doriel to weaken his mental resistance to the limits. You will probably be able to do whatever with him after she is done.'

Kali realized and smiled happily, hugging Yasenia tightly. "Thank you, love! I love you."

The dragoness smiled and held back her laughter. After all, her throat was still hurting. Realizing that, Kali asked while looking up at her tall and voluptuous lover. "Do I try to heal you?"

Yasenia shook her head. 'Allow my throat to heal by itself. The more I use it, the more I will become accustomed to it. However, I would love it if you sent a few healing energy waves around the rest of my body. I am really sore from using [Celestial Pearl Assimilation].'

Kali first scanned her body, and her face began twitching. "Sore? You are sore?"

Yasenia nodded and Kali slapped her butt while berating her. "Having fractured bones and torn muscles is not sore!"

The dragoness jumped at the slap and caressed her butt while looking at Kali with large, blinking, innocent eyes. Her eyes were practically saying. "What did I do!?"

Kali's anger almost completely crumbled at such an adorable gaze from her dragoness, but she pushed. "I know that you want to let your body heal by itself because scar tissue is not a thing that will happen thanks to your constitution. HOWEVER!"

Yasenia straightened as Kali pointed at her. "You need to tell me, Flora, Valeria, or any of the maids when you hurt yourself so we can scan you! Sore is when your muscles are torn a bit because of training! You are now hurting! Am I understood!?"

Yasenia quickly and obediently nodded. 'I understand. I understand. Sorry, honey.'

The Astral Sky Sect Members that were around saw the obedient and innocent look in their previously murderous and terrifying Sect Master, and they didn't know how to react.

The mix of the dragoness's cuteness attack and having seen her wrathful face as she violently ripped people apart was quite a confusing contrast to process.

Meanwhile, Doriel stopped when 34 steps remained for her to reach him, flashing forward and hitting his acupuncture points around the heart and neck.

The screeching and incoherently babbling broken man fell limp and was grabbed by the nape by Doriel. Then, she approached Yasenia and spoke. "Mission completed, Young Miss. His mental health is on the verge of collapse, and his heart demons have become completely active. Only a miracle can save him from falling into corruption."

Kali's eyes flashed. "Oh? You made him faint before he fully corrupted?"

Doriel nodded. "Yes, Madam Kali. Once he wakes up, he probably will become corrupted. I recommend being cautious, as people like this can release incredible bursts of strength far beyond their limits."

Kali nodded with a smile. "Thank you, Doriel."

Yasenia smiled and mentally communicated. 'Great job, Doriel.'

Doriel's face gained a faint smile as her body exuded apparent happiness. "Thank you, Young Miss."

The dragoness expanded her spiritual range to the maximum and made her voice be heard through mental messages. 'Continue the search until none are left alive. We've discovered that there is just one exit, and it is covered. Go in groups and sweep everything. In two days, we need to go as there will be quick retaliation from our enemies!'

With her orders, everyone got to work and swiftly cleaned the entire sect of people. By the end of the first day, nobody was left alive. During all this time, Yasenia had been going from treasury to treasury, stealing all the resources possible from the sect.

Searching between the treasures, the dragoness found a few exciting things. 'Oh? A Spiritual Mine Soul?'

Andrea looked over and approached, looking at the body-sized flask with a white-ish eastern-dragon-like creature inside. "Wow. It is a real one. This will be quite good for us."

Yasenia nodded. Spiritual Mines, if they were high enough level or deeply connected with the world, could form something like a soul. It was not a literal soul, as it didn't really have thoughts. However, it was something like a source of energy that fed the mine and increased its output and the surrounding energy.

Andrea smiled. "If you release this little one in the mine we have in our sect, our income will increase by at least 50 times."

Cecile spoke. "That's not all; the energy purity will probably increase as well. The special training rooms connected to the mine's spiritual environment will become more useful as well. Similar to the trial tower and many other buildings. Our formations will also become stronger."

Valeria spoke at the side. "The largest benefit is that these little ones grow with the World. So, when Distancia increases its level, this little one will also do so, and Astral Sky Sect will benefit greatly from it." freewēbnoveℓ.com

The dragoness stored the Spiritual Mine Soul with a smile. 'Perfect. Just this item made it worth the attack. Who knew that the Silent Fang Sect would have something like this? Perhaps other sects have them as well?'

Valeria shook her head. "Probably not many of them. The Three Empires probably have one, but other than them, I doubt there are more than 10 of them. These things are very rare and only form in isolated mines after hundreds of thousands of years of nurturing."

Evelyn commented. "I am impressed with their riches, to be honest. Aren't they an assassin sect? How did they get so many high-quality things? Look at this: a mid-level Heaven-ranked talisman of sacrifice to summon a powerful entity. The more sacrifices, the stronger… Wow. This thing can summon a peak-level creature? Why didn't they use this? We would've had trouble fighting it, no?"

Yasenia looked over and commented. 'They couldn't use most life-saving treasures or, well, items in general. Angel's and Selena's formation was blocking most things.'

Evelyn hummed. "Right. Forgot for a second. You really saved us from some trouble, little Angel."

Angel giggled. "No problem! It wasn't that hard!"

The dragoness sighed. 'But it is not good news. If they have it, other powers also have them. I wonder if they will use items like that one to assault us now that we've eliminated two of their main powers?'

Andrea nodded. "I wouldn't be surprised if they made an all-out attack against us. Do you think they will target our secondary sects or go for our main sect?"

Yasenia shook her head. 'I am now quite unsure. People become very unpredictable when they are backed against a wall. I would love to say that I know what they are going to do, but I am honestly clueless. However, I imagine that they will gather everyone and attack us… Well, it depends on how mom is doing on her side.'

Evelyn joked. "Can you imagine that by the time we return, they are already defeated? It would be the most anticlimactic end for this war."

Yasenia paused and frowned. 'I think we should rush a bit. Just in case.'

Cecile commented. "What will be our role from now on in the War, Yasenia? Will you restrict us?"

The dragoness hesitated. Andrea's situation was controlled, and nothing would've happened if she didn't intervene. Nevertheless, it really gave her a scare.

The urge to tell them just to wait home while she took care of the war was battling against her wish to allow them to make their own decisions.

A mix of 'I want to protect them' and 'I don't want to limit them and let them grow' battled constantly inside of her.

As a dragon, she was fiercely defensive of her pregnant lovers. For dragons, their descendants were incredibly precious, as they were rare.

A powerful creature had much more difficulty getting pregnant and raising a child than a weak species. That's why some high bloodline and cultivation-level beasts were pregnant for 1000 years. Or why most of the top species laid eggs.

Instead of carrying the child for so long inside, laying an egg and taking care of it was much more efficient.

Yasenia's instincts were currently as such, making her very reluctant to see her pregnant lovers fight. But she knew that limiting them was stupid. Because if she did so, her girls would become increasingly weak compared to her.

So, gritting her teeth, Yasenia said. "You come with me. We'll battle together."

Her voice was very hoarse, and her throat hurt terribly, but she wanted to say it with her voice so that her girls understood her will and desire.

They all smiled at Yasenia and nodded. Kali laughed. "Okay, we'll go with you, Yasenia."

Andrea patted her head and commented. "We'll be careful, I promise."

Yasenia nodded and turned around to order people.

The girls saw their dragoness walking away with her usual sashaying steps and laughed a bit. They felt happy. If she had changed her opinion, they wouldn't have blamed her at all. On the contrary, they would've found it acceptable.

However, her placing trust in them in such a manner was a show of devotion few could replicate. 'Really, being loved by her is a blessing.'

After swiping everything, Yasenia's group carried all the heavily injured people into the floating ship and disappeared from there.

On the other side, Tatyana was sitting on a chair with her eyes closed as people around her talked constantly. While it would look like an unorganized situation, in truth, Tatyana was listening to all conversations and processing them.

She then would give orders depending on the information. "Reinforce the southern border. I want the ruler of the Lorter City investigated. Push on the eastern border and send a few of our peak-level experts there. Call Tengliu and tell her that I want her troops to intercept the people using the mountain ranges in the north as coverage. The rest of the battlefield is to continue the defensive battle, while the elite strike units must continue to harass the enemy formations. Remind them not to get cocky, or a peak-level Otherworlder might appear and make them disappear."

Tatyana opened her cold and calculating red eyes and said. "Yasenia is returning soon. In one day, I want everyone to go into their defensive positions and the leaders to gather together for her welcome. We'll resume attacks once Yasenia gets informed of what has happened during the last week."

All the people in the command room answered as one, having long forgotten that Tatyana was a human and taking her words with the utmost respect.

"Understood, Lady Tatyana!"

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