Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040 Fire Emperor Immortal General (Part 2)

“It was because he was young and ignorant that he slapped him, otherwise, could he bear a slap on me?” Tai Su’s voice came from Jiu Tianzhi.

From beginning to end, Tai Su did not show her face, no one saw her!

slapped his apprentice away. It can be said that Tai Su does not give Dadao Tanggu love noodles at all. This caused the Fire Emperor Immortal General to be silent for a while, and finally, his voice sounded again: “Well, let the young people have a long memory!”

At this time, everyone present couldn’t help but feel shocked! Just now, the Huo Huangxian General was so angry that Yan Shisan was angry. At this moment, who would dare to provoke the Huangxian General, but now suddenly someone appeared, not only to guarantee Yan Shisan, but also Slap Feiyan Emperor!

slapped his apprentice away in front of the fire emperor fairy general, what other challenge could be more naked than this! Many people thought that the Fire Emperor would be furious, and personally killed the opponent. However, what everyone did not expect was that the Fire Emperor would still be able to endure his breath. Like a pot of cold water.

In fact, the fire emperor immortal general could hardly swallow this breath, but he was stronger than others, and there was no way he could do it. Tai Su’s prestige and prestige resounded in the age of the three immortal kings. Needless to say, in the age of the Taiyi Immortal King, as the daughter of the Taiyi Immortal King, as the princess of the immortal world, she can be said to be aloof, and the immortals will bow their heads.

Later, the immortal king Taiyi passed away, but even the immortal generals in the fairy world still did not dare to despise Taisu. I think back then, she was a single-handed fighter against the Negative Dao immortal king. Prime opponent.

In the era of the Immortal King Mengjun, she was still the Immortal King Sword-Rejecting Hongjun, and her sheer power remained the same! In this era when there is no fairy king, even the fire emperor and the like, dare not say that they are an enemy of Tai Su!

was bullied to the door, of course the Fire Emperor Immortal would be hard to swallow, but he had to swallow it, unless he and Tai Su were torn apart! In fact, even if he took the shot himself, he was not sure to defeat Taisu!

As for the descendants of the goddess of the dragon, the true emperor of Dao Jie, who were born in the immortal gate of the restricted area, their expressions changed suddenly when they heard that the fire emperor was called “His Royal Highness”! Think of a person, an ancient existence that their master once mentioned!

At the beginning, Heavenly Daughter Yulong didn’t know who Tai Su was talking, but when the fire emperor called “His Royal Highness”, she immediately thought of someone. As her master said, since the ages, only one person will be called “His Royal Highness” by the immortal generals! Taiyi Immortal King’s daughter-Princess Taisu.

The Dragon Goddess was secretly surprised, and couldn’t help but glance at Yan Shisan. She came from an extraordinary background, and they knew more than the real emperor Daojie. What surprised Tiannv Yulong was that Yan Shisan had such a big affection, and it attracted Tai Su!

“Tai Su——” Some people were secretly surprised in the eight life restricted areas. At that time, Tai Su appeared and sword cut the 19th Legion, which had already made some of the existence in the restricted area stunned. Later, Tai Su left in the air, and some people understood that she was chasing and killing the Supreme Ancient Gods.

In fact, after Taisu was gone, some people in the Eight Life Forbidden Zones secretly hope that Taisu will never return, just like it did in the past! It’s best to die with them at the Primeval God Summit!

However, Tai Su is back now, which means that the Supreme Ancient Gods also dare not confront her head-on, retreat, which makes some people in the Eight Life Forbidden Zones feel embarrassed!

Some people in the Eight Life Forbidden Zones do not want Tai Su to return in their hearts. If Tai Su really returns to its peak state, this is not a good thing for them!

“Why did she return to the deserted land again!” Some people in the Eight Life Forbidden Zone murmured, thinking of what happened back then, some people were embarrassed in their hearts and stopped talking.

Yan Shisan just sighed softly, and of course he was happy when he returned from Taisu. At least it means that the Supreme Ancient God Summit cannot return to his peak of the year. Taisu is evasive! However, it is a pity for Yan Shisan that it was too coincidental for Tai Su to come back. He originally planned to pull Shi She down into the water. He has a long-term plan in his heart. As long as Shi She pulls down the water, there will be something behind him in the future. A huge backer, this makes him even more unscrupulous if he wants to do something in the future, and he can rest assured of some things!

“Now there is a guarantor.” Yan Shisan smiled softly, and said, “I don’t know if Dadao Tanggu will bet or not?”

Yan Shisan was so aggressive, which made Yan Emperor’s face pale. He was slapped by Tai Su. It was a shame and shame. Now Yan Shisan dared to be arrogant in his Dao Tanggu, which made him tremble with anger!

Yan Shisan turned to Yandi and slowly said, “However, for me, the arrow has been wound, and that is the road to no turning back. If you don’t gamble on Tanggu, then you are surrendering! The Tanggu on Taogu must surrender six celestial supplements. fire!”

Yan Thirteen is determined to win the six ways to fill the sky, no matter what, he must take away the six ways to fill the sky! When the snake hadn’t been pulled into the water, Tai Su was already here, and he could say that he was quite confident about the six ways to make up the azure fire.

Yandi was so angry that he vomited blood, glared at Yan Shisan, and said coldly: “The gambling has not yet started, and you dare to say the outcome! If you dare to bet, I will stay with you to the end!”

Yan Di is the descendant of Dao Tanggu after all, and after all, he is a genius. He is a ruthless character, no matter how difficult the situation is, he won’t be so easy to back down!

“Gambling can’t be better, I don’t know what the immortal general is like?” Yan Shisan said with a smile. However, Yan Shisan knew that Liu Dao Tianjinghuo didn’t have the master of Yandi alone. This thing was one of the two treasures of Dao Tanggu, which required the Fire Emperor to nod his head.

The fire emperor in the depths of Dao Tanggu will be silent for a while, and finally his voice slowly sounded, saying: “Since you want to bet, I will be accompanied by Dao Tanggu. If your Highness arrives today, Dao Tanggu is If the tent is shining, the blood and light will be avoided, so as not to mold your Royal Highness’s phoenix, just gamble on six ways to fill the sky and the battle cudgel.”

Fire Emperor Immortal General is a peerless generation after all. He already understands the big situation, and any pill meeting is false. He already knows that Yan Shisan is coming for the six ways to fill the sky!

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If it is Tai Su in the future, he will certainly not let Yan Shisan succeed, but Tai Su has some means here to make him unable to do so!

At the same time, when Tai Su appeared here, he also understood that things were not so simple. It was not because he had no confidence in his own line of alchemy, but he also knew that Taisu’s elixir would be even more shocking. If the alchemy is inherited from the line of the immortal king Taiyi, his apprentice is in danger! He didn’t want to lose the six ways to make up the sky, and lose another heir!

However, even if it is a character like the Fire Emperor, the Battle Cudgel still has an unstoppable temptation for him. If in the past, he could not leave Dao Tanggu, the temptation of Douxian Battle Club would be far less than it is now!

If he can get the battle stick of the immortal battle now, he will have a greater chance of returning to the immortal world in the future!

The fire emperor fairy will faintly guess that Yan Shisan’s alchemy may be inherited from Taiyi Immortal King’s alchemy. If this is the case, his apprentice Yandi will undoubtedly lose!

However, the Fighting Immortal Battle Club was full of temptation for him, which made the Fire Emperor’s luck with a three-point chance and wanted to take a gamble! In case Yan Shisan’s alchemy is not inherited from Taiyi Immortal King! The Fighting Immortal Battle Club is what he has in his bag!

It is precisely because of this that the Huohuangxian will have a compromise approach, only betting on treasures, not life! Even if you lose, you just lose the treasure! After all, he has devoted countless efforts to cultivate Yan Emperor, and his inheritance needs Yan Emperor to inherit!

“Okay, bet on treasures!” No matter what the Emperor Huo thinks, Yan Shisan is determined to win the six ways to fill the sky. As long as Dao Tanggu dares to gamble, the six ways to fill the sky is what he has in his pocket. .

As for Emperor Yan, for Yan Shisan, it was only a part of his calculations. Yan Emperor’s life was irrelevant to Yan Shisan. He gambled on his life with Yan Emperor, but set a trap to lead Tanggu. Into the urn alone!

He really wants to kill Emperor Yan, and there are still many opportunities in the future. Don’t rush at this time. For him, it is the most important thing for him to get six ways to fill the sky.

“The surname Yan, this seat allows you to see what is the alchemy!” Today is a shame for Emperor Yan. In today’s game, he must win Yan Shisan! In order to wash away today’s shame.

“Don’t be arrogant!” At this time the voice of the emperor of fire erupted in the depths of the avenue Tanggu: “There is a sky outside the sky, and outsiders have it, guard against arrogance and rashness! Lest there is a time of stumble!

Of course, the Huo Huangxian is concerned about this gambling game. As a generation of invincible existence, as an old emperor, he has absolute confidence and absolute conceit, but if Yan Shisan really inherited the Taiyixian The king’s alchemy made him have to be cautious, so he reminded his apprentice at this time.

After all, Emperor Yan was a disciple of a generation of supreme immortal generals. The words of the fire emperor immortal general made him sober up like a stubborn drink. He drew in his heart and exhaled deeply, dispelling his anger, and let Xin Jing return to clarity!

This round is extremely important for him to Dao Tanggu, he must maintain the peak state against Yan Shisan.

The descendants of the immortal gate in the restricted area are indeed not ordinary people. When the fire emperor awakened him with a word, the Yandi suddenly had a clear mind and kept his state to his best!

“Since it’s an emperor refining pill, you have the treasures of immortal medicine!” Yan Emperor looked directly at Yan Shisan, his voice was powerful, and he was determined to win this game!

The Emperor Yan was stunned by the anger just now, and now he is sober again. This makes Yan Shisan have to nod his head. The disciples in the Xianmen restricted area are indeed not comparable to the ordinary people.

“It’s a coincidence, I happen to have a treasure of the emperor’s medicine for alchemy.” Yan Shisan said.

This is the reason why Shibaihui came here. He brought the heavenly treasures of Baiduan.

“Let’s start then.” Yandi said coldly, he already understood that Yan Shisan came prepared!

. m.

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