Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 119

Chapter 119 Kill Yang Baosheng (Part 1)

“You are really slow!” At this moment, Yan Shisan was already standing behind Yang Baosheng.

“Kill—” Yang Baosheng stunned, and then displayed the “Xiayun Eighteen Swords”. In an instant, like the sky full of Xiayun clouds covering the sky, eighteen divine swords continued to chant, slashing down in sword formations, domineering and fierce. , I can’t avoid it if I want to hide.

However, under the fierce and fierce “Xiayun Eighteen Swords”, Yan Shisan moved forward and backward in the densely intertwined sword shadows like a light smoke. The “Xiayun Eighteen Swords” did not hurt him in the slightest.

“Stay in the fairy step!” Seeing Yan Shisan’s steps, the guardian couldn’t help being surprised. This is one of the most profound steps in Wanyunzong’s “Holding the Clouds and Remaining Immortals”. It is one of the most mysterious steps of the Wanyunzong. Even many protectors are not qualified to practice. The contribution is not enough. However, Yan Shisan had practiced.

To intercept immortals, immortals can’t stay, this is the “stay to stay in immortals”. “Stay to stay in immortals” has two meanings. One is that when this step is unfolded, it can stop the immortal who wants to leave; second, this step is unfolded, Even immortals don’t live with him.

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, “Stay in Immortality” is one of the most proud steps created by the ancestor of Wanyunzong. It is indeed a stunning step. Even if it is not the world’s first step, it is also a stunning masterpiece. .

“This kid, evil sect.” Seeing Yan Shisanyi’s “Stay in Immortality” and Yang Baosheng’s “Xiayun Eighteen Swords” could not help him at all, Lu Wuweng frowned slightly and said, “Thirteenth this The kid is clearly in the realm of the heart, how can the speed be so fast, even if he has a’stay step’ in his practice, it is impossible to have such a fast speed! Such a speed is already the speed of the realm of fate, and it is even close to the soul palace. realm.”

The other elders also saw it, and they all felt strange.

Generally speaking, the speed of monks in the same realm is not much different, even if someone specializes in speed training, it is impossible to cross the two realms. Just like “Stay in Immortality”, a disciple in the heartland realm has practiced this technique, and the speed is definitely faster than that of a disciple in the same realm. However, it is impossible to reach the realm of fate, and at most it is barely the same as a disciple in the heavenly road realm. Longer and shorter, after all, there will be a big gap between the two realms!

However, what Yan Shisan cultivates is the “Electric Snake Ancient Secret”, which is the ancient mystery, which is not comparable to ordinary genocide. With the “Electric Snake Ancient Secret”, as soon as the “Stay Immortal Step” was launched, the speed accelerated, surpassing the realm of fate and approaching the realm of the soul palace.

Min Ying didn’t gritted his teeth, he was hated to death in his heart, he wanted Yang Baosheng to kill Yan Shisan immediately, but this kid was very evil, even his apprentice was not as fast as him, his apprentice was a real life. Earth realm!

“Blindly fleeing for your life, don’t be a tortoise if you have the ability!” Yang Baosheng’s eighteen swords killed the Quartet, overbearing and meticulous, the dojo has been chopped down by his “Xiayun Eighteen Swords” to pieces, with sword marks. Crisscross, but there is nothing to do with Yan Shisan. Yan Shisan’s feet are like lightning. Although his divine sword is fast, it can’t catch him! This made Yang Baosheng mad and roared.

Yan Shisan stopped, smiled, and said, “I wanted you to live a little longer and let my master come back. If this is the case, then I will fulfill you!”

“Kill—” When Yan Shisan stopped, Yang Baosheng didn’t miss such an opportunity, roared sharply, and cast the “Xiayun Eighteen Swords”. Eighteen divine swords instantly formed an array and sealed Yan Shisan. Beheaded. In an instant, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, extremely fierce.

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“I’m afraid you won’t make it!” Yan Shisan sneered, and instantly unfolded the “Three Swords Staying in Immortals”, and the sword art was displayed. The sound of “Zheng, Zheng, Zheng” sword chants was like a dragon chant, and thirty-six divine swords appeared instantly. , The divine sword floats and sinks, the sky and stars are scattered, and I saw thirty-six divine swords like Qianlong Shengyuan, facing up and down the “Xiayun Eighteen Swords”.

“Compared with me, you are dead!” Seeing Yan Shisan not knowing whether to live or die, Yang Baosheng smiled grimly, and urged the “Xiayun Eighteen Swords”, all his skills burst out, killing Yan Shisan.

“Not necessarily!” Yan Shisan sneered, and the ghost of the ancient mystery revolved. In an instant, there were thirty-six divine swords, each of which was as heavy as a mountain.

“Clang, clang, clang…” “Xiayun Eighteen Swords” and “Thirty-six Heaven Gang Swords” finally met, both of which are the unique knowledge of Wanyunzong.

Although the “Xiayun Eighteen Swords” is not as good as the “Thirty-six Heavenly Gang Swords”, Yang Baosheng’s Taoism is two realms higher than Yan’s 13th Foot, which is enough to kill the “Thirty-six Heavenly Gang Swords.”

However, the result was the opposite. The divine swords killed each other, and the sound of “dang, dang, dang” swords rang out. Yang Baosheng’s “Xiayun Eighteen Swords” was also a good soldier. The sword was cut off by Tiangang Sword. “Thirty-six Tiangang Swords” completely killed “Xiayun Eighteen Swords”.

“Impossible!” A law protector couldn’t help but say, “Although the’Three Swords Remaining Immortal’ is stronger than the’Xiayun Eighteen Swords’, Yang Baosheng’s Taoism is two levels higher than that of Yan Shisan! Taoism suppresses absolute learning. This has always been an unchanging truth! No matter how powerful the’Three Swords Remaining Immortal’, it is impossible to kill the’Xiayun Eighteen Swords’ that is two realms higher.”

Many people present couldn’t help being surprised. Everyone knew that Dao Xing represents everything! If the Tao is not good enough, no matter how powerful the technique is, it won’t be much stronger. Although it is said that exercises like Zuxue are incomparably against the sky, this can only be said to be restricted to the same realm. If the opponent is one level higher than you, even if your ancestors are extremely learned, the chance of winning the opponent can be said to be very small. Otherwise, everyone doesn’t need Taoism, just practice absolute learning.

Tao Xing is the root, and the exercises are the branches. This is the principle that has not changed forever. Now, Yan Shisan actually killed the “Xiayun Eighteen Swords” with the town of “Three Swords Staying in Immortals”, which was two realms away. How could this not surprise the Hall Master present.

The elders present couldn’t help being surprised, and this situation took them by surprise. And Li Lao sitting above said slowly: “It’s not that the town of’Three Swords Liuxian’ of Thirteen killed’Eighteen Swords of Xiayun’, and the power of Thirteen has exceeded the realm of fate, and it has survived The’Xiayun Eighteen Swords’ in the earth realm can be killed. Moreover, the material of the Thirteenth Life Treasure Soldier is much better than that of the’Xiayun Eighteen Swords’. Only then will there be a counter-kill situation!”

After all, Lao Li is the number one master of Wan Yunzong, with his eyes like torches, he can see more thoroughly than others. Despite this, many people were shocked, how could Yan Shisan’s speed and power surpass his own realm, or even two realms less! Of course, they didn’t know that Yan Shisan had practiced ancient secret methods!

“Impossible—” Yang Baosheng didn’t yell willingly, his “Xiayun Eighteen Swords” could no longer be restrained, and the last sword was cut off by Yan Shisan, which made him very heartbroken!

“Kill——” Yan Shisan shouted sharply, “Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Sword” was starry and murderous, instantly killing Yang Baosheng on top of his head.

“Broken—” Yang Baosheng roared, and sacrificed three precious soldiers in one breath. At the same time, he was sounded with “Zheng, Zheng, and Zheng” treasure armor, and a treasure armor was worn on his body.

“But you!” Yan Shisan sneered, his sword art changed, “Keng—” Jian Yin soared into the sky, forming an array in an instant, and the thirty-six heaven sword array was killed instantly, and three precious soldiers were strangled all at once. It became fragments, and the entire dojo was immediately sealed. Yang Bao was born before he could escape and was trapped in the sword formation.

All of a sudden, a series of stars rose into the sky, and on the ground was a series of stars intertwined horizontally and horizontally, and the thirty-six heavenly sword array instantly launched a lore.

“Clang, clang, clang…” After a face, Yang Baosheng even sacrificed four precious soldiers, but he still couldn’t stop the sword formation, and even the armor on his body was split, and blood spurted wildly! At this time, the thirty-six Heavenly Gang Sword Array was scattered with stars, and the power of the stars and Heavenly Gang was extremely majestic, as if one by one stars were born.

“Thirty-six Heavenly Gang sword formations, the’Three Swords Remaining Immortals’ are worthy of being the most powerful sword art of Wan Yunzong!” Many guardians sighed, and they couldn’t help but envy them! The “Three Swords Remaining Immortals” is really too powerful, and the sword formation is 10%, completely killing the opponent.

The disciple under the door is even more shocked. Such a fierce sword formation can’t be stopped by anyone. Without three moves, he will definitely be killed by the sword formation!

“This kid, he said that his talent is inferior No one really believes that in such a short period of time, he has realized the’Three Swords and Staying Immortal’ two swords! Now he can form a thirty-six heavenly sword formation. , My talent back then was nothing more than that.” Lao Li, one of the three veterans, couldn’t help but sigh.

“Broken–” At this moment, Yang Baosheng roared and sacrificed a treasure soldier. As soon as this treasure soldier came out, an extremely powerful supernatural power broke out in an instant!

As soon as the power of the great supernatural power broke out, the entire mountain shook for a while, and the majestic momentum suppressed the Quartet, which made people shudder.

At this time, Yang Baosheng was holding a treasure wheel, and the treasure wheel burst out with great supernatural powers. The treasure wheel suddenly turned into eight huge treasure wheels like mountains.

“Eight rounds of wandering demons!” When he saw Yang Baosheng unfolding this kind of fascination, the hall master said silently.

Lu Wuweng couldn’t help but glanced at Min Ying, and said slowly: “Elder Min, aren’t these Eight Demon Wheels your destiny?”

“Back to Sect Master, I have given this treasure wheel to Baosheng. The texture of this treasure wheel is not good, and I found a better treasure. Therefore, I want to create another natal treasure soldier, and this treasure wheel will erase its mark. To Baosheng.” Min Ying said.

Lu Wuweng snorted, without speaking.

For the treasures of the same level, the natal treasures are more powerful than the ordinary treasures. A monk, it’s easy to build his own natal soldier. Even if he really wants to refine a new natal soldier, he will not easily give the previous natal soldier to others, he will erase his mark and keep it for his own use. .

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