Heavenly Soul [BL]

Extra 26: Wedding Ceremony

It was late afternoon. The sun was already past its zenith, beginning to sink lower and lower towards the horizon. While the bright yellow of the afternoon sunlight darkened into ochre, the hecticness and anticipation in the Feng residence only increased.

Red banners and lanterns with the character for double happiness in gold hung both inside and outside the building, waving in the wind while declaring loud and clear that the Feng household was looking forward to a marriage in their family. People and beasts wearing their best festive clothes mulled about with undiminished excitement in the open courtyard in front of the building, slowly gathering for the wedding procession. There was cheerful laughter, eyes gleaming with expectation, lively chatter, and busy flittering outside.

In contrast, the inside of the large house was strangely solemn and peaceful.

Qinghe and Wei Xiang, the main participants of today’s celebrations, were currently in different rooms, getting ready for their wedding. Wei Xiang was being helped by Feng Huixin and Fei Jin, while Qinghe was being looked after by Feng Chunyi and Fei Yin.

Currently, Qinghe was immersed in a barrel-shaped tub of warm water. Submerged up to his mouth, he took in the pleasant scent of the various herbs and flower petals floating on the water’s surface. He felt like he was soaking in a giant’s wooden cup of herbal tea. The soft, fragrant steam rising from the water brushed his face while the water slowly warmed his body. It was so comfortable that he just wanted to close his eyes and drift off.

The room he was in had a large floor-length mirror at one side. The rest of the space was filled with several tables of different shapes and sizes, each tabletop scattered with accessories of various types. By the wall, there stood a row of T-shaped stands, each holding a layer of his wedding attire. A pair of red pants made of shimmery fabric was neatly draped on the table nearest to the tub Qinghe was soaking in.

Fei Yin had busied himself by a chair, setting up the combs, crown, and other ornaments that would be used to arrange his senior brother’s hair later. Feng Chunyi waited impatiently by the barrel-shaped tub, her foot tapping out a soundless staccato on the floor. Seeing that Qinghe had slowly begun to doze off in the tub despite being in the water almost up to his nose, her patience finally snapped.

Feng Chunyi lightly kicked the bottom of the barrel to wake her son up. “Stop lazing around in the bath, brat! Are you trying to grow gills and become a fish by staying in the water for so long? You’ll be late for your own wedding at this rate!”

Hearing Feng Chunyi’s shouting, Fei Yin turned to look at them.

Inside the tub, Qinghe roused from his sleep and blinked at his mother. He said something in reply to her, but since his mouth was still under the water surface, his words turned to bubbles.

Feng Chunyi frowned. “Am I supposed to understand your bubble-speak?”

Unexpectedly, Fei Yin piped in with his whispery voice, “Aunty Feng, Senior Brother says ‘I will only ever have one chance to be late for my own wedding, so why not use it?’.”

Her eyebrow twitching, Feng Chunyi asked, “You…understood what he just said?”

Fei Yin bobbed his head and explained, “Senior Brother loves taking baths and chatting with us while in the water, so I and my brother have grown used to translating his…‘bubble-speak’, as you put it, into words.”

Feng Chunyi wordlessly turned to her lazy son who was still submerged in water and pulled his ear. “You’ve been spoiled by your junior brothers too much!”

Qinghe lifted his face out of the water with an aggrieved expression and pried his mother’s pinching fingers away from his poor ear. “Mother, it’s my once-in-a-lifetime wedding day! You’re not allowed to be mean to me!”

Feng Chunyi harrumphed. “And if you don’t get ready, we’ll have to choose another wedding day, since this day will be over soon!”

Qinghe grumbled, but relented, “Fine, fine, I’m getting out. No need to get so bent out of shape…” Qinghe stood up and got out of the tub before quickly drying himself off using wind. Shivering at the cold sensation, he walked up to the table nearby before slowly putting on the pair of red pants with sluggish movements.

With her hands on her hips, Feng Chunyi muttered under her breath, “And here I was expecting you to be all excited to marry the love of your life. Yet you’re dragging your feet and procrastinating like you’d rather eat horse manure.”

Qinghe grimaced. Then pursing his lips, he turned his face away as if to hide his expression. Seeing this, Feng Chunyi’s dissatisfied frown turned into one of worry. Also becoming concerned, Fei Yin asked, “Senior Brother? Could it be that you…don’t want to marry Brother Wei?”

Feng Chunyi turned to shoot him a look. “Oi! Don’t say such inauspicious things today!”

Fei Yin quickly clamped his hands over his mouth and nodded.

Sighing, Feng Chunyi looked at her son. “What’s bothering you, brat?”

Qinghe coughed awkwardly. He hesitated a good while before finally opening his mouth, “I… I’m just afraid of something changing in a bad way between me and Xiang after marriage. I like the way we are now. What if something gets irreversibly broken after we marry?”

Feng Chunyi raised her eyebrows. “Do you have any conceivable reason to think that something like that will actually happen?”

Qinghe paused, then shook his head.

Feng Chunyi nodded. “Good. Then you already know that it’s baseless worry. Wedding day jitters is common. Feeling nervous and apprehensive but also hopeful about your future together is only natural. Don’t let it ruin this for you both, alright?” Feng Chunyi ruffled the wet hair on her son’s bowed head with an affectionate expression. “You should instead think of the person you love and the happy life you will build together from here on rather than torturing yourself with imaginary worries. It’s about you and your Xiang and your future together, nothing else.”

Qinghe blinked, looking a bit surprised and dazed. “Feeling like this is…normal?”

“Yes,” Feng Chunyi confirmed, her lips bending into a helpless smile.

Qinghe bit his lower lip, then asked, “Mother, did you also feel this way when you married Father?”

Feng Chunyi laughed softly. “Yes. I was afraid that my Ah-Xin who had been so nice to me till then would grow to become the sort of controlling and forceful person I hate. People like that were so common back in our home world that it was thought to be the norm. I was afraid of trusting my luck in being able to find such a fiancé who wasn’t like that at all. He seemed so innocent and untainted that I kept expecting him to easily get influenced by the rest of the world whenever he went outside. I wanted to chain him and keep him to myself in a windowless dark room so that he would never change. But I also wanted to trust in the strength of his mind in being able to remain as pure and upright as he was no matter the external influence. And so I tied myself to him in marriage, and Ah-Xin has never once let down that faith.”

Qinghe’s tense expression softened. Hearing about his mother’s similar ordeal calmed him. Though his concerns felt so very real now, he knew that they weren’t justified. He didn’t want to let those unfounded worries rob him of his joy on this day. Qinghe decisively tried to push them back and focus on his Xiang instead. His mother was right, this was their day! He wouldn’t let anything ruin it!

Becoming spirited, Qinghe quickly finished putting on his pants. Walking towards the line of T-shaped wooden stands holding the different layers of his robes, he stood before the stand supporting up the innermost layer. Qinghe’s eyebrows rose. “Mother, this is…?”

Feng Chunyi grinned. “After seeing you in nothing but that on your wedding night, Son-in-law will thank me for making you wear it, I promise.”

Qinghe blinked uncomprehendingly while a smug Feng Chunyi and a wryly amused Fei Yin came over and began helping Qinghe dress. Once Qinghe was properly clothed in all the layers, he was dragged off to sit in a chair so that Feng Chunyi could work on his hair and Fei Yin on his face.

Though Qinghe didn’t really want anything added to his face, Fei Yin still convinced him to let him do something to make him appear different at least on such a special day. After gaining his senior brother’s reluctant agreement, Fei Yin painted thin and arching red lines along Qinghe’s upper eyelid that swooped smoothly upward beyond the outer ends. It made Qinghe’s clear eyes look narrower and gave him a sharper look.

After pondering a bit more, Fei Yin dusted powdered silver under Qinghe’s eyes to add some flair. After applying a light layer of rouge to Qinghe’s lips to make them look more shiny and ripe, Fei Yin finally declared that his work was done.

Meanwhile, Feng Chunyi ardently put to use her skill in arranging hair that she had just recently gained under her friend Ai Li’s tutelage. Though she knew that it would get hidden beneath a black cap later, she still wanted to do her best for her son. Of course, her son-in-law’s frustration when he would later have to undo this complicated updo was definitely not her aim, she convinced herself.

While she worked on, the Fei Yin who was already done with his job began rummaging in his spiritual storage before bringing out something wrapped in paper. He presented it to Qinghe and said solemnly, “Senior Brother, will you please use this in the ceremony?”

Qinghe curiously took it and opened the paper. Inside, there was a single spherical golden brown candy the size of a marble. Its surface was slightly uneven, and it smelled like spicy ginger and sweet jaggery with slight hints of alcohol. Qinghe looked up at his junior brother enquiringly. “Yin-er, what is this?”

Fei Yin’s eyes shone as he explained, “When we were searching for wedding traditions from different worlds, my brother and I came across a romantic one where the two people getting married have to feed each other their piece of candy, but…ehem, indirectly. So we made a quick foray into that world and got these for both Senior Brother and Brother Wei to use.”

Qinghe’s eyes widened slightly. “Since you said we have to do it indirectly…does it mean we have to throw it into each other’s mouths? Because that would just look silly.”

Fei Yin’s lips twitched. How could his senior brother come to the least romantic conclusion of all?

Qinghe held his chin in a hand and thought, then suddenly said, “Ah! Could it mean that we have to use our abilities to do it? But that doesn’t make sense for those without abilities… Then do we use chopsticks?”

Feng Chunyi sighed and gave her confused son a hint, “Not that, you brat. It’s a method that won’t require you to use your hands. Your junior brother already told you it was something romantic, didn’t he?”

Blinking at his mother who seemed to have figured out this confounding puzzle so quickly, Qinghe asked, “Then…should I place it on my head or somewhere else and ask Xiang to eat it off of me? As ridiculous as that would look, maybe that could be considered romantic in a way?”

Thinking of Wei Xiang having to eat candy off of Qinghe’s head, Fei Yin wanted to cry. He stood corrected. Now this was the least romantic conclusion of all!

Unable to bear any more of this, Fei Yin decided to just be more explicit. “Senior Brother, no! You have to use your mouths and tongues to exchange it and kiss!”

Qinghe looked at him with startlement. Then his eyes gleamed. Passing candy to each other through their mouths sounded like such a fun game!

Fei Yin continued, “We’ve already notified the Heavenly Emperor about this and asked him to include it in the main ceremony.”

Qinghe gave a cheerful nod. “Mn, that’s good. Yin-er, you and Jin-er did very well with this.”

Hearing his beloved senior brother praise him, Fei Yin bowed his head while smiling happily.

In the meantime, Fei Jin had just finished giving Wei Xiang the other candy as well and explained what he had to do.

Feng Huixin coughed and turned his face away embarrassedly while Wei Xiang merely showed a wry smile. He already knew that his little lover would be eager to try something like this, and it certainly was a romantic addition that would make their wedding more interesting. And so, he agreed as well.

A few more minutes later, Qinghe and Wei Xiang were finally ready and stepped out of the Feng residence.

It was finally time for them to see each other for the first time in full wedding attire before joining the wedding procession.


While choosing what traditions to follow before, during, and after their wedding, Qinghe and Wei Xiang had decided against a lot of the usual rituals used in their world. For example, the tradition of giving betrothal gifts. Since Wei Xiang was already considered a part of the Feng family, they forwent the betrothal gifts and other pre-marriage procedures and decided to directly jump to the ceremony.

They also jointly decided against a few other things like the tradition of the newlyweds respectfully making and serving lotus seed or red date tea to their parents and in-laws. As close and casual as Qinghe and Wei Xiang were with Feng Huixin and Feng Chunyi, the four of them collectively decided that it would be too awkward for the couple to act reverential like that all of a sudden. And the implication of wishing for fertility in that tradition wouldn’t apply to Qinghe and Wei Xiang as well.

In a similar way, many other traditions had to be removed by the couple.

Other than tying a couple in marriage, the core of a traditional wedding celebration was to bring the in-laws of both sides together, letting them get to know each other and become a whole family. But since Wei Xiang’s closest blood-related family were the fire dragons whom he did not wish to even consider as his family, they were in a dilemma. What Qinghe and Wei Xiang considered their family consisted of the same few people, after all. This was another reason why they decided to forego a strictly traditional route and instead decided to ask for suggestions from various deities about the rituals to include. Qinghe and Wei Xiang wanted the ceremony to be meaningful while also being fun and memorable for them.

But since the deities in Heaven were all from different realms, they all had vastly different marriage customs. Some wanted it to be a solemn affair with minimal colors and decoration, focusing instead on the couple’s deep love for each other, while others preferred the ceremony to be as colorful and full of laughter as possible.

And so, Qinghe and Wei Xiang's wedding ceremony ended up being flavored with a few of these mixed customs along with some that they added on their own. But the essence of the ceremony would still be traditional.

One of the traditional aspects they’d kept with a few adjustments was the wedding procession.

The evening sky was currently painted with rich purple, streaks of burning orange flowing through it. The clouds seemed to be edged with golden fire as they drifted along leisurely in the vivid sky. The sun hovered directly over the horizon as if pondering sinking below.

By now, the people who would form the wedding procession had finished gathering in the courtyard. Qinghe and Wei Xiang were done being dressed and readied as well and finally stepped out of the house.

The first one to exit was Wei Xiang, along with Fei Jin and Feng Huixin. The people from the Offices of Judgment who had come to join the procession could only gape at how different Wei Xiang seemed while wearing red along with a few additions to his appearance. Before they could break out of the shock, Qinghe arrived, with Fei Yin and a pleased-looking Feng Chunyi trailing behind.

Murmurs and awed gasps broke out as the two ethereally striking soon-to-be-weds came together.

The second Qinghe and Wei Xiang looked at each other, they stood stunned, their feet pinned to the ground unmoving.

Feng Huixin and Feng Chunyi looked at their sons with smiling gazes and excused themselves to directly head to the venue to prepare things. Fei Jin and Fei Yin also beat a subtle retreat to take care of a few arrangements and left the couple alone.

Qinghe and Wei Xiang drank in each other’s appearance with eager eyes. Their beloved looked so different, yet just as breathtaking as usual that they couldn’t tear their eyes away.

Qinghe’s hair that was put up in an elaborate style using a crown and several other hair ornaments was now hidden under a tall black cap. All that was visible was just a couple of long locks of hair flowing down over his shoulders and to the front, framing his exquisite face.

Due to his hair being pulled up, the contours of Qinghe’s face looked sharper, his neck appearing longer, and his beauty seeming much colder than before. The thin line of red sweeping up from the edges of his upper eyelids and the glimmer of silver beneath only highlighted his clear eyes and his perfect features. His dusky pink lips looked plumper and glistened as if wet. However, despite the inherent coldness of his face, the unhidden joy rippling in his eyes warmed his expression. His cheeks were suffused with a soft pink as he looked at his lover. The contrast of gentle warmth and lofty coldness in his face added another layer of enchantment to his already irresistible appeal.

Qinghe’s attire for the ceremony was comprised of a layer of red at the top and several layers of white underneath. His innermost robe stayed invisible from the outside. The layer after that was a pure, snowy white that was even lighter than Qinghe’s fair complexion. The next layer was a smooth milky color slightly darker than the robe before, its lapels folded right under the previous robe’s collar. The outer robe was a rich and deep pearl color with a luster to match. Its surface shone under the light with a pearlescent sheen. The bottom half of this outer robe was stitched with more delicate designs in white gold, adding a regal touch to the ensemble. The belt holding everything together was the same white gold as the designs.

Over his robes, Qinghe wore a heavy red coat that was left open at the front. A thick band of bright gold embroidery ran down its lapels and along the wide sleeves, while more intricate designs decorated the bottom one-third in the same style as the pearly outer robe. The entire back of the red overcoat was stitched with a very intricate golden wyvern. Every scale covering its body, every horn on its head, and every strand of the ebony fur running down its back was rendered with exquisite detail. Its majestic golden head rested on the center of Qinghe’s upper back, with two polished crystalline topaz gems cut into the shape of eyes peering out with a piercing gaze. The rest of its body coiled downward, wrapping around Qinghe’s waist and continuing until its tail ended right in the middle of the coat’s bottom edge at the back. The golden threads making up the wyvern gleamed brilliantly in the light as if lit from within.

Seeing Qinghe dressed so lavishly, his features looking impossibly more captivating, Wei Xiang could only stare at him fixatedly, his eyes almost blinded by his beloved’s splendor. But Qinghe wasn’t any better. He was just as enamored with his Xiang’s new look.

By now, Wei Xiang’s beast aspects had subsided physically, though his beast instincts still thrummed under his skin on occasion. His nails, skin, and eyes had turned to normal. His black eyes that glinted with deep emotions were currently ringed with a thin black line, powdered gold dusting his upper eyelids and making him look exotic. His lips that were slightly parted with wonder shone a dark red, giving more allure to his focused expression.

Wei Xiang’s attire complemented Qinghe’s. His inner robe was visibly a light silvery grey, the robe over that being a darker grey, and the outer robe a very deep black that shimmered slightly in the light. Rich gold thread embroidered the black outer robe with designs similar to the ones decorating Qinghe’s pearl robe. A gold belt was cinched around his waist.

The red coat draped over his entire ensemble looked much like Qinghe’s as well, except that the thread used on it was a shining silver instead. The back of Wei Xiang’s red overcoat was stitched with a silver tiger, its eyes consisting of radiant emeralds. The silver tiger was as if viewed from a higher vantage point, its head resting on Wei Xiang's lower back, powerful forelegs extending below, with the rest of its body continuing above. Its tail was gently wrapped around the coat’s upper collar.

The meanings behind these embroideries on the backs of Qinghe’s and Wei Xiang’s robes symbolized their and their family’s stance. The couple could take care of themselves when an enemy attacked from the front, but when someone tried to harm them from their backs, their lover and their family would protect them.

When the wyvern eggs hatched, the newborn wyverns would end up becoming a new wyvern clan with Wei Xiang, their oldest, at the head. And so, the wyvern currently stitched onto Qinghe’s coat symbolized the wyvern clan guarding Qinghe’s back, while the silver spirit tiger on Wei Xiang’s coat represented Qinghe and the Feng family protecting Wei Xiang’s back. They would watch out for each other’s weak points and shield them from harm. They would defend and help each other like the family they were. This was the statement their wedding robes made, and it was also Qinghe’s and Wei Xiang’s promise to each other.

Lost in their lover’s charm, Qinghe and Wei Xiang continued to look into each other’s eyes, wishing they could just drown in their beloved’s intent gaze. Realizing that this stunning person in front of them was the one they would spend their whole life with, disbelief and giddiness at their good luck filled their mind.

Wei Xiang was the first one to break the stillness. He lifted a hand as if wanting to touch Qinghe’s cheek, then halted. Letting his hand drop down, he smiled and said, “If I touch you now, I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold back from doing something that’ll make our current audience blush.”

At the side, the people forming the wedding procession were still looking at them both either outright or covertly.

Qinghe chuckled. His voice sounded slightly breathless even to him. His cheeks grew redder. “Then let’s refrain from touching until we kiss later at the ceremony.”

Anticipation gleamed in Wei Xiang’s eyes as he nodded, a corner of his red lips tilting up.

Seeing his lover’s small smile, Qinghe wanted to let out a besotted sigh. He felt strange today, his heart becoming too warm and soft whenever he looked at his Xiang. And the best part was that he could see the same emotions in Wei Xiang’s gaze whenever his beloved looked at him too.

This sweet atmosphere was suddenly pierced by Fei Jin’s voice near the gates. “Do you all have your baskets and spatial rings ready?”

A chorus of childish voices answered, “Yes!”

Qinghe and Wei Xiang reluctantly tore their gazes away from each other to look over.

Fei Jin and Fei Yin were standing in front of a line of children. The youngest couldn’t be younger than three and the oldest couldn’t be older than twelve. They each carried a basket of small red pouches. Qinghe knew that each of those pouches contained a single round sweet stamped with the character for double happiness. Distributing such wedding sweets was meant to spread the wedding cheer and invite others’ blessings for the couple being wedded.

Near the gates, Fei Jin announced loudly with his hands on his hips, “Good. After we start moving, you will walk along the edge of the procession and give a pouch to each person you come by. If your basket runs out, just grab more from the spatial storage ring we provided you all. Everyone who works diligently will get more sweets to eat at the end. Did everyone understand everything I said?”

A fire was lit in all the children’s eyes at the mention of the sweet reward awaiting them. They nodded as one and immediately started looking around for prey they could thrust a red pouch at the second the procession would begin.

Seeing their enthusiasm, both Qinghe and Wei Xiang had to hide their smiles. Qinghe wistfully thought back to the process of making those sweets and how fun it had been.

At first, he and Wei Xiang had wanted to work on it together with only Feng Huixin, Feng Chunyi, and the twins. But after hearing of it from the twins, Jing Shui puffed up his cheeks and declared that he wanted to be involved in his friend’s wedding in Heaven too. He even offered the use of one of the large kitchens in a restaurant affiliated with the Golden Sun Sect. In the end, making the sweets had ended up involving not only Wei Xiang, Qinghe’s parents, the twins, and Jing Shui, but also Wu Xiao, Chen Xiande, Hei NingYu, along with Xie Xingye and Zheng Xuan as well.

Wei Xiang was designated as the main cook, with Feng Huixin helping him at the side and Qinghe in charge of mixing the ingredients. Zheng Xuan kneaded the dough, the twins put it into the molds and stamped the character for double happiness into it, while Jing Shui procured and passed along the ingredients when needed. The Wu Xiao who was disallowed by Jing Shui to touch anything food-related due to his disastrous cooking ability was given the simple duty of putting each round sweet into a small red pouch and setting it aside.

Meanwhile, Feng Chunyi and Xie Xingye ended up sitting and talking excitedly with their like-minded comrade Hei NingYu. They eagerly discussed together about demonic cultivation techniques and methods of torture before their talks turned to the best ways of filleting and gutting a person without killing them and also keeping them conscious. Qinghe and Wei Xiang occasionally piped in with their own comments and suggestions on the gruesome subject.

Feng Huixin and Zheng Xuan ignored them by practice, but Chen Xiande and Wu Xiao couldn’t help but twitch their lips every now and then. Jing Shui showed an openly horrified expression, shooting the trio alarmed glances. In the end, it was Fei Jin and Fei Yin who yelled at them to stop talking about such a gory and ill-omened topic while they were making sweets for a happy occasion like a wedding.

After all the sweets were made and packed, the cheerfully chatting trio was put in charge of the monumental cleaning duty since they hadn’t helped with anything else. Much pouting and pleading for their lovers’ help had ensued, only for all of them to be rejected. Once everything was done, they all dined in the same restaurant whose kitchen they had just used. There had been more shenanigans, laughter, and reminiscing done while sharing a luxurious meal.

All in all, it had ended up being a memorable and fun occasion.

Seeing Qinghe’s distant gaze and warm smile, Wei Xiang asked, “What are you thinking about, love?”

Qinghe blinked and turned to his beloved. “I was thinking about that time we made those sweets. It was very enjoyable to do something with everyone.”

Wei Xiang’s eyes darkened with remembrance. He smirked and said, “Yes, and the way we both used the remaining ingredients afterward was even more enjoyable.”

Wisps of pleasant memories filled Qinghe’s mind, making him blush fiercely. He could almost feel the sensation of the cold sugar syrup dripping down his back, his lover’s hot tongue following it, fingers firmly rubbing something rough and sticky onto the two buds on his chest, Wei Xiang lips and teeth eating it off of him while he squirmed and cried out with desperate need…

Qinghe swallowed and let out a hot breath. His pupils expanded as he instinctively took a step towards his beloved. With a hooded gaze, Wei Xiang scented his mate’s awakening arousal and leaned forward, his heart speeding up. Their faces slowly inched closer until they could see their reflection on their lover’s dark eyes with crisp clarity.

Two pairs of hands suddenly pulled Qinghe and Wei Xing away from each other as the twins’ voices sounded, “Brother Wei, Senior Brother, stop it! It’s time to begin!”

Qinghe and Wei Xiang blinked to clear the disorienting fog of desire clouding their minds. Just a bit more, and they could touch each other all they wanted on their marriage bed. Feeling all too eager to get their wedding underway, they exchanged one last heated glance before letting the twins pull them away to their respective mounts.

Rather than using marriage sedans, Qinghe and Wei Xiang had decided to instead ride deer-like spiritual beasts in the procession. After learning of their wedding, the spiritual beasts of the Silver-scaled Cervid Clan had especially requested the Feng household to allow them to provide two of their most promising members as mounts for the wedding procession. It was clear that they were both currying favor and offering support to the Feng household. Since there was no harm in it, Qinghe and Wei Xiang had agreed.

The two beasts from the clan who had offered themselves as mounts had white feathers tipping their ears and more fluffy plumes around the top of their shining black hooves. Delicate silver scales that shone dazzlingly sheathed every part of their body except their faces. Their narrow muzzles were elegant and covered in a thin layer of fine white fur. One of the beasts had deep violet eyes while the other’s were dark crimson in color. Thirteen golden horns protruded from their heads like a crown. Fluffy white tails that looked to be made out of feather strands lightly waved to and fro as if with eagerness. Their slender limbs and gracefully lean bodies hid enough power to drag forward a whole house if they so wished.

After the couple reached the two mounts, Wei Xiang easily climbed atop the violet-eyed beast and was ready to begin the procession, but Qinghe merely looked uneasily at the red-eyed one. Wei Xiang was amused to find that his little lover seemed uncomfortable at the thought of riding this spiritual beast while he hadn’t thought twice before mounting Wei Xiang’s wyvern form and soaring in the skies. In the end, the twins and Wei Xiang, along with the red-eyed beast herself, managed to convince Qinghe to ride the beast for the few hours it’d take to reach the wedding venue.

Generally, a traditional wedding procession would carry the bride to the groom’s house, where the ceremony would then take place. But since both Qinghe and Wei Xiang were male and called the same place home, they had decided long ago to hold the ceremony in the throne room of the Heavenly Palace instead.

It was a bold move, but also one that seemed to say with its actions that they considered the entire heavenly court as their extended family. Rather than calling them pretentious or outrageous for such an action as any other court would have, the deities of the heavenly court with their mishmash of strange personalities and laissez-faire attitude were instead pleased and moved by such a gesture. It was only later during the ceremony that they came to understand that the reason for having such a large audience was so that the two people being wed could flaunt their affections and rub their romantic bliss in all their faces! But that was a realization that would only happen later.

After setting off from the Feng residence, the wedding procession quickly grew full of boisterousness and energy. Close friends of Feng Chunyi and Feng Huixin, along with people Qinghe and Wei Xiang had become familiar with after ascending, marched along with wide smiles and bright eyes while accompanying the soon-to-be-weds.

Qinghe and Wei Xiang rode together at the center of the procession, silently sharing happy smiles and stealing little glances at each other. The twins marched on either side of them to ensure nothing would disturb their happiness this day.

Meanwhile, people carried brilliant lanterns hung from slender sticks while red banners fluttered in the wind. Cheerful music constantly flowed around them. Continuous streams of firecracker talismans were lit up as the procession moved along the path, the loud bursts and bright flashes lending a livery air.

On every street they passed through, there would be people crowding on either side, shouting out their wishes for the couple’s happiness or commenting that they were a good match. Of course, there were also a few audacious teasing statements that made Qinghe’s cheeks turn pink while Wei Xiang only chuckled amusedly.

The children carrying baskets full of the wedding sweets happily threaded through the crowd to hand out as many little red pouches as they could. One little girl even ran up to Qinghe and Wei Xiang to shyly present them with a pair of red pouches. The couple suppressed their laughter and solemnly took the sweets. Qinghe broke his into halves and gave one each to the twins while Wei Xiang shared his with his beloved.

In the meantime, seeing the cheerful sweet distribution squad at work along with their first time witnessing such a large procession, several children from the crowd were bright-eyed and curious. Some even asked their parents to join the procession. Soon, little children holding fistfuls of ribbons twirled and laughed merrily as they ran with energetic little feet alongside the moving stream of people. More children with jingling bells and rattle drums followed them, joining the group of musicians in the procession and cheerfully adding to the joyful din.

Rather than use transportation arrays to shorten the distance, the wedding procession moved all the way from the gates of the Feng residence that was situated deep in the forests at the edge of the capital to the Heavenly Palace that sat right in the middle of the capital. But since the people in the procession were all deities and the mounts used were both strong spiritual beasts, the wedding procession reached its destination within two hours. The sweet-distributing children had all long since finished their task by now, and along with the other children who had joined them in the middle, had stopped partway to rest.

The golden gates of the Heavenly Palace were thrown open to invite the wedding procession in. Firework talismans were rolled up and placed into bamboo tubes before being shot upward using spiritual energy, activating them. As the firework talismans went off, showers of colorful sparks burst above the palace with loud booms and crackles, setting the darkening sky alight in welcome to the couple. Whenever two active embers collided mid-air, they gave rise to another spray of bright glimmers that exploded in the sky. A chain of bangs echoed while brilliant colors flashed continuously.

The people in the wedding procession looked up at the sky, drinking in this sight of blooming fireworks raining sparkles of light, dense enough to almost cover the sky. The flickering bursts cast layers of colors on their upturned faces. Wei Xiang simply looked at it all with a composed expression as unknown thoughts swam in his mind. But the Qinghe and twins who had never before seen such a lavish display stared at the exploding sky with glittering eyes.

Suddenly, two lines of glowing yellow lotuses came into being on either side of the path that led from the gateway to the Heavenly Palace’s door. The luminescent lotuses made of light hovered at eye-level and lit up the way forward for the procession, offering more illumination as dusk settled. Tearing their gazes away from the fireworks, the wedding procession followed the lotuses and slowly made their way inside the palace before heading towards the open doors of the throne room.

The usually silver wisps of smoke that curled under the crystalline floor of the throne room had now turned into vaporous ribbons of gold while the floor itself became a festive red appropriate for the wedding. Luxurious shimmering red silk covered the walls while red banners with more characters for double happiness swayed in the breeze stirred up by the arrival of the wedding procession. The ceiling was covered with more red fabric while staying clear of the round skylight. Behind the circular opening covered with transparent glass, white fire with golden edges burned, flooding the hall with bright light. Except for the pearly Throne of Heaven at the head, the entirety of the vast and spacious throne room was decorated in red and gold for the wedding.

Past the line of tall pillars on either side stood everyone invited to the wedding. Feng Huixin, Feng Chunyi, Xie Xingye, and Zheng Xuan waited beside the platform with the Throne. The Heavenly Emperor solemnly stood in front of the Throne, his usually white attire swapped for a golden yellow to match the occasion. As soon as the wedding procession entered and the people of the procession dissolved into the crowd, the guests all turned to look for the couple about to be wed.

The second Qinghe and Wei Xiang stepped into the throne room and alighted from their mounts, the entire crowd went up in cheers with some brazen whistles thrown in. The suddenness of it made Qinghe’s eyes widen while Wei Xiang merely raised his brows in surprise. Abandoning their non-existent decorum, the deities loudly called out wishes for their happy lives and blessings for their future together, their loud shouts overlapping. Someone conjured up a rain of colorful flower petals to sprinkle down on the entire hall.

There were actually many reasons for the deities’ intense excitement. For one, it was rare to see people being married in the heavenly realm, since most couples would have already had their wedding in the world they were from before ascending. And so, marriages were a cause for great celebration whenever they occurred here. Not only that, but the couple marrying today were important figures to boot―one being the future Heavenly Emperor and the other the future leader of the Offices of Judgment, along with them both being related to the Heavenly General and the current leader of the Offices of Judgment who would also ascend the Heavenly Throne next. Being able to witness such a historic and extraordinary moment as the marriage of such important people, the deities naturally felt exhilarated.

Adding to that, these two people had treated them as family by allowing them to attend their wedding like this. Qinghe and Wei Xiang had also made quite the impression till now by displaying their intelligence and competence while gathering many allies, helping some of these deities when they ran into difficulties, and had made a very good impression overall. And due to Feng Chunyi’s friend Ai Li spreading around an overly dramatized version of their romance, it was no wonder that all these gossip-loving deities were thrilled to see them finally being married after everything they heard that this couple went through.

Meanwhile, their startlement giving way to smiles at such an enthusiastic welcome, Qinghe and Wei Xiang slowly strode towards the platform. As they walked, they spotted Fei Jin and Fei Yin slipping through the crowd and handing people small bags of something, followed by whispered explanations that the couple couldn’t hear. The recipient of the bag would grin and nod, tucking it into their sleeve mysteriously.

Qinghe and Wei Xiang looked at each other, puzzled. What were those brats planning? But knowing that whatever they were up to would not be something detrimental to their wedding ceremony, the couple chose to put it aside and continued onward with steady steps.

After reaching the platform, Qinghe and Wei Xiang climbed up the stairs until they stood in front of the Heavenly Emperor.

A hush softly fell over the room as everyone quietened, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Though Qinghe and Wei Xiang stood with slight smiles and calm gazes, their hearts thudded inside their chests with anticipation and nervousness.

The Heavenly Emperor opened his mouth and his voice rolled through the room, low and weighty as he announced, “We will now begin the wedding ceremony of Deity Feng Qinghe and Wyvern Sovereign Wei Xiang.”

The attention of everyone was focused on the platform.

Looking at the couple in front of him, the Heavenly Emperor stated solemnly, “Feng Qinghe, Wei Xiang, you have walked your own paths to reach this moment. But from this day forth, you will walk the path lying before you together. Your lives will become one, your fates shall be entwined.” Turning, he continued, “I call upon the Deity of Fate to bless this union and bind this pair’s destinies together.”

Soft footsteps and rustling fabric sounded as a person slowly walked out from between the guests. The deities surrounding them startled and backed away, surprise on their faces as if unsure where this new person had come from.

The Deity of Fate who’d just stepped out of the crowd was a short, petite, androgynous person whose gender was impossible to determine. They wore a thick and heavy grey robe with a high collar that completely covered their body from neck to toe. Their hair was a similar dusty grey with streaks of white as it tumbled down their shoulders, unbound. The top half of their face, from the middle of their nose bridge to their forehead, was completely covered with worn satin bandages. The visible skin of their face was even-toned and ghastly pale with a greyish pallor. Their chin was pointed delicately while their small, plush lips were a purplish-pink in color. As they ponderously moved forward, their clothing rustled stiffly like the sound of dry leaves rubbing together. They walked at the pace of an arthritic elderly man and slowly made their way up to the platform.

Qinghe and Wei Xiang turned to them and bowed respectfully as Qinghe spoke, “We greet the Deity of Fate.”

The deity paused and slowly turned to look at him. Qinghe felt an eerie, piercing gaze on the back of his head but remained bowing. He finally heard a rustle as the deity nodded in acknowledgment. Qinghe and Wei Xiang straightened again.

This Deity of Fate only ever appeared like this during the rare marriages or the even rarer funerals taking place in the heavenly realm. In the case of marriages, if the couple being married were suitable, the deity would bind their fates. In the case of funerals, the deity cut away all ties of the departing soul to the world of the living except any existing soul bond. If two deities being wedded did not have a soul bond, then the bond bestowed by the Deity of Fate would keep them tethered throughout this one life. If they already had a soul bond, then the link tied between them by the Deity of Fate would strengthen it by many times.

As the Deity of Fate stood beside the Heavenly Emperor, they raised both their hands, palms up, in a silent request. Qinghe and Wei Xiang complied, lifting one of their hands each and placing it in the deity’s outstretched palms. The deity’s hands were very small with sharp almond-shaped claws tipping their fingers. Their skin felt dry like paper under Qinghe’s and Wei Xiang’s touch.

The Deity of Fate grew unmoving, not even seeming to breathe as they assessed the compatibility of the couple’s fates together. The air in the room turned still and solemn as everyone waited for their verdict. A minute later, the deity gave a slow, deliberate nod.

There was a sudden rush of exhaled breaths in the hall. Wei Xiang suppressed a sigh of relief while Qinghe merely smiled as if having expected this favorable result.

The Deity of Fate let go of their palms. But knowing that they were not yet done, the couple didn’t yet lower their hands.

Sure enough, the Heavenly Emperor announced, “Your union has been judged as harmonious. May the Deity of Fate now bind your destinies together for this lifetime using the red thread.”

The Deity of Fate looked down at Qinghe’s and Wei Xiang’s hands that almost touched as they were offered to them. They slowly lifted their index finger and used its claw to prickle the outer side of Wei Xiang’s wrist. A small point of blood welled from the prickle. Another tiny dot of red was drawn out from the side of Qinghe’s wrist in a similar way. Then touching the claws of both index fingers to the two points of blood, the deity drew their fingers upward. A thread of red liquid connected each claw with its respective dot of blood, the thin line of crimson liquid glistening as it stretched up.

Qinghe and Wei Xiang fought a frown as they felt something pulling in their chests.

Bringing their claws together, the Deity of Fate let the two lines of red thread connect. The two threads of blood joined together with a snap, becoming one. There was now a single thin line of shining red liquid connecting the couple’s wrists.

Feeling something zing inside their souls, the pair suppressed the need to clutch at their chests. Qinghe and Wei Xiang shared a quick glance, confirming that their beloved felt the same. They could both sense their soul bond twang and swell as if just fed with a thousand acts of dual cultivation.

The line of red connecting their wrists began gradually glowing with a mixture of silver and gold that was drawn directly from the couple’s souls. The thread stretching between them burned brighter and brighter before slowly dissolving into the air. But the couple could still feel the bond between their souls thrumming with the sudden strengthening that red thread had brought.

The Heavenly Emperor informed, “The red thread of fate has been fully connected. You are now bound.”

Qinghe and Wei Xiang shook off the strange sensation and bowed deeply to the Deity of Fate while saying as one, “Thank you.”

The deity nodded. Their work done, they slowly descended the stairs and disappeared into the throngs of the bewildered guests again.

Qinghe and Wei Xiang turned to face the Heavenly Emperor as he said, “We will now commence the three ceremonial bows.”

His majestic voice boomed loudly as he announced, “Make the first bow to the heavens.”

Without exchanging a word, Qinghe and Wei Xiang bowed towards the Heavenly Emperor and the Throne behind him. Chuckles and choked out laughs sounded from the witnessing crowd. The Heavenly Emperor’s mouth twitched, but since they were technically not wrong, he let it go.

“Second bow to the ancestors and parents.”

Smiling small smiles, Qinghe and Wei Xiang straightened before turning to face the group of Feng Huixin, Feng Chunyi, Zheng Xuan, and Xie Xingye at the base of the platform. As the pair bowed towards them respectfully, Xie Xingye conscientiously stepped away to let his startled lover be the clear recipient of Wei Xiang’s bow.

Wei Xiang was beyond grateful towards his mother-in-law and Master for giving birth to Qinghe, and he was just as grateful towards Zheng Xuan for helping his mother while she laid and protected his egg. Similarly, Qinghe was thankful for his parents, their love and care, and the happy home they provided him both before his fall and after his ascension. And he was just as grateful for his father’s part in raising Wei Xiang into the person he was now while being there when he needed him.

Receiving their bows, Feng Huixin’s eyes gleamed with a suspicious wetness while Feng Chunyi smiled gently and leaned into her husband. Witnessing their beloved sons finally getting married and seeing their unhidden respect for them made their hearts feel too full. Though Zheng Xuan was surprised that Wei Xiang showed him such gratitude, his face still softened with warmth. He wished his queen and her mate could’ve been here to see what a fine person their son had grown into. He wished they could’ve seen him being happily married. He felt immensely honored that in their absence, Wei Xiang chose to show him that gratitude.

The Heavenly Emperor’s voice sounded, “Third bow to each other.”

Qinghe and Wei Xiang straightened again and turned to face one another. Their smiles turned tender, their expressions unconsciously showing their affection. Complex emotions layered their gazes as they looked into each other’s eyes.

As one, they bowed deeply towards their beloved.

They loved and cherished the other person, that was true, but they also had the utmost respect for their lover.

Qinghe admired his Xiang’s resilience in the face of knowing that every person he’d trusted in his clan had betrayed him, his sharpness that would never let anyone take him for a fool, the maturity and kindness with which he treated people, his straightforwardness and intelligence, his sensibleness and gentleness, his ability to bear the burden of the entire Order of Sentinels, that sense of duty and responsibility… Qinghe respected all these qualities and more in his Xiang, and he naturally didn’t mind expressing all that by bowing here right now.

Likewise, Wei Xiang admired his Qinghe as well. He was in awe of his little lover’s clever mind that thought in twists and turns that no one could fathom, his ability to retain his innocence in certain areas despite all he went through, along with his astuteness and his sheer brilliance, his aloofness and ability to be impartial, but also his empathy and his selfless devotion towards those he loved… Wei Xiang respected every one of these qualities along with a lot of other aspects as well, and he didn’t mind showing the true extent of his regard before everyone.

“Rise,” the Heavenly Emperor called.

Qinghe and Wei Xiang straightened, their gazes meeting each other’s for a moment to exchange a deep look before they turned to face the Heavenly Emperor again.

“With Heaven as witness and Fate as judge, Feng Qinghe and Wei Xiang are now bound in matrimony, from now until the time their souls willingly part.”

Loud cheers rent the air just as the last word was uttered. Amid the raucous shouts, Qinghe and Wei Xiang looked at each other with shining eyes. They were married! They were finally husbands!

The Heavenly Emperor’s solemn face softened as he stepped back to give the couple their space.

“We should probably exchange that thing those twin brats gave us,” Wei Xiang reminded, his smiled filled with anticipation.

Qinghe’s eyes widened as he remembered the round spiced candy Fei Yin had given him. They both quickly took their respective candy out of their storage space and popped it into their mouths. Without a word, they wrapped their arms around their new husband and pulled them close, their mouths heading for each other.

The cheers of the guests intensified. Qinghe could even hear his mother’s shouting urging them on to kiss very clearly.

As their open lips finally met and clamped over one another, Qinghe and Wei Xiang tried to exchange the candy in their mouths as per what the twins had said. But the two sticky balls would either cling to each other, get bounced back, or fall from their tongues to lie on the sides of their mouths. The couple twisted their tongues around one another and pressed closer, trying to get the damn candies into their husband’s mouth. They changed the angles of their lips and wrestled with their tongues, trying to finish the exchange. But from the outside, it looked like what they were exchanging was a very heated, passionate, and long kiss.

The watching deities couldn’t help but feel that after being married, this couple had gotten even more shameless with their blatant displays of affection!

By the time Qinghe and Wei Xiang finished putting their candy in their beloved’s mouth, the candies had almost completely dissolved. Successfully completing the exchange, they finally parted, their faces flushed with exertion and their chests lightly heaving. Exchanging candies with their mouths was far more difficult than they’d imagined!

In a serious voice, Qinghe commented, “We need to train ourselves more in this area.”

Wei Xiang suppressed a laugh and gravely nodded. “Yes, we need to practice it again and again with our mouths.”

“Using more sweet candies,” Qinghe added.

Wei Xiang let out a helpless chuckle. “Yes, yes, how can we forget my beloved little husband’s favorite sweet candies?”

Being called husband for the first time, Qinghe’s face turned red with a mixture of shyness and pleasure.

As the newlyweds happily flirted in front of the entire hall of guests and fed them dog food, the twins suddenly shouted, “Everyone, do it now!”

Sensing many small projectiles unexpectedly approaching them, Qinghe and Wei Xiang didn’t even think before raising up their wide sleeves to protect their heads and sent out their spiritual sense to see what was going on.

Every guest had a small open bag of rice in one palm while they used their other hand to gather up fistfuls of the white grains to throw at the newlyweds.

Qinghe’s eyes widened with confusion while Wei Xiang laughed. “Those little brats must have set them up for rice-throwing beforehand.”

Qinghe looked wronged. “No wonder they were sneakily passing those bags to the guests before…”

Standing beside the Throne and safely outside the range of bombardment, the Heavenly Emperor advised the newlyweds good-naturedly, “They will only get more enthusiastic as time passes, so you should depart for the wedding chamber soon.”

The couple nodded and wordlessly held hands. Sharing a look filled with both exasperation and humor, they kept their sleeves up to defend their faces from the flying grains of rice and quickly made their way towards the open doors of the throne room. The pitter-patter and light vibrations of rice grains bouncing off the heavy embroidered cloth continued unceasingly as they hurried onward.

Someone shouted, “They’re going to escape! Quick, throw more!”

Feng Chunyi cackled and called, “I’m only doing this to give you my blessings and bring you more prosperity, so don’t hold it against me, you brats!”

Xie Xingye spurred her on, “That’s right, sister! Give them more! Your aim’s better, so here, take my share of rice as well. Lord Zheng, Brother-in-law, if you’re not going to fully use yours, then give it to Chunyi too.”

Zheng Xuan’s low rumble of a chuckle and Feng Huixin’s helpless sigh followed.

Another guest giggled and yelled gleefully, “Do you think you can escape so easily after abusing my fragile single heart! Take this! And this!”

“Don’t let them get away easily! Pelt them with more grains!”

And so, under their combined efforts, the shower of rice on the newlyweds intensified.

As they strode towards the doors hurriedly, Qinghe buried his face into Wei Xiang’s shoulder and laughed. This was so ridiculous! Wei Xiang’s eyes gleamed as he smiled amusedly as well. His hand tightening on Qinghe’s, Wei Xiang increased their pace while saying, “We’d better hurry, or as the Heavenly Emperor said, they’ll only get worse. I don’t want any more rice falling into my clothes. It’s itchy.”

Qinghe laughed harder and nodded, keeping up with his beloved’s quickened steps. A few more moments later, the pair was finally out of the throne room and had successfully escaped the rice shower that had grown into a dense torrent. Still holding hands, they lowered the sleeves they’d used as shields and shook the rice off from their clothes. After Wei Xiang managed to pick out the rice that had gotten inside his robes, the couple made their way out the Heavenly Palace’s main building before the wedding guests could think up something else to do.

Inside the throne room, the guests would soon be treated to the traditional six-course banquet starring a whole, giant fish caught by Qinghe and cooked by Wei Xiang.

Meanwhile, outside in the vast gardens, Qinghe pulled Wei Xiang along on the path towards a certain transportation array. The fireworks had long stopped, leaving the night tranquil. The dark sky spread above them, the stars twinkling like granules of shattered gems.

Qinghe picked another grain of rice from his hair and sighed. “I should brush my hair to get it all out soon. I won’t be surprised if I still miss some and find seedlings growing out of my head in a week.”

Wei Xiang chuffed in laughter. “I’ll help you comb your hair after we get back to our room. We can take a bath and rid ourselves of all the rice.”

Qinghe showed him a sly smile. “Xiang, what makes you think we’re going to our room back at the house? This is our wedding night, and it’ll naturally take place in our special wedding chamber.”

Blinking bewilderedly, Wei Xiang asked, “We have a special wedding chamber?”

Qinghe chuckled. Giving up on extracting all the rice tangled in his hair that was exposed outside the black cap, he looped an arm around Wei Xiang’s waist and nuzzled against his cheek. “Yes, we do. Mother and Father helped me set it up especially for us to use today. It will be our home away from home. But primarily, it will belong to you.”

Wei Xiang’s eyebrows rose. “Now I’m curious to see what you’ve all set up behind my back.”

Laughing, Qinghe snuggled closer into his husband’s side. Wei Xing put an arm around his beloved and smiled.

The status of their relationship might have changed today, but their affection still remained just as deep.


Half an hour later, Qinghe and Wei Xiang stood on the ledge jutting out of a mountainside, looking into the open maw of a large cave. The tilt of the mountain slope was such that it hid the mouth of the cave when viewed from above while the ledge hid its view from below. All around them were mountains and tall cliffs covered with greenery. The sound of a waterfall could be heard as it fed the river that flowed below on the right. The air here was thin, fresh, and crisp, tinged with the smell of moist earth, verdant leaves, and clean water.

Wei Xiang looked at the cave in front of them with surprise. “Qinghe…this is…”

Qinghe smiled smugly. “Didn’t you say before that you wanted one? You might have been under the influence of your beast instincts then, but I figured you really would like having a place like this for yourself. After all, the effects of your heat period might have subsided, but it’s not like you aren’t a wyvern with a wyvern’s preferences now as well.”

Wei Xiang took in a shuddering breath and nodded. “Thank you,” he said, his voice quiet.

Qinghe smiled and pulled Wei Xiang towards the cave entrance. “Aren’t you going to come in?”

Wei Xiang dazedly followed him inside.

As they passed through the cave mouth, Wei Xiang felt a flash of spiritual energy pass him by. He guessed that there must be a restrictive formation on this cave’s entrance to prevent anyone other than him and his beloved from entering. Entering the cave, Wei Xiang was surprised to find that the entire space was already suffused with his and Qinghe’s mixed scent, along with a blend of familiar smells that made him think of home. It instinctively caused him to relax despite the unfamiliarity of his surroundings. Curiously enough, he could hear the almost silent sound of trickling water coming from deeper within.

The cave mouth led into a long and wide tunnel that was lit by teardrop-shaped yellow crystals. The glowing crystals were affixed in two neat rows high above on the cave walls. The buttery yellow illumination they cast was enough for Qinghe and Wei Xiang to see by with their advanced vision. The mellow light emitted by the crystals gave the entire cave a soft and homey feel.

The cave walls were a dark grey and mostly smooth with only slight unevenness. Silvery streaks of metallic ore gleamed in the rock walls here and there. The path under their feet was flat and smooth. The tunnel itself was wide and high enough to accommodate Wei Xiang even in his wyvern form.

A few moments of walking later, the passageway widened into a spacious cavern that was dozens of times bigger than the tunnel itself. As Wei Xiang stepped into it, his breath caught in his throat.

The huge cavern was roughly circular in shape with the walls and ceiling forming a gigantic dome of uneven rock. Small pockets in the walls held roughly cut transparent stones in various colors that glowed brightly, casting light of different hues. They looked like colorful stars in contrast to the dark walls they were nestled in.

A line of molten yellow glowed around the cave’s edges, illuminating the floor. The entire cave floor was covered with thick carpets. Resting near the border were glass cabinets that displayed glittering treasures, well-maintained weapons, and artifacts that thrummed with power. Wei Xiang recognized several of these things either from where they had been displayed in the Feng residence, as the objects that he himself had collected on behalf of the Order of Sentinels, or as the trophies that his beloved had proudly showed off to him before. Plush cushions in various sizes interspersed the rest of the cave floor, ready for a pair of humans or a large wyvern to rest in comfortably.

On one side of the cavern, a small waterfall poured clear water into a natural pool. The pool was bordered with smooth, rounded rocks. Algae that glowed with a mild and pleasant blue-green covered the bottom of the pool. With just a glance, Wei Xiang knew that the algae would feel soft and velvety to the touch.

At the center of the cavern, there was a shallow depression cut into the cave floor. Guessing what it was, Wei Xiang slowly walked up to it and peered in. Sure enough, it was a very comfortable nest. It was lined on all sides with soft and luxurious materials like the feathers and pelts of rare beasts and treasured fabrics from all the various realms, and it was also piled high with several large pillows for padding. It looked warm and inviting, the perfect place for a wyvern to snuggle in with his mate.

Thinking of all the effort it must have taken for his family to arrange such a perfect place for him, Wei Xiang was overwhelmed with emotions. He was unable to express all that he felt through words alone.

Beside him, the Qinghe who was studying his expression showed a happy smile. “This place will be our retreat from the world, a space for just the two of us when you choose it to be. You can keep things that make you happy to look at here in the cabinets. Whenever your heat period arrives, we can spend it here in comfort and privacy. This is our space. Our home away from home, as I said. Do you like it?”

Wei Xiang quickly nodded. Turning to look at Qinghe and seeing his pleased smile, Wei Xiang’s lips pulled up as well. His voice sounded choked with emotions as he said softly, “Thank you.”

Qinghe’s smile brightened. “If it makes you happy, then I’ve achieved my aim.” His voice turning playful, he continued, “Now that we’re here, it’s time for you to keep to your word of brushing my hair.”

Wei Xiang smiled affectionately. “Yes, we’ll do that then.”

Looking around, he spotted a group of chairs around a table with a teapot and set of cups on it. He made Qinghe sit on the chair and got out the comb he knew his beloved liked him to use the most. But after removing the black cap on Qinghe’s head and seeing the complex hairdo Feng Chunyi had made, Wei Xiang could only sigh and say, “Love, undoing this is going to take a while.”

Qinghe sighed as well. “Mother did something, didn’t she? I knew there was a reason she didn’t let me use the mirror!”

Wei Xiang chuckled and shook his head. He should’ve expected this from his mother-in-law.

Not wasting time, Qinghe and Wei Xiang worked together to undo that complicated knot of a hairdo until Qinghe’s hair fell down in a long, unbound waterfall. After taking a few minutes to let Qinghe considerately massage his not-at-all-sore fingers, Wei Xiang took up the comb to begin working on Qinghe’s hair. Qinghe was soon letting out encouraging murmurs and moans of pleasure. Rice constantly poured from his hair at first before the flow of grains slowly turned to a trickle. By the time Wei Xiang finished, Qinghe had slumped into the chair in a comfortable and drowsy puddle of happiness. But he soon roused himself and reciprocated. Qinghe first removed Wei Xiang's black cap and undid his more simple hairdo. He then brushed the rice out of Wei Xiang's hair as well and drew out sounds of bliss and contentment from his beloved.

Once the pair of husbands were finished combing each other’s hair, Wei Xiang reminded, “We still have one thing left to do to complete the ceremony.”

Qinghe’s eyes lit up. “The wedding night?”

Wei Xiang chuckled. “Yes, that too. But before that, we still have the exchange of cups left to do.”

Qinghe blinked his eyes in realization. He got out a pair of finely-wrought metal cups while Wei Xiang retrieved a jar of sweet fruit wine from his spatial storage. After pouring the wine into the cups, they held one each and hooked their arms around one another’s before bringing their cup back to their lips. Qinghe drank the wine with relish, and even after the exchange was complete, he continued looking at the jar of wine in Wei Xiang’s hand with longing eyes. Wei Xiang silently put the jar back into his storage space. He did not want his wedding night to be spent drinking. There were far more fun things he’d rather do.

Seeing the tasty wine disappearing, Qinghe pouted. But remembering that it was time for them to finally share the marriage bed, he grew excited again. “Xiang, are we going to have our wedding night now?”

Wei Xiang smiled at his enthusiasm. “Yes.”

Qinghe tilted his head. “Hmm, but after already having done it so many times, is it even possible for it to be special now?”

“Do you want it to be special then?” Wei Xiang asked with hidden amusement and affection.

Nodding, Qinghe replied, “Well, yes. Since we went through all that ceremony to get here and we’re wearing such elaborate clothes and all, we might as well try to make our wedding night something to remember, no?”

Wei Xiang chuckled. “Yes, my little husband is absolutely right.”

Qinghe blinked, thrown off at that address again. His cheeks turned a warm pink as his eyes easily displayed his bashfulness. Wei Xiang grinned with delight. He extended a hand and called, “Come here, we should start undressing now.”

Qinghe huffed to hide his shyness and went closer. Wei Xiang gently began taking off his outer coat and undoing his belt. Qinghe felt puzzled. Wasn’t this just what they usually did? But he still cooperatively started on Wei Xiang’s clothes as well, removing it layer by layer. Qinghe couldn’t help but wonder what his Xiang had planned. Was it some new type of roleplay or something they’ve never even tried before? But even then, seeing how adventurous they were in matters of bed, it would just be the usual for them. Just what was Wei Xiang planning?

While Qinghe was busy pondering, he felt Wei Xiang’s hands suddenly halt as his husband took in a sharp breath. Qinghe looked at him, then back down at the last layer of his clothes with confusion. “Xiang? Is something wrong?”

Wei Xiang mutely shook his head, his gaze intently focused on Qinghe’s body.

The last layer of robe left on Qinghe was the one Feng Chunyi had especially prepared for him. It was a translucent, dusky red through which the outline of Qinghe’s body was clearly visible. It showed just enough of his skin to entice while seeming to turn the view fuzzy at strategic places. The red robe painted a flushed hue over his body, shading it in the color of a passionate haze.

Wei Xiang stared at it enraptured, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

Not understanding his beloved’s reaction, Qinghe moved to undo this last layer on his own and set it aside. But Wei Xiang’s gaze remained just as burning as before as it settled over his bare body.

Eager to start, Qinghe turned and leapt to land inside the plush nest and lied down comfortably. Looking up at the Wei Xiang still staring at him from the nest’s edge, Qinghe smiled sultrily and hooked a finger at him in beckoning. In a husky whisper, he enticed, “Xiang, my husband, won’t you come here and begin our wedding night?”

Wei Xiang growled soundlessly. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out, he struggled to compose himself as he walked forward. Jumping into the soft nest, he directly headed for his tempting mate and crouched over him.

Feeling his Xiang’s warm and bare body on top of him, Qinghe’s smile widened. He lifted a hand to pull Wei Xiang’s head down for a kiss, but Wei Xiang unexpectedly captured his wrist and pressed it to the padded floor. Qinghe blinked in puzzlement. Shrugging, he lifted his legs to hook them around Wei Xiang’s waist, only for them to be pressed down as well.

Wei Xiang buried his face into the crook of his beloved’s neck and exhaled, “Qinghe…”

Qinghe laid still and looked up at Wei Xiang confusedly. In a hesitant voice, he called, “Xiang?”

Wei Xiang lifted his head and smiled. The hecticness of the wedding finally left him, and all he felt now was a contended peace and the desire to shower his affections on his new husband. Since his dear Qinghe wanted this to be special, he would try to make it special. Cradling Qinghe’s face between his palms, Wei Xiang bent down to press a kiss to his forehead.

Qinghe stilled, wondering why his beloved wasn’t preparing him yet. But sensing the softness of the emotions suffusing his Xiang’s actions, he couldn’t bring himself to hurry him up. He felt flustered, not knowing how to react.

Meanwhile, Wei Xiang continued kissing Qinghe, once on the tip of his nose, on his lips, and on his chin. Leaning up, he looked into Qinghe’s eyes with a tender expression. “Qinghe, I love you.”

Qinghe blushed and nodded shyly. “I-I love you too.”

Wei Xiang smiled, his gaze warm. Then lifting Qinghe’s chin, he continued his ministrations. Wei Xiang placed a kiss on his beloved’s Adam’s apple, traced his lips over his collarbones and down his arms before kissing the tips of each of those slender fingers. Moving to his chest, Wei Xiang pecked each of Qinghe’s stiff little buds once.

Qinghe shifted on the padded floor as he felt his body beginning to heat up. These little kisses made him feel frustrated and restless, causing his desire to rise but leaving it unfulfilled. He wanted Wei Xiang to suck and lick, to bite and nibble his skin. These feathery kisses were too light and weightless to give him the intense stimulation he sought. But the gentle care shown to him by his beloved made Qinghe feel shy as his heart overflowed with warmth.

Lifting his head from his husband’s chest, Wei Xiang once again said, “Qinghe, I love you.”

Seeing the unhidden affection in his Xiang’s gaze, Qinghe blinked his reddening eyes and turned away, unable to bear his own deepening emotions. “I know…and I love you too.”

Wei Xiang smiled and bent his head again, his lips once more landing on his beloved’s skin. He continued downward, over Qinghe’s abdomen, his navel, and all the way to his member. Wei Xiang peppered a line of kisses along the top of Qinghe’s already half-erect shaft. He placed a sweet kiss over the moist slit, then traced another line of kisses down the underside of the stiff member. Wei Xiang kissed Qinghe’s balls before carefully pecking his dusky pink entrance below. His touch was light and delicate, his actions full of his intent to cherish his most beloved person. As if in reaction to his sentiments, the little opening clenched and squeezed tighter, attempting to hide itself in bashfulness.

Once again, Wei Xiang lifted his head, meeting Qinghe’s eyes before saying, “Qinghe, I love you.”

Seeing how Wei Xiang’s gaze was deep and clear, openly conveying everything he felt for his husband, Qinghe’s heart squeezed. He covered his mouth with a hand and nodded wordlessly, his eyes turning watery with unshed tears.

Moving further, Wei Xiang lifted Qinghe’s legs and kissed each of his firm and elastic buttocks. He trailed more kisses from the inside of his beloved’s soft thigh to over the side of his knee, all the way to the top of his foot and each of his elegantly-shaped toes. Wei Xiang gently pecked each little toe before continuing on to give the same treatment to the other leg as well. And when he reached the golden band on Qinghe’s ankle, he kissed it too. The corresponding armband that Qinghe had given him seemed to pulse against his skin in response.

Now that he was done kissing his husband completely from head to foot, Wei Xiang climbed back up to hover over Qinghe. Cupping his beloved’s red cheeks in his palms again, Wei Xiang said softly, “Qinghe, I love you.”

Qinghe felt something fragile inside him trembling. Hot tears overflowed from his eyes before dripping down. Even he didn’t know why he was crying. He only knew that Wei Xiang’s actions filled him with too many emotions, his husband’s gentle eyes and kind smile making him feel too many things. There was too much warmth and too much affection lavished onto him for him to remain unmoved.

Qinghe hugged Wei Xiang close and buried his face in his chest. His balled fists lay trembling against Wei Xiang’s back as soft sobs slipped out of him. Why was his Xiang so good to him? He couldn’t believe his own good fortune in having a husband who treated him with so much love. All of this, from him finding his Xiang to them getting married, was too good to be true! Qinghe’s arms tightened around Wei Xiang, his body quivering with inexpressible emotions.

Wei Xiang held Qinghe close and ran a palm up and down his back soothingly. Resting a cheek on his beloved’s head, Wei Xiang showed a small and tender smile. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t feel the need to.

Qinghe cried and cried, and when his chest felt less stuffy, he finally leaned back from Wei Xiang’s embrace.

Poking his reddened nose affectionately, Wei Xiang asked, “Feeling better?”

Rubbing his tearstained face with the back of his hands, Qinghe nodded. Looking up at Wei Xiang through lashes still glittering with droplets of water, his eyes wide and earnest, Qinghe finally said in a thick voice, “Xiang, I also love you very, very much, with much more depth and emotion than I ever thought I was capable of feeling.”

His love for his Xiang had already branded itself deep into his soul, his body, his mind, and his heart, and Qinghe could only feel endlessly glad for it. Seeing all the care and affection Wei Xiang kept showing him, both in small ways in their everyday life and big ways like right now, Qinghe knew that it was the same for Wei Xiang. But realizing that he was that deeply embedded into the being of his beloved, Qinghe couldn’t help but feel strangely raw and vulnerable. Knowing that his Xiang loved him this much, knowing that he thought him worthy of loving this much, Qinghe found it difficult to come to terms with it. But his Xiang would never let him doubt his own worth to him, and he would always be ready to show Qinghe just how deeply he held him in his heart. And so, after all this time together, Qinghe had no more doubts left. He was deeply loved by his beloved, and he could only accept that without turning his gaze away from that truth.

And understanding all this, Wei Xiang continued patting his little husband’s back while his smile grew fonder. “I know, and I feel the same about you.”

Finishing drying his tears, Qinghe sniffled and said, “Then we should show it to each other with our bodies directly.” Putting his words to practice, Qinghe immediately began pulling Wei Xiang’s head down for a kiss.

Wei Xiang chuckled at his beloved’s method of taking advantage of even such a moment. “As you wish, then. Let’s commence our wedding night.”

Opening his mouth, Wei Xiang met Qinghe’s parted lips with his own. Though Qinghe licked and sucked with ravenous hunger fuelled by passion, Wei Xiang still took it slow, using long licks and sensual caresses to slowly calm Qinghe down. Pressed together, they rocked to and fro, their fervor turning into something much deeper, sweeter, and softer.

Qinghe drank in his Xiang until he was sated before disengaging from their kiss to gasp for breath. Unwilling to let his lips part from his beloved’s skin, Wei Xiang nipped and licked his way down his little husband’s jaw and throat, igniting sparks of burning pleasure that lit little flames of need inside Qinghe.

Reaching his beloved’s heaving chest, Wei Xiang directly made for the pair of perky little points standing up at attention. He lovingly traced the edges of the velvety nubs with the tip of his tongue, trailing wet heat tantalizingly. Qinghe let his head fall back and moaned, wordlessly begging for more. Wei Xiang smiled, his eyes glinting. His fingertip lightly grazed the tip of one point while he scraped the other small bud with the flat of his tongue before blowing a breath over it. As the wind chilled the wetted nubbin, Qinghe arched back. Unsatisfied by this sort of teasing stimulation, he complained breathily, “X-Xiang…more…mn, please…stop playing with me… You’re b-being…nh…so mean…”

Wei Xiang chuckled. Deciding to relent, he began lavishing more attention to the stiff little buds. Soon, the firm nip of teeth and the strong suction of his mouth on one point combined with the pinch and pull of his fingers on the other nub to cause helpless cries to slip out of Qinghe’s lips

Qinghe squirmed under the relentless teasing of his beloved’s fingers and mouth on his delicate buds. After turning them ripe and swollen, Wei Xiang continued moving downward, his lips and teeth leaving a trail of wetness and blooming red marks in their wake. Meanwhile, Wei Xiang’s hands took ahold of either side of Qinghe’s chest, his thumbs rubbing and playing with the two little nubs to continue tormenting his beloved. The swollen red nubbins were now even more sensitive, their stimulation sending more pleasure through Qinghe.

Being played with like this, Qinghe grew hungry to taste his Xiang again. Just as Wei Xiang reached his beloved’s navel, he felt slender fingers curl around his nape and pull his head up. Wei Xiang cooperatively let himself be dragged upward until he was face-to-face with his husband again. His eyes gone dark with need, Qinghe brought their mouths together once more.

Their lips parted and tongues entangled. Hot breaths and saliva mixed, filling each other’s mouths with their beloved’s flavor. Flexible tongues trailed heat against slick tissue, leaving behind pleasurable tingling in their wake. The sound of wet sucking and intimate licking sounded as they sank further into the clutches of frenzied passion.

As their tongues ravished each other, Qinghe slipped his pale fingers into Wei Xiang’s thick ebony hair, slowly massaging the back of his husband’s head in approval. Wei Xiang murmured with pleasure into his beloved’s hot mouth.

When Qinghe felt his chest eventually grow tight with breathlessness, he leaned back to take in gulps of air before diving back in. After getting his fill, he slowly slid his lips down, nipping Wei Xiang’s chin playfully before gliding his tongue over the long column of his beloved’s throat. Reaching Wei Xiang’s Adam’s apple that rolled up and down in agitation, Qinghe captured it between his lips before giving it a good suck. Wei Xiang let out a rumbling groan.

Wei Xiang pulled Qinghe up with his hands under his armpits and lowered his head over the soft and vulnerable skin of his throat. His Qinghe’s scent spiced with arousal filled his nose as his teeth traced along the side of his throat and over his shoulder. Qinghe shuddered and let his head fall to the side cooperatively. While Wei Xiang tasted and teased the smooth skin with his mouth, his hands traced every dip and hollow on his husband’s body as if learning him anew.

Qinghe let out a hoarse groan. Warm fingertips brushed over his thirsty skin, the rough pads of the fingers tempting and teasing him with their light touch. The heat left in their wake sank into his body and spread under his skin, soaking into his flesh and suffusing him with feathery waves of arousal. Wei Xiang was gentle and careful, yet wicked and playful with his ministrations. The overlap of that contrast only pushed Qinghe’s desire to burn increasingly hotter.

If Qinghe’s mind was a pool, its surface usually still and calm, then every touch of his Xiang’s fingers and every caress of his skin against his was a stone dropped into that pool, making the water ripple and stir. Every one of Wei Xiang’s movements caused the churning waves to grow in intensity until the entirety of the once-calm pool was now a mass of raging, thrashing water in the throes of a violent storm. But rather than seeking escape from this chaotic mass of emotions, Qinghe drowned in it willingly, letting his beloved’s actions whip him into a frenzy.

His hands clenching into fists as his chest heaved, Qinghe struggled to speak, “Xiang, I’ve had enough foreplay. I want to begin.” Matching his words with his actions, Qinghe clamped his legs around Wei Xiang and raised his hips, grinding against his beloved’s aroused shaft.

Wei Xiang growled and slid his hand down to cup one of Qinghe’s buttocks, kneading and massaging it. Wordlessly, he took out a bottle of oil and slicked his fingers up. Qinghe loosened his legs around Wei Xiang’s waist and hissed at the sensation of his beloved’s fingers entering his channel, the familiar digits rubbing his inner walls and stretching them wide open in preparation to accommodate his girth.

Once Qinghe was ready, Wei Xiang took out his fingers and led his member to nudge the scrunched opening. Bent over Qinghe, he cupped his beloved’s flushed cheek with a palm and said, “Love, look at me. Keep looking only at me.”

Qinghe unsteadily nodded and tried to focus his glazed eyes on his husband’s face. His breath hitched as he felt the blunt head that was pressed against his entrance slowly pushing into him. Wei Xiang rubbed soothing circles into Qinghe’s cheek with his thumb as if to reassure him. The gentle care and kind warmth in his Xiang’s gaze made Qinghe let out a low moan.

As he kept his eyes fixed into Wei Xiang’s, Qinghe felt his pupils dilate further as his attention turned to the thick shaft entering him. His soft passage expanded around the invading length like an elastic sheath of warm flesh, pushed open to its limit. Qinghe’s eyelashes fluttered before he squeezed his eyes closed. He groaned as he tried to keep his passage unresisting and welcomed his husband into his body.

Wei Xiang suddenly stopped his movement. His palm lightly brushed up and down Qinghe’s cheek as he spoke, “Love, open your eyes. Keep them open and focused on me.”

Qinghe whimpered and forced his eyelids open again. His vision was fuzzy, but he still unerringly maintained eye contact with his husband.

Wei Xiang bent to peck his forehead and whispered, “Good.” Peering deep into Qinghe’s eyes, reading the swirl of emotions and desperate need displayed in them, Wei Xiang began moving again.

As Wei Xiang’s organ resumed squeezing itself into his tight inner walls, Qinghe felt the familiar friction of the smooth skin and raised ridges rubbing against his passage. The hard length steadily pressed in deeper, forcing his insides to conform to its shape. The hot and slick flesh of his channel clamped tightly around the rigid member as it pushed its way in. Qinghe could sense the throb of the thick and heavy shaft inside him, feeling it pulsing as if alive against his inner walls.

By the time Qinghe and Wei Xiang felt their bodies connecting fully, they were both flushed and panting. Their eyes were dazed with need, yet their gazes stayed locked. The ever-present hunger clawed at them, asking to be fed.

Wei Xiang exhaled a heated breath. Bowing down to press their foreheads together, he lifted Qinghe’s hips and began moving.

As Qinghe felt Wei Xiang’s breath wash over his face before his beloved’s member started pumping into him, he bit his lower lip and let out a full-body shudder. His arms wrapped around Wei Xiang’s shoulders, his legs tightening around his husband’s waist. He rocked his body in concert with Wei Xiang’s, seeking to both give and receive the maximum pleasure. As the entire surface of the thick member dragged in and out, the constant stimulation suffused Qinghe with intense heat. His cheeks turned redder, his movements hastening as he urged, “Ah…Xiang…hng…faster…go faster…aah…”

Feeling as if those soft murmurs were stroking his body provocatively, Wei Xiang gritted his teeth and increased his pace. His shaft plunged in and out with more vigor, his hands clutching tighter on Qinghe’s hips. Muscles rolled and bulged in his back, causing light to ripple and shine over his sweat-slicked skin. His clenched teeth turned the cut of his jaw more pronounced, his gaze glinting sharper. His eyes were black enough to swallow all light as they stared fixedly into Qinghe’s. His hair draped around them both like a curtain, shutting out the rest of the world.

Meanwhile, crystalline drops of perspiration adorned Qinghe’s satiny skin as well, the thin sheen of sweat adding a radiant luster to his flushed complexion. Locks of black hair spread out around him as he twisted with pleasure, like overlapping layers of silken ribbons scattered in disarray. Glistening tears perched on the corners of his half-lidded eyes like dewdrops about to fall. His petal-like lips opened and closed as he gasped, lost in the tide of powerful sensations. His body writhed helplessly under Wei Xiang, its motions sinuous and sensual. His long limbs twitched and trembled with strain as he struggled to contain himself in the face of the constant waves of stimulations.

The pair continued to sway faster and faster together. Wei Xiang swung his hips, driving into his beloved’s softness with more urgency. The quick flashes of friction caused bright bursts of pleasure to rip through Qinghe. As the hard length slammed into him in rhythmic thrusts, he cried out hoarsely and buried his face into his beloved’s shoulder, then bit him to vent the insistent pulse of heat incessantly throbbing within him.

The sudden spike of pain and pleasure added to Wei Xiang’s need. He growled, his fingers curling more into Qinghe’s buttocks as he moved him more quickly over his shaft. Qinghe licked and sucked the bruise on Wei Xiang’s shoulder even as he continued to swing his body along with his beloved’s frenetic movements. The slip and slide of their skin against each other’s grew more fervent, the slap of flesh against flesh increasing in frequency. Heat built up in their bodies, the pleasure winding tighter and tighter.

Wei Xiang got out in a strained voice, “Qinghe, look at me.”

Qinghe leaned back from Wei Xiang’s shoulder and met his beloved’s gaze. The naked desire and fiery passion in his eyes mirrored his own. Holding his husband’s gaze so intimately even as their bodies were joined below, Qinghe couldn’t help but feel strangely bashful and vulnerable as if his spirit was being bared. His chest heaved harder as his cries grew louder. In contrast to the brutal hunger chewing at him, Wei Xiang’s hand continued to gently cup the side of Qinghe’s face, his thumb unsteadily caressing his cheek.

Wei Xiang saw Qinghe’s eyes suddenly darken as pleasure surged through him. As Qinghe came undone, he let out a surprised shout while his body stiffened. His shaft pulsed and released thick streams to coat both of their bellies. As Wei Xiang continued thrusting, the slippery liquid was spread between their bodies. Even though tears slipped out from the corners of Qinghe’s eyes, his chest shuddering with the force of his orgasm, he still kept his quivering eyelids open while his eyes remained fixed on Wei Xiang’s. And despite his own raging need, Wei Xiang bent to place tender kisses on his husband’s face.

Qinghe’s channel squeezed and wrung Wei Xiang’s member violently before finally relaxing, accepting the desperate pumping of his beloved’s length and sheathing it with its slick softness again and again. A few moments later, Wei Xiang let out a rumbling groan and stilled, drowning under the ecstasy of his own climax. Qinghe lifted his heavy arms and patted his beloved’s back while trying to work his inner muscles to extend his Xiang’s bliss as much as possible. He could feel hot release shooting into him, turning his insides even slipperier. All the while, Wei Xiang’s gaze never left his, his honest emotions of being helplessly overwhelmed under pleasure openly displayed for him to see.

Their sweaty bodies pressed together tightly as Wei Xiang rode the wave of his release. The tides of ecstasy surged and gradually ebbed, leaving him panting. Wei Xiang turned his body to slump down beside Qinghe and pulled his little husband close. Qinghe eagerly snuggled into his Xiang’s warmth and tucked his head under Wei Xiang’s chin.

The couple laid together like this, waiting for their breaths to even out and their pulses to slowly calm again.

Qinghe closed his eyes and let his body relax in the peace of the afterglow while his mind drifted. What they did together tonight was nothing new, but that was precisely why it was reassuring. Even if they were married, even if the relationship between them changed, the way they felt and the things they did together stayed the same. It settled the last traces of uncertainty in Qinghe’s heart and let him truly bask in their closeness during his wedding night. But even though the essence of what they did was the same as before, the care and love his Xiang had shown him throughout still made Qinghe feel special. This night, with the way his beloved had lavished his affection and love on him, would definitely remain in Qinghe’s mind.

After a few minutes of rest, the familiar cleaning ritual began. Wei Xiang carried Qinghe to the small pool with the trickling waterfall at the side and removed his release from within him. The pair then silently bathed each other with careful hands. The blue-green glow of the moss coating the inside of the pool cast a serene light on the two silhouettes. The atmosphere between them was tranquil and soft, full of things that need not be spoken for each other to understand. Once they were done washing, they got out of the water and dried themselves.

As Qinghe was busily plotting about how to convince his beloved to go another round, Wei Xiang suddenly hugged him and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek.

Qinghe blinked as he felt the imprint of warm lips on his face. “Xiang?”

Wei Xiang smiled and stated, “When we exchanged parts of each other as tokens to be bonded through the rituals of spiritual beasts, we became mates. Now, after binding ourselves by the rituals of humans and joining our bodies, we have also become husbands. We are now bonded as partners for life in every sense.”

Qinghe’s lips parted, the light in his eyes rippling with emotions. He breathed out huskily, “Yes, but with our soul bond, we are already tethered together for all our lives. Xiang, will you accompany me through eternity?”

Wei Xiang gently nuzzled his lovely little husband. “Yes, of course.”

Qinghe smiled. His eyes were melted pools of blissful happiness. Taking a step back and extracting himself from Wei Xiang’s embrace, Qinghe knelt down front of his beloved and took his hand.

Seeing Wei Xiang looking at him with puzzlement, Qinghe met his gaze and lifted his husband’s hand to place a tender kiss onto it. “Since you’ve already expressed your love to me during our wedding night, it’s now my turn.”

Wei Xiang’s heart thumped loudly.

Qinghe’s smile turned soft, his eyes full of warmth as he continued, “We already gave ourselves to each other in front of our family and the entire heavenly court. Now, I want to give you my own vows.”

Saying so, Qinghe bowed his head over Wei Xiang’s hand, pressing his forehead against its back. His voice was steady yet husky, full of solemnity and the weight of his promise:

“With the stars as witness, I so vow,
With the oceans as witness, I so vow,
With the earth as witness, I so vow,
With the winds as witness, I so vow,
With Heaven as witness, I so vow,
With the Hells as witness, I so vow,
That my eternity now belongs to you,
That you are now mine to love and cherish, just as I am yours,
And we shall stay together long after even forever ceases to be.”

Qinghe then looked up into Wei Xiang’s stunned gaze and said with heartfelt sincerity, “This is everything I can give you to express the extent of how I feel towards you. Wei Xiang, I love you very, very much.”

Wei Xiang’s expression overflowed with emotions he didn’t know how to express. Tears welled in his eyes before spilling down, painting two clear trails on his cheeks. He went down on a knee before Qinghe to frame his face with his hands, then kissed him deeply, ardently, devotedly. Qinghe cupped the back of his husband’s head and pressed closer, returning his enthusiasm and affection.

And they both knew that nothing in life and death would ever be able to separate them.

☆⁺༶ ⋆˚⊹◦✩₊*\(๑⁀ ᗜ ⁀๑)/*₊✩◦⊹˚⋆ ༶⁺☆

I wish everyone a happy Christmas Eve, Christmas, or whatever holiday you celebrate today~ Also, happy New Year in advance~

Two more extras left until the end. The next one will be a triple date with all three couples of the main story. Look forward to it~ (●╹ω╹●)

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