Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 343: Extort Without Restraint

The Martial Law pursued balance, the balance of the Profound Realm’s laws.

The better the law’s effect, the higher the price. Although there might be some exceptions, it was mostly balanced.

However, Ling Xiao could choose laws that were more beneficial for him.

“This kid knows some demonic technique, run! There is no chance. We must inform the experts of the Sword King Sect. Only if the Sword King Sect sends someone to deal with him, can he be killed.”

Seeing the inexplicable death of Lu Xing, Wan Ben felt unprecedented fear. He didn’t want to stay here for even a second longer.

He wanted to run away. Whatever else happened, he had to run away!

As for whether he could escape or not, he no longer thought about it. Now, there was only one thought——


“Die Wu, let’s go! This Ling Xiao is no longer a human being. He is a devil, a demon!”

Zhu Hua continuously retreated. Her original attack plan had been completely subverted. Now, like Wan Ben, she only thought about running away.


This was what all martial artists who had attacked the Divine Sword Sect thought.

Fighting such a monster, how could they win?

“Since you all have come here, why are you leaving?”

Ling Xiao rushed into the crowd.

When Wan Ben’s troops had arrived, there had been over ten thousand.

However, only less than a thousand were left.

Ling Xiao was like a ferocious beast, reaping the crowd’s lives.

The disciples of the Divine Sword Sect also struck back.

They knew that if even one person escaped, it might bring about the calamity of sect annihilation.

None of these people could be spared. 

“You can’t kill me! I’m an official of the Sacred Dynasty! If you kill me, you will become the Scared Dynasty’s enemy!”

Wan Ben’s troops who now lacked any fighting spirit were wiped out quickly.

Ling Xiao killed Zhu Hua and Die Wu before capturing Wan Ben alive. As for the others, they were left to the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect.

After all, they too had the duty of defending the Divine Sword Sect.

Wan Ben, who had been captured alive by Ling Xiao, kept groaning while trembling. He even threatened Ling Xiao with the Human Race’s Sacred Dynasty’s name.

“Humph, after you die, the Sacred Dynasty will promote General Lin Ze, so you can go on your way with peace of mind.”

Ling Xiao swatted Wan Ben to death and stole his martial soul.

The war was over. The next thing was to take care of the funeral rites.

Now, Heavenly Peak City was basically the territory of the Divine Sword Sect. The residents of Heavenly Peak City could be regarded as grasshoppers on the same rope as the Divine Sword Sect.

If someone leaked what happened today, all of Heavenly Peak City would suffer a disaster.

Therefore, the possibility of someone spreading today’s matter was rather low.

However, just in case, Ling Xiao spent a day setting up a concealment formation for the Divine Sword Sect.

Combined with a Martial Law, as long as the people of the Divine Sword Sect didn’t take the initiative to attack, outsiders would never find its location.

Price: the higher-ups of the Divine Sword Sect can’t give orders to attack the enemies, and the number of Divine Sword Sect’s disciples that attack on their own initiative cannot exceed one hundred.

Effect: as long as no attack order is issued and the number of Divine Sword Sect’s disciples that attack didn’t exceed one hundred, the concealment formation of the Divine Sword Sect will not be broken.

In other words, as long as they didn’t attack, this formation was practically invincible.

Even an array master skilled in breaking formations wouldn’t succeed unless that person could violate the Profound Realm’s laws.

After taking care of this matter, Ling Xiao went to Hollow Cloud City and looted Wan Ben’s residence.

This fellow was definitely the richest person in White Cloud Province.

His gold reserves exceeded a hundred million taels. As for silver, it exceeded one billion.

He also had a superb collection of martial arts below gold-grade, which was a hundred times greater than the original martial arts foundation of the Divine Sword Sect.

The number of common-grade treasured artifacts he owned approached several thousand.

Furthermore, there were almost ten thousand low-grade spirit stones.

In addition, there were a lot of pills of the Secular World. Although they didn’t enter the eyes of martial artists who had entered the sects, they were incredibly valuable for secular martial artists.

Ling Xiao took five thousand among the ten thousand low-grade spirit stones to purchase alchemy materials later.

As for everything else, he left them for the Divine Sword Sect.

The Divine Sword Sect had already become his second home, and he always missed this place in his heart.

After this incident, Ling Xiao’s position in the Divine Sword Sect had changed.

He was no longer the Supreme Elder but rather the Supreme Sect Master.

He had greater power than the Sect Master and held power over everyone’s lives and property.

The current Sect Master simply managed the Divine Sword Sect for him.


Just when he was preparing to leave after looting Wan Ben’s things, he suddenly sensed three powerful auras in the depths of the Governor Residence.

Following the auras, he walked over and discovered a secret room.

Moreover, the secret room’s door was actually open, revealing three people inside: two men and one woman. All were very young.

At this moment, they looked bored while browsing the books hidden in Wan Ben’s secret room.

Other than some information and hidden plots, there were actually quite a few entry gold-grade martial arts.

This Wan Ben was truly ambitious. Who knew where he had found so many entry gold-grade martial arts.


Ling Xiao hadn’t intentionally concealed his aura. Therefore, when he walked into the secret room’s entrance, those three people noticed him.

“How are you related to Wan Ben?”

Upon seeing Ling Xiao not answering, those three people asked another question.

Ling Xiao noticed that these three were also the Sword King Sect’s disciples. Moreover, they were stronger than those few disciples of Sword King Sect.

The strongest one’s cultivation had already reached Peak Rank Two Transcendent Realm, and the other two had also reached Initial Rank Two Transcendent Realm.

“We are asking you something, you plebeian!”

That woman condescendingly looked at Ling Xiao as if he were only worthy of kneeling in front of her.

She wasn’t wrong. The twelve sects were related to the Human Race’s Sacred Dynasty, so all the higher-ups of the sects had nobility ranks.

They regarded secular martial artists as plebeians and seemed to view their rank as a matter of course.

However, Ling Xiao didn’t eat this suit.

He indifferently looked at those three people and asked: “This is White Cloud Province’s Governor Residence. I wonder what you three are doing here?”

“Humph, how come Wan Ben’s subordinates are so unruly? Daring to question us! Are you qualified? Even if Wan Ben came in person, he wouldn’t dare!”

A long-haired man snorted.

“Wan Ben not daring to doesn’t mean that I don’t.”

Ling Xiao was unsure whether these three already knew about the matter of Heavenly Peak City, so he didn’t want to let them leave.

“Audacious! Why hasn’t Wan Ben, that dog, returned yet? He took a few of our junior brothers and junior sisters to wipe out that unqualified trifling sect. Why is he still taking so long?”

A short-haired man slammed the table, instantly turning it into blue slabstone powder.

Hearing this, Ling Xiao was sure!

These three certainly knew about Heavenly Peak City’s matters. He could not let them go.

He slowly drew his Ice Dragon Sword.

“Eh, this kid actually has a rare-grade sword. Junior brother, I still don’t have a good one.”

Perhaps because of their arrogance, these three people didn’t think that Ling Xiao would attack them.

At this moment, they actually wanted to snatch his Ice Dragon Sword.

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