Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 345: Shadow Transformation Sword Art

“Rest assured, she can’t escape. You will not be alone on the path to the Yellow River.”

Ling Xiao indifferently announced, turned around, and stabbed that female disciple.

“Don’t kill me!”

The girl, who had once been extremely arrogant, instantly collapsed.

Although this girl was beautiful and charming, she was on Ling Xiao’s death list.

The moment she said that she would make Ling Xiao her follower, she was doomed.

She now paid a heavy price for her arrogance.


Looking at the three disciples of the Sword King Sect lying in pools of blood, Ling Xiao sighed.

Killing people was not good.

If he were not forced, he truly didn’t want to be so ruthless.

These three people’s martial souls were sent to the Landscape World and used to nurture the Ancient Golden Dragon.

The key was that Ling Xiao’s sight was too high now. Ordinary martial souls didn’t enter his eyes. Only a special martial soul would make him want it for himself.

Before burning these corpses to ashes, Ling Xiao took their storage rings and probed them with his spirit power. He was surprised.

Nevertheless, because a long delay might bring trouble, he threw these three storage rings into his Landscape World before returning to the Divine Sword Sect.

Afterward, he handed over many martial arts, silver, low-grade spirit stones, pills and other things.

Meanwhile, he returned to the Moonlight sect with most of the gold, half the low-grade spirit stones, and a small number of mid-grade and low-grade spirit stones from those disciples of the Sword King Sect as well as a secret martial art manual from that female disciple’s corpse.

No one knew what had happened.

No one would care that he, an outer disciple, had suddenly disappeared for a few days.

In any case, he had arranged a miniature array in his cave dwelling that would continuously release his aura. Like this, others would think that he had been constantly cultivating in his cave dwelling.

After returning to the Moonlight Sect, Ling Xiao calmed down and took out the female disciple’s martial art manual: <Shadow Transformation Sword Art>.

This martial art manual was the combination of <Shadow Cultivation Secret Technique> and <Transform Shadow Thirteen Swords>, but its grade was much higher as a peak gold-grade martial art.

“She actually had such a martial art manual? Could she truly be the daughter or granddaughter of the Sword King Sect’s elder?”

Ling Xiao couldn’t help but stick out his tongue. This time, he had truly poked through heaven.

Fortunately, those people had arbitrarily cooperated with Wan Ben to deal with the Divine Sword Sect. Even if the Sword King Sect wanted to investigate, it would take a long time.

During this time, he would raise his cultivation to a higher level.

At that time, like countering soldiers with arms or water with an earth wall, he wouldn’t need to be afraid of anyone.

As mentioned before, secular martial arts were basically weakened or simplified versions of true martial arts.

As a quasi-gold-grade martial art, <Transform Shadow Thirteen Swords> was like this.

It was actually a simplified version of <Shadow Transformation Sword Art> that had discarded many unessential parts, turning it into a pure sword move.

However, the complete <Shadow Transformation Sword Art> was not just a sword move but also a secret cultivation technique.

The manual’s summary explained that this sword art was a peak gold-grade martial art, but there was no restriction on the cultivation base and potential of its cultivators.

Merely, the cultivation of this martial art was divided into two phases: ‘Shadow Transformation’ and ‘Sword Technique .'

Only after completing the first phase could one start the second.

Among them, the first phase was extremely similar to <Shadow Cultivation Secret Technique> and required refinement of sword soul clones.

These sword soul clones could assist in cultivation, but martial artists below the Celestial Realm could refine at most thirteen.

However, only two were allowed to help in cultivation. With any more, the cultivation effect would decline, so two clones were optimum.

However, refining sword soul clones was very troublesome.

First of all, a sword soul was needed.

Secondly, one must understand the law of refining arrays.

Finally, one had to possess a martial soul clone.

Only after these three conditions were fulfilled, could one refine a sword soul clone.

Once the refining was successful, one would then possess a sword soul clone forever.

After completing the first phase and gaining thirteen sword soul clones, one would be able to enter the second phase of cultivation: ‘Sword Technique’.

A martial skill!

Although the process was very troublesome, Ling Xiao had seen the requirements of many martial arts. They weren’t created randomly and always had their reasons.

Perhaps, only after refining all thirteen sword soul clones, would he be able to cultivate this sword technique.

In any case, Ling Xiao already had <Snow Lotus Sword Art> and <Divine Prison King Fist>. Combined with <Twelve Golden Lotuses Formula>, they were terrifying enough.

Therefore, he was not worried about this martial skill. The most important thing now was to refine two sword soul clones first to replace <Shadow Cultivation Secret Technique>. Like this, his cultivation speed would be much faster.

It was a pity that he had found this martial art manual a bit late, so he had already used up all his sword-type martial souls to strengthen his Ancient Golden Dragon soul.

However, it didn’t matter.

Wasn’t it just a sword-type martial soul? He was confident that he would find one soon.

Thinking of this, he rushed to the marketplace of the Moonlight Sect.

In the marketplace, almost anything could be purchased, not even martial souls were an exception.

Martial arts were incredibly developed to this day, so it was naturally possible to implant a martial soul from one person to another.

Merely, martial souls that were obtained via this method required a long time to adapt. Therefore, many people were unwilling to do this.

However, when some people had excellent martial aptitudes but couldn’t awaken their own martial souls, this would be their only option. 

In addition, there were some people who thought that their own martial souls were not good and chose this method.

Although martial souls could be implanted and many experts who studied martial souls had made many attempts, they had never been able to make a single martial artist possess more than two martial souls through this implanting method.

Thus, they came to a conclusion: only a person who innately had two or three martial souls could use this for more souls, but then, there was no need for inferior martial souls. 

Ling Xiao’s situation was naturally a bit special. Because he possessed the Landscape Martial Soul, it was not a problem to swallow many martial souls.

However, he could only use three martial souls simultaneously.

Naturally, he could still use more in swift succession.

As for the marketplace of the Moonlight Sect, Ling Xiao was already familiar with it and quickly found a stall selling martial souls.

“Oh, isn’t this Junior Brother Ling, the number one disciple of the Outer Sect? What’s up? Are you looking to purchase martial souls?”

The stall owner said with a bit of disdain.

Although Ling Xiao had become the number one disciple of the Outer Sect quite early, among the disciples of the same batch, Leng Hao, Zhao Zhi, Zhao Ci and Dai Yuling had already been promoted to the Inner Sect.

However, he still was an outer disciple.

Therefore, there were rumors that Ling Xiao’s peak was being the number one disciple of the Outer Sect. Even if he was powerful in the Outer Sect, was that important? Wasn’t he still an ant?

Ling Xiao ignored his disdain.

How could a sparrow understand the ambitions of a swan?

It was foolish to advertise what he was thinking about.

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